ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES? THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6thi, feIN mEMOP&IAM COMING EVENT WV. FRANK à of a dear w1f e, mother an*d grand- Orono H-orticuitural Socioty wili CETR F9 other Lavina Nicholson who pas. ihold thleir Annual M'veetinig and Pot ORONO MWIEDICAL gENREsod away February 3, 1963. Luck Supper on Wednesday, Feb- gRE AL ES~T A T E What we would givo if wo couid jruarY 12 at 6:30O p. m. in the 1.0.0. DrIR o stnCO ay, F Dr. R.A. eston CooLIMITED 9Hello Mother in the sanie, oidYrmmehp DENTAL SUjRG-EON t way;yoramsin 177 Ghurcb St. To hear your Voico, see your u amsin Fo Pote 89tswa 1 vï omile, Mr. Schloen of Eilesmiere Nur- Phoo 89fl Bijie0 To sit with you and chat awhiie, Iseries wiIl show slides and taiik on OFi'IE HUR So you who have a mothor, Roses.bc Mon.te r1.9-12 1:3-5:0 ~Cherish her with care, Sat Munln: 912 'oV you'Ilinover kr ow the hoart- NOTC Tillvyiu see her Vacant chair. > The rnUitdChrWoe - adiy moissod by husband Erýni, have a siÙpplY 0f good used cloth. DR. R.LJ TAGGART Orville Chatterton i snF'yo, daurin-wMbe g.n'hdrno YETERIN,-R1,YSUUGEO-N an granddaughters, Faye and clrantyr urn hs l's Electrical Contracting Diaireuirng his plas 10n6o. oolOn. _c contact Mrs. H. Barlow, phono ~ 066 ~ rno Ot.jLOST - i2128 Orono. a-c _______________ ______ j Electrie Ileating A gold wrist watch on Saturday noo, Fbrurv stFinder picase- OIEO ETN and Service jnoonFyalrY. Bichphone NOCE0METN Sj1034, Orono. a-p The Board 0f Trustees 0f S.S. 1VKAY LYCETT, B .,(ýi I PO 45_________ No. 12 Township 0f Clarke hereby iDre Orono, Ontario RADIO -T.V. REPAIRS giveX~ notice that a speciai meeting marister -Solicito* Irea0r.a1 or gurated. .V o February 29, 1964 ilteOffices g IIARRY WIERSMA, at'the schooi oue la te g Phoo Orno 149.The ratepayers are urged to at- R. R WadellQ.C ~ r 1,.tend as the question of estaiblish- MAI S.,OROO 'rono Electic 1ing a kindergarten wili eds PHN 2 cussed. d-56-c Te1ephone 138 Orono________________ BuiNlding a, buse? FRSL _____________ FARM andHOUSE iuîigFRSL WIRINGA 197 Vauxall Car, in good ~ VRIOor remnodelling your present mecharncai condition. O Free EstIrmates -ÏqgRRI.,L . BRWY PLIACE SALE ole, ten 0ntaý,tAppiy to Harry Hil11, Box 19, ~ ~RRIL D BRWN APLINCE"SAES 110 thxiTyrone, Ont'. a-p B.SA. .A.O. .L.- gPrompt and Guar~anteed Repim EGEI4 tu ail kindsofo EleetriealPýPISTCVEA Y PROF IONAL Equipmient and ApplMtc:s Floyd Nichlso UPIST Su a e tosWtriet Puppies, cross Goerman Shep- OntrloLafd Srveor TN - adis .Stoos IrnsPHONE 2191 O)JNO qherd and Black Retriever. [I l QeenSt BIb l8SaPhono 241 Orono. b-p Buwlu"iall;e, Ontarie - -l o f _________________CIIAMBIER 0F COMM'ERCE Telephffle U875 ~g_______________MEETING o BUVING OR SELLING Monclay, 'February 1oth, 6 p.m. liamilons 0rono Restaurant ~Insurance ServiceR Chamv.rteedAccountant -A McGILL 01lreoûssSul aBrECmalmoAny boYS Who.have ne further use DY&pontment Oa-IN [ REAL ESTATE BROKER for their Cub or Scout Scarves are, ui~st., <>r4fm. TeIeIkluo >18 guto, Paekage a"d 0>moNPasked to return same te the leald- fiIl Phonog: Orono 1407 eors. Aise a nuniber 0f Cub uni- I'.O. 110r1 zsOSWtvffleflicEs, F aria, LIkU Ohw 782 forma for sale. For frhrifr PhoneOS8Wo7 nratiQn phone 1414J, Orono. Monteith, MonteÎth' A4cciduit m a ntioj~m j _____________OONTN Riehi & Co. onr Mflg Sd tc avestr oughing CIIRT~D oierFleUy Bnd Et. ) )DOUG SIM4PSON Phono 194MI -, g & SON Orono, Ontario ACCO~NTANTS ~aIeHmIo~9Phone, Orono "Sg NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F- THOMAS3 CEICIL GLASS late of the Toîvr- ship oFf Clarke in the dounty of Durham, Rotireýd Farmer, de- ceýased: ,Ail persons having claims a- gainst the Estate of the said. Thoenas Cecil Glass, who died on or about the îSth day of December 1961, are hereby notified to, aend to thex undersigned Administrator or his solicitor on or beforo the lS5th day of February 19ý64, thoir names and addresses. and full particul-ars of thoir dlaims and the nature of the seourities, (if any) hoid by t'hem dUiy verified by statutory deciration.. Immediateiy alter, the said 15th day 0f February 1964, the assets ,of thxe said deceased wiii be diali- buted among 'the porsons entitled th-ereto having regard only to the dlaims of which.-the AdiministrRtor or the undersigned Solicitor shal. then. have notice. Datod at Orono, Ontario, this 27th day of January 1,964, LLOYD GEORGE GLASS, 85 Queen Street, Bo0wnianvilie, Ontario. Administrator W.K. LYOETP, Orono,, Ontario, Solici'tor foir the Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN, THE EStATE 0F MARy LULU GRADY late 0f the Town- ship of Clarkoe1in the, Oounty of Durham, Widow, deceaseàl: Ail persons having claiis againsit the Estateo0f the said Mary Lulu Grnady, who diod on or abo>ut the 2lst day.of November 1963, are hereby notified to send to the un- dorsigned Adjministrator wvith Wll Annexed or l iaSoliit mlonor about the 16 Ut O UJJL'Ur 1964, thelr naaues and addresses and full partîculare 0f thefir cdaims and the nature of the eduritiea (if any) hieid by them duiy veý.ri. fied rby statutory deelaration. 1-numediateîy after the said lS5tu day «f February 1.964 thje assets of the said deceased will ýbe distri- buted aniong the Persons entitled therto having re8'ard o)nly te the dlaimIs of which the Admninistrator With Wiil'Aflnexed or -the, under. signed Soiltor shai 'tliplhave notice. Dated ait Orono, Oultarin, this 27th day of january 1964. WIJLMAIM A RSTRONC±I'nA--------.. .fRnaTw Oronlo, Ontario. Aclmniàtrator with WiH AnnexedL, W.K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontarlo,. Solicîtor for the Admijnitrator- with Wll Annexed,- lu 5me SImp NO(4kIOshawa u U PAENTINE NRIOR ILlXNx- ji1UÇ ui Tel e 78-5Phone Orono IS j ) PAJER HING »te-offl FIST MQUTGAGE LO ,$ NEMOD<u & g 9FURNITUBRE REPAIE& Ceneral iO~ => I A~DALODJB INSURANCE Bx13M.885 bEEStfford Brothers i Barnes and Byamg 31 D tit . BE. WMit1>y O PLUMBING and MEINMG FRED YCETTSales andi Service OFFIC lMIN ST., ORONO mmutlaturers or ~ 1251 R os.~o~îo Cemtetery Memorials g HOEB1.ESEVE JACK EID 0Low Interest Rates u4 d ~ifes i~cpuos fl e*Pons oroiios Licensed 11 Hapton CO. 3-22M Aluctioreer and Valuatox . Yoe 3.825 Specializ~e in F~armi and C< Furniture Sales -%"àa~d Consuit me for ternis iu ahne d dates Family Miemorials PUMP!NQ OuT i notbing te bo do.-sreti SEPTIZC TANKN TEl) JACKSON iig pars.. wbo bor:reltive WRI» WASNi G -4uttioneer and 'Valuator The RIJ'TER GRANITE Bert Tompkins OnoctaAittlm ~s o ~COMPANT ___ 78 -m Ontario tre oemilat wih lmaPo -rt fIa1.gttDISpIay ln souUierpn Pe IÔ7, Ouia oojta$V __________ I I.. 'I DEDICATION SERVICE 0F THE NEW CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CENTRE 0F THE Orono United Church WILL BE HRELD Srnday, Fehruary l6th AT 2:30 P.M. REV. A. E.,LARKE, President Bay of Quinte Conference, and REV. E, S, LINSTEAD, Chairma'n, Oshawa Presbytery Will t ake part in the Service Followed hy Open House1 and Reception EVERYBODY WELCOME