orono ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUIny lSth, 1964 New Chriîstïin Education enre,- To Be Dedic tdTi i Thec Dedication of the newi Chria- tian Eduication Centre of the Orl- ono United Church will be heild tis coming Sunda 9y atron Felbruary 16th1iai 2:30 p.Rev A. E. 1!Larke, president off tieBay 0ef Qinte Conference an'd R1ýev E. S. Linsýtead, Chairman of t1 ri- -ta a pebytLery will assist He. B Long with, the service. l9'Oilowigtsc-ieii Oe Hlouse' and11 ec-, onWllieed ii eCenre he nwCnte toey d- nursery c, 1 iruo an akinder- garten a oo.Thie regular lasr lni aeeq-uipped with aretables and chairs tpý.acconi- modate classes' off wl~ to fif- teen. Thee classroomns are on both sides ocf the assem'bly hall ci which the-re are two, one an each level, 0Gf Mhe Centi're. The kindergar ten classiroom la at the extreme southi end off the lower level w'hile the INursery CtasomA ew Centre 1'îuÙsery is directly abový ox the - ucpper level. T esenorclaa ff he buch vevwoff the Nursery classýýroom le h Crsian luration Centre Sehool hias been furnisbied' 'by th ie rnoHi C'a. This clasaro ml is ,D.nthe upper level off theCnr. Als i te, Chisia Loc'al:Panning Outlinecl cationý Centre is a Sunday Sho off c ih tergecuIpboa rd1s for' suppies At Oro.o Chamber Mee ting the The Oren3 Chamber of Crom- equip~~l wth pplincesand V'uere number off changes were r nerce held thi*Feiiruary y meet- uteail, lsoa coi rom, orh asomade in the main basement -i- atil-the -,o rn~' citurant IMm)- of th7e cor10 t povîding atorag-e re cof 'la' Churchi. Here a new dayevanng îi h fhurteen mi-rn- fori- o gown-js uand other lrpie.saluskt nwsconstructed, 1b"rs prese Tr. Robert S i m A sacîusFrlndhiproo."wll aongwfhmier hagesinthle carano' l' e Clarke Plann n .R0dui rv meosi popuilar for stae ani'chncelandan enlamrg--:oý,v,,i ges ekr fr snl g,îerg Dt)îeit "ilfgof tebasernent ,proper. Ucecig ThIts rooiionhe lupper level off tr me' t îdsm s tii. Ceai asteflyfurnmied TotaIl cost of the ChrsiL:an Ei oeSofolniwîc r ah de eefea o lasing ,,cation C utre and, ren*Vations t en as ilvthe i.Ci'a-rke ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý, ia~lee h aeetoff tie ehuncli is SnomBar l ,ng wth general infor- Aie cuddin the niew Centre eatimnatecl b coat>$895,000. To d' nato.f'ieCre Boaýrd, by ar filtisfor the miniater. Th-is 'îlepro ehas ceCi $79,342.00. Off 'hiiý Tcishp stat:ni that itvas ne olLe roîds lPe space fi'nis atfr mun $5&9.la ti- cm osed iocheeappointed mem- whicli10 condaci the affaira off the LateLIS the coat off the renov'a- brM îs Cra e",Ar- hrciand lasitably equip,,ped tpto iona to tle basemeont off the echurcht'îrLwhief alung wt wo carrl oibi ork. On th~ ecewhh leaves apoiatl_ eIbCers o;ffenitoree aten.se ie sliuffle board courts 302.00 aýs the coast off the Chr.sUa . .Waky n cucilr o bae eeîncluded wilith .outsEdicatioenCentre. F akyal o 'Mlth lower seb inth cl,,m Thle speak er stated .t I ul Cetr ndthe i 'Iechrli,1 1As of 0 eembe 3t, 1963 a totl'haveb een possible for Ciarle te ,asemei.These have beéfl ira- $2,,I' Q ad been sufbscribedl have planning, without forminig a bdeluthe Terrazzo tule floo0r- 11o the fundi which was started in 'planning board. The work,ý coule ini. be 1962. Total pledges for the ha--ive been done hy the Council Th;e Centre, having a Credif Val- Ch'>s t in Edultcation Centre, a- liather than tby a Plan!ning Board. ley Etone exterier, miatcýhes tile moun;t te $53,000.00 off whIcî $27,- Hwvrin Clar'ke the counc1l churli poper sIllaise lcic 300.00 'bas already been aubs5cr!ibed. reasne that tbey did not hajve ql-iv heaied and the entire bilild- IA anoý$5 90.0 ow exista the timie te ýdealwthpang ng i equiipp)ed with a cdstplete t~is he projeci 'which will i-mttrso fformied ýa plaing- alan yste. cîase ltghly wen alilaccouis 'boaýrd. Wut ie ontrcto ofthe are paid. Mr. Stnmp P aise oïintnd o(u' _____________________________________________that the Delpariment off M2unicipalý flairs had ls stngvrom mendled planning for Clarke as M itrok e c*is v e ïun -'teweeaw mIetowardcs planning. The main purpese off planrIlug, ner ~ ÀMtun1 un1 S taid he specaker, was te o r- he prsenipopulation off the dia- The Milibreok, Atoma werO de- members by the Athletic. Thetrt t her XiUfealiliesoun cbared 'the Champions ai the Atom lunchi was served in the basemlent rC1L5rk'ý have planning wihart tounamnthcld in th1e Orono off the Orene United Chuirch. coitrors. If you have ne conitrols Rink. The Mîllbroek boys IlOaij Resuits off ilietournamniwr nCak ethng ulig weil baIlanedý team and p)Layed'a.s £llowas: which canne 1be undeitaken iu t-. anexeln style off hockey wiih Ch.Iamipionship Round: te municipalities, he said. good pIasaing pînys and were def- M.lllrooýk deffated l1N 7-4t IPreperty values ýal-o i fer whcre inîtely efatdOrnu110the beai off those entered 'Keu ef'td rnr10 here is ne plann g, stated Mr. in t-he tournameni fo e iamaunder Bomavilcdeffeated Burketon 3-2 rSLimpsonl. the ag-e off ten years. Milro deffeated Keene 52 The speaker aise pe)inted toü the The illbreok aquad played MiVLlbrook, deffeated Bowmanville necdoff morîaemney teo pro- threegamesiie eliminatien de- 11-0, MillbrolChampions,.large bdcalc!r luHeriage ouey ffadgNewc asile 7-4; Keenr 5-2 iinoainRound an1omavlehi1efnlgm Newcastle defeated Orono 6-2 uhaN.A.vlnebnmc- li-O. Newcas'le deffeated Burketon 5-4-ey Weeneop1anning exista,. ThaseU Si -tam vere ent.ered in the Newcastle consolation ,winne ra. a oannis antote knc< DignstcChomie IPlonogFoi urh A diagnostic clinie was heid at Anticipating the need for further the Northumberland - Duwhaim 1 secondary.. chool acconimodntion Health Unit office, Cobourg, on J n the Wet haif 0f the Duirhani February 4th, ai whtch 19 children Distri!ct High School Area a speriai who suifer from speech dilsability coiiîm teelias been appointedl te were seen by a team consisiting Wr.tier .-udy the type tandlca off Dr. C. M. Godfrey, Divis'on of ýl, >i -1 t-1, :saccommodation. Reh ilittionMedicine, ,Unlivers- Thr mteehs eda uf ityoffTorilt, ad Mss eanF.bei 1ffneetings and will no doubt Ward, speech thecrapist and clin' - n the near future present their pro- ca tahe'from the same Dv7 poý,al t0 the entire board. ~în Aong'ensfor the clinic It is ap arent that enrolment i wvere made by Dr., Charlotte MTyl 'e three High Schools in the west Har, edcl0' "cer &Huof eti Carîke, BDwïrîanvlie and Ta~~wasa '½V, 1) 10 he l i (~ cew.l in the riear futSre, te 'eUber Fc'jr' Y~-~'. '~nve.uc; wi tese schools necessi- ci 'nse n a ' ha ' "' îuiracomodtin br ýlan fîr rev:e,ý; and two off f,ýar ,conoain ther wIl b conderd fr a The special conimittee are study- 'IÉ h e'ni tobe elding the feasibility off additions and intnsie h rpy liic o eheiIalso that of a composite achool. in "hicirn wre eenfor the 'frtthe west area' bm ~t off hs suffered froai artIcîilationi difflculty or a atammer tnd Couiit,;es and ranged in age so sevjere a oaf-fec)ý,-t ther ecIrol i rorn five to fifteen. Some off the progress and Ihmýt tdaeiir c3eoff Healb Unit nurses were present Vocation. anal two tahesone" fro-m Hast- Tho ci lJen cae frm varus igs. nd oe from Bowmanville, pars ff uramand N-orthIumbler- (otnelon Page 3) SpeakingCointest A north HTope Puiblic ,Schl-0 pupil and Miss Turner would aict as Jini Walker. was pr,.eaented with anternates, in the case that 'Jin he Dra ShicId Tuesday night Walker could flot speak at the Dis- In Orono follow'ng the announce- jtitcmeiin men of th Jugestha helad Ail speakers were preaen'ted been choseni the top speaker of the J with cups on behaif of, the Boyw- PývenIng. Ten public achool chi anville vand Port Hope LlIms ren comipeted in the County cn-Club fb or entering tlie eounty fln- test which was hleld in the b-ase- lais. metoff the Orono United Churi'ch. fJudgIes ýfor, the apeaking, con- !ICiin'aanof Port Ho]e gi- jýst we- r e Msrs. John inilrh d secndpo)sition) w th Elan11( obo rg, hl Long anld Bill Kel- Tunroff cauvrigilt pIling 3r.-ingt hofOsaa r.Jr Mrs. red owenOron, a ie don off Fý! ortHoe acted aschir ~reidnt ffIhle DuIrhamIClub pe-manfoîte Pveing- n, Vdt shedtownrJ m The ten comrpeting in h cn 1lr.Mrs. EBowen stated that test were: MIvarilyn Tmly Or- eldH a been -)reseiited ono; Mary Anne Martirchenklo, !yva-3*suce!1936. Jimn Walker, iBethany; Jim Wa7,,lker, Noirth Hopený v i utî a the Durhanm Club ini John Hendry, Bowmavniiville; Kelth 'aono n arb26th. lHe will Allin, No. 9 School Clarke; Warenl ilso compete later oni at the Dist-' Campbell, Cartwright- Jeff Coap- 4 Comipetition to be held in mnan, Port Hope; Catby Iovekin, 3i'ghton. Shaîws Sehool; Brenda Hoy, Ken- Mr. Luah cf the Bowmranv-ille dal and Elaine Turner, Cartwright. oas Club pr-esented'the Lions The Orono Public School Glee ;Sh:eld- to Jeff Coapm an as runner- Club eniertained' with a number of u p off the. contest.. The runner Up delightful musical numýbers. Preésents Trophy To MiIlb ook iiuanetbceing Millbrooký,New- Iu winning ithe tournaiment bthe e 'hey -' '" Otga j efislo, eene Oree, Bwman scoiu.gby Milibrook revealed that ifr hyif'mrgg vill an Buketn. ropieswergoxals weîe slîared by most team efeihttevau iintdo cAlp-aiBuWeon.Trolos ns.eu-TUhe buidig,'e said, ip 1r),,;edis Mr. Lloyd Taylor te mnembers. AIl were stars and their hi nl eltea yd hywn Necaii eing ihe inner offthe passing plays andl skating abiity W1th ether f ermladvéle mtii voursoain round and by Mn. aas meast neteweîtliy. teïrmoclvlphn i Glen Tnnat o bealf0f en-The twn Orono geaiswescored ïlllle mmediate area. niant Transpor4t, t Milibroel on, hy Crag Tennaut and Elain Mlof- T lri ovuhabildingý beig te camponsoff the tu- a.These twogoals cajme wýhen:code exista 1e0 ngeffmiyrs îirment IEUlN îe cash of the Orono "Oroouswasping Newcaatle in iet ny el~.'n oefr.î'e~v thtithe sponsoring bod", Iat J ihe feurMth game ,off the famiyhomiiaoside-atin - Glues, captain off ti lbre1 ottlol-.%Tr leTiiet ,the toraetwiil bconte , Lan The ewaste ac oas wresai MiSnns Ate e1ky emapetogtertndy orcd - s Mr> 0fMciirook',-,i-it -onaieent ai the Orono nink. scoVred by Greg Grey 1 anid RoNn ng gîven ' oh ieam won aI the rece-qn twent-n gasduigthfor LunCh was served tooi tm i ekard and 4111Davi Seaer!ionWny 1n1ag43 1Atm eneni Se O.Pro ament.g ie cnr 7P 7- W4ý - m