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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Feb 1964, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRZIYY 3th, 1964 ORONO WEKIY TIMES E--ý iabhshed 'n 193;8 by R. A. Forrester Published every Thursdiay at the office of publication Main Street, Phone 109, Orono, Ontario Roy C. Forrester- Editor and Manager Meniber of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assoc. Memebr &f the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Assoc, Subscription payable in acivance In Canada $1.50 In U.S.A. $2.50~ (Authorized- as Second Class mail, Post Office Deparnent, Ottawa) The End Does Not Justify The [Veans The United Church of Canada bas suýbmitted a brief to the Ontiaro Oommittee on Taxation in which it warns against the evils which legalized lotteries may bring to the' nation. "It woul be the height of folly for Canada, at a timie when the United States is alarmed at the peril to ber national îife caused by large-scale crime, to legalize gamb- ling whicb, would only invite criminal eliments into our country," the brief said. The brief further said a stable government and sound economic systenis are founded on such moral principles as lntegrlity, tr ust, justice and industry. National lotteries wouid undermine these vÙrtues. We are inclined to agree with the Church's brief in this uatter and do feel that, if the country must use- funds de- rived through lotteries to finance its varions aspects tffat Qomething of prîde- and responsibility has been lost by Can- adians ini generaL. Some factors are seeking imiplementation of lotterîes as a source of revenue to finance schools and ho9pitals. They somehow deplore taxiation as a means of support to thege institutions. AS Citizens of this nation everyone hms a moral Ob- ligation and a ýcivic duty to, see that necessary funds are available to operate s-chools and hospitals. Their services continue year in and year Out and as a Part of society it is muet continue year in and year out and as a part of socilety it is our dbligatfRrn to share in the responsibihity Of the8e ,aervices. It would be a shame to lower moral princâples to gain funds. for finiancing that whi0h is our- prime. obligation. Everyone would be overjoyed if taxation 'was elimin- ated but Tisi ve know wiUl neyer happen, Th1e present princile 0f tinxng on the abiiity toc pay lias stood in tii country for years and as yet no one has corne forth Witu' a better solution either at Municipal, Provincial or Federal level 0f governnýexit. Two y0ars ago the Canadian Chamiber Of Co>mmerce aupporlted National lotteries ai a source Of monies flor publiC use. We now understand that the Chamber opposes such %.ction reaiizintg, 0f course, the pitif als that may be ours ynder sucb a scheme. -It stili appears that Our obligation to soc-iety sbOUlId be met fortbrigb.t ad in a manner that upholds integrity, indujstry, tmnit and justice. Res5orinig to ltteries woldadd nofhing to the esteeni 0f Canadians. 1The Village Street The Orono Police Trustees are to consider the widen- ng cf t.he Main Street of Orono withi the view of gaJnizng turtber width for parking and thus allowinig a wider travel are-a. There is ittle doubt -that ,sOmething shoulci be done on the -MainStreet for at times the travel portion of the road is reduced to that of a single lane. This is not Only dangerous but also produces a condition that is net too ýnviing. The widening of the street couid solve the problemn and ft is possible that during the installation 0f water (somnetime this year) sucb a project- could be oarrned out with a mini- muni of inconvenience and at a. more favourable cost to the Village. Of course the' widening of thie street - iii reduce the area for sidexvalks and here serlous consideration sbould be given so that we do not end upii with) skimpy walks and provide an atmospbere of being bm din. There are otber'remedies that could be trled, one being the changing of parking frouni thie pr-esent di(agonlal parking- on botb sides 0f the street to one, side being pa raflel parking. This would, give 1uhmoeaea fortrve1 ing en the, street, cost less and leave the present 'walks itc.It would however eut downi the niumber of park ing qpcs'and ýis no doijibt that parrallel is less conveni- COBOURG GIRLS TOO MUCH FR!o R ,o-No BELLES _, Obourg girls have ýduring1 tho paA week defeated the Oronoi gi ris on two occasions. In CobouLrg on noigt scoey defeatLed Or- oal Wba scoreofby 1.Oron's, goa wa siore byFrancis Rick- ard with an asist to Joanne Cama- eran. The second vic-tory for Cobourg came on Tuesday nighît in Oirono i when the score rested at 8-0. NEW MAGISTRATE TO BE APPOINTED The appoliient of another niag istrate for the united countieso Northum;berland and Dur1hamo take some of the beavy burden off magistraete R. B, Bax<ter is in tihe o'ffing-. New magistrates xiii be appoin ted tllis year to relieve over- worked couirts ini Sarnia, Simcoe and Peel conties, Mýetr"opolitan Toronto as well as for the Unlted ci ~ ~ ,Cuntiles. IAnnouncement of an additional j -.ý mfagistrate for the United Count- :"k i'es was made Monciay by assist- anft deputy attorney general A. A. - 't" Russell Who is also inspector of I 1k legal offices for'Ontario. In this office it is bis ty to oulae Tis cute little girl is Katby the appoinniments as recommended I Maye, one year old daughter of to him by attorney.ýgenèra1 Fred- IMr and Mrs. Murray Alldread, erlick Cass. No actual appoîntment O0rono. Her grandparents -are Mrs. for the tUmted Counties bas as yet been announced. Mr. And Mrs. J. C. Gamey Celebrate Anniversary On January 318t, 1914, J. C. er as Postmaster of the village in Gtamey and Ethelwyne Tomtlinsoynlla5. He retained the pstuntul were marrieçl in the City 0f Torn bis retîrement in 1,959, bis wife onto. Tbursday evening, Januxary acting ha bis stead during the Süth they<' celebrated their 50th World War Il years. w0dding anniversary guîetly at Lt.-Col. Garney duning his years their home in Orono where they in Orono retained bis interest in received many friends and gifts military affairs as an officer wîh and congratulatory messagee. A. the M idland Regiment (Milita). mong theni were messages from n bu ecemnber 19S9, he was called Rt. Hon. Lester B. Pearson and1 to England where be was a com- JRt. Hon.- John G. Diefenbaker, Ipany commander of, the firsÎ In,- Hon. John 11obarts, RusFtse-liC.. fantry Holding Unit. In Nov. -1940, Honey, M:P., and Alex Carruthers he returned te 'Canada to ta-ke cem- M.P.P. - iand of the newly nmobilized Mid- Both LI.-Col. and Mrs. Gamiey lantd Regiment, then stationed ia have bad interestfing careers. lie separate cempanies at Bowmnan- was la the First World War and ville, Port Hope, Lindlsay, Camp- the second. Ia earîier years in heliford and Cobourg. He rétaied Toronto be was city representative this command, until June 1944 for Shaw "Business schools and when he was discliarged as medi- taught two evenings a week as Cally unft for further duty and re,- well. She is a graduate nurse from turned to Orono. the' General Hospital in London, Ib is also a point of hnterest that England, and Was one 0f' the 10 he and bis faimuly bave been most original nurses who wenbte Brus- active ini community affairs. For sels, Belglunt, xvith famed Eçlith 28 years, Lt.-Col. Gamey Was Sec- Cayell, to set up their first nurs. retary of Durham Central Agri- ing school. Later sbe was on the cultuiral Society. staff of the Women's1 College Hos- The Gameys bave one daughter, pital in Toronto. Mrs. Harry Lycett (Glenn) of F'ollowing the Firât World War, Port Hope, who is also a nurse. in which Lt. Col. Gamey was dec- She and ber husband were prese nt orated with the M-Ilitary Medal, for -the festive ocDcasIon attended they moved onto a farm hin 192o on by their friends and militai-y as- the sixth hune 0f Clarke Uas Soldier sociates froni the village andl uic Settlers. In 19M2, they mnoved toisurroundinig comm,ýum îles. llhey Orono where he was-employed by b'ave oegr-andýson, Gamey Lycýtt Orono Creamiery unýtil be took c0v- Io' Port Hope. Ovid Reynolds, Orono and Mr. ffld Mrs. John Moffatt 0f Oron is lier great-,grladmother. Photo by Marian MLiusar DIED PARKER, Frank Richard-Sad- denly ait> R.R. 2, Newdastle .on SÙin,àday, Februa'ry gt',' 1964 Fa, Richard Parker -in bis 7Srd er Hulsband of the late MaryEte Brwdear ýbrotiber, 0fMae (Mrs. Charles Bedwin) R.R. S, Newcastle and Eva Jane (2oz.. Marvin" Pratt) Riverhurst, Sajsk. Service Was beld in the Mor-Ls Puneral Chapel, Bowmanvie on Wednesdýay, February i2tb at 2 r3L Interment bJangVault, Oroo Cemetery. PIED RA1RSTOW--Suddenly at, bis lae residence, Eighth Line Claz4,e Towns-'hip, on Friday, February 7th, 1964, Williamln Calvin Bainstow dear ýson Of Mrs. Bairstow land theý late Calvin Bairstow., Rested nÈt the Barlow Fýuneral Home, 'IPark Street, Orono for ser- vice Monday, February ioth e 2:00 p.m. Interment Orono Gea- etéry. In lieu of flowers donations uxeie ,made to :the Ontiario Heart Fouvjd- ation. CARD 0F TRANKS The family of tbe late Percy Patton would liýke to express our sincere thianks and apprecîation to relýatives, friendas and neiglbbours for floral tnibutes, cards and other deeds of k-indness. Speciai tihanal3 to Rev. ýBasil Long for bis consol- 'in, words and to the Barlow Inn- eral Home. G.1 p CARD 0F THANKýS 1 wish to thank all fniends -;mo iiailed me cards and flowei's e I iwas ia the bospitai and also.> Group No. 2. Clarke Hi News ____ iCUPID'S SUCCESS the title which ,bad been chose, ic lasi Monday by Pickering' $FridaY laàst saw Clarke Hibfr the dance, "Cupid's Success" The Senior were defeiited b>- a PlaY host to BowmianvilIle and sunis up the good t'me bad by ail ý.ore of 16-14 and tbe Juniors byr Couiie Higb Schools for the aýn- a scýore of 25421. High scorers for nuàl Vialentine dance. Entertaln- 1 VISIT QUEENS Clarke were Marilyn MacDonaId ment xvas provided by Deug Ly- The students of grades 12 an i. witb 8 points and Peggy HanciCk ceit and the Monarchs. A group of 13 traveled by bus to K ngs' oen v'Lh 7 points. girls did -an excellent job of de- lasi Saturday to spend a day a-, corating the auditorium with eu. thIe Queen's University Open flouse The girls were also defeated the pid silouettes antd valentînes. AIl The group was accompanied by following Tiiesday by Henry St- three. schools wer well represented Mr. S. B. Rutherford. The dayHghiWit. TheMonrch apeard o stgeprov-\ed most interesting and edu- DR. HESTON-COOK SPEAKS TheMonrch apeard o stgecational. Some of the former stu- AT ASSEIMLY ai 8:30 dressed in collar-iess blaek dents from Clarke Wbo are- now A very interesting assernbIywa jackets and cbecked slacks. Be-A wa sieDoug, the group consisted 0f aîteinig Queens assisted in mak- beld -in the auditorium thre qutarsît, 'ne !axpho i' ing tbie cday a most enjoyabe one. morning. First, Mr. Witherspoen thre uitriison saaponst,I CAESAR AND CLEOPATRA soeo h motne0 neu and a drummer. They played a; A grou~p of thirty-seven students Ipk nteiprtnec neu good selection of; popular bits un- consisting maini'y of grade 13 aeIito.D.Hso-okte re tDoug appeared at 10:00O wearing gi tTono' rsThare1 senrted an interesting speech and an aii-wbite suit. Hie was warmîy goîng toSToronos Cerad betr demonstratiori on oral hygeine. applauded by a crowd 0f more lpatra" They xiii travel by bus on number00f Claens tchers. Da oug Wednesday evening, February 19. TOBACCO GROWERS nurner f Cark's taýcers DýuigAPPEAL DISMISSED sang many 0f bis past recordings AnIpa aercnl'b suc ii "AtertbeHeatace"SPORTS A pelmd eetyb and as"Coing he e" folowe b Last Thursday the boy's junior eight Ontario free-lance tolbacco and Goin Hore" olloed' y 1growers for permission, to seli some numbers whîch he aud the baýshetbaîl teain plJayed at'Neil ter-ieéowsdsisdi Monachsrecetlycut n Nsh-High la OsIlawa. They returne.,dtei163cowsdmiedn Monachsreeetlyeut n 11 1the OnIüario Court 0f Appeal un- ville, Tenn. lhappily with news of their first der Mr, Justice J. B. Ayleswortb, 1vi,;cyry f the basketball Toronto. R11efreshmeats were ser.ved iP CIirk,., defeat ed O'Neii by a score, GIen Atikins of Baltimore one 0of the cafe-tertia during an intermnis- 0f h2. echigb scorer fo te group 0f eight who Wbave seion wbictu allDwed the band a few Cîarkje was Harold Rei-i.tra whmo 1about 100,000ff pouincs of tbco minuites to reascâ>recl sevc.letrn points, woth $500 uherb-arns, state-d The evenîng elffled at 12 :30 and Thie girls baskefball teama were the cp woUld rot býy May.

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