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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Feb 1964, p. 5

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~t~tr~ - 1OQNO WVEEKLY TIMES, THIURSDAY, FEBRUAR'y î3ti, 196 riODKEY NtE'WS LOCAL NEWS -'Ni , - : - 1 < Qfir or' OVRPORT HOPE I 14 F and Mrs. Lily Chapmafli1 Mr. d Mond11a-y Ceening in1 thle ObugJY IIV jJE~Mrs. Charles Stapleton aWdDoga ena bc ron Batamydeeatattcncled a Birthday diier at Ite ateàm rio otHp I homie of Mr. and Mr>,. E. S;taple- ,re of 5-3. Tbe victory -or tbe tt1Ut[aU W ton in honour of thetu son Howard. rnoboys was not in 1 twui i Mr. adMs.E .Lae bbc tird wi n ~~c ~ i TheOronoJuvenlesjre now in adMs .A emi - "ed have moved from Orono. to New- our goals whe odngtePothms h irstrimd of th caî. Hopeteanscoeles.~ .M.HA. laydownvs. Their opposi- NelAlnsordtogas o : t this point is a Juvnile Mu. and Mus. H. LeVaillant of O~on 'wo te rman g treebe-team from Little Buittain whicli onScarborough, visited oe h ~ngshaed y Grdo HocyEr Moday niight in Little Hitain weekend with Mrs. J. H. Steveil- Lvall an Steven West. Assi,3sts p:roved to be a capable and rugged 'son. alownt to Erc Duval, Gordon squad. Ms ipo fCreae ak ;ooeyanalSteven West. lTi frt aewhc wsply visitinig wîth bier sisteus Mrs. A. ILOSE OUT c~~~d in L.tle Brttain, ended in a 3 anesadMu.V mt n al l ie. The gaine itsc'lf was soine- lSudr n r.V IN TURNAENTwhat on the rough sÏde and five I other relativesnOoo Th,,Orono- Bantamns travelled to of the local players received min- Mr. and Mrs. Rnaymaond Cha- Millroo onSatiday where they oreutsfrom the fray. ma nd Mis. Sadie Hmlo a ~iydin a i aammtournamcnt< euyFsksordto0f thc dnnerSunday night atMran Tbe ooa boy let both ga-mes thie Orono goals with the tbiild Mrs. Charles Sùapletons. 1n wrtuscnintdgolgoing 10 ]Juzzy Mercer. TeSno iiesmti'h ini.îthec, firstgan they were de-ie The seCond gaine of the thrce- i ýelw' alTurcaFb Mfated by Oalcwood by a score of Igm series was played in Orono Odflo' alTusaFb -3. Thie Orono goals were by Eui-c (atngt ar t1-dwree'etic Duvai, ed Sarl andStee he third and final' gaine is to by the Hi-Cs under Mr, Gilbart's We',assswent to Doug Taylor 'be played in Orono this Frichay leadership. -In spite 0f a beavy bu i1 twoa Grdon Hooey. In.t'elienght con1mmening at 8:00 o'cîock snow f ahhthe group âaci a good consü.t or 1 n rono was defeateci bYaniagd attendance is Warrant- numbrou dais-ytws liibrû y sor 0 40. ed for this deciding gamne ln thc such a happy tinie that they hopel (Continued page 3) the Hi-Os will corne aa Ganaraska Elects New Chairman William A. Austin, Port Hope, a >py.ovinciO.lly appointed mniber of te Ganjauaska Region Conserv- ','on Autbority, was recýently el- .ed. chairman of the Authoi4tY or1964. The former reeve of Port Hope succeeds Delbert Olan, Ça-van Township's repu-esentative to tbe ,,5uthority, H-ilton Harris, Han-ilton Town- ~b~'srepresentative, was nlameci vice-charman. In acceptiflg bis position bY ac- dýam-nation, Mr, Austin said, "I dfeem lbi a great honour te xepre- Aýent the Authouity as its chairman, a-ad have always hiad a great ini- terest in conservtion work." Myrs. C. C. WoYods, Port Hope, continues as secretary..treasurer. Elected to the Advisory Board w,,ere the chairman and 'vice-ehair- man, Hope Townsip's representa- tive Eliuore Scott and A. O. Dal- eymple, Departmient of~gic1 ,ure repi sevative for Du1rham County. 'Me Authority Iooks forward to a more active year, for it now ,ghares its fieldi oficer with only ane other authority instead of thr-ee others. H. Hooke, of Peterlborough, wbo has sexýved this aujthority aiong with tbe Central Lake Ontario, Otlonalbee anad Crowe Valley Au- thoities, will woik with only the Yatter two, and Jrohn Carruthers will serve the~ firat two fuom a, nIew office ini tbc Depatnient of A.ricultuuc building in Bownuan- vjlle. In bus parting address Mtr. The bail was, decora-tcd in a, Hook~e suggested that with tbc cx- Valentine decoýr w'tJh a lunch of tra time now, a-va-able to the fiel, 1 similar ta-ste. 'Trhank 'You" Hi-OS. officu o wrk ii tis -ue, .aMur.R. G. Robinson, brother C>f sur'vey of potential 'reforestation IMr. Victor Robinson, passeci away- la-nd, particulauly in tbe area.s _____________ mocre xiecently added to the auth- ority's teruitoryv, coulci be ma-de and i 'ore land could be acquired. One of thc main puojects for ~ UIECW C 1964 will be the coiinplletioni of bbce e Orono Pastoral A. H. Ricbaudson Lookout on tbe the autbority's pond and park 'at Gardien Hill. Bulldozing ha's been completed in the veihicle area, facilities have been installed, anld seeding of slopes to prevent eros- ion bas tbeen conbpleted. It is ex- peC-ted that the lookout will be opened . » the public late titis spring or early in the. summer. WAMN AL L PROMSES OEIG FOR NOTHYI6'.. T/fY NONT PUT rTUEF MOI/SE TèAP YE Valentine Tea AND Antique Display sponsorecI by Unit 1, U.C.W. Satur4ay, Veb'. 15, Mai'n Hall of the Orono Un"ited Chur ch, Hoût Bouchés - Delectable Desserts - Te-a, Coiee, TICKETS SOn JMTED NUNMBER May be puehse fomUitLees Minister Rtev B. E. Long CHURCH SERVICES Orono .-1Il a.m.. Dedicaticu Service - 2:30. Participating Miisters. Rev. A. E.. Lark, Puesident of Bay of Quinte Confere.nce. Rev. E. S. Linefead, Chair.m«n of Osbawa Presbytery. Kiilby andi Leekard Serviclea- SUTNDAY SUýHOOL Orono 10 a.=,. KXiiby 1.30 p.m. Leskard - witbduawn. Mr. Gleave Clemence and is daugliter, Mrs. Bavrnes of Oshaawa s3pent Wedniesday w7lih Usýý. C. L Ilr: Lyall Lowery was the V21ý ner of $500,00 at theie ucent 1,ons- Ro)tar-y banquet leld ;inlow~ ville. However Messu Lwrnc Pooey and Ro ,d Carve-tb shared the victory wlth hlm as th'ey bad pur-, iurchased hal! of bis ticket w'ben thecre were only five left in ÊLie r-un for the mon ey. I Childrens Slippers, a real bargain, reg- ular Value $2,50 - $3,95 SALE PRICE-$1,29 Women's Stippers - Soft fur trimmed leather, Velvet, Acrilan and Foamtreads, machine washable SALE PRICE-$2,59 Childrens fine wool knee Socks colour white, brown, green, red, navy, SALE PRICE 49c a pair Sale of yard goods, PrAnts, Gingham, Piq ue Nylon, ýCrepe, Taffeta, Satin SAL E PRICE. 39c-98,c a Yard Ladies Nylon Blouses with turtle neck, colours black, pink, red, -white, reg price $7,95 FOR $5,95 GirlsJersey Tops, turtle neck, colour gold, red,' blue and grees, siz 8-14 years reg $'2,98.SALE $1,95 Ladies Stretc-hy Goves, colour redi, black, ight blue Regular I$1,50 SALE-PRICE - '75e Childrens buitton fhont .embroidery trim Jer- seys, colour whbite, red, blue size 4-6x reg $2,79 SALE IPRICE - $1,95 Mens Plaid Flannel Shirts, reg value $6,95 Size S M L SALE PRICE $4,75 IURCOATS J XCKETS 2539 Yoenge St., Toronto Rt3m3dell1ing, Repairing, Clean-'ng, Llorage V s' Qiono regul'arly Agent . Bill Armstrong Armstrong's Dry Goods Phone 165 TIS WEEK'S SPECIALS & FEATURES Pepsodcent Floride Tooth Paste, Economy Size, reg $1,09 for 87e giant size reg 69e for 59e Ladies Flannelette Pyjamas, size 38& 40 only our reg low price $1,98 This week . $1,69 Ladies Flannelette Nightgowns, size med only Our- reg low price $2,19 This week.. $1,87 Ladies Print Aprons with bib regular 65e This week .......................... 52C. Nestles Giant Value Blair Spray, soft or Regular Price each............... 99C Comffletely New Toni, the uncurly Per-m- anent complete with 36 New Jumbo Curlers in 4 sizes Complete Set .............. .$3,75 Toni Refilis................ $2,25 Don't forget your Valentine Sweetheart. Log Cabin Chocolates, assorted hard and soft centres 1 lb box 97c 2 lb'box $1,79 5 lb $4,19 Diamond S B atteries sold exclusively by StedÉnans, s-tandard'size, why pay more 2 for 39e Alarm Clocks "Stedco" oyster white, guar- anteed for i year............. I...$2%37 ARMSTRG,ý NG"S

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