OPCONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FI (nit News ~, ~ eniLJLclt anu relaxation, in a lfe, UNIT 6, U.C.W. The Fcbruarýy meeting of U.C. riDt wt he Felbruary meeting0fUt W. ni 1 me a te ome0fM~s. Mrs. Woodyarti report.et $5.00 inr 6 ws n hli at the home of Mrs. ayMiller with 13 members Me'mbership fees an*d $17.30 col- 'ienSeln ihtwlemm prýesentat nenwmnae.Telection for Janu'ary.- Also besfromnt p-resident Ethel Lycett calledthîe Catering ta Mary Found's weddingbes rent .neeting to ortier anti Violet Mof- expenses were $14.40, donations 'Mrs, Vagg openeti the meeting _at reati'"The Changing Seasons" - $6.50, leaving a balance 0f,$42.1O. witl a prayer anti then calleti on Ethel Lycett then read an in-' u i-Suyo o n Mr. Long, Doreen Wood and Mrs. ýpî-1n mesag fr or mdiýa-Evil seas 'taken by Mrs. Drum- Va'gg to present thc Study Bock. 'io "eceipe f'or Living", follOWeclirnionti. No evil cornes from God. The chaipter under discussion was hyprayer. Goti does not senti evil to anyone. Man Before- Goti. Mary Miller in charge of de- Evîl is a very- real power in the1 Mrs. Vagg then rnd a poem voGtional cornsmenced by a reatiing worlcl anti Jesus showed us what,"Tue Miracle of Snow." wîlli the theme ,110w aware are ta oaoti.Mnitoue h We'.' citr rm fte power of evil. Goti is greater Ilian The tievolional was openeti by sens; rend followed liy the singing 1ail the combineti forces of evil. Jean Staples with the singing of cfhynn 500, "Take time ta be 'He can take evil anti lring forth Hm 5"o th'euyo h Holy. goot. The worst evil was heflarth' - Jean Heard gave the M'-s. Merle Giibarl in her very crucmt:xion cd Jes s a 1oy andi soriplure reading. Marjorie Low- oliarming style led a -very inter- Sinless persan cricifieti a victiml ery gave a reading anti Beverly esting question anti ansseer perioti. of the sin of man. It was aîso theJ West led us in praye.r. ýgan oeus. Hyin 5 "ong essTge best sin because Goti turnet iit toa The off ering was then taken anti A igty usKiyng" 5was sunghandgood. memiership fees accepteti. Eilecn Kay irn" wl utidord-r Ms lrinstl nIndia pre- IStepliens is toaie our new trensllrer MotonlWie raynce ente t som very insterkesng at.for the year. Mrs. Vagg tiien an- mites re rendfolo e dsoeveyitrstn at nounceti that the Womien's Worîti The riue eera olwd Durýinig, the buisiness period the Day of Prayer would be helti in théý by the treasurer's report and rol nIQVrý nnouncements were Church on Fritiay, February 14th eau. Te offerin- was receiveti mante: World Day c>f Prayer Feb- at 3 p.m. ani ietildýcateti. Tiere were three ruary l4ti at 3 o'clock; Valeni uie i ýie Valentine Tea by Unit 1, birtinays in our group this month. Tea Februnry lSth at 3 o'cl)cl{ wllbe helti on Saturday, Feb. 15 Kay Chnpman shoseeti sîties of Dedication 0f the C. E. Building f rom 3 to 5:W0 p.m. Anyone laving uinanti gave a very interestiflg éray1th :0 ,any antiques to be lent to Unit Fnommentary on them. The ladies present offereti toi! for their tiisplay 'conîti contact This was folloseti ly complet- billet 14 delegates for the Rural 'Mrs. Cinrlee Miller or leave at 'ngth earneet.frteVl Life Conference in April. F. Lycett's office. IlVIrsT. ct lakt u ota There were 12 miembers present The Detilcation of the New *ho, served a tielicîis lunch and ianti 21 visits were matie.Crsta Edaio Bilng il n scia haf hur as pen. 1 A dellicions lunch brong'ht a be on Sunday, Feli., 6th from 2-- ýa pleasant anti profitablepefleroon 3 p.ýnTiere wîll lie open honse pleasnt ad prfitale atern 'after the service followeti15v re- UNIT 2, U..W to, a close. freslments ;On Apiril' the l4th anti Ja ,nuar 4thUNI 51 U.C.. lth The Rural Lif e Conference unit 2 met Tuesday,.anry4hUI UCW will be iheldi in Orono. Thlere are at tlie homne of Mrs. Hiltia Wood, -toalie 100 or more ministers. and srih 6 emer ani vsior The February meeting of unit 5. Ch.iiins helti onaTuestiay even- Iymen present, anti anyone will- Mr.M .Tnby pnt2i ing, ebruarv 4 at the homle i tb give rnoms anti breakfast m. J Tanbl)/ opeed te _ begreatly appreciateti. oieigwih the, call to worsiip Mrs. Ruth Allun. Our le-ader, Mm oud li 'Fati"'. Fail sth sance of No"Tfln one openeti livasking nsA1t.1-1ouslunch was> serveti by ning hoetiforant çvdeceof ta join witilier in s!ng ng hyînEieenailtie meeting atijourned. 11 ngs not seen, folloseet i sefl388 anti the serieture oasýsage was TeMrimetn bille helti praer Hmn39 "Fili f urreati by Mrs. Jennie Bowins. ateho 0f Mrs. Betty Chat- ffaters"senssung T'i mintes rs. Long renad an ntersting:trtn rer rat anti a, roved the vis- arlticle from lie Farnily Heralti IUNIT 7, U..W -ishu-ins numberetlilm'agazine intitieti'l'Blindi Spot" tî rts to sickll easansere w 1ii. anti followed with prayer. Uni 7 helti;a meeting on Febru- iverse n c tr.Th'iiedia- During the business prerioti -lle nry 4,Stlie homie 0f Mrs. F. O. n lio fr le irstin tinatonminutes 0if the previous meetngCopr Witi 16 present anti Mrs. weerend ')y sýcrctary Joa ra n Porter- in tl e chair. Two Centre w'6lhbehe:ti.SUnitay ej-Couvier andi.'lle treasurer's report ne'nen %e, ere introdued, r luary 1tu ia itt2 :30. Us nithaeigiven îy Audirey Ruthez'ford.!tIen Ar.Porter renad a poem, e naktib ookafle fowes n IeThree members, Mrs. Ruth Yeo, "A Le-sson fro(m a Leaf". Hymn ti t-hurch for mon off February. Dini Scho7enmaker anti, Bernice 500 ' Take tlme to beHoy wsv Theoferigras irecnveti. IMoffat offeredta10form a telephon- Jrend in unis(), fllowed liy Roll s Air. liffw:te1gve Ije.ngcomamittee, anti Joan Couvier i nul, ansseereti with a verse of ra acýripture rentiding from Exodus,!'td Sri hapter. Moses sent 1tatieliver i ei ru obd hi citr rfavourite quotation. t( Mrs fîîoedMardli meeting 'at lier homne. Tiere Ms Porter conducteti the Devo- il thechutien f sralwere 15 ladies present anti14 w7itli a reatiing by Ms Alice Hooey frientship calîs reposted. i i 'W-vhat is tint in thy lýanti". Hynmn Ars. Long asketi for lelp with abi lf57 "Sprit of Goti decenti upon my the refresmmenls 1talie serveti r0 HILS b( iens-t" was sung. Airs. Fred Tain- urinig the afternoon, of February Vno i blyn reporteti sendin'g several 16 afler tie dedication of tie newý The Orono Hi.d Group seelcometid carda anti rend some thannk yoiiChrîstian Educaltion building at eea new Mnibers froni Les- a Drds receiveti. Isabelle Challice, Ira Dnvall, Mar- atitis ïF-bruary 9th meeting. R. The sludy perioti was taken byllorie Dickson, Joan Convier, Ruh i illilie idof portable television, _ýFrs. Jean Duvali on India, thisAllun, Rosie Grahamn, Bernice Mof- wseeeil 0ve îewrt s'a vey iterslng, sith a short fat, Dorothy Branch, Dini Schoen- hkigBels"iterAm-W dJiscuission,. Airs. Giflinrl anti Mrs. Imaker anti DorotiylBaley offereti ican dabjut,. We are happy ta re- t Wineravlicontinue thc story to bk squares, fruit laaves, pr hlnn forrule ietm l.cook'e-s anti tafts. We were also ac eebet etr irs. F. TamilMyn moveti a vote' asikedtiat consider whlither we fainet adntie w'illeb1siresos.e 0fÈ tînl a t Mrs. Wood Md. th e coulti manage ta billet one or more The furnishinga commilîce r e- meeting closeti with the mispnh nibers of the Rural Life Confer- prstn i iceet nte Lunch wns ses-veti by lie hat- Chus-ch tls year April- 14 anti 15, is comipleteiy furnisheti except 'eSa anti n social lime enjoyeti. andta1 plenase' contact Elta Irwin inifrdihs The new curtains have nxImeS, ~atI Ms-s. Alex Wnt- tsrset îobeen Puu p in the senior sqn's. A mOSt interesting study per-iotlas oo.The girls, were s- Discson dc Mrs. Long, 2awho ý mindeti 'of the open house f0 be UINIT 3, U c.w. Dheld after on, hodi the Dedication Service vitied us into groups and by means ûn ýie Ath, of February. It is of the asking andi aDNsweri-ng of two 'hpei tat as miany of the group Ferury4H-iai 2 o"clock !the questions printed on cards and as psil will be ýat this special f.meigof Qroup 3ý was guideti by ýthe "Word and the Way" service. The news that Re. Dun- at the homeof Mlrs. Logan. i ed us througl a, brighit ant ini- can White lias accepted an in- T Tyrlio'ndou eeting Ïciimative session of study. vitation to speak at the Hi-C a cli o wrshp anti thenj We cinseti our meeting with Churcli Service on April 12, was Mrs. Aim strongj to tLake the hiymoi 490 anti repeate *d the Bene- weîî receiveti. A letter off +hainks .C+ia T ýi &~aMessage on diction in unison. A peasing luncn l ias been sent.. A music committee aniliwwe dCan attain con- anti perioti of felloiwship followeti. was appoini-ed to arrange special music for this service. Thle groUp lias been invited to a l.faletine Dance, sponsoreti by thQ NewcasJe H.-C thîs Friday even- ing beginning at eiglit o'.clock. Most automobile skids are the S'orne twenty-five Orono meniîbers resuit of (1) under-inflated tires? plan to attend. (2) toô much snow -or ice on the Plans for a "Parent Niglit" in road? (3) over-inflated tires Mardi wîll be tiscussed at a later (4) driving too fast on slippery meeting. Following the business a fim w'as ~ rad urace? snown on '>Cheating". Terry Gra- ham led an interesting discussion ~~!uM ~Pue .DO- 044 uOh150J!P Iperioti On this provocatiVe suhject, 044LJI~I'Y' 4ÔI~04 UJ14PjfO4 flJ~ whicýh incluieti the io'-6 h P!s i4sohool theo l ulmal ol -o_ h Se114 Inox uo spDajî 04~4 ipis04 AGI sco and teparents in dealing ajouj i.noX laqwowtea 4ng .Pe.oi s! 04 > with this problesu. Ofl~01 p~o OID4U j4@ OIjpO~yDonuts anti lot chocolate were servet and àal'ope was express8eti that the new mnembers lad enjo-yed I. VAAssoctation them'selves andc would join1 usa ratrs iteInsraue Asoctin- gaiin in tw,o weeks. Thie meigclosetiwith h ,e in- United'Church U.C.W. U 3crlybng oarî--The'hDý,'- o>. Now, wiat sens tint dotes-gent j ils obVlosly mnakes lier so tieliri- Mafiel suggesteti? or was it ous eiti tieligil, tint.aie taikes Chrissîejý Chrissie Wiiskey, M"ie anoLier pilI 10 tone herseiff down., black label. Yea! tînt wsens t. A Hnving done the wstish'ng in Ir pl- good, alot of wiis.key clased by 'a e ae reels from thliundra. 'me heer, - perliaps anotier plil mal to lie Super narkeit tbpclk would help o, In -n foggy n1ight- out "only lihe very hestl for lier mare of pilla, dirty sintks,, drinks, [anily. On openng lie r iani.ldbng deodoranîs, desitroyeti marriagces anti gerins slitiering fhies nervoua honI, egi.nlg eit a endng ayfr oin dirty toilel bowls and "The Duty off itgit Thiinlk'ng".pigt ik nniu h Mrs. Cecil Robinsor assisted b mies 90% tint ssfo washed readng romPau's Wterto hewvv1h Lifebuoy Sonp anti aftes-aill Phiipian, hapei4;1 1-9, nc- Ban cannoî do il ail- Oh! aveU, c il pinscaIe W aew i les-e l is hvys tie londei- gun centin hle fact tint War htupars we tiink", this sens folloset bys ipa as prayer entrenlting Godti )"'Make Yours seili disgu", Us Instruments of His, Pence." The business was then denît O IBeuhm w.*'h includiug Ilh- ailfor SupperOgaeucam Disi Recipes; request for fruit'_________________ caives, cookies, tns s etc., ior Deldicalion Ses-v c.; n reýquca, bo quilt somie quilts for Ms. fyrre,,- requesl for billets, for Delegates to Conference in April; requesto ýp?ly fioseers for- Ciancelfo lhe monti off Marrih. Aill aquests were reçandel ta - - a g. yinig nanner. Chapte". (df 1,V il -1 lie e~"- Wany" -"AnLýii e'foaeGoP " as - reatiaotpotn u tint mni cnn onli atn icsvcirela- ie toip se,ý) itli Got, for sli ci lie, 5shown in Crs.Tic treasurerý's report for Jnnunry Cl yu ,,t 2124 aferwhch29 vis-i 's wes-e reportet.cdlmir,& The meetIng cl'ssed itilie sing- J Mcanc1onrco îg of hymin 148, 'Brenîlie-on me 5renîlli (f3i" foýiseetiby tîle ~JoS-1115, inr1s Ticne~ melg eil b ~and gu araniees, [arch 3, nI Mr. Everett rw' mditihîe c1hsese l1lieMr Suttoil ant i is. R.Nnok I C R A N Airs. Cooper anti lie co-hoslessesi erveti natieliclous lunchi, after! PLUMBING - IEATINGl 'hidi Aira. Quants-llga'ul inncei Il eh ld ake prt i Phürne 14-Orono VALENTI[ ARPS@Y COUTTS CANADA Chocoalates by Snle N chei >S TU TT'SPH I OTtONO, ONT. PHONE 168J TINT 1. f ~TI t' ti Letter To The Editor Fýeb. llth, Orono sh>e fatîs to fMnd her shopping list tDear Éir:- - lier poor befogged ind cannot When are women on this contin- redlaIl if there ever was one. Take ent going to wake up to the ftct a pili andi try to remember - No that they are tiaily, hourly, hum- use - Totems home andi visits nemt iliateti, degraded and ridiculeti by door neighbour at clothes line. telervision? 'MaNlbel, why tiitn't my wash corne North American Housewif e 19354'ont whlfter than Mrs. Morons!" " as portrayeti by the facts fantasies W-Ishe'1 i", souaked it, bleached it, advertising on television.Scubt w m de, 3 Take a pill - mue, gCl'"i anti y7'l should chiange to Duz with the 1face another day. Another p'l and blLlt in fÙzz . duz e'verything." 1 another housew.Je i Îni ready' - W. pushes anothe~r pili inýto, her to face the challenge o' bng mouth, to hein lier ýface the litter scouring, scratching andi bleaching so" be-spotted T-shirts, stained iler way through day of horror. off husiband's greasy work clotheg. Off to the Railway SYt 1 nevItsvbly with tomiato ketchup where, in comipetition with an andi chocolate sauce - thank heav- other Mrs. Idiot, she vigorousîr en anyway, the lbabfy is stili vus- mýops the floor wîth an olti fash -intly happily patt*ng the pretty ioneti detergent - worn out after dais ems on the pretty toilet paper chis, the vanquisheti H.W. has3t-lyý - sh oulti his warped Elttie brafin swallows 'another pli and on the s11ggest that this is not a suffli- local laundra-ma' - where she 'rntly stýmulat-ng pas'time Bor screeches in a h*gh p.*.-heti vo ýce hours, on end, there is always the at the sardonu e n'ýc r h ip baby syndrome" to ftU 'May I re'ally use an olti fashloneti bac on. wsked Pencel .1