ORONO WEEKLY lIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY [3thi, 1961 OROO EDIAL - W. FRANK Dr.KA.~~6:F~REAL ESTATE f DENTAL SURGfEON H IIE ForApphitent G r 7Church St. .Phone231839 OFFICE ;I01iOUks on~nle683 oôn.. to Fr1. 9-12 130500 8Sat. Morning: 91 DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINAI1Y SIG F.Lone 10616 <',rono, Ont.1 UW. KAY LYCEIT B-I. Barrister - Solicitor o Iu the Of fices Of g R. R. Waddeli Q.C. g MAIN ST..,ORNO Telehome138 Orgue ~ IRRLLD. BROWNi 1ROPESSIONAL NGINEERL O 0nar~o(civil) iii Queen Land Surve7Org 12 ueast B m' BoWiWWIIo, tarlo L. .SKAtFE taatered Accoiant 1y main t. P.O. APPointeleEt 0.17 Orea. Telephoe13 ox20WHIT Phono 0841M Monteith, Mont.ith. ehi & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ~15 oh*oe St. Nor$&, Oshatw* whitby -1 1Ab% General INSURANCE FRED LYCETT OF"FE-.-MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 lIes. 20216 JACK REID -4 uctfonteer and Valuatoi Specialize ini Farm and Furnituire Sales Consuit ume fortem and ïdates Phone 5 r 18 Orâk-iL TED JAC.IIKSON,; Auctioneer and Valuatoi Ouoduts Auc-tion lsef ailnie and aS rewsonabie rates Orille Chatterton iMlectrical Contracting' Electric Heatingj and Service PHONE 245 Orono, Ontario Orono Electrâ*c PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and IIOUSE WIRING Free Estimates 'APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Bepahru te ail kindst BEfleetial Equlpment and Appliaces Such at Metors - Wator Heaters 1T.V. -. Radios - Steves - Irons SInsurance Service Oluamunce 1lasl ts Bramem Auto, Package and Coalp.IJ Poi les ire, ]Farm, UeU ~BurgIry, ,iabIuty, Mam Accidebt aMd Sickne.a, Wind. Boler, Fility Bond, ]Rte. Sadie Hamiltoni Phone Orono iel - I Box -13 Mo. s'm1 Stafford Brothers Lùulted 1 318 Duvtdas St. E. Wbltby, Ont. Maufacturems of Cemetery Memorials Dealers lni Domestie & Foreign Granites and Marbies - Inscriptions Cul "à Cometey Bair W*- Monumentsand Family Meinorials Our quality and service leaves nothlngI to bc deslrod Ask the person who boughî from, us, u neighboucr, friend or relative The RUTTER CGRAN!UTI COMP-ANY 73 Ontario Street PÜRw luar1 COUUlWiCBt Wltl bfl t PiS "Lurgesit Dlsplay ln Southern remT, oarlo ontarlol" FOR SALE, CARD OF THANKS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Phone Orono 262.a- stow wish to express their sincere CECIL GLASS late of the Town- aý -rec ation to B 1l's maniy fr.erids ship of Clarke in the County Of FOR SALE kn neghàbours and reiatves for Durham, Retired Farmer, de- TwoasM.. ameaswih .8their miany acts of kin dnesses, ceased: lenses and seif-times. $15.00 eaýii. flora1 1 l tr utes and cards. Algo o Alproshvn lisa Orono Lodge No. 436,I..., Aipesn haig ais - Phone 1522, Orono. B3rr Vaýn Heather Relbekah Lodge, No. 33Ï gainst the Estate of the saÎd den Heuvel.ac and 11ev. B. Long for his consolingThmsCi lawodedn _______________________ mesag duing ur ad ereve-or about the lSth day of Deceniher mnent ,i n -the sudden passing of a 1961, are hereby notified to send to AUCTIQN SALEdersnadrter the undersignedý Administrator or 0f Real Estate, 'livestoch, feed, Aiso thanking the Barlow Fun his solicitor on or before the 15th traotor, ýmachinery, truck, car and eral Hlome for their kind services. ýday of February 1964, their naines fumiure,-theesýtte o thelateand ýaddresses and full particulars Frank Parker. Selling w1hout re- CADcf IIAI4 te seritlies (fan)heldatre o serve on Saturday, Februray 15 at ADO IAKth seuie (fay hldb his late residence, lot 24, conces- I wish to 'express my sincere tihem dculy verified by statutory Sion 2, Clarke Township, one co- thanks to relatives, friends, nih declaration. cession forth of Newcastle and bors and 11ev. Basii Long for vis- Iïnmediateiy after the said lS5th one lhaif -mile east. Sale to com- its to me whiie in MemorialI Hos- dy0 sh~ay16,teast mence at 1:00 p.m,. sharp. Pýo-pifai. The -Masoic Lodge, Tlhe 0a f Fbur 94 the saddcesdxii odst pe -y feed subjeot to reserve Rebekah, Lodge, United Churehbte arogtepsnsniie bld, tellme to be announcea at thegth pron, nite sae J ei, ate .WOmen and Memnbers of, Session thereto hiaving regard oniy to the Red utjne.for flowers and cards. A specialdam 0fwilthAdniirto thanks to Dr. McKenzie, the ,nur- caior fhc the unesin d S iistor a RAD] 1 1 - T.V. REPAIES ses and staff for their excellent thon have notice. Will do fart tinie Radio andTV ca.re and kindness toÉc me while in Afl --- -- TAn, Hospital a-p Dated at Orono. Ontario, this HARRY WIERSMA, Phione Orono 164». Buidig fouse? or rernofeiing your present one, then contact Floyd Nicholso PHONE 2191 ORONO REAL ESTATE A. J. McGILL REAL ESTATEC BROKER Phones: Orono 1407 Oshawa, 728-4285 DOIG SIMPSON g 'U SON Phono Orono M8 1PAINTNG -INTERIOR & 1 EXTERIORn PAPER HANGING U BULING (JUPBOARDS &o gFU1NITURE RIEPAIR & f FINISIR AND ALL ODD JOBS g Barnes aud.Byam.0 PLUMBING and REATING Sales and Service 2HOUE BTJRNER SERVICE<> GB-A FINANCING oLow Intorest Rates gHampton CO. 3-2288 Tyrone CO. 8-265o PUMPINO OUT SEPTIC TANKS WIXITE WASHING STABLES Bert l ecuiikinq Phono ewtnlf2552 j Ephraim VWhitýe WANTED Baby Stting, prefei'ab1y i1n cvr home. Call at anytime 195 Orono,i Mrs. J. Kra'mer. a-c1 I NOTICE 0F MEETING -1 jThe Board of Trustees of S.S.. Pio. 12 Townshi.p of Clarke here>by give noticýe that a special meetmng (qf the Board xii be held at 2 p. on Saturciay, February 2e, 1964 lat thie scixool hou3e. T1he ratepayers are urged to at- tend as the question of establish- ng a kindergarten xiii be dîs- cussed.d-56-c ORONO TINSIIOP Sheet Metal Worki Eavestroughing Phone 194M1 J- Orono,Onai *FOR SALE 18 Foot MOTOR LAUNCH In Excellent Condition GAYTHOMPSON, Phono M 6or 11t7 Orono 127111 day ofJanusûary 1964.-,-- LLOYD GEORGE GLASS, 85 Queen Street, Bowmanvilie, Ontario. Adnnistrator W.K. LYOE'rr, Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. NOTICE TO' CREDITORS lIN TI-E ESTATE 0F MARY jLULU GRAt>Y lateo0f the Town- ship 'of GMarke in the County of Durham, Wîldow, doceasod: Ail persons having clams against the Estate 0f the said gvIary Lulu Grady, who died on or abou1t the 2lst day of Novemnber 1963, are horeby notifiedi to sendi to the Wl- dersignodi Administrator with Win Annexed or his Solicitor on or about the lSth day of. Fébruatry 1964, their narnos andi ad4ressea and fuii partîouiars of their dlaia and the nature of the .seourities (if any) held by thoin dui verl- lied by statut'ory deciaration. jlmniiediateiy after the said lSt d«y 0f Febrmiary 1964 the assets 0f the said deceased wîll ho distri- buted amonmg the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the. elaims 0f wich the Umiinistrator with Wili Annexed or the unde- signed Slicitûr ,hall 'ben have notice. Date-d at Orono, Ontario, thla I27th day of January,1964. WILIAJM ARMSTRONG GRADY, Orono, Ontario., Âdiflinitrator with WüIi Annexed W.K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for the Adiministrator with Wiil Annexed. DEDICATION SERVICE OF THE NEW CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CNR 0F THE Orono United Church WILL BE HELD Snday, February l6th AT 2:30 P.M. REV. A. E. LARKE, President, Bay of Quinte Cànference, and REV. E, S, LINSTEAD, Chairman, Oshawa Presbytery WiIl take part in the Service Follow-ed hy' Open, Ilouse'and Recept&on EVEIRYBODY WELCOM F