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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Feb 1964, p. 2

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ii j;iein1938y R. A. Forrete Ptcblished every Thu rsday atf the off«ce of pubhcat'on M1ain Street, Phone 109, Orono, Ontar_.o 4,cy C. Forrester -- ditor and. Manager Member of, the Canadfian Weekly Newspaper kssoc. Memcobr of the Ontarlo Weekly Newspaper Assoc. Subsý-ription payable i adV'ance In Canada $1.50 In U.S.A. $2.50 (Authoîzed as Second Casas mail,' Post Office Depar'tmeut, Ottawa) TWO YEAUS AT LEAST The Port HopeAglutra Sociaty at ïts annual meet- nglearned that Jts anancial po)sitîin at the year's end was aWproximâtely the sunme as at the end of 1962. Both receepts and expendtures w'ere reduced by several hundred dollars. Last year the fair board decided toe]etminate the har- ness races, long a-feature of f2,11liairs and thought by some people to be a nEcessary part of such occasions. IL was ar- gued ef the tLime tha1t te loss 0f revenue at the gate from 'toepeople who wouldflotcorne unleffs there were riaces would be offset by the saving from nont paying' prize mirney te race Winners. The resuits are incoaclusive. Receipts were down several hundred dollars, and so were expenses. While a nnumber of factors mighlt influence the total take at the gate, ýhe reduction in expeuses can definitely'be pinned down to the eliminah.ion of the races. Of course there is the po,-ssibility that many peoprle Who attended last year empected races and would flot corn-ie an- dther year if no races are beld. Titis, in our view, is a risk the fair board should take. Iii the f;rsi place, there will be no way ot knowýag urnlil it has been tried.foxy two years. In the second place there are a numnber,0f a.rgurnets aeiingt trotting races, which ef course led to last ycar's decision, among them the tact thak t ils increas-ngly difficult te get good competition in the races, of wh&ch the quality has declined steadlly iu recent years. There is no reasen te believe tbait the far caunot be' irnproved in other ways. The increasing bompetition in near- ly every class in recent ye'ars shrows a growiug inrterest ln the traditional exhibits at hall fairs. If to these, new attrac- bions èould be added- a biby conitest, for example, might be one- the public can bo brought int the iaýr grounds on fair day. There may ýbe several hundred people who cone te lthe fair to see horse races. But there are severai thousand within. reasonable distance who have nover corne, horse Y"ce or no horse races. Surely it Is with those severai thousands tiat the fair board must be concernod. The horse race prcblernl should put the socioty on, its mte.Nom, 's tho lime L'o work for more varied altVýaciionls, wVi t broader a.ppeal teo re dififeronit people. But at al coass the experiment ef runining thle fair withiout troLttiu1g raes shouild bo continued at least for- one more year. -The Port Hope Guide. Another Déficit Budget The Ontari' Governmrenî as passed down another ýbudget regisieing audther increase in taxation at the Pro- vincoal le<veil The need of increased funds is certainly ev- ide-ni with every pase of mnunieipal soerv.1ce and sec'a'l âf-.eurmhky expanding. To think -of ax reduactlôns today is aI- nwosi o live in the past and we can expecot thit in the future aesw;1 i connuie Vo rise te meet thlecdemands 0f thme )T-Ape wro ae, iu tact, trigoeIerrsosibi MIites t'eg~errnctsof lthe cour, ry N iiee tdlvwe-uld ia haard ia guoss to vWh!at poin taxeý-s from ail loels of gîuv-ernnnt M'ay r&ach. The Oitaio Goverumoent Jis i 'n resortod te defici financing in a perý,od of prospeity a:i prosperity evIdencod bv all the statietics whdh wore ,1-É-urodly displayed in the budget seech itself. In cnmngwth deficit budIget(ng th nvrnment hbas xnet broghtthfull molasure ef costs 10thtiose who today are sýcurîrng the benefîIs of srie wrv d.Thoy are pa n oo fta on tofl10thosýe who are Vo, corne ini the 'fut4Lure. We wonder what ol! h~s if tî d(ur wr not lu au ors of prosperitv. Deficit financu'g wud eom re- mendous for it ýis almost ipssbeonceagove, nm ent es- tablishes services te cut those servicJ(es b.ick V oreusot. Weceau see no other resultse mitha alouY Iyeairly incirease in our do"bts both lnlthe Priovince aud! lnU lime Feal Fieldi. Wt.e bolevo the people of Cna oannt ,3.clý e(ionmy in governzierit. We ai-so holieve litat tey want onily so m-uchi wofrea an be paid for, w!thout mrgaigthe future of cor1 !.,ren and our graiidchbilen. Eut wunslatiig tis wleh i a effective plt',cal Lctýon sesbeýyonrd ithe capacity of Gom, do'mccrucy. IAST XLE91 ANSWER ACROSS I1. Lowest point 6. Queen of laties. 20, zeave off, as a syllable Il AcIam's son 22. Degradect 13. Immense 14. Bushel abbÉ. 25. Having a tail, 27. Eskime knif e 29. Wound mark 20. Manuscript: abbr. 21. Weakena 13. Epochs 25. Muse of poetry ,27. Put out 30. Knighta 32. WIldoM 33. Argent: *7. Demant 43 Paymt 38,Repiu.d OL DOWJN 1. Cloudy 2. A wing 3.Circular« Plate, .4. Notions 5. Totak off %v'ighat 6.Hindu. prince's titi -. 7.Touch end te end 8.Caver 'wfth aewéls 9i Snow vehiclea :L2. Mistreat 16. Venture 18. Java troe 22. smaI,1 sharp paýtesi prizedt posses. siomi Lindia AnSwer TO ouleozI796 34. Insurgent 36. stop' 39. Enclosures 40. Noble- n 441uded fu Pzle No. 797 $63,000 Invos.-trnent Pays 0ff For Eestr Broders în. 1,st - r ee deriýs have raMI ý complleted' oeeyear',s epcr using Lîquid Nitrogen us iihe re- fnligerant 1 store f.ozon semen. 12t cost $63,000 10 change over bt4 ss method of refr'geriation from the, eld me'thod of dry tee aud aic1wo, but the investment paid off !tee 15,000 farmers in EasteqOrnOcitarme and Western Quebec. A 6 j increase lu the conception raefe the 70,000,cows these farmers b-'ed =stb frozen sehinin 196a3 was realized. I dollars Ibhis means ssïn increased revenue Vo thesoe-n ers, mýemibers,,kf Piasteru redr of $66,150 for one yelae. Improvet service and iproved cattle r the 'main objectives of Esr Breeders. Incidentially LqdN trogen Ikeeps semer ut a tme ature of 360 degrees bclew Zoerü Local News, The Es!Ddty-fouith Annual Conven.- tion iofthfle Ontario Association ut 'Agriceubtulal Sacieties was held ai the Xing Edw'ard-Sherdtýon Hoet-, Toronto. The topie of limepanel discussee was 'Dressln'g up our Folie Grounds land Exhibits."' The meý- derator Was Mr. Phil Dodds, Pu>c ton and the tive consultants were:' Mn. J. P. Mansfield, Kemptville, 19r. G. W. Carson,' Orono, Me'. IN G. W-ilson, Lindsay, Mr&~ J. Gruna- met, Scaforthb and Mr. R. F.ý Gomme, Toronto. Mr. and MÉs. Lloyd Ewing ýav.f family, Toronto visited witb Mn, C. S. McLaren and atended the C. E. Service, on Sunday.- IMr. and Mrs. 'Norman MeNaiy of Coliborne spent thle woeker?.d wîth relatives in Orono. Miss gandra flewins, St. Jeseph .e Hospital, Peteeborougb spent hie weekend sith Mr. and Mrs. Loir.e Bowins. Mr. Wm. Bailey, Troronto, :,.àsd dinner Thursday evening withM. and Mrs. Carl Billjings, ajong tl MrIn. Heber Souch, Me. Ha Bailgy, Wayne and Lynu. On1-Wedinesday work -was cn pleted On thme installation eof e bItter boxes in, the Okrono pOet01 fice. The old boxegi have been rie- moved with -a total of 184 new one-e being ixsstalled. The Orono, PireeDeparbm,-,.e eiarly Tuesdiay evening, answemiedý,ý a oail te the 11,ime of Mr. and Ms Francis Cewan. Furnace trouba cauued a blast and emdle te oI the baseiment. The Orono )ePa rt mneqit found ne tiré. Mr. Daxcy E. Wilson has r- turned borne from Bowm«nVifta Hospital ufter car accident. M-s Wilson is stili a pýAltent in Oshawaj General HespItai with a boe e-g. Samde isShe Oro, eoOpinof io=rnioeyezara wil ake te the Orono tee agaimst the 071h 'I 'f Or phans To Pli-ty 1I Orono f'his -"%a urdav OlOOWiEEKLY.TiME,!S, TiHURtSD)AY, F1RUR 3-i, 1964

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