B'~'.~- ORONO WFEKLY,'rlrMES, THURSDAY FEBR.UAEY 20th, 1964 ILookirig Ini At The Library J New naines arle till being added With uls you would only pay $8,000. to ,be register of thie Orono Publie Thiis is a saviRýng of 19 per cent. ,ibrary and, fclloing lasýt Fni- "If a muidicpality has any plans aysopenirg flurs, there are for a -building tbey can apply for new 345 meibers. 200 of these ýare the 1kfai but this only means that tidren of pre-sobool and public their share of the $l87- million le aýcbool age. safeguarded, it doësn't mean they Theweek our Orono Public Iii- have to -start imjmediately. The brary Board gratefufly acknOW- only thing is the building has te 'be ledges a second donation af fifty Conipleted by March 1ffl to get dollars sent by former Orono resi- the forgiveneses clause. dent, Miss Lena. Renwick, now "In May 0ft'iis year any money iving 'at Redlands, California. Miss tb'at bas flot aiready been spoken R.enwiclk, who is an bonorar '1f e for will be open for any one o member of the library, 4ias sbown make a dlaim for", lie concbided. g-reat interest in its re-oirganizatiofl and it is lier,- grat girandfather, DATA GATHERED ,Herbert Renwick, whose portrait BV TAVX BODY ha,ýngs behind the Librarian's desk. IhabenalteovraVr Two local residents, Mr.s. Joe "thabenalteovrayr Walker and Mr. Jack Garden, since ýthe Ontario Commitiee on ýave hilicly donated books,,iýo the ___________ Lrayrecently. These include, "SGiuthb b Java Head" by Aistair McLean, authuro f, "H.M.S.U ses" and "Guns of Navarone" ~Edna Ferber's "Ice Palace"ý "ROger Sudden" by Thomas H. Raddel1l, "Ti-e SeIgn of the Ram" Foe o by Ma" aret Ferguson,, 'ýPence rz nFo cl River Country" by Ralph Allen, '1Maggie - Now" by Betty Smnith, Supreme Brand author of "A Tree Grows in Brook- lyn", "Neyer Dies the Ducam", a F C novel of Bankok by Margaret Lardon and "The Big Company Look", by J. Harvey Howelis, des-' cribed as a novel of the iddon ter- ror lfl big business. Economy IFor the past three Wednesd'ay*-lb. Bag afternoon'is, classes from Orono a Public School, accompanied by I______ their teachers, bave corne dorwn to the Library to retuirn and choose books. This arrangement witb the Supreine Brand sohool, is running very smoothly, Fancy Qulity with tbe children showing mnucb !nteresýt in their choice ofbok and, apparenitly, enjoying theirK trip to the Library. There are favo books from the children's section that are slIghtly too big to fit tbe sbelva3s. These, however, présent no problem since2-b g from the day the Library opened, Economy the demiand for tbem bas been e0 cýonstant thi they neyer gel past the Librarian's des1k. Tindeed, Mrs. , Mer-cer, now baJiýs a wai*iiiag Est of anxiouis girls an ,bos wo ae ON SBU I not yet read Afred Hfliccock's "Haunted lHouseful" and "Mbostl Gallry" Inidetbe cover of 'HutdHouseful"' this master of ghosli l orr-or teils that be 'pre- BNUS J!Sv previoui-sly eited two bocks of " xnystry aniisspenîse for tbe ùider set and ibe n>oor dears were frightened silly. Tbey jusi don't have the stom'îlacbh for i'. He sug- BONUJS BUJY! Sav geste ibat, before reading, the cbild find ai room,-in which he cani be alone, take the transistor radio out of is ear and turn the liglits down low. Accéording to the wait-BO U BY!Sv ing list, Miss Molly New,ýman and Master J ames Tennanti arethe nex-,t lucky junior 1 sr'est be frigbfe-ned oui 0yf tbeir wits by Mr. Alfred EHtàCbcck. 7 Florence Reid. B US [BUY! Save M'UN.ýICIPAL WORKS LOANS AVAIIAJ3LE' There is a total of $137 million available for ioans under tbe Mun- icipal works assistance progtlam W. H. L. Godsalve told delegates to the Ontario Muncipal Associa- tion Saturctay. Mr. Godsalvc is direcior of rmun- Icipal finance in the Departiment' cf Municipal Afýfairs. "Tbie purpose of, this m oney is to i-ncrease employment by mak- ag gcbans 10 m unicipalities to ac- cecrate Capital Works expendi- lýunes," hê said. "There is a wide scope 0fpro. jects tbian can be undertaken to receive aid under tbijs plan, as long as the town government la thast arca passes a motion to the effect that the building 0f Ibis bilding 2bas been accelerated to provde enipoyment in that area. "Tbe only drawback 10 the pro- jecdi is tbe i ell building must be coinpleted bhy Marcb l",6 in order Wo receive the -25 per icent forgive- nesscon !the lban. "Tis- forgiveness would mean tht ns ead f a muniiaility de- an ibeIy v would only have 10 d- benti'~ fo ~,Cr cent. 'The iniereiona ban isony "'na .ban cf$100000 üove- 151 ears f; 6 er cent yowuld pay ba~k$10,000interest peryar Taxation bas been founied &andbfoete eeigsaed since thatîtUrne a great deal of C100NFERENCE DRAWS A or themein t hagefrIn h time bas gone into the job we bave lOVER4 200 PERSONS Fl:Ying Dutchinan MoW1tel t he been assigned ta," Lancelot J. Town Hall was necessary due teo Smith, Cbainmxnian of the Oomnmittee Oven 200 delegates attende d th t he large nuniber wbo registered. On taxation told delegates Ito thie . Ontario Municipal Associationi Ontario Municipal Association A h ofrne dlgt town and village negional confer town and village Sections Tejnaj At honalece dleae conference beld in 13Bowmaanville on beard speeches f rom L«neefl tj. ence in Bowsnanville Saturday. 'Saturday. Sthlo Cmm itten axaofthon, o "Wben we first started we had IaloCmIte nTxtoo very littie to ey on in the a the aims and progrefse cf lme.Coon- reyWy The conference was attended by mittee*; of publisbed books. But now afier delegates f rom towns and villages xnany meetings we find we bave frei ail over Ontario. W .L osle ietnc enougb information tW make a ne- W.nicipL. Finace, Dpretr or pori," be continued. Municipal Finace,,. nart eni u J.~.dJ~ 3~VvCIb WV.r iVL i.1 dL .L1 ýz "+4 . M l m< u l'J JV o.I "During tbe past year meetings witb lawyers, civil servants and the general public biave brought Wo lighit c<-Iffereni veiws on tbe sub, jeet., of te people we talked to blod us ibat a certain tax sbould bedoubIed, others told us bbc same- com*ed the delegates to the town tax sbould be stopped altogether. "We will of course get in touch tion that bave (been fomnmed and gel! their findings also."1 Chiquita, the finest Ontario Hothotuse No. BANANl4ýAS 2 33c 'RHUBARB New Green Florida,, No.l CA->BBAGE - i Garden Fresh No. 1 lb I9c BROCCOLI 'T 8c! Red & WieHmgnzd1.z 8c! For Finest Pàstry ý.. . '07c! -Monarcih 7-lb. bag 1 8-oz. pkg. Bi '16-oz. jar CL PR1RES ý,NG 35 BON,,àUS BUY! Save 12c!1- .,64-0z. Plastic BONUS BUY! - Save 9e! - Pkg. of 12's SUPREMVE BRAND FRESII PACK UTS 2149 nae3e! - Weston or Sunbeam 30 to pk. [Peanut, Butter Cookies 35C SAVE 2c! FANCY QUALITY 15-Oz. 'Tiins AYLMER Cream Corn 2 for 39c SAVE 5c! - FANCY QUALITY 48-0z. Tins AYLMER Tomato Juice 3 for $1 AUNT MARY'S loef SLICED BREAD 2%: Save ý4e! - Coloured Ml SA'IVE 5c! - lealtho Sa5cS On Sairdines Save 9c! or COEIN Ci~ Sae16ü! -Colg-ate H MARKED 69e! CA/SH SAVE 10c! - 4cý OFF P Cornet Clïeanr. Save 6c! - Bathroom" Royale isst Save De! - White or C( Specially Selcted J Value Check'd - Bra SROUND OR Point Sirloin BONELESS RUMP ROAST LOIN You Save Twice With' PORK CHOPS M SCHNE]IDER'S Schneider's Famous Pure Pork LUNCHEON Country StyleM AT MSAGE lbi 49S Co P I-4e * o e * e e under the municipal works asslot- ance program could be applied £or. A panel discu~ssion on are gev'- ernmeni ai the municipal level, wbicb was 10 be beld, bad te be poÈt'>oned tli a latér date oo that one of the panel me"lers eould cat'ch bis train back 10 Windsor. dz lb -123cý bunch 25C gargarine 1-lb. gs -Club Des S2,for 53 [EX YOUR COC 2 pkgs53 Ieavy Duty Gt pjkg.ý YOURI loc COUPON' PACK .. Gianit Size - Twin Pack le 2 rolIs2lcýMJ oloured - Twin Paek rrim and Price! lb605c - 4 VARIETIES 6 oz, Vac. Pack 2 for 49'c Obeese - Chicken ýon Loaf - Piekle' 'hnento G erov eI m 1