New PostOffic Cr SS For qlp To S vr f e OTTAWA- h eea oene At a meetIlng othe Oreno 'Red bd up te hre; Ihsona, c Ms 1, fi~cre ii the 1lou.c Cross Brandi it was regrettably trs recommendatlion,0 or u iswe contaÂr. decided ti relinquish the Branc1î An cibewnsr'e Water Safety po anun 0 $0000for lheeoc Charter. An increasing df2ýcu1,y in, grani me s.pCloisors im. clasc c Po t Office bulIdir obtaining interested persons, te and provIdes sohool cildren wiuh in Nwca4lr kold office has foeed this cecis- water salfev pamphlets and olihe'. r i blTn will be cor I litera ure. Demonstrations of arti- -uo ion.* s d >IlliS 11M s de of t ùcal. sir-hnmethods are V s~u on ceypurcisasc Mrs. W. E. Ar mstrong. presdent'en , in mnost ýschMls and to any ,î .ail Xerln. ofý the Braich mýet witb groups or orgacca en, int-r d cee plans ad specifications f0 Mlrr. W. R. cm, Ontario Dv- IA resusctator ice .rintained t n, i w bIuilling are beng pr isba assistant-(commiS50fner, and;ithe Ontario Provinc.ial Police -,aredcLby the Dcpartrserbt o PL M.W. R. Sýpry pi cent Of the Headquar ers to be used ln !ie L W1 k in Ottawac and P- tý Bomav leand D isýtric rancb. eetcfac-t reerec. piri ent lie are 70% complete. ur, McAdam expressed bis re- 1 The Women's Work commite11 1e Iîi a(ipaled that tende'-s for th griets fihat the Orono Branch could ,Scw and, kit -many articles ,forcon stilicî ii will be. called ti, yo- longercotnebtgv bs use ini local ernergencieS, ototIsrn witb construction to sta iassura,,ncee that this comimunity and i bospItals, the ]lood Trajisfusio)n ocim durng tic sui. ClreTo-wnship will continue to1'Service and International relief. Ime'r. ~eneit remRed Cro(s:s services. ýAl niatrials for mnaking sweateCs, Orono Branc surp!j lu fuds werec- s shawls, baby sets,qits tundover te the Bownvlll bab,ýiýy layettes, shiCîts. pants, over,- ndDistrict Branch f0o enable ails, dresses, pyjamas, dress*nge ui-; VSI ct m freditÉUle threm tei expaad their present pro- are provided by the Branchain grmete inclucle this district. expenise to the individuals r PaUvdùl Th ecelntswmin pogrouips who wish to help. Your 4 time givcetoenet others n needro gÉrmme carried -eut cach s smmer iegv ohlpohr nne, Th(il 'roo and i strcit Crecli: at the local pr will continue will greatly incr-.ease the good th-is Union recently ield thIeir, annual undr tse uidnc 0ftis neîyBrancl oaa do. If you or yourmctnin roeMrGlnRa ned sheimingclubfthan son-group would use te assis.t with this crnt f Trono spGkente tay -,ýimmng luband spn-programme , Mrs. E. Rundle, the cý,to ootsoe t h seredi by lhe Red Cross. cneo ilb iae eba group on Crediit Unions and -theiiV -Orone will new benefitf mthe fr~oifl >T oIpera,ýtiens. oioiigaciclditi-onal service s. The -Home Nursing classes are beld 0f the five retiring efficers four folowngwere returnoýd te office being, Mrs. Disaster Service, provides emerg- t rvd neetdproswt ,Luk.Msr.' ency aid la the form of food, clo'- to rcweide .ioftersid pesonis t .LukMsr.W arw ing and she ter te victims of tire akelde0 usn ehqe Chas. Hutton and Aif Pri.Ms or tier miner di saster. Red Cross te assisi w-ltb iliness at homo. BbAi-wtane mmerv1 lison he ob tyor îghL fr sch A campaiga for funds will be ted te, the l-,oard. ji ontcjbdyohgffrsc eld during Marci te previde the TeCei Union bas shown a emergeacies. In thse event of a necessary funds te continue Red tile fll'reouresCros srvcesin 194 hre ndgradutali icrease in membersii ,faoordisasteruireuceCos service sl164hr an which nerw totais 144. The Union n1 i ainlDsse evc abroad. Mrs. Spry, Braaich pres-hainraditcpfo0f$,43 autom.aticailIy auigment the local idnt expressed tie hope that the las nre1962 t cpto f2343 efr.people of this ai-Pa wouîd suppoýrt 1sim $ ý2ta $ý25,344.62 la 1963. 0f this Indiidul eergaliyaidis lv~tien be Erachla l w1r. R enebers and the parent Union. nt, rnýp.eiscalnont -, mnhrn-thisi v i~ n, -ennh now 1- ..- en wî,eie uuuliragnie .c- u , upply assistance. in most cases 7Red, Cross is able te refer t1hose n-eedý ing icelp te the proper agemsY. A i0an Cupieoard of sickrýoomi .quipment is maiatained te pro- vide for anyene lu n1)eed! at biome .uch artiecs as hlospital beds, beà £ables, wbeelcairs and extenisionis. ieritjclses, 1baclk-re-ste, conivalescellt bakr, bedýpans etlc. Tiese art- cl may be borrowedýL,( for' a Per always on thse job te assist you and your neigibýour2. Please clip out and keep for handy reference luis lisi of YOUR Branch officers. Meetin gs are iseld tie 2nd Wednes- ctay of cci mnti'Ii at8:30 in the Counicil Chamibers Bowmnan- ville. AL ltrs persons are invited toated President: Mrs. W. R. Spry 623-2343 <Contînuedi-,t on Page 3> Orono, oples Clu itsK ero Cu RcF ives N-yd'ro Awarcl v c e cc-enOr',ro Hydre Giairman, W. R0s8 ved 15 year's on is.e Police Vîlage re at the hjo ait annual of Oro"o Hdr Sstm, j oe -f"t oEthe uta oMunicipal 25 nIun1ctpal utiity omm, nrs iecr Associat1on and of the Who rececved long s; eaes xP aof Mu-iii pal Electricai i is year fiornstUie GOntaroMni Utillities in Toronto on Marchi 3.' TUe cemmissioners have served a, cipal Electrical Association. He ~cmie oa f45yas sisow recevi cglUe aaci fens tota o 05ydare Po F. C>. NweII Claims.KSurplus Prime Problem In Tobacco A meeting le Orono ldst Wed- Afler referring te a meeýting be-' nesday -niglst -fiat sfarted, eut .as fween ,lte- hoard, and agriculture a quiet talk on resuits of exper-Imiider , ays, ise traced thse ameunted le $118518 from which Lc fiy verbal battie'between P.- preblem tisaI led growers te de- a 3y2 percent dividend ýis te be on G.Nl, district director of the monstrate aI the marketing ware- exisfing sisares. Amount to be paid ontarie Flue-Cured Tobacco Mark- bouses lasI Friday and force their eut on the sbares is $809.46, etling Board, and iràte growers closure, listing fie biggest surplus Mr. C. Gilkes of Newcastle wae wio feel lie board bas net acted in Of tobacco on record on iand wlsen again appointed president 0 h lerbs neet uiglc u-thls year's. markef epened as tihe local Union with Robert Allia, vice rent marketing crisis. prime problem. He qldded that thse president and A. Perrina, secretary Riodesian'imarket is new opening, Otier directors are J. Walker, p_. Andy Sutch, a tobacce grower af wbile lie Canadian markets ar,3 Han cock, Mrs. P. Werry, C. Hut- IPontypool for 16 years, accused closed, and tIsait tey bave pro-. ton, Ms. A. Loucks and jercy tbe board of directers of net acI- duced ficir biggesl crop witfh Werry. ing te close tic market wben llsey more liais 80,000,000 peunda mor)ie (Ja ie n sieuld hsave te protect the grow- ta ai e ers infereets "This 15sf111 lne excuse fer the Henry Eikens, an Orono grpwer, way lie buyers acted as the mar Are Popu lar ciarged lie board witb lying ta kels, and tie Ontario goveramenG the growers and tIse public. was asked to, send expert eceno- Th, Orono Fisi and Hlunt Clu-b John Hanaka, a graeii-from matLs toe m iarkets10 o bserve Uad a very successful day on the 'Osaca and a pasit pres'dent cf tle, the pioccdng,, he snfi. ' 1'iey Ti Ooo oplsClu pcs8tHelwodhaco roo. S f March. Tise usual bundreds 1ras ndNrhmeradle)cisecked botis lie gcading of te- veyejybeeeifg n uel0f Ve tien wen-lte tote Sunday of rounds of sîotsîeîîls were pu, oïacCuccds'Asoda tise edronDoubls Cii on at- Sicoolicor wiic was ecortedIrougi the bores of Isopeful guns lion Tobacco Gcow if e' pis s ajos eingoîdadlc c urday, Marcni 7th- lin a St. Pafr ick'ws Dy i llgei Ua i te ries. n Êcecomp any buyers, continu- Mac t. ý arcksDyteme. aad tIse usual goed natured jibss publsiý.ed werc truc tUe growers ng taivsiain o w Tie Orono Club presented anSe 1.,Moioýn opcned "tUe pregram and rivaîries Came tfrig iewudbv ebn cmiii wceks wiilc mosf were nef awýare Eatrwersiip service Wt alwi in oo cold air. Howcver, the warmli of about. of tiseir presence" Groenveld, Ciuck Hutf on and Lest Altec dvtdng into six groups lise club house and cups of staam- Attisheend of tic formalicecet- eýsieft taktng part. Don Stapies and accering f0 fise nutabers on sham- ing coffee sold by tic Club's ladies eng fer a few growers had ai- Mr. Newcll said he expccted the ye l s ace ,sc n-Axiirymaele nrîiîgslul eaythf i hall, about 50 grow- delega tJnn at Ottawa to finish their C'huck Armstrong sang a duef rocksgivntuserirw n uiirmaetemrngsho al- leak hr as nh ndetri "God Gave tise Day" and- Bob joyed a varicty of ganses and con- tiorougbly satisfving. crs Alere, left illieg around l alsicrnaI uitadreui JIohssn lead fise siixging offiehe lesfts. Ine'lie evening', the club mem snalit 9 (1pa issing theiu pýo-&- to Teronto to continue secking a grospel isymn, "lWere You There." Mr. and Mrs. D. l3arnetl weiS bers and fam!ils met in tise Mua- le'- . bI . Newell pel t)tUe,'solution aI lUe provincial govera. Mis3ernice Ciapman of Tor- preseîcted witU a picture frops fthe iciipal Building 10 hold a very short front and aninouiicedl tiat since Uc ment level. ý,no ten howd lir clouedKedron Club and introduced f0 fie business meeting followcd by an_ was ques'ioned aoit lie Ha rcpeated hils tatoment mcade ontidso f he "asionPberycopor- Ocono membcrs as tiey will soon excellent deesrfo f shoot- board's curreat position, lic would at Port Hope a f ew weeks ago that foamee a smaî towelu oufiiag.equipreent by Mr. R. M. Be-w attempt te explaîn lice action te no public funds would be madle wGj-eternaGermaly, tis octionth Lunch was then servcd. l<Continued page 3) date on tUe criais. Cntne page 3) fiie Black Forest. Tic play is the .tory -of fie cricifixioil and is per- ormed every feu years from May 'it ~- - Ocobe, fur imes a weck the .c ~~ .- e- sf one performied ia 1960. '- Tiere is no mk -, igs (men et tiseir liair s isad grcw at ,year) Or " ar 1ica ligistin-g used an U stage snlaticop!en. A imes 'cre ac as mny as800 .x peeple on staead oa ef 1200 peo'ple ofthe vlae ta1king part. Tic iare aaaepce s i Milv council ansd yoýu rmust ibe bra- îin lie towîn to be eigube.,s a ru- suit many women reur tei MIlage -isia.wiîircies fie pinys' prccea t av i cisldren. Marricd wom.-ïen cani no, faepart but t'ee care m-1an cOfden sirta-2ffi dgo Mis Catni ie i iiS s~u bv afe e o a.The inew planit is ýte be usýed off ice. Tisie buildIng ceflsiits of ted somrefime in April. The archi- sildea s f tie Amuericari production, plarlt o urflyWood Producfs, for' sîorage and pieparation oet 1,000 f eet and ita locafed eist 0f tect is J. Sugarmian, Toroatio and pexafi*med la Sout Dakota andiIOrorlo, hchis hn-w 'weIllunder- veneer, aise te bouise tise ead, 1THitw9.y 115. Ovcupadscy is expec-jth e contractor J. Rimek eof Cour- Fkorida NVtich appeared very i ie Ontarie, .. . . . ........ shown recelvirig the award from Ontar'o Hydro PhýotD pou- ci cils, OàONO TIMES, THUP.SDAY, MARCH 12, 196,1 VOLU31-fr, 20, NUMBE 7