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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Mar 1964, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1964 ORONO WEEKLX TIMES Est4bbished in 1938 bY R. A. Forrester Published every Thursday at the office of publication Main Street, Phone 169, Orono, Ontario Roy C. Forrester- Editor and Manager Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assoc. Memebr of the Ontario Weekly Newspapor Assoc. Subgcription payable in advance In Canada $150' In U.S.A. $2.50 (Authorized as Second lass mail, Post Office DepaVltment, Ottnwa) A Warcl Sysiemn Thre Port Hope Guide in a recent editorial noted a fact which doos warrantconsdoration in rural-urban municipal- Ities such as oxistI n tfis area. The consideration was in respect ta the consoIîdatinýg of rural sehool boards. Thre Guide's opinion is set aut asfollows: 'ýIn many cases thre change will be for the btter and vWi allow rural areas ta, provilde btter education. There are, howover, dangers which shauld be avoided when the consolidation takes pýlace. In tre township 0f'Darlineion, for instance, thre sauth haif of thre township far outweighs the north half in popula- tion.- South Darlingtan is predominantly suburban, while North Darldngton is prodaminantly rural. Thero should cer- tainly be provision in thre new legislajtion for a voice for the north on the new consoiidated sehool board, rogardless of thre Qpverwhelidng votin'g power of the south. Thre only f air solution would seem to bo a ward-type syotem 0of elëcting sehool boards, so that each area is fairly represented, As a matter of fact the Port Hope pubh e chool board le elected by wards, with two menlbers chosn frain each of thre town's three wards. Wlile At can be argued tIhai it îs not necessary ln Port Hope, where thre problcms are about thre same throughout thre town, it would be a safeguard $or townghips with diverse, problemaw wthmn their borders. In Hope township the situation le ike~ that in -Darling- ton, though the preponderanco in population of thre south over thre north is less marked. It wouid seem ta be desirale to divide thre township into wards, so that the less built-up areas of tIre township would have a voice in proportion of tIroir population. Much Iras been said latoly about tIre fact that in ail levels 0f government from the county to the Dominion, rural areas have mare influence than their population would on- titie tbem ta. In some cases the extra strengith of rural areas is 50 groat as ta be rediculous. But it would ho a mis- take ta swing the pendulum ta thre dpposi te extreme, and effictively disenfranchise rural peopi e. A ward syste'm based on population, with provision for periodr changcs as population shifîs occur, waould ensure evoryone of a fair vice in the operation of the local school board." It could b e further noted that lu Clarke Township the sameiý condition as in Darlington exists with centres such as Orono. Here a more urban. vw from governing boies abhfuld provail as requ.*rements do diffor soinewhat from tha't in. thre tewnship. A ward systeni could work in class alsa ta thre benefit of ail taxpayers. Preseutly i! could happen, due ta lack of interost shown ~the past'township electnon, anid thre lack, of public intoroýst alýso in tIre area school board that a small minority coulil lect a specîfie group ta cauncil or 'ta a school board. A ward system woutd tend ta override any suich possibllity. TIre idca houid deserve same consideration. IFE, pPUZZLE" ACROSS 2. Egypîan 1. - blanche god 6. lExpanse 3.,Outor crust 1.Eskimio o f cheese '1at 4.Youngste D2 iiliards Z.Plece ouïl 4 errn 6. South 13, A lyrie aolla fox'm of U. 17rench 7. W2Z origin: Fr3. lPrt c '5 . size of 'ta o riaper 9.EL e 16. iomit 10. F~a 17. -zd %. -'te j EaSures toazto 3 14.Uia 20T lelo 18. ti- _ Air: abbr. tiort 2.nadrift- i 2C. à C 21. Awiýay inanrared 29. 2tope with- running 3 knat 30. .A.relative 31. A redish inetai 2 32. Exlst 33. Fashiort 2324 25 8Jewisb. - - month 2 85. Young bear - - - - 38. Shoshane- 3- an. Indian - -7- 3». River* iNew 7-19 Mlex. -4Z 41. A black C+ A eye: aI. - - - 46. Smail suake - - - - 47'. Malth ý 1 4e. Plant avuleo - - - DOWN 47 S1.HMeai LAST WEEKS ANSWER w, 22.caMtn . 25. Cer- pa' 2c. (Žnek îL'th 35, -"'av eess 28. Wavy: H el 37 - off, as in golf 38. Blundors kO. Laiter 42. Owme 43.1-- '~ 45.T' ur: 'Millbro(:ok Chamâps Thre Mâl1brook Bantams were on Friday last at thre Orono rink thre best team, iceil in tIre Bantam taurnament. Four teams were on- tored in the taurnamnent being froni Koone, Millbroak, Newcastle and Orono. The MillbroQk boys won bath games thus boing declaro4 thre champions of the day. The Orono ontry were unable to rogister a win in thre tournie. Thre first game of tIre day was played botweon 'Orono and Mill- brook with a victory ta Miitbrooký by a score of 24,. Medd and-Van- Dam wore the goal getters far thre MîlhIbrook squad with Erice Duval scoring for Orono. Thre second gamie was a 3-0 vie- tory for Keene over Newea.,stle In thre tbird game Newcastle dofoatod Orono 5-2 with Henry, scoring two' for Newcastle along' with singles by Palmer, McDanald and MâcGregar. Eric Duvail net- ted tIre two Orono goals bringing his total for tIre day ta tbree. TIre1 final game saw Millbrook defeat Keene by a 4-1 caunt. Hud- son and Worr shared in thre scor- ing for Millbrook. The Orono Associatio6n expres- ses their appré'ciation ta ail those who' took part in the tournament and also ta VIose who refereed, Don Mercer, Ray West, and Ted Lane. Correction:N In last weels pape we had ICharles Reid playing goal for thre lOrano Midgets. 'lhe goalie was Bill Saford. Celebrate 4 Oth Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cochrane coi- ebrnted tIroir 40th wedding anni- versary an Saturday, February 29, 1064, at their home. Mr. CocIr- rane andl the former Ethel Em- pringhamr were married at Union-' ville of Fobruary 27, 1924, by Rev.! John R. Wlkinsoni. TIrir famiiy of tire sns uad9 three danghtel-s wore present wýith terfamilies fortIre happy occasion. Tea was poured by, Mrs. Biih Miller and Mrs. A. Empringham. sister-'n-law of Mrs.,Cchjrane.- Guests were present 'from Tor- onta, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Orono Pantypool, Tyrone, Bethauy, Mill- brook, Kirby, Markham, andl Stark- ville. IC.G.I.T. News At aur C,,G.I.T. meeting on Mon- day, March 9), iPresident Judy Vagg led us 'in ropeating aur Pur- pose andreai P.sal'm 64. Dale Challice ld us iu Frayer andl we sang thre Lordsý Prayor in IWe had nine present and con- ducted aur business as usual. Dur- ing tisa periaid wo plannod aur crafts andl order 0f Junior Con-, I gregation for tIre next two Sun- days. Doreen Woods and Wendyl Partuer aili take Jr. Cangregautianr on Sunday Mardi 15 and Aune Arnoit and EhiJne Schmid on.ý 'March 29. 1would like ta again thank Dale and GCoke De Jauge for the gaod job they did last Sunday. These' twa girls show a real interes l C. G.T. anilare always imosit r- haIne T e'd 21' s-,'ll ch hum a, mal' vry prui ty papier flo-v- i nU~~T[ly. 'IisLqute anl Li Lakng even foi aduits Doe-een Wood led us in aur sfudy of Iodla acquaituig' us with tIre habits andl geography of tIrat country andl we enjayed an inter- osting discussion periail1 with her SIre rend us a recipe ta show us, anl example of thre Iighly seasonod1 dishes they onjoy. Wo discusseil goiug camping a. aur C.G.I.T.* Camp Protoria in Oshava il, July and I askhed tIre girls ta thmnk again of aur respons - ibility ta our group as officers' when we take tho'se positions. i asked them ta try ta think with pride of wearing aur Middy andl be proud 0f it as Ît represents a very necessarýy part of aur training. We are able ta do so many things ta Iro lp in auron Church and missions over iseasoand with thre proper' Spirit tao njoy the feýllwship of ather girls aur, age and know we are truly"an adian Girls in Tralning". Under~ Who Calis The Kettie Black Sugges(tions at a reýcent tobacco meeting held in Orono inýtimaited that the Tobacca Companies had formed a cýom- b 'ne. This allegoýd combine was appareýntly consîdored by Somne ta be a facitor placing the tobacco growing industlry in the adverse condition which. it is claimied to be. Whether a combine exisis or doeýs nOt exisIt between the tobacco companies is a question ta which no answer is conclusive. But iýt does seem ratheýr amusing ta have growerS point the finger at the companies suggesting a combine- Wd-iat othor is, the tobacca growing iduistry which governs, whýo will and wjho will flot grow to 'bacca; seill tobacco* or to wiat ex<tent thalt crop will be. The four thousand odd growers contrai the industry through their býoard and thi$ con'trol would appear, from this corner, ta, be nothing cother than a. manopoly. Hardly are.they in a position ta criticize the other side, of the industry. Shuffle Board and were happy ta ta give leadershipta futur-egra. the Leadership of Jesus as our of younýg peoIple in aur Church i C.,G.I.T. girls are naw teacling an'ywhere that we can help in t»itis Purpose explains. Several former way. 1 wauld a'sk, yau maother, Lu Sunday Sehool or offering leader- heîp guide tIroir thinking ao. ship in groups such as Exiplorers these linos. and -Messengors etc. and this, too We onjoyed a f ew games ce is what we strivo ta do ta learn (Continued on page 3) ROYAL Bowmanville .623-5589 TRURSDAY - FRIDAY,- SATURDAY - MAJW« 12, 18, 14 SPECIAI, JHLDRENS MATINEE SAT, Donovain s Reef Jiohn Wayne, Dorothy Lamour, - Coiour SUN. MON. TUES. WED, - MA RCH 15, 16, 17,1£8 The L-Shaped Room Leslie Caron, Tom Bell Basebail games at tIre crippled chidren's camps are one- of- the popuflar .1cu vîties not only with the teënagers, but also the, junior n apesof six or soven years. The Ontario Society for CrIp >du idrnIraýs fie camps that pravide summer holiay or are ba4I1,00 children. Ail camper-s participate hli Cam1p aite,ý ta t;Ire, St aI4 their ablllty and are therefore takîg pat ina cepetiive almer that is not passible the o.ath Ma. IiýseSal contributions have built these campssud ~ e IU Lnt tIre chdren oOn th-C-eeiaato for 2e ~ ca,,.Unmpg fr erppl4 chldri s Jmet one of tIre many servico tInt Ire1911 Ens,ýter Seal ampiguobjective of $,000.wiH fifll itiis -ye'ar. PUZZLE NO. 800 1 . - - 'v,*w ce

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