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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Mar 1964, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCHWT 12, 1964 ILookirig In Ai Following its last regular meet- ïng, on -the 3rd of March, the Or- ono Public Library Board s hap- py to announce a brighter financial situation than last reported, where t was feared that, through 1961, there would be only enough money for operating costs of the Library. With the receipt of a grant from the Towrnship of Clarke for $50.00 anda donation of $250.00 f romn the Orono Chamber of Commerce, It is agreed that the Book Buying Committee will be in a position to purchase more new books for the shelves of both aduit and juniior sections of the Library. Tt may not be generally known that the Library alsoreceives, on, '4nan, a regular supply of very fine books f rom the Department of Ed- ur-ation n, Toronto. Three cases <.ontsainng a selection of approxi- ma'tely 150 books were received priocr to the openin'g of the Lbay Teeare nowv being graduaily gathered back iloto the Library ready for repacking and returning to Toronto. Meanwhil'e, a new shipmnent ol books s on its way to Drono. Since she s allowed to specify the types of books required, the librarian ià most interested n readers' requests and preferences ln reading material. A very fine selection of children's books ýarriv- ed under this '10an' system, mostiy ion-fiction, and much sought aftr b)y the youngsters. For those subscribers request- ïng a special non-fiction book not yet avalable n our Library, an a4rrangement bas been made with the Oshawa Library which haA âgirred to ban to us, when pos5- sible, the required book. Th ere was some discussion, at tielast meeting of the Board, as tof the posibilIty of holding Satur- rday morning story-readings for thie pre-school chIdren. It is hoped 1give more details on this n the -tàear future. Florence Reid T obacco Meeting (Continued f rom Page 1) _vailàble from the government for purchase of the surplus tobacico ,was done last year. "The board thought Ottawa was 'the best place to put the pressure on first, because that,is where -ocombine investigations are l'aunch- cd,"1 he said,, apparently suggest- ing that the tobacco companies have formed, a combine. In reply to a charge by Henry Elkens that the companies have formed a monopoly n their buying operations, Mr. Newell sad that s one of the main. things fbeing agued at Ottawa. However, he ad- ded that the companes aLso charge that the board represents3 A monnooy against thiem. He saldi the board abso bas the problem 0of a lack 0f public supportatti time.1 "Unfortunately the controversial Stinson report on tobacco came out[ added to the confusion," Mr. Newv- just at this time f crisis an& only a lot -of good things contained n the 200-page report, there arej some things we can't agree with." "We can't disturb the growing rights system," he said. "The dea ,put forth in the report to gradu-I C .U.1.T, NEWS RED CROSS MEETING FISH and HUJNT MEETING ,f The Library haeCniudrm gO) fraewmts Mr. Long 1*p9nto e S (Continued from page 1 a fRmntn Amips Co. ally elimnetethe ontrjÜn ornda fwy amiea nute iratLon Vice President: Mr. W. W. Bag- Members literally drooled OVES ail ehinte he eonroingan alaysba ben n ispraton neil - 623-3585 cust om-built rifles and shotgUn. rights over a fîve year period to these young people of Orono and i ear:Ms . als62-18 neseia boasted a 141K goId might be good n theory, but t his interest is appreciated. Sereare: Mrs. W. Walis 623-31858 ortd rece,,er and sold for a 1can't be allowed. Many farmers We joined hands and cbosed our paltry $1,800.00. The Ladies Aux- arétied. up in hAgh mortgages be- meeting as always wth "Day is loDorChimnM.J.H Done " and a rOUsing "Thanks for Davey - 623-5625 memers agan d uests wnt he case0fth vlu 0 te roin te Evening* Coinrades and Campaign Chairman: Mrs. Wm. with visions of superlative gune Irights with the farm and removal straight home! Ruclell - 987-4261 dancing n the back of th eir mAnds. of the rights would break the far- 1 have taken this opportunty to Disaster Chairman: Mr. Don Mar- Next Sunday, March 15th at 7.80 mers." write these few blines about our sdefl - 623-3882 p.m. the Club will sponsor a fam "«We must remember that the girls n the absence of our Presq Loan Cupboard Convenorl: Mrs. W. iliarizdtAon session for the young Stinson report is just recommend- Secretary but after exams she R. Spry - 623-2343 1people of the community. This la ations, flot aw," Mr. Newell said, wAl be with us again. 1 Vountary Services: mrs. F. Gif- desi.gned for- the young people of "ýand nobody has to fobbow recom- Joan Couvier, Leader. fin- 623-5904 12 years or lover who want ta learn mendations if they don't want to." _______________ more about fii-earms n general. Water Safety Cha-*w;nan: Mr* W. Adubýts also are webcome and the "The storage and sibbe this can be sold abroad to W. Bagnelyl -6233583 casmywl dvbpAt charges of keeping the surplus 1s eliminate this -burdea upon the Wmns okCaimn rs a.uston andawer sdeeso ne month," he said, "and Aýt s pas- estic market." Rnl 2ý50Teei oamsinfe 4ý LIBBY'S FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS Vaney Sliced 15-0z. Pkg. STRA BERIES - - - 39c For Se 2-lb. Bpag VEEABEMIX- - - - 49c FRE C17H FRIES Swanson's Ail Varieties - 2pkg33c m 59C1 New Garden Fresh N'o. i Cabbage 2'hds33 Rieli, Creamy Fresh MUSHROOMS ........... lb....... L49c Crisp Curly No. 1 lO-oz. Cello Bag SPINACH ........ ...... ..... 2/35c Gxeorgian Bay No. 1 3-lb. PoIy Bag SPY APPLES ...... ......... 35c Zesty Rosebud 6-oz. PoIy gag RADISHES............................. 7c MAPLE GROVE jMAý%RKETf CORNISH'S MARKT tPORTER'S RED&W T Save 5ecn 0 o1e1 n 1-1b. Pkg. SNOW FLAKE 2for49c î Saie 0! - MagiR)e Leaf Canned 11/2-lb Tin MIDGET HAMS $, Save 17e! - With Pork Z-Oz. Tins YORK BEA NS 6 for$ Save 7c! Bright's Fancy Qualit.y 15-oz. tips Apple Sauice 4 for 59C Save' 17e! - Ev4ioraýt-d Tal Tins Crn io Mlek 7 for $1 Save 6e! Chieken Noodie - Tomato Veg. LiptonSup '3kg35 Save 20e! - 333's ROYALE Facial Tissues 3 pkgs 79<d Save 6e! - Aluminum - 25-foot Rol STUART HOUSE FOIL WRAP- 31c Save 4e! - White Meat 7-oz. TAn Saico Tuna Fish 39c Save 8e! - Mapie Leaf 16-oz. Size CHiED-R-SP""RED 59c Save 2e! - Mapie Lecaf 8-oz. Paekage CHEESE SLICES Il4 Weston or Sunbeam Pkg. of 6 - Reg. 4 5c! CINNMONButterhornzis 41c Weston or Sunbeam Dozen Hot Cross BNTTS-43c York Spic- Save 4e! 16-0z. Jar WAER PICKLES àL- 29c **Maple Grove * ** *Orono * .Newtonrl Specially Selected - Presh "Picnic Style" - Shoulder 5% to 6 po und average Maple Leaf - Mild Cured -' Sweet Pickled Lean Cottage RoIs lb 49c R INDLESS MapIe Leak Skinléss PORK BACON WIENERS SAUSAGE Mapie Leaf JfunubUee Brnd Well Streaked 1k SmalIL ink Lb.~ . "- W'- Breakfast -lb. TTiii 1-lb. Packages arga e R493C BET Ra Sve 27c! 2e off pack - Gov't Insp. 15-oz. Tins - ~ -S~~ve12c!12-0z. Tin B~ ~Y!- Sve6e -Bee iie 2-lb. Tin EST IU!-Sv c Good Morlning 24-0z. Jar A ALDE hirriff 57 -;bEST BUY!- Save 6c! Cooked 15-oz. Tins LIBBY'SISpag heti'i331 13EST BUY!- Save 4ç! - Fancy Quality 48-oz. Tins * Ys Tomato Juice 31 BE;T BUV - Sý-ve 9ü! - Flavotainer Bag... 1-lb. rBag COFFEE - 79

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