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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Mar 1964, p. 4

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ORONO WLEELY TIME S, THURSDAY, MARUCH 12, 1961v KENALPAK EOPRDZE sif any i ,ý,fthe conditions were e been iuaed to im:prove te j brokeRn.EOPRDZE park has been lef<t in the bank. From The rono Chuarch BY SUNDAY IBASEMAJIL GOIS' Apparentlly Mrs. Jacklsoni was Cunilior Foster suggested-Y TUE VV0T*,ý W Arecethe iitrriubied bQy baisebalI gam'es beinig meeting in Oronio with theineet ~rto WOTII0F M~ w h ~e ifirVty nuced ie lare Twnsip ounil Schedied for 'Sund!ays at the predcizes at wirch time E. E humofBsgamet.Alhog1Ydscse.tepolo0fete and advisoýd ucil L hat she wan's Luvekýin, thie twsl 'lc Scripture Lessen -Luke I:10. ju, Mwas bang jo*stled by-,-the prohibitng .,S'.1day ael games herauanetaaclsei cudxpanheegloiinof Taken froin a se-rmon proached by trogbu-mpedon eeyadB r h avyJackson Memorialpoiiin hsb e-j(uuUlw,,it h 1Ev. s1E Ln."Who touched me?"Jesus ,Park at 7Kondal 1or facing action byT I the de ed poiiin iae n onlith regrdctoelausk The fil-nsa o coriveadca ,d';'ja' Ve i i a ned. 5oil was Mrs. M. E. Jackson to have, fre. totr wolvhdodadis etitvecass on hnw w ucck ~ i /{ ~"'oi~ ~u t bis lwas park returned to, the family. Inrth vlgenKndlad isaiclyaqsio0fn -words I"The Son iot na.-iacamib eD. "'l l ýdI The park was deeded to Clarka the problein is that one nf theo1Vc lSunday games or lose the park 10s~ n oSave 1h54 at s it wa.3. w 'racýcaeus maay Tanhp n12 y Mrs, Jackson leams using the park î is màatI i) le sad. bat" Watis h ait o a a'? yilSag Un'x 11 tausn'and, her late huish and, Abrahamof yoUn-g men who work n tiac Reeve Earl Walkey said,"Cm Thewothni mc tp~dsan~ o throie t'ie way 0f wi~t akoi mmr itersntries ýthrough the week andI cao cil is synipathetie with Mrs. Jct fhowwevalue man. Trie scien: t 1vLai sscra lesg who was killed iii WorltIWar ýi* a' on-n udys oade cnsv point, andI wants ýto i to-ilsus\%,e are ,,o mucb calcium, be of n the eagernesnf theïr The deed containod a number of, ,hat with the posblity eKù,LOý' vestigate the views'of the citizëea.s phosphoruis antI oher chem &{ aveî ndteiepasen '.conditions and provision for the 0o lra-îag the park îeclaýmed hb;, nf Kendatl. worth a few cents. The brewI'ng Z- ca,,uswa ivte t cm park to be takea back by the Jack. the Oitoi, nny n-coltPort Hope GuÉde coýmpa,,nîesput a Litle more value' dcwn ,iiont on. the tree and ho m-cde! on marn. They treat mani as a h-Irse to do so. Sum.Yew.-e:.e, ealv '"thing", touse as a mo)ney miiakngorltei fw elC.rst'în, taol, a market foi thir product. vitation 10 jota B mr. Bappy fiIe They don't caro what happens to mnworrle at àhv hilm. But man has something peao fcllowshipwi ou. h" en culiar, special, unique about h m,,'went with Zacchanus the crowd ba- that places hlm f ar above tho val- 1tgan to- muimur, "Jésus has gone ne of other things. How do wo ogeen inr"Te value ari? 'idn't understand the true worth Wl-in Preardenit Kennedy was 10f Josus. They had a falso dea of assassliatod the world mourned.,Iwho Jesus was andI what 1-Te should, Uiearts went oufta sympathy to bc. Jésus said in 50 many' ways Mirs. Kennedy. At the samelie1 that Be had comeé "to seeli and policemran was, shot seekirig t ar- 10 savo that1 which was lost." rest the assassin. President Ken. oiaro 0wmnoako nedy was of value to the world,No anO wm c 'kw! but compare the hO arts Of the Jes us Christ as his or ber Saviouri, wives. Mrs. Kennedy lost a husrai they realize tLher need. Then band whom s4e loved; the pol.ce- we neci n " ne u.".' urt'uea m man's wffe did the same. What wlion we find out we are amiong was the difference ia value? Was thoie lost, becanse the whole of the policem,,an flot (),f just as grea t ima1nkind, for sorne reason, getsý, value to that wife? Take a sincere lato that clate. 'and earriesl look at lihe experienice Tiee eopew ur rd of the wives. When we assess this tril esuspeopet to avefellwsh hionestly, we gel a -glimpse of ta eu ett aeflosi what Jesus 'was sayiag wlaen Fie wil:h sinners, forgot that Jesus said, 11 came flot tla eau the righti- isaid that not even a sparro'w falls eubtsn st'rpnac. without the Father's notice andA Clrsaichr, cunern.Jesu wa' saing,"ILanti congregation are flot calied 10 doesn't matter wfho you are, or ministor just to the rtghteous, but what you are, you are of the utitu iera. We can reach out t0 giost value tu the Fathier who snesi«nudrtnig eas loves you. Love makes a diffearence wsinnrs ta adestaarng, becase as tu the vaJlue of man. Evon though we have mode haste Consider this in various ways. tur have follnwship wilh Jesus, it When you young peuple 'finish d ooai't mean we are n longer your formnai education and toko a sinora. IL means wo must tako ob, will you flot hope to persuade uP our c oaa, day by day, andI fol- -our i-er 1W! you are work 0lw tChrist. If we have roaclied thej 'o îa. oi'a kyou at.. o 0arin rortba g~a dC.L na i ui h ,îai m a~tk ui us, The wnrJh 0f a manris1 diris n' i iî ti cvi e ,a r. i. asc -l taC'rLst ceach -ed the tua n i cur lves !_ 'i a rAtGleyi po,>,l, there is a picture yli(11 vrl tiaDý 'haoîneaai'-dby the ,val r.o al i liry. T'ie artr eof cfour hou,i- c came o: pic o1 d 'tavien ine was nord u,) tige We hnopethiat someth-iig e ý n us ma.smace usa ni remuorv_ va iiiii'a rom in Paris. FPc,î re. e hoe wexv l hi sec as , le h d to les ve those lotIgiag. nse 1a-p cýuresxvaua't soit. liore n atthe begia 'b o h gave thelandlady four car- laie~~~~~~ t'natteben;g o-, ao to pay bis refit. Shie though I1 -nuch is 1a mair xorth. tbi y wriworthiess ad cluttered! Zai- ua"us was a rich man, Witb i the house, an abhe put tbem away fiatt favoured yot despised fcOm the attie. Years- later a visitoi nito olcînunder fie Rania igiiioiý7d thon as the work ni !"o)verîo Zacciaus, the man, famoGus artist Siokert. Ho wouDiild have vey ryaativalue tilb ught tbcm cepyanI ouh fellow Jewa.-. At o, 'n ime his value 0cmbock tir London. Be iae nA himýe-lumigbt ave bee2n h. h, Scçt1) siga themn, then ho soltI but tal-hough h had) entyni mcii- t rom for three million dlî.To ey, ho did nothavete rspect of ire lanIlatIy the'ro, neswere 'jils f10110w ctzn.Lot us remem- ,iorhiesa. Someono olse roco,,gnized ber tbat JouiS ld us lan maay le Worth., When the' signature oý ways, 'Lt dosn't malter whoxetr ritwsu hm they werc -are, wb't we aie, or' wbere -w ("ecoignized for their true valua. are, Geel lovas us." GotI reate us :a >asî-Lcb a, way ibat Eha wîuld I!ii t Ibis the whole Gosel i C ,ek 10 ulîl i bum'se ruin "Jeass -Chr>ist? Isait imonkind an ni tva l~'b' g u rua r-ren ,,"i pisbd off ta tlire sid'ef lufe Le L s S 't Z' ci'mcu u S a00:00, forgottea, nl oaa- if g5a t r ' an'~ f t; adar Ofn tOn mucjx value? Yeti bu be'an ~ ~ ,~ uc r> va t Iporson. When he ra ,e t ark tire Materlan nitha som-'a ' 1cr ~" i~ lt. -Orlxes ni the highest Or. r h lxih a - ~ar0" 'Iaar, iiriGaci d afor~ Jrfoi, u ' v '.Pi fora lIU, hnd hr l Jesu ai m Z1 tI 's re vu h jz mn. , ,c' nd'i 'Iey foi'hý n m an aciirhe a' rtai I the c va-nestic '"ruh fr mayEthers rvwnied 10 sec oJeus touacd hearslite an hel manu. WY , acchess s inltil j rarus, f011 0f sofs nt andmise'y ont in particutar'.Prb aho fe11 whomi the great value. was f ouid, the eagernesof niZaochaeus, atrengý Ihndby the fact that hoewas There le rnuch 0f valin riary of Ifrere lanthi rue. Buti, I thnk .-,t 1, our liVes, but it onl'y cornes to ttc beccause Jeassla alwaycsensitiveltrue vauJefe plurs ýo fiîý emyoaringin thie healit ,eWenl tbey bear fie artist's naine mr.The great Artst nf Il as huswhen -fie 1n 1 U IrfejgJ'eàus Chrtn The Council of the Township of Clarke hereby express their ap- preciation to the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono an d the xnem bers of the Orono Fire Department for their co-operaioni in the organi- zatien of The Fire Department of the TownsbýIp of Clarke. The Council hereby request ail residents to support the, Fire Pro- tection Programn which becanie effective on March 3, 1964. Your co-operation is also req uired in si.pplying înformatiou. in respect to your properties to the Fire Department. The success of this prograni can depend largely on the interet of our Residents. Council," Township of Clarke It'- impossible 10 bang a pricete 1gn îhis 'bottle of blo'ad. Forîunlate1y, in this country, no one ever does. Your Canadian Red, Cross provides whole blood and blood products absolutely free to almost 3OO,OO03 victirns'of illness, accident and disaster every year. Al îhaî's ev er asked is your support. The Blood Transfusion Service is one of the many ways the Red Cross serves this community, this riatiori and t he worid. Through the Red Cross your help does so much for so manly. YOUR RED CROSS SERVES YO [ U Canipaîgn DLation ua nIP. BOX 144"fi B9W LVIL Mrs. W. M, Rudd-Vell, <E Campaign Chairmnan 7ERY STEP OF 1THE WAX'

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