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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Mar 1964, p. 5

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n r ,r Z~ OltONO WEEBLY TDMES, THURSDAY, MAE4,RH 19, 1964 fl~prtFrtnQù eemi Park LOEAL INI5 Alex. Çarrut hers, M.P.P. Iurhan and entering, (4).aiid theft, (79) Mrs. HIarry Mercer, Mrs. Jim 1233 for less serious behaviour iin- Ball, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Luxton. The estimates of the Departrnent cludiing .A.W.L. (79ý), Truancy, qrnd their sonl Larry of Bowmant. of Reformi Institutionsls e t& (16 tminiauagea,)ble, (39), ùnelatis ville visîted w ith 7,r. and'Mrs. Joe to Uic Legisiature this past week faotor-y behaviour, (95) an'd vag Smith, Buffalo on thne occasion o; I reveal an uisward trend in irny () their Soth wedding anniversary. l nunuiber of new reEeptions into the ac,() TÏ'aùning SchQols of the Province. It is encouraging te note 'that M, 1r. and Mrs. J. DePaepe hav e The neu be tias ."*sen troîn 526 hi 79.2% of the wards of the Training moved into their home at Ohurci 1955 te 1096 in 1933. Seýhools make a good adjustment and ebbledck Street, recently and this fact indIcates the eiccell- purchased froru Mr. and Mrs. Ths increase may net be serious cent work being done byth staffs Býagle. onve f the great increase i the (of these schools. A number of the Orono Oddfel- ýýppulation of the Province dt=~g lows weieivîer e the Cobourg tein½rven,ýngycars and paît cu- 0Of the 1,111 admissions te the iLodge and cenfcrred the third de- la-,rly in view of the faict that the Tra'ning Schools in the past year, grec on their candidates greatest inwcase ienonuulation92wrenth1,14ad1ag Mr. and Mis. Everett Engltsh rraq taken place in oui urban cen-1 groups. TItis fact, calîs fer serious Jed and Krista spent the weekend tis.consideration by, parents, teachers witb. relatives in Peterborough. and social workers, and cveîy ef- Mr. Hbe Souch, Mis. Harry The Training Schools arc- meet- IfGrt shoulci bc made te reduce this Bailcy, Lynn and Wayne and Miss i.- the challenge net only hy in 1numnber. 0f this group 412 wcrc adCaoLttScrrogadd- -reasing facilitie, bu' aIse by ad- mitaredLibtcause they became udin op;jting new techniques and re manageable, 302fo thef and 181nrSudyenigwtMiad searh i - for. beakng ad eterng.Mus. George Webster and family, erc nguiding and trainin, o raigadetrn.Bwavle Ühese disturbed young people in1 owavle controlcd, settings. ,Th alybcgonadr- Mrs. H.-Couch, Orono and Mrs. Two new Ontarie Trainin ; cial enigin of these yoFumg people ,Sehools are now in operatien one also present an interestiflg record. Pnr , fer girls at Lindsay, and one for 0f the 1,111 admissions te the epaeo or Festival boys at S3ncoe. These tw-,o schools Training Sch.oël, 864 weîe Cana- tog,,ethier with the addition te 'the dian'by birth, 9 negros, 31 Irish. 'Preparations arc 'already under- Tr-ainlg School fer Boys at Ce- 23" EnglIsh, 6 Scottish, 5 Auerican way in the ferm of rc-organizing, bourg, will provide sufficient ac- 95 Indian and ne Hebrews. Homesfer the Durham Central Agricul- coimmodation for the piesent un- where the parents were maried tilial Society One-Act Play Feàti, l.ess there is a stcep risc in the previded 1,005 while from homes,'val. At a recent meeting Mrs. nunber of new receptions. The where parents were upmaîrle i Robert Johnsten was appointed Coldsprings Camp for Beys le- 106 were admittedi. ihimno h omtt cated in the Ganaraska ForestI has oretha prven tS ort ul It i paticlary sinifcan tht 1Presently it is being considereci has ~ ~ ~ ism moe6hn5rve tSwotfn paticuîa oys g dgilsto held the Drama Festival in the poiding oppertunities for beys sm 5 fteeby n il tedvio hirsilsadablte have normal or superior mental ýfirst week of Octeber, felleswing in aeecptersil n b moat sabllity. On the other hand some the Orono Fair in September. in ambs deiralé nvionmnt.401 range f rom duli normal ment- Youn.g people are admitted te al ity te menons. the Training Schoois frem two main .ources: The Departrnent's Anlual RUNTD eUC 1. CSimmitals from the Juvenil1ý ures with respect tn factors con - and Family Courts. tributing te the delinquency (fjOrn asoa chose committed or aclmitted. 2. App1Ecation5s subrnitted by th'- Charge varionus Childrns Aid Societie3 iise andc cncern very disturbec chlild- Alcoholie parents j ýMi LonC rn in-need rof guidance and train- Deert-nI-+ 41.E. on teg Ofrahnin 09 adho ls ,08 erein ad- Parent with Court record to raiingSchols1,08 wre d-Parent mentally defective mitted from the -Childnen's Aid Father dead Societies. Mother deaci In addition te the numbet'lun es- Both parents dead ideace there anc many waîds of Fair home but neutrol theschoo1s on placement. At th-ý Peer home and neo control present time for example, thc Parents separated Bowmaflville Training Schocol has Associations 283 in residenc-e and 427 on place- Mentality of child ment. It is perhaps intcrestiuig to note that te nunaber' of pupils on The past week aise prov the rol of the varions Training opportinity te enjey a nu: Sehools has now exceeded 3000 fer interesting andi pleasant o( the first time. 1 1in the County. 'Me decision as te when a stu- dent is ready fer placement de pends on sevenal factors: 1. The nature and depth 0f ëmo- tional disturbance may require in xnany cases a longer period 0f training. 2. Others Who have made ex- cellent sehiool progress are held: until thec academic. year or Voca- tional Training Course has been completed. 3. Those with non-serlous be- haviour problems are re-settled after 1a comparatively short periol of training. There is hoever a fairly'large nun-iber 'of returns te the Sehenîs frorn Placement, gencrally follew ing'a second appeanance in Court. The following figures indicate the more commen reasons for return. 211 for serions behavieur partie. nlarlly auto thcft, (5ý2), breaking YOL/ir T7AX FORMk, LTr II! INCO E' CO>MPLETE ATO SERVICÎE 2,4.A. W vided an imber of )ccaslins lt was my privilege on Monday evening last te share -the hospital i1ty 0f the Port Hope Rotary Club ~and act as their, Guest Speaker. Thie Farmers' Union banquet on Wednesday evening was a1 moSt, en- joyable occasion and was high- lighted by the addrcsses o! Mi. Te- vitt, President of the Farmers' Union and the'Reverend Mr. nom- crii. Bo>th 0f tltese gentîclvent gave alI present a great deai 0f food for' t1iought. It was a pleasure on t- urday evcning te join withthe Jun- ior.Farmers of Durham and their fîiends on the occasion of the 5tb Anniversary 0f that pîganization Mn. Gordon. Bennett,- Assistant Deputy Minister of Agriculture as guest speaker gave a very i terest. ing address on the work o! the Junior Faim organî-zation and the important position it occupies in the fieldi 0f agriculture. The an nual Ladies' Night oif Hope Locige A.F. and A.M. Prov dcci a fitting and enjoyaole ending te a veiy full day. W AYNE'S Maintenance Service Complete Maintenance On, Windows, Floors and Wall Service Rug and Upholstery Commercia Lindtstriai PHONE,25 Orono, Quit, CHUBCH SERVICES SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1964 Kinby - 3:00 Orono - 110 Leskard - 1:45 SUNDAY S4HOOL Orono - 10:00 ar. Kirby- 2:00 am. Leskard - 1:45 p.mi. A. Harris, Bow-%manville retuned Sster Muirray reading a poffl hone Monday after sev- Fîndi. ei-al weeks ir Flortda.1 The minutes of the last mneeting M~r. and Mrs. J. DePaepe and were read. and a financiT1 i~r adMr.Geo. De-Paepe aý iveni. Sister Irene Murr y shioxt tended thae funieral (:f Mrs. J. De- lus three quit patteras she b Paepe's father in Chathami recen+. d('one and it was dec7ded te do 'Uhe [y. 1Da 'sy pattern. The girls then gý-ý ________________________busy placing daisy petals and scOw*- THE PAST GRANDS CLUB 62 jing them in place. Each P-aj On Tuesday evening the Past Grand to do two.squares. The méeît- Grands met at the home of Sister jig then adjournecl with Sister M111son. The meeting opened with iMillson serving a delicious lunch, ORONO Sc to $ TR THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS & FEATURES PRE-EASTER SPRING SALE Mardi l2th to March 2lst See the Large 4-page Sale Bis in the Mail Today! New Ladies Dresses, latest pattern and Colour, Dan River Wash and Wear. Ail sizes inluding 1/2 sizes Each ........... ..... $6.98 Don't Miss This Cotton Thread, 200 ydý. spools, 6 cord, white only, size 36 and 40. Special Price-2 spools for................ 25e Men's Ties reg $1.00 Special 77e 2 for $1.50 Men's Fedora Hats, stitched brim, water repellant, assorted shades. Sizes 6 2 to 7 2 Price iEach....................... $1.98 Special Bag of Fruit, most natural plastic ,Fruits. Bag ...... .................. 59e w LADIES NEW SPRING RATS ~ (4Our uew Spring bats have ar- rived. Choose f ro mfasio) n lfirst col- Sours -and shapes. White and nay hbue are high hatting their way to popu1arity this Spring but we also o have a good selection'of pastels and vibrant colours. There are rough and smooth straws as well as flower -<'~hats, Priced froim $4.95 to $12.95. LADIES' DRESSES The latest styles in Spring dresses including severaj jacket dresses. Sheaths an d fuit skirts Prints and plains. AIl the new shades.,Sizes 7 to 24/. Priced from $11.95 to $29.50 New Slinis by "atoniacluding stretchy Slims of Nylon and Viscose in b,, as weIl as pastel shade for sp ring. Sizes1 20. IPriced from.......$4.95 to$ RANDBAGS A new stock of Randbags of Leather Rao wl n aî-,,---.-dPate eral new attractive, styles is black, -brow, platinum and tau. Pilice ...... $5.0- $ BLOUSES A new stock of ladies' blous- es in cotton and terylene. Several styles with short or three-guarter steeves. Prints as well as the ever- popular white. Sizes 10 to 20. Priced $3,25 to $5.95 111k - _________________________________________________________________ AR MSTRrý.PN Çý.,xS,

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