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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Mar 1964, p. 7

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OBONO WEEKLY TIES, THUERSDAY, MARCH 19, 1964 IL-=IlI -- DR.l R. J. TAGGART YETERINARY SURGEON F".01ne 10616 Cerono, Out. 011.KIAY LYCETI, B.A. < ýBrrlster - Solicito.r S i the Offices Of R. R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST.,.ORON() Telephome J38 Orono MIERRILL D. BRUWN PROFESSIONAL EGNE Ontario Land Surveyêr j12i Queen St Box tub5 j BowmauVillIe, Ontario Telephofle 2S-7251 LJ.SKAJFE Chartered Accountani By Appointuient OnIy Mlaîn St., Orono . Ieephone 138 P.O. Box 2ô8 WRITBY Phone M81W7 Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. CLIARTERED ACCOUNTANTS' lm5 Simce St. ïNorth. Oshwa Telephon e: 728-7527 018-4111 Ajax1 94«40S General IN SURAN-CE SEEÉ FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO JACK REID Orono's Licensed A uctioneer and Valuatot Sp-cialize in Farm and Furniture'Sales Consuit me, for ternis and dates hne5 r 18 Oront Auctioneer and V aluatot Onoducets Auction Sales of ail sizeg ,aud ati reasonable rates (Jommunieate wth hlm at Port Perry,(Ontario PUMIPINO OUT SEPTIC TAPNKS WHITE WASHING STABLIS Bert Toinpldns Mmoo e tmvle25 W. FRANK' REAL ESTATE g LIMITED j177 Church St. ÛBowmianvilie 628-3393 Orville Chatterton lElectrical Contracting O Electric Heating and Service PHONE 245 Orono, Ontario Orono, Fiectric JPRONE,129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOlJSE, WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira to ail klnds of ElecrÎeal Eýquipment sand Appliances Sncb at Metors Water Heaters T.V.- Radios Stoves - Irons Ilamiltons ~ nsurance Service Ô' .ýInsurance lu ai its Braacheg LuoPackage and Composito oDPoliciffl, Pire, Farni, Lite*U ÔBurglary, lability, Marineo, Accident and Sickness, Wînd. Bolier, dlîyBond, Ec uu 13 Phone Orono 1Rl6 g ý FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Box 133 M.8-w52 Staffiord Brothiers Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby, Ont. Manufacturers cf Cemetery Memorials Deniers lu Domcstic & Foreign Granites and Marbles - inscriptions Cul 1a c.aetoey 8.pmAr W.* ,Monuments ani Family Memoriats' Our quaity and service leaves nothlIng te be desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neighbour, friend or relative The RI'T ý GRANI-TF' COMP AýNT 7e Ontario Stree-4 POlTïwHOPE "I.irgest Dspilay lu Su#bern GÉUtari*" 1 DIED ,,EASTER TEA LYMNat her residence, 70 Dî- We'driesd'ay, April lst at 5 p.mi. 0 vision St, Bowmianville on Satur a' St. Saviour's Parish Hall th,, day, Mardi . 1 4th, 1964, 1 Alberta1W. A'. Ladiesý will be seyving their SLoýise Hancock, aged 91 years. annui Easter Tea of coid meats, [ wife of the late Herbert Layman saiadý, j1ellies, pics'etc, Admission gand dear sister of Mary (Mrs: W. $. chlldren 40c. '- oA. Gerry) Orono, and W. J. FLan- fcock, Peterborough. Service was NOTICE o ýheld in the Morris Funeral Chapel. W9ili care for ciudren in my own 1Bowmanville, on, Tuesclay, March home. 1at 2:30 p.m. IntermetBwan- Sville Cemetery. a-p NURSING HOME Lyntonhurst Manor Nursing Home bas iicensed accommnoda- tion for bed or up-paients. Regis- tered nurse in attendance at al timies. Reason'ab1e rates. Phone orono 1308. 12ýp g>C=C=OD Orono Public Sýchool REGISTIIATION Friday March 20fOt 196 Registration for beginners wf ýbe ieid at tic Orono Puiblic cio on Friday, Mýarch 2tb, 1964, fromýI 10:3,0 to 12 nioon. In r-egiýsteriing the chid for Grade 1 as. of Sep.- tember 1964, it will be necessàry to produce a birti certificate -Vo I rs. Douglas Simpson, Phone prove that the child wili attafli 208. c-c,,the age of.six years by Decenibe-r __________________________31s1 Of 1964. ANNUAL, MEETING Parents shouid bring the cld The run Fiure katng lubat this time, as Miss E. Raikes, Te ono Figre ating Cimbetingte Public Health Nurse, ,vill be ar e odng theiMrchannuain eetngon hand . Corne with pertinent On Wdnecla, Mrci25t inthequestions regmrcung flic requirn- Orono Municipal Building com- ments for your school beginner. inencin:g at 8:30 p.mi. Plan now to You may send to the addressbe attend a -C low to obtain a birti centifiate for your child: TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE Departmenit of Registrar Genier- Tenders for Equlpment Rentai jai, Province of Ontario, 60 Lo- Sealed tenders, clearly rked bard St., Toronto, Ont. b-c as Vo, contents will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'ciockj NOTICE onMarci 31, 1964. I-Iendelrson'o 1tchery, Lidsay, T'INS~HOPToupyona basis Dozers approx. 180 ! rmctor drawn or iuibber She-t Meal Wrk scrapers, 12-18 cu yd. Eavetroghin 13Lowest or 'any tender nol gPhone 194MI essariîy accepted. Orono, Ontario M. L. Ross, g Ô ITownship of C n Road Superintend ~ ~z1>oà>t Box37- Orono, RADIO - T.V. REPAIES î FOR SALE Wi11 d o rart time Radio aad T.V. I age chromne table and repair-s. Al work guaranteed. chairs, like new. HARRYvnWERSMAý, Phone 28J, Orono. J. De P, Phone Orono 1649. FOR SALE Boy's 2-plece suit, size 10. condition. Buidig aflus? - Phone Orono 2442, after6p or remodeiling your preseût, one, then Contact Floyd Niclolson. PHONE 2191 ORONO So Phone Oroio )208 1 PAINTING - INtERIOR & f 0i EXTERIOR Ô PAPER HANGIN [ 0 BUILDING CUPBOARDS &f REMODELLJNG FURNITTRE PREPAIU&f gFINISH 0 13 AND AIL ODD JOBS g Barnes andlByar g PLUMBING and ATN g Sales sud ServIce 1 U24 HOUE BTJBNER SERVlCEý 0 g B-A FINANCINO G 0 Low Interest Rates 0 gPhoneS. 1 0 g Hampto O. g CO.63 17OR SALE Girl's Sidewalk Bicycle, goll itires. In excellentecondition. Mvr. J. Walker-, Orono:ý Phone 1411. - AUCTION SALE Hereford and Durham cattle, I tWO tractors, combine, baler, Jmodern farm Inachinery, furniture, ihay, grain etc., the property c -Mi'. Nick Bun'k, Lot 22, Concession 1, Darlinigton Township, two milesi souti and a half mile wesl 'of Mapl Groe, sIing withaut re- sere1c SatuirdaY, March 28,cm mencing at 1 p.m. Terms cash,. Jack Reid Auction eer. EASTER TOUR Enaster Tour chartered Bus' to New York, Mardl i>2 to 29 inclus- ive.. Price $&5.00 includes bus, Hotels and bagggage. For reserva,- tieons phone 885-2527, Port Hope. -ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY rental j offer you several breeds of cicks, H.P Soie hi-gh production strains. tired Phone of write for price lists. We guarantee gatisfaction. tf tec Local Horses Race cntrk, The trotters and pacers are at. Ont. It again at Greenwood and noV only compettag agiainst themhselves but àlso with tihelements. Never-the- Ies the hiardy followers of this d six sport are making, a point to be present a nd some new attendancte Paepe. and wagering records are' belng -a-p registered at this eariy sprlng mneet.11 Orono horsemen are not far off Godthe :pace and have already had CoUentries at the post. QUiers are p. quaiifying their hqrseà who ray a- o doubt appear on lâter cards. apLast Tuesday amid drizzle and snow a numiber, of local entrieçi were before the spectators. Futur- ity Chief owned. by Lawrence Hooey showed the way ini lhe 7th race and picked Up first place in a time of 1.58. Fiom thc stable of Jack Reid, Flash Riddell pl'aced sixth and Hollywood Richard seventh in respective races. respective races. Fleming's Si8 placed sixti. in the first race. CAMPBELLCROFT Boy WINS SPEAKING CUF Jim1 Waiker, 12, of Campbelli croft, a grade 8 student at North [Hope Centrai school, won the hon- ours over eleven chier students f rom the eastcentral section of OntaÉio at thc zone finals public speaking contest heid at Brighton. High School Saturday. Jim chose. .as his subject,. "Why I Likýe t0e Rend." Jim Walker also took first. lat the County Contest held in Oi- eno. Jim will represent this zone au the provincial finals aL Toronto on 'March 30. The prov½nce-wide contests are FAMhouse with or without barn, Isponsorerd by the Ontario Sehool Bowmanville - Orono - Hampton - ITrustees anld Ratepayers' Associ a- Newcastle area, must be availabieltion inl coGijunctor with Ontario May 1 or earlier. Write Advertise,' Hydro and the Ontario Municipaï ,300 Orono Weekly Times. b-c EIectricai sactn B owmanville 623-5589 Thurs - Fni - Sat - Mare-ch 19,50,2 Laurence o al ONCIE NIGHTLY AT 7:30,P-3M. Thurs., March 19 - Ail tickets $1.25 from (lanadian Club of West Durham or Box Office Friday, March 20 to Next Wçdnesday, March 25' Adults $1.00 Students 65e Children 35e Special Saturday Matinee Have Rocket, Will Travel Chiidlren 2M cents 4 REAL ESTATE A.'J. McGILL REAL ESTATE BROKER Phones: Orono 1407 Oshawa 728-4285 8-1 4 ..1 ,ý 1 1 -

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