OEONÔ WEeKIY TDIS THURSDAY, MABRU19, UrA____________ iCf~'e~fbe ~ lKendal News Mr. Jack Careadden bas pur- chased the farm Momerly ondby Mr. and Mrs. Perc Burley on the' seventh line just east oif Kendal. Ail Food Prices Effective Marcb 18, 19, 20 and 21 We Reseiýve the Right tn Li'nit Quantities White or Brown Sliced ý1x IGA BREAD 24 oz 22c Chioken Noodie, Gum-cbo, Rice 1 0 oz. Tins Cristies Premium -P lain or Salted Cmpbell Soup 3foar 49c ANCD A KR b 5 SPAGHETTI Romi A oSac MA RON Elow ID~C NDSpaghettiSac 2 for 55c Rtobin ooielbao Vrite oz 41c Bumns Lunceîion Ment 12 oz. Tins Sp r Sp am 2, fo 79C Vegeabls &Butter Sale CGie e n Eansýl % N B1 E7"ror6o3c llospitaJlty ew innamon Sugar - Save 4c AP PLE PIE ech45c Hot Cross Buns 6 for 39c DATîE LOAF, each 37c ýpce Fr D -»getiv;e, Home Asst., Asst. Creanis bCUT lb pkg 49,c LbyFanüy 28 oz. Tis Sauer-kraut 2 forM33 5 lb. Plkg. R'iobin Iood Oats < 59C )TA -enL U G,111- TAPES Vani-ia French'% Prepared AND MUSTARDý, 9V2z oz, Pkg. 35c 9oz. Jars 2for 31c FRESH PORKSALE!O ROAST15z.Tn ýFresh Lean PorkAnd of Course15o.Tn SIGA AU:PLE SAUCE 2 for 29c, g Fresh Lean 0PORK B7UTT ROAST lb 39c 0 OFresh, Tasty andi Weil Trimm j] PORK BUJTT CHOPS lb 49c g Lemn MeatyO gPORK SIDE RIBS lb'49c jTablerite Dempsters Pkg. of S j 0WEINERS, lb 45c and BUNS 29e Sunkîst Navel Size 188 O'RA NGESà N.dozen39 P...N.1 Grade POTATOES 10lb 39c' Onttarlo Finest CEE Grade SPY APPLES 5 lb 55c Crisp U.S. No. 1 Grade Good Size Ileads LETTUCEhead 19c Ontario -'4o. 1 Grade Cooking ONIONS 3]b bag 19c RLECEIV E AN EXTRA $10,00o.o TAÎ>E MaIxweil House INSTANT COFFEE 10-oz. jar RECEIVE AN EXTRA $2.00 TAPE Black Diamond CHEESE SPREAD 16-oz. Jar Grepp.Giant FROZE1"dBilqLITS 2-lb. bng Ont. No. 1 CELLO CARROTS :3-lb. Bag rablerite slied COOKED 31EATS 6-oz. Pkg. RECEIVE AN EXTRA $6.0O TAPE Miracele Instantized 5 OSES FLOTIR -b.Bag J. J BAY L OU, l EECEIVE AN EXTRA M1.60 TAPEI PEANUT BUTTER I 0 A 16 oz. Jar WHITE SWAN TSSUE Tin Rpack Mr. Fred Thompson has returu. ed ta his home in Vancouver where he is a radio technician wdth the Canadian Pacifie Airways. The Clarke teachers met i Ken- dal School on Tuesday evening ta look over the Jack Hood Sehoot Supplies and li'brary- books, A number from Kendal'attencled the Co-op banquet in Orono on St Patrick's Day. A fine turkey 'din. ner xvas served by the Kirby ladies follo'wed by a most interest- ing programme. A letter has been received froiM Mr. Frank Stoker of UIttle Bor ough, Lancashire, England 1,n. which be says that he is keeping very well himself and that he keeps in touch with his five brot:~ ers and three sister who lfve in that area. Mr. Stoker màde his hlome in Kendal for forty-foiir yearq but returned last summer to Emg' land. He says the winter has been mIld, with no snow. Next Suaday is Pa.lm Sunday, let us niake a' speuîal effort ta attend church. Celebrate, 4Oth Ar rnversary Mr. and-Mrs. Roy Cochra.ne col. lebrated their 40Lh wedding. anmi- versary on Saturday, February :*, 19i4 a, their'home. Mr. Cochrane and thé former Ethel Empringhain were married ait Unionville on'Feb- ruary 27, 1924 by Rev. John R. Wilkinson. They have resided at R.R. ,2, Orono since their naarriage. Theur family CI three sons and thre naughters Were present wLtbl their families for the nappa oçca si on. They are Miidred (Mrs. ly Browa) Donald, Audrey (Mrs. Ml ton Martin), Allan, Velma auciJ Jim. TÊhere are 14 grandcblidren. The youngest grandchild CarQLyn Cochranie presented t.-,e hon4ied couplé with corsages. Four aider granddaughters, Ai ne Brown, Kathy Martin, Donna Cochrane and Dorgthy Oochrane serveci lunch. Jean McRobe)(rLs a. grand- niece of the couple also served. Tea was poured by Mrs. Bill Miller and Mrs. A. Emprmighani, sister-ia-law (if Mrs. Cochrane, The family presented their par- ents with a cuckoo dlock and a paintin'g of "MeC -ea's Church" byr Neta Ransberry to commemorate the occasion. Guests were present from Tor- onto, Oshawa, Bowmanville,' Or- ono, Pontypool, Bethany, Mii- brook, Kirby, Tyrone, Kendai, Starkville, Markham ar,,d sur- rounding district and included Mrs. Rose. Whate of Bowmanville, a neighbour for niany years and I Mrs. Tom McRobeYts, only stjster 1of Mir. Cochrane, f Golti Seal Sockeyef SALMON 1tin 54c r~HOME HATI jt j IU 77