Orno VOLUME 26, NUMBER 9 ooekly TI os oa WEIFflY MIME's, THURwsD-AY, MAEOirI 26eh, 1964- Police - Trustees'Consider Sites F-or Post Office In Orono Village *JLhe Uronc . l'on, e'Si.uDUCt 4L on Monday evening when they, a logwith reprtmsentatives of the O.'ono Cliamber off Commerce. h a q. A rmsrng and W. H. Car- man, settled on what they thoughl ççouxld be three possible sites for a proposed new Post Office for Or 'ereference in their choice was the Waddell property on the east sidé of Church Street Following Vins property, which the group f lt could be developed to advant,- agè to the community, they chose the Partner property ani the site .if the Orono Garage. These sitel are to be submitted to the proper a,,uthorities in the hope that some action will be taken in securlng tU new- office for Orono. O-ther locations in the Village were discused but the general feeling was that these were too far from the business section. There was some objection to tha Partner, and Orono Garage loca tion as a move bo place -a Post Office on these sites woid onl1 be eLiîinating services now i.a operation in the Village. The Trtustees and Chamiberl memn- bers also discussed parkinig on tLhe Main Stree-t. R. Forresi*eri stated that the Trusýtees were con- tempiating, parraLel prkngoni 'lhe-west side andi diagoniai parking, on the east side. New unes are to be painteci on the stre-et for park img early in the year. The Chamber representative fav oured a ban on over-night parking which'would alleviate some of the problem. Forrester andl Simpsor proposed also a linait to parking of possibly tiwo hours on the Mrain ztreet. This is te 'be looked int further ,in oneto Wt n'oc ing such'L ylw Reýsolution was passed by Mer- cer and Simpson appointing E. A Leamien dogcatcher and. also care- baker of the Orono MunicipalBik ing. A resolution was also passed authorizing the purchase of three- sets 0f coats, boots and helmets for the Orono andl Olarke Fixe Deý partment. Mr. D. Simpýson also informed the meeting that the chinney at bhe fire hiall on Which the new fur ,nace was connected would have to be raiseud. In connection with new street lights for the business section Al was learneci that part of the work bas been completed in preparatIon for the installation. The Orono Hy- dro is awaiting arrivai of the new mercury-vapoui' conversion units whioh have been on order, for a nionth. Undergrounid Hydro 'Athletî*c Coesiderng $1 7,000-Cost AtfcaIce In cL orresýpondence of tihe Or ono Hdro aletter was rcle' h rnAaerAhei s f-oiteengineering rnhp80ito ae invesigatIng the~ LI.-Ontario Hydre outlýining costsPûssýbiiitY and feasibil;ty off in- ofunderground wiring in the bu s istalling artiial ice in the Orono mness section oftlie Village. rn nTiisday night a group fo teAssociation visited the T;he èost of such a project WaS 1Bowmanville Cutrling rink to en- estimated at $17,000 plus $2,000 for 1 deavn, our iiariveat some of bhe new street lighting that would aiso ansîwfers i operating such a unit have to bec crri'ed out. This price Anl arproach bas also been made comfpared with $4,000 for overh.ead Ito thie Duirham Cetral Agriculitur- wvirîng. ai Assciation b osece hether oc neît a per'manent- agreement couli Ontario Hydro recommendedi that be had on using the building as q. such or not be undertaken at rink. FuiL;ther investigations are-to thils timne due 10 t financnig such a1 be conducted lai bbc future. preject. No further action was taken bv the Commission in this confection. Tt was pinted out by the manag er that theli use-factor for bydroi during January had risen te over 70O perýent, an ali-time high in re- cent years for the local systemi This, he feit, was due to use ot1 hydre. as home heat. Recently the usefactor b as rested around 5à percent. A motion was passed to sel ýby tenders one of the Orono Hydro Trucks. Soie thought bas been giveri to the sme programi which has in] the past heen sponsored by the Athileic. At thie present time ho)pes are rather dim on bail for boays This program last year droppel considerably in the Village witi, only one team, being sponsored Obtaling coaches was a problem last year and no improvement irn ýthis is seen for this year. The program is, however, noz settled at this time. Further meet ings wîll be held in thîs respect Mîirs. RossGlbr The Directojrs of the Durhar.i undertaken. The Building Com- Central Agricultural Society met mit'tee is to consider the request on Moday even,,,g in, the Odd-jand bring in a report to the dir. fellow's Hall when th-ey presented ectors. Mrs. Ross Gilbart, with a watec I color paintig. The painting was Messrs. Francis Jose and Geo preCsented in recognition of her work Casnrpred on the fair con as secretary off the fair board foi vention held reriently in Toronto. the past number of years. Last year Mrs. Glbart resigned this Consideration is being given -for position which bas now been take. painting the building. As the fair bv er by Mrs. John Ricitard of sign has ýbeen ramoved from the Newcastle, 1 east side of the zornnds iti lo The presentation of the wWter colour ias nmade by Mr. Frances., Joe,, President, on bebaif of the 4-ssociation. Mrs. George Carson spoke of the work accomplished*by Mrs. Gilbart during her ycars as secrietary. Her efforts had added greatly te tic success ef the fair over the pasrt few years. Mrs. Gil bart in repiying stated tbat the many fricnids made in Ibis connec te he considered if the fair dates could be paînted on the side of the building ffacing bbc bighway. Prie es are to be obtained for suceh 'vork. Mrs. C. W. Billings was appoint. ed 10 sit with bhe men's committee in an effort te create a better liason bet\ven the ladies and rrens committce. One other lady Sk-ating Club Coin- pletes Suc.essful Year Mle Orono Figure Skating club held their ý%nnual meeting on Wed- needay evéning in the Municipalý Building- with about fifteen pýresent Mrs NeilSnel'ders, president, welcomred thos,-e present. Accordinig to ail reports the clubi enjoyed a mios* succesful' year bOth financially and ini enrolment, The annual eleotion 0fof fficers was held, clnducted by Mrs. H. H. Barlow with the following being elevted to 6ffice for the oming 1 year: Presideilt, Mrs. Npil Snelers.J îst vice, Mrs. Carol Boyd. 2nd vice, Mrs. Gladys Aslett. Secýertary, Mrs. Bey. West. Treasurer, Mrs. Adele McGili. Assis. Treas., Mrs. June Cra Bsowmaoville BOY Drowns lu Creek A bwio-year-old Bowîmanville boy drowned- Monday aftel-noon ýafter slipping o'ff a wiooden dock Anteo the Soper Creek near the entrance te, Lake Ontario. lDonîld Welbourne, snon f Unr and Mrs. Janes Wclbourne of the East Beach, was found in about four leet of water an hour affter he f el into the water. The boy siipped off the dock. while playing with twe other diik ren. Groeneveld. insurance on the Puba.ic AddreS sYstem was renewed. The treasurer's report showed à. balance 0f $13o9.ao, DietrDorothy Tennant, Mar-' The meeting decicled that the ion Wes,,t, Norma Mo,ýffatt, Jeanne Orono Figure Skating Club woUld Staples, Georgina Harness, Nancy jln the Canadian Figure Skating West, Laura Hazekle11 ani Simoun Association. On ly One Case 0f Rabies Reported In United Counties Communlicable Disease ist will be appointed by the Ontario There w?ýere 26G cases reported: Department otf l-ealth. le7 of these were red measles, 38 Speech Clinie German ýmeasiles, 31 mumps ami 31 A elinie was held in the Central chickenpox. office of the Heali Unit on Febru- One rabid animal, a canine in ary 4tb at wbich 18 childrlen with Murray Township, was reported. speech disability werc examlined One person was given anti-rahbies by Dr. C. M. Godfrey, speech' serum. pathologist, University of Toronto, xmmunization and Miss Jean Ward, speech ther- -Thirty-four chtldren complete l apist. Nine of these children hart their initial series of Quad vaccine been seen at the diagnostic speech ý,nd 51 received a reinforcing dose. clrnie beld in February 1963, and Sreinforcing dose of Trad (dîps, rnineý were new cases. theria, tetanus and polio) was giv- Public, Health lNursing -in to 1989 eilîdren. Thirty âmali pblichat ussmd and 34 e-accn--Vàï,to homes in Febraury of atonvere given. which 101 were to give nursin'Z Thbeculsiscare, and -the remainder for pre-. Montly lines ereheli a usventive work and follow up of dis uial, at the Bo)wmanviýlle and Camp- abilities. Nurses had 51 interviews beliford Health Unit offices, the with teachers concerning the port Hope hospital and the -Co- healtb of ail chili.dren in the class- bou'rg hospital. For these climecsrom sa 7ebdenfrci appointn.ts 1 are arranged by plete hcalth inspecti 1on and gave Health Unit sta1,ff, for persons 1 2 vision tests. whose former chest x-ray showedé need for comiparison films, per- Adoez sons who are knowin te have baiÎ Audiometer testing was donc contact witb bUberculosis and per-. througbout both Northumbeiland sonsý referred by their physicians and Durham during FebruarY. bcause of symiptoms. At the clin- Most of the 943 tests were donc in ics, Hecalt'h U nit nu-rsels takehistor. the larger to'wn sebools. les wbich are sent -with thc film,3 There were 38 referralS Ibis te the Belleville Chesb Clinie of nmonth, some 0f which attended the the Ontario Department of Hcalth ;Pcech clinie heid in the 4th of A clinician reads the films there February. ýNone of the chikiren and sends a report bo each pat. tested prior to being seen at-the ient's physician., speech clinie jndicated a hearing Dr. G. G. .Brcarley, who bas at l055s.. tended the Cübourg Cbest Clinic Sanitation ývery montb to examine patients Eigbty-fivc grocery stores were 'A lett'er was received f rom the lion klad ccrtainly compensabed for executive is te be dclegated along receiving drug treatment retire ted during the rnontb in rdla- Underwriters Association stating the work that had been done. with Mrs. Billings. iiuring February. Another special (Coninued page 8) that consideration is bping givenl About forty directors were pres. Village in that a new fire pumiper -eports andi made plans for thet bas been purchaseci. future, E v u I ' Ad te frrespindtecTfown hadetfrtemeiworiecioliiio- A i. ,. C 'h ï istian ity In corsodne fo h Mr, Paxton, principal o! the Or- Township it was learned that the ono Public Sehool, speke on tbc Township Council has waivel af Y Tunier Exhirbits at the f air and right, to bbc Municipal Loan Fund asked if il was net poýssible te h m t O r n i C and that if the Water projeet in prvdAoertmfrIi x Orono is acccpted under bhe pro- j nbit andi aise to provide more div gram that ib be se applied. Iso in the classes. He aise aske-d "Parents Night" held by thc Or PeopleIt, It is ýhoed that the mcým cvening Mr. Bill Bunting. "Evolu. Remuneration for Trustees was for consideratien o-f eliminating the -0on Hi-C Group on Sunolay evening bers wîJ keep 4,bese conferences tien and' Cbristianity"' was the incrcased frem $50.00 te $75.00 a herses frem the schotil parade and M~arch 22 was a tremendous su5c pin md ad anyone wishing fur- !theme o! Mr'. Bunýting-'s talk. in. year. that >btc band 'ne brought dloser cess. Sixty members and parents1thierifrato s ,asked te con- terest bas beenà aroused on 1h16-, The Trustees are te make a eur. te the parading chilciren during bbc, met in the Stinday Scbool Auditoi- tact 1be1Cousos topic in bbe c]iehoo and lengthy dis- vey of the Village wîth the vicw of parade. These recômiaendations um plus many others of theOrono Te&ctcalwsldb ao cussion inevitabiy followed Mr. addtng more trees bo replace thos are te be discussed with tbe Junior Kii'by and, Leskard corgregations, Tedvtcnlwsldb ao Bunting's visits te thc biology cliass that are being taken eut. Comrnittee. The membrs opcn the mc lak Fiongbcsiniging of ferGrd-1.Th ou togt Leitrs wre athorzed e baThe ernbrs oenedthe eet"T1herois a Green Hill Far Away," that pGrde 13.Therouýý7eepartsog LetMrers werc authorizede o thto b wth a ig Song. The sce Sînter read tbbce r.nster prhpster wr pret sentoMýshal, aclinan metngaknstorteyu-or ay' n and fricnds coniFused by bbc ap- meetng skig tat bc unir Itar's nd reasurer s rpofs r i bbcNew ýTestamient. Caro' arn Monoghanj, and bbc Watcr Resoure- s(týý 1,ýp ewe cec FarersJudin Cepettio lwerc read and approveci and nread a sery thJ. Pbiries conflicqtbewn cne es askting thleir attendance at bbcebrid d h - i e! Ester and bb sacri- an religion. as set down ia Gen- MýiicjilBoard hearjng te be beld in conjunoction with thc fair business discusse. Te music com-() meanngn tqesari esîs and that, doubt couid only be M~wlictal and'ne heci on he f ist daye! bbcmittee wcre askcd te submit thieir fýv ice ade by Jesus bivnt ail migh ipeld b sud knweg hekf onWansairp.lSa 1.' suggestions for music for our H.-c 1be forgiven tersins and ba£ve from both sies. A long witai Rev. arn. Frrestr alsostate air.Service on April 12 as 50f s trnl l-d Lyndïa Pears read a Long, Mr. Bunting set maniy Minds R..Forestr lsostaedthat fur- Mr. John Moffat, a directer, et possible. A comitte was ap- lovelùy Eastei pocmn and then led hnigad esry te i- ther work is centempiateci by th,, the Oreno Atbletic Association, Ipointel for tbe nexÉ program and in bb Lord'srayer The whio,l conceived idea that scientists must Counties road departmcent in bbc ascd the meeting if tbc Associa-Cao ibn outeet nthsn1-gf tbe"..Mnyurlrurn- hotiore at the souLftheo! bc Vllage tenwould consider a permanent atrIGiav nusr teerd e 00fothring oîneifhe ingig j(- r aete t e myueingretura- Furtber infor-mation is expccted, 'n ag,,reement with bbe Athietie As- months. Several bulletinishv<Sealoycllcdte offering cd-1te find out more about Ibis con the future on bbc nature off bJi sociatien for tbe fair building te, been rcceived cobccrningYut dS'a Tmln,'arLnervrsa suojeet. woýýrk. He alse stated that), conitac be used as a rink. The Athîctie, Conferences - the annual Cl-ii-B ieyandDiane GîaIsn abouid again be made wibh btie De- ble saiid, are censidering artificial ian Vocation Conference at Queen's "Thîe Lod MySeped' Wayne MNiller very appropria!ely partmcnt o! Highways re the cn- icc andi would like a permanent Uîniversity, Kingston and a Bay o1 Thïepresidet, Granjt Yee, mIo hankoed Mr. Bunting and express- trances into bhe Village. jagreemnent if such a projerct wa Quinte Conference for Hi-C Young1d ccd(», our guest speaker o! the (Oontinued on page 8) 0!! !$0 ipi olé mmm .qpmi offl mi.qýils .. > Pm i 'q t ha fIrtmn «Pnlii-.A niý-+ ý