ORONO WEEKLyTfLIES1, *UB8DAY, AIKRI$tli, 1864 O RONO WEEKL..Y TIMES Fscabhshed in 1938 by R~. A. Forrester. R'oy C. Fobrrester - Editor and Manager Stibseription payable in advance In Cnada$L50In U.S.A. $2.5û Centializing Public Schools Mýr. Alex Carrutbers M.P.P., in hisý weekly report this weeký points out that recent education legisiation whereby townships will be set-up as minimum areas for sohool pur- posesç, cails for chianges in administration only. His article can bie interpretedl to mean that the new legisiation does not mean the closng onf the small schoois and nmake provisioi, for large schools for township areas. it appears that the legislation gov'erning public sdhools ione where the goverfment is setting certain poLicies suc asiceing the size of areas and grotqplng dinstair Trhis policýy appears quite similar to thetrýIigh sehoul -areasý set-up. Thegovernmemt policy, as far as it goes, leaves ta the local boards the decision on whether or flot central sehoals are ta be established, where they are built and which are ta o lased, if any. The_ government has left, the tacky prdblemn to be .etled at the local level and although they may favour centra1ization of schools they are flot to force this f eature upon the areas. This bas held true in Higb School Areas whiere the Department of Ediication, although f avouring larger schools have not interferred even though they may have wished somethil1g other thani what was beïng done. In the Durham Higli School Areaý the location and building of sdhools kindied many bitter debates and the Board came under inany pressures frSn~ local govern'-g bodi.e. This can aiso be true of, the Towship schoo.1 areas a~we have already heard of some concerni over the Possible elosing of some of the smaller schools. 1rhs, of course, will be a factor to ho governed by the flew area board but they ,may find opposition to -some of the changeî they favotirt Tt bas often ibeen f eit that the Departineait of Educa tion slhould niake its poltcy and desires much clearor to the publlc. We boleive they favour'central sehools, and want lo do away with the one-room sehool and no doubt, will, in the end accomplish this fact. In the meantime it appears that the Deparimonit wTl keep hands off and hope that the local * boards Wil settle thetacky prcqblemeataIhomne. It doos appear that if the iegislation passed at Queen'à Park is ta accomplish (as Mr. Carruthems states) "greater equaldty ini ducation, greater efficiency in oducation and a more çeuttble sblaring of educational ecosts" that it can only bo cone througih centrahization of schools.'For the same reasons tbe government has centralized the gaverning school bodies. The same musi then hold true at the education level with further oentralization. WHAT OTIIERS SAY Last week the Ganaraska Region Conservation Auth- arity struck its 11964 budget, and once more Port Hope, the o7n!y town wlithin the auhority, is paying less than ber fair .3hare,an is being subsidized by other municipalities, in- cludîxug thie township of Hope, whose assessment is $165 highier thian it should ibe, in order to pay Po..t Hope's share. Port Hope, paying $2800 itRsshare:should be >$3m00- lpayinig less in ternis 0f mniHs than thue town was paying when the authority was started. Port Hopes levy is costing thje ratejiayers less than the Hope lownshup levy is cost4ng Lithe twnsiip's ratepayers, and yet it la Port Hope wdùhichbas gainiec most by the existence of the autberity. The biggest àýn'gle 'ffcit atr!butable to the Ganaraska Authority's work is te rducin flood danger in Port Hope, One bad flood wnvuld destroy property werih more than al the money theý. 1iwn bs contributed to the authority since its icpina great dOeal more. Why shoutc3 Port Hope shtrk its rsosbt ýty to d'o ils share oif Ibis woik? The people of Port Hopie should be asnamed of the fact thaï ;hey havet o be subsdi1zed for a paltry $1000 by rural t(1 shP wh ch have con, derably less assessable property or wh1 h 1 raise taxes. P7 L Hope is the oWiy municipality in ,he 1a1ethoruity with any subsýtantial industrial property, and rct mst acc ept eharty froin the townships in order to meet tshare ef the budget. It I degrading to the hown of Port beseind a- blot on ilscorporate honour. .The town is bel -aving like a poor neighbour, a picy wih1ch (au .ave sonae moey for a year or twa, bu' v'mch is .bound to cest the towu a gýeai dealinl good wi!l j i be log run. -The Port Hope Guide OC <- Why Did 1000's Switch To ESSO HOME HEAT?, Question: Why did thousands of Caqnadian home owners suddenly sWitch ,0 Esso Home Heal Ser Answsvr: Complete, care-free home heat service. { Many residents 0f this area are now happily, saving money, time and trouble as fully-satisfied Esso Home HeaTct cUshomrers. ImeidOil bas made Esso Home H.eaLt Service the sures', jsafest hea-ting> plan in Canada. It's se much more economical that you, oweit 10 yourselfto investigate it, before you do aliything else about your heating needal. Briefly, you gel regular free burnfer and furnace conditiening, free day-er-night no-heat emer- genc sericeand 'weat'hier-con j trolled' fuel deliveries that main-ý tain a constant supply., Your oit is ali you pay for there ls 1no addirtional charge for anything but replacement parts AIl your heating needs are at- tended by Impertai O11 speciaLaf s -f rom fuel, delivc'ry -to- ontinuing services. ]t's a team effort by a-, Esso fuel oDU supplier, service deal- or and heating equipment dealer (should you need a hurner or funace). Don't watt to save! Caîl me at 1782 today or iomorrow. Il looli. forward te discuesing Esso Home, Heat Service and savinga at your convenience. Yours sin'cerely, Harvey Pczrtner HOME HEAT M b. SER VICE o g g n O O ROYAL THIJES.-FRI. '.SAT. - - MARCU 26- 27 - 28 13Frig!htenea Glirls COLOR MUURAY IIAMITON ALSO The 01<1 Dark-House SUN. - MON. TUES. - WED. - MARCH 29, 30, 31 - APREL FLIPPER COLOR CHUCK CONNORS LUKE HALPIN SUNDAY MID-NITE SHOW NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE for AlJprova1 of a By-law inaposing a Special RýLte, if rlequired, in the Police Village of Orono. TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council 0f The Cojrporaion of the Township 0f Clarke iritends ta apply, 10 The Ontarto Municipal Board. for approval 10 extend and improve the Electrical Distri- bedion Systeni in the Police Village of Orono,'as set 'out in uSehedule "A" hereto, at an estimated cost of $2Ô,200 of which $15000 is'10 be debentureýd, and tntends 10 charge a part, if required, of the cost of the work as a specil rate for a period of fifteen years upon ait the lauds in the Police Village of Orono in the Township 0f Clarke. 2. It is proposed to raise the whole 0f'alsm required annually duriug the cur- reney 0f the debentures out of the Orono Hydro Ele--cii Commission surplusý but, if re- quired the' remainiug portion shall be raisedi by a ýpeial rate fupon 'al raieablpe property lu the Police Village of Orono. The OronoiyroEeie Commission believe their an- riraiJ revenue froni the billing rate strýuctuire eruos icfte sale of power for Indusitry, ComecilResidential, Fiat Rate Wae)' q, u ial and Home Heating will be ade4u-iate te provîde a current sup sjs1 a ccrance wiîb The Power Commissioni Act, Sec. 6£) (9), R. S.O., 19,60, wbichi would res>,, i, herýe being no 'additional annual charge ou au average dwelliug prepierly. 3. Any ra'epayer, may, wÏthin iwenly-oîue days after the firsi publication ofthIis notice, senci by prepa'd posl te the clerk of lhe Towncbhip of Clarke, ai the address given below, a nolice lu writiug statiuig bis object'0te s, Le ch iaoo ý val or to the imposition of the specal rate, if auch rate is requtred. 111 4. The Ontario Municipal, Board ma'y arove the said speciat raie pursuant 10 the statute aud may approve of the said worki, b or, e uig se t may appoiut a lime and place for a publie heariug when auy objeetio« tonseux4red. Manageî, tpr Re - propesed extenaloiis and impoemcnts l the elecirical distribution systeni lu the Police Vj.l1age of Oreno fer whicbhule deben-, acre la1, elially requtred. 1. Extension of 3 phase Prima y Lines 300) e L sl tx: iplauned Water Works Systerfi$,000 2. Lreream:n'g transformîer and 5;exy ce cpr yt6 îudustry (Curvpiy Wood Products) from tlree 371/2Kilowatt transý, 'ar.. te ilrea 75 Kilowatt hi-ans- 3, Suppiying special metering-. facilities for inceasexi demaud at Curvply Wood i9reducts. e $ 400.00 4 ucehase of Transformera ta jsupply licreased demaud resulting rmelc ri home heat installations. $1,500.00 P, c-s f meters of larger capacity for me-i aîiuriug home heatirug loada: $ 800. 00 6. ~~ ise ta suppîy 40 Kilowat for 4 Heating Load (United Churcb)$ 700.00 7, Purcha-1ise andListaýllation eOft Rentai Waleýr Heaters $2,8W.00 E~Unde3rground Isaltosfor -eîcîrc hm es.'700 9ý. Extenisions cf Primry Lînes ta en ,,end stem'icapacity (4 locations) $1,700.00 10. ysiem Improvemaî -Sauth End nf MinStreoet. 3400 Il. Pi ofs e Eqtpmnent $2,000.00 Total$20,200.00 Il1îJll be noied, that these are spectal isallatins and normal surpluses wili malte u; h dfî nebetvween tatwhich t ee.ue m blneetcas (Fgnd,) Ernest Dent, Mgr. Dat ed at the Villa-e c4 Orono this 9h a fMrh 24 Cier, TonahofetClarke, Bo.x37OonOtro YOurf hoe Ovýer 100 Monuments On Dîsplay g IersnalService Tel,,uphone 885-5216(; LiiL.tcd r, 73 ntrj St. Port Hope SAVE ON YOUR FUEL BILL NEW DUOmREET, COMBINATION FURNACE I ~ »'~and COAL Automatically from Burner CARMAN,. PLUMBING &HEATINC Orono, Ontario Telephone 143 Bowmanville JOYCE IAYLOR