OONO WÈEEKLV TI3ES, THIj-SAY, MARCR 11,19 aevei i Te ~I~ W6a-9renee Hooey recently pýac-d ix1h esti nted rainly tie lff"t of ikÀ out in front at thethrce.quarler Y ole blit vailn to <f ýQaa n the j H- ,)Uyýood Richard, çqwed and Çç)nties' budget, çouci lias~ A irig. Wednesday -nigit in its re. 9262 coPixmnrcti Mi.ad 9&7,39 Raciýnpat the Greeniwood in Tor Silk Eýoy W. ____________ dential. Ti shoWsýý a rediietion cf ont, çpine~to draw a numiler Tommi -y Direct, o-wned by Rnt aric oyshre ate OTHP MILL RATE .2,9 0 f a miii for coinie-cial av.à of joca,11y 4 owned horses wvith sm West anid drivenl by A. MalRae- Land was in the saine race as a 10 f imiii for resident¶al. fnf leir way te the monied pILtaced fourth in its race on Mon- Canal View Song and was the win I TO BE RZEDU-CED SLIGHITLY greup over the past weeh. daynglt This :iorse enjoyed 'lots lner. Father Liand, was driven byl Featuired in thec new budget i of success ]as- fail in Montreal. MaiGodn.Te rmii rate for the Town ofte' m0 1,OOt estaif JakRid pested a thîrd place ICnlVe Port Hcpe witl be r-educed for the fo a new f ire hall, which ce>unoi last IJonday wvith- Meadowview Canal View Song which is being On Wednesday night saalV econdcnsecultive year, but the(eeheeulofbilogli' ~ and on thei saine nigiit a fourth traied locally by Keith aid Junl- Song was again 'ý,ntered at th- reduction will be very sraat, a,'i sitanice through the Centenniý. place with Flash Ri-ddell. On Tues- ior West f;ided in its race on1 I>- Greenwood Trots anci placeci sixth tentative budget figures shgano pogam day ight Jack dreve to third with day iast and crossed die wire in Futurity Chief, owned by Law- While som-e items could only be Chevro let '64 Jet-sinooth Cheivrolet Impala Sport Coupe (119-jaec wheelbase) wifl go to New Chevelle Malibu Sport Coupe (115-inch wheelbase) to make you happy '64 Corvette Sting PuIY SPort Coupe (98-inch wheelbase) A General Motors Value Luxuy crsthrft rs sprt ars, porty cars, big cars, s~~~~~~~~e I sL n eassot as amlZar, ronIcr W yonest atyumr Ceroe aler's«islehaigyuowpiaeatosw And if we had room here we couid go on and on and list ail the engines Chevrolet offers, starting at the Chevy II's 9(-horsepower 153 4-cylinder (it's the thriftiest 1) and ranging ail the way up to the big Chevrolet's extra-cost 425-horsepower 409 V8 (it's the greatest 1). We could wax eloquent about the choice of trans- mjissions, and how they team Up with those Chevy power plants to produce some of the going-est cars ever. Or the fact that you can have un-pteen diff erent exterior and interior color choices - f1M .nough, in fact, to allow sonie of our lady eus- %,,,,>ers to have the sort of fun in buying and à choosing that they generaliy reserve for shoe stores. And ail the models with bucket seats and al] the models withouk,- ýal of them comfortable as ail get-out. And the* hundreds - yes hundreds - of 'different extra-cost options . . . serious ones like IPositrac- tion and gay ones like the new AM-FM radio. But ail that's best left to your Chevrolet dealer. The long and ~~ short of it is, he>Il go to any length to show you exactiy the kind and size and price of car you want -and exactiy how reasonable that price .can be for you to be able to enj oy so much more car. THE GREAT HIGI'WAY PERFORMERS Chevrolet- Chevelle Chevyfl Corvair* Corvette, Be ureto eeBonnzaon he See your loal Chevrolet dealer Be ure-toseeBonnzaon heCBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time. BOWMANVILLE ROY W. NI CtO LS-Phone 728-6206 ~1 - < ý-7- ýlýl"le""--,7 --- -,. , ' 1 -