__________________ ORONO WEEIKLY TIMýES, THURýSDAV, MýARC1I 26th, 1l41 ____________________ L Triple Trio claqs and were re. hiome from. the Memoiria] l ptl R ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U>~U e po tF o u e' s P r " L N W called to performr at the Final con- Bo>wmnLviýle aîfter an appelidec, 1~~epoztr 'rerome '.iueen theK J. M. Gay4g~ It began on Tuesday, St. Pat- aible. Mr. and Mrs. Leu Van Dîý rîck's Day. J There are two sides to every Leslie and ScoLt vls-ited Mr an Mmoda Trophy as~ the beSt rural' Deputy-reeve John Stone of thu Vhe p lso Roberts, dresse!d question, hmwever. The wurk of Mrs. Oscar Luxton anci Rubert or <schoool in the Festival. Cl'arke Townshp Council1 attendel 3flk hat, and armed with a s.hil.le- doubt thie area lnos va(ry uniiattr MsaAdec-clyhsr th etmn îne'oorm i.n abrig<t gren cat, laU reen[widn4n~ s ~t41 inprocss ad no Uiid~y. rs. AdrDougclas ha re-the Tstimniald4nne ofnuthe 1a, 4eolýared, athmebro'iaatpresent, but as we have si e, iTppy Birthday to Mrs. Aima -urfled uefo the Bowmian DulsMMstr ad~o h St. Patrick's Riding, that he waq oftan seen in our owni countv ]3owen who is celebrating he,, V-l Hospilal after an appendec- United Counties. The dinner was the only rtepraentativa of St. Pa'- whcn' the wotlk îs com-plet. ý bî,iihday this week. ýomy. halýd in the Batawa Comn'unity -rick laIýt ii,. .LUe world. sItuation is rýadiceally changed. iMr. and Mrs. Orville Ohattertoni Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stone proposed the, toast fromn the Anylibei"al miember The paradoxical sida of the is Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Allun visite1a rrnWtPtroogo h United Counties of Northuniber- fec !Dovacoçurt, in true Irishi sue is that while the Gov,,rnhnent at Sa.iit Ste Marie over the wa k ]rhfaso.I land and Durhami. brogua, tQok exception to the was, baing crt-iied for depret .- . DvdF"etr a eira statement çlI Tho&. Jefferson, who ating the value of thesa properties, Mrs. Gao. Webster and M4isi,________________________________ 15 racorded as, sayinig. 'We hold lit was alsobeing criticized fo- Mary Jeweli, Bowmanvilia visited UM the tcuth to he self evident that spendinýg tiousands of dollars in on Sumday with Mrs. H Souich. ail men are created equal." pianting weli ýdevelopei treas on . "I would say" declared Mr. the riglat 0f way for .beautification, At ',le United, Ohurci' service.ou I W I n t1 Thampson "that today there is adtacas a sound hacrier to Sundzay last îa f5oin pept 1au~ us., iu lot: a nian* or wom ran who does no traffie. were wal'11ooned into the Member-U V I yearn to have bec born in Irn- .Samrpsoc got into tr, ubie 11 .p0fteCuc:M.aiMslEaster Gifts for, the WThole land.' ~~~~~geîting his hair e'ut and Aibsalon r anWteytrsf. Mr. John 'Root, Consarvativeý,, I, gi ito trouble for allowýing bis By-Profession of Faith: Mr. acd Family Wellingt(inDufferiii, stated, that as îo grow2' -Mis. Romke Taismna; Mr. asid a reslident of Erin Township hzo Th ee ndc t ors n rs. Donald May; Mrs, RonnieFo th Chdrn Cocat coulcitm tesify tha noea oneýc has evrWest; Mr. andi Mrs. Aubrýey Tyson; Bunnies, Rabbitýs, aeu raaliy lived until hae has vistdamseeofrateOnad Mr, George Pollard; Mýiss Sharon the rolling his of Erin At tha an- has od autnErctai ln isLnaTral r aster Bakets with toys etc "Wheca Icis Eyes Ara Siiing" Secton No l4., M ss rce a Har y rl Mek rwsLg.ae trarica to Erin Village 'stands 9 troduction of Bill 99, 'An Aot to Robect tiuxhon. large shanacock sign which reads, Amanci the Police Act" and its Cbn Cooae Lontatiou -ely ah na ns Leos d eily lthinanfrso The section was recommandai aiso made a cacher f that hard a nd soft creamy ce n - oail f 16, demnonstrataci to thý ytaOtroPoieCmiso hucb rnfr tres. Special Easter- Prices Logislatura the piroper mannar to as a result of the invastigatie nTusdyatmon ite il. o sotd. . . .3 use a shiiielagh made into the criminalalamant o' i O hrdyatrona h b o sotd.... 3 The atmosphar~, on t1îat Marcl.' oui sociaty. It was drifec by 1 'troog buîa etvl laiw officars of the Legislature af th i kr colpae isti morning was ona of Irish blarnayIh ekdScolpadfitii 2 lb. box ............. $1.79 and then: 'The Boomn was lowared ta aeu td tt mplica- the S.S.A. chorus, thus winning th' At lia firei session of the Edu- tLions. The Prime Minis<ar quaran- Sot Kiwanis Club Trophy for the 5 lb. box............. $4.19 ~ ato ConmIttee on Wadnasdav Leaci that no la.lain namerigthr coynsecutive year. They wiil olrigrepresentattves frocn ru with ~a o f inivdal ould, n'ew be givn a ceplica of thisfo rai school boards took issue witb bu allowact io paýss. trophy to keap permanentiýy. Easter Liles frMom dia mancmans totheSohols' The Opposition askdi ,lhat h Miwin anrntion o A h. Bol b.wtda ;taGvr Thay also, placad fi' st in theSpcaBbys lkFnhLet rSos Tha section 0f the Bll settii niment askeci thiat tha Bill go ',o theýSeia aysEkFns ete he tha township as the miniemum unit Laibour and Legal Bills Commnittea of administration had bean inter- wraM brs av taopo- size 3 - 7. Brown only, reg. $3.19 This week $2.2,5 pretd bymanyas manin diatunity of question ing the Commlis- preted~~~~- %ymn smen h UNITED CHURCH cloin' ofthas'mU shoos acision ani law officers paclicularly theprviio 0 oa are cho'with respect 10 Section 14. orono Pastoral for the township. The Opposition refusad 10 ac- i -Lateýý Rubber Gloves, Non-Slip, size small The Bil calls for changes in the caýpt tu-s proposai for reasns JCharge eo ag.Rglr69 u o rc r 9 areas of administration only, andifind difficuit to underetand. litrmdorageRgu r69O rlwpicp.59 the legisiation hias bean sought A compromrise was finaily reach- ' R' ev -B. E. Long fo y trustee, boards across the ami by sending theBihl t0 Commit- porovne b' tee with instructions tliat Seoltion The legisiation is aimed aitpro 14 be deletemi, but also on the CHURCH SERVICESFieBr ohsns ab Sapwt th vidig geatr eualiy 0 adca-mutual undarstanding that Section ion greater eqlfiny if eadn.4wl adsusd SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 4964 purchase of a large tin of Baby Powder ... 75e istratien and a more equitable Kirby - 3:00 sharing of educational costs. At the BANK AND POST OFFICE Orono - il1:00 preseit tlime there are over 1600 'HOUES Leskard - 1:45 STORE OPEN THURSDAY EVEINO TILL ochool boards in Ontario. ' The Imperial Bank of Comn Anothar concere of sehool. boards -ec SUNDA SCHOOL al ayFr, 9 P.M. CLOSED ALL DAY FRIDAY was the increased coats such a. day (Good .Friday) .and also on1 Orono .10:00 a.m. change might cake to canY 1 Monday. The bank will however ha Kirby .2:00 a.m. boards. The Township of Pickeringopen Saturday morning froci 9 tc. Leskard - 1:45 p.m.r for exampea has a growing usian , poplaio inýý' -ou>'h-"w-i'h h-e- 'mehwïcket at the Orono -Post costs, whil e e northare part of Office will ha open on Friday fror the Twnship is chiefly curailih11 'lckado odyfd a coderate chU rate.ta2oloanonNndyfôi lb was pointemi out by the Mini il to ., o'chock. sar tdat facilities hava been se, up mÇ'-hhh tha Departmant te deal MILLBROOK HOCKEY wihh these probiams on a local CHAMPS HONORED basis. 'Th e Millbrook Tacipolas, cham ht was cefrashing, however, ha pions of -Eastern Ontarie in the hear the viaws 0f thase curai pao- ittle NEL, with their parents', pla with respect te, education, for were honoured ai a suppar in the the isieg educational costs ar(" Lagion hall on Wednasday.evening. imposing an increasing tax load 0on Each cachmer of the taam ce-, farlm propeity, the incomne from-e civaci aninivua trophy froc which has not risen in a compara- Steve Boynton, the team's spenso'r. tiva degrea. Earliecr in the year ha had giveri Cordon . arton, Conservativui the'm îew sweaters. To the coach, Mamber fer Armo urdala, in an Wilfred Cillis, and the manager, arnotionaliy packed speech, ai BOb Masien, ha presented des" tachami the Deparbment of High sats. ways over the iack of considera- CGordon ýReynoids, district com- tien for homne wnars adjoining the inissionar, coccenedc the boysi 401 c utoff. Ithé coach îand the manager, fori The highiwav in ibis acea is ho ing whdenad te 12 laces andi the propeciy boliers have heen ad viseci by ceai astate broeas liaI, 1Lbeir propechy is becocîcg unsale- JU; this year's achievemants. He said lîey wece jusi three goals sho'w ot the Ontario champianship. Nexý yaar, wîth ociy hwo boys mnoviing Lip ho the nexh age group, they' mîght doieavena liebether, andi 'hat wvoulci include the prýovincial WAYNE'S M1aintenan!ce Service Complate Maintenance oni Windows, Floors and, Wall Service Rug and Upholstery Shampooing Commercial, Industrial Residential PHONE 255 OrnOnt. LADIES DRESSES Another shipment of Ladies' Dresses- has arrivéd to-day. g-,cod selection of prints and pla;ins in sizes 9'to 2P~. Corne in yours for Easter. They are priced froni $11.95 to $2950O LADIES' HATS A good selection of Spring Hats, rough and smooth strawsý and flower hats. AUl the laýesl. styles and colours. Priced front $4.9â to $12.95 "DAISY" GIRDLES "Daisy" Pantie Girdies of covered lycra, a fiîbre which is feather-ight, cool and conifortable but flattens bulges where they need flattening. Brief style as well as longer Ieg style. Sizes Mcd. and Large. Price $6.00 -,$8.00 MEN'S JACKETS Several new styles in Men',s Spring and Summer Ja ckets for casual wear. Lightweight lamin- ated coats as well as water-repel- lest jackets. Colours - beige, brewn black and green. Sizes 36 to 42. Price $9.95 - $14.50 We have a and clhoose MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS A new shipnient of 'Bal. four' sports shirts with long sleeve' Severvj, attractive designs and' colours. SizesS, M, L, -and XL. Price $â.00 - $6.00 MEN'S SIIOES Good quality oxfords with neat moccasin seani vamps. Blaék only. Size 8 to il. Priée $9.95 JARMSTRONG'S lýl - mil m ý Wimpu -Muugomim - , ", - -- , 7 ËOVÂM IWOil i 0 ý -, ' O-Imffl 1