ORONO VWEEKLY TIES, THURgPAY, 3MAROI* 6t11, 1961 4 ence of God leqt.> We cary a giving spirit must bc in our hearts was quite ashamed of the wroag The O ono C urcl we exrperieiice resentmnent, or we cannot rejoice ini the full-.lie had dorie ;o at last lie spongel Fromn T e O ' n h -c bitternes and aire not rea'dy ýt3 nesof Godt's torgîving grace. the face of Judas Isocarlot rI9 iforgive. AU ofthe thinga ue out of the picture. "GRIVE NT TE HOY Jsus roiisedtha theHo I be put out of our lives. We ha,e saidVENO TH Th esu po iise htthe ly Un 1 . sas we are rea maîzdy o fogie, Thât indght lie saw in a drewm SPIRIT 0F lq )" saidi-The Holy Spirit ilbngtsartodwh toeauomk ig e cannot receive forgivenees. Se that fiace of Our-Lord which he a to your rernembrance the things ro ou r v -n n t e wSiit olewr thefutle ý sntW7ýpitdintepcue hr Scripture Lesson,- Epyhesians 4., which. 1 have told you." Those dis- or1i'e ad hn hewol pwr hefut wlie wit b i seno VIl pthed he pieture. Thre w as 17-32. ciples, who taught so littie -)f of God ta availab1e to us. lGod, uwe ee not eiscOur- te~o 1 a en}nlgt what Jaged. We have onlyhete reaeize, waut sketch. He could now portray the whatJess ws tiin thm, fte TheHel Spritis ikethesunsoanething to happen and then At face of Christ because lie had p#t TaRen froasi Eron praced Penticost began to see more fully, shn hc ahsordeln is Possible. So important is the aw'ay bitterness out of his heart- by ev Bsi E Lngto understand things they had nev- places with warimth and beauty. 1 right attitude that Jesus said. At last le had made at Ieast one When Jesus was about to leave en frt ii poeore todlive iivsf we have the blinds puhled, the "When yen stand praying, forgive, step toward being in Oharity to- Ili dicipesknwin tht, hewen foth n pwe toliv liesroom may . be dark and drfb,, yet if you have anything against any ward al men. He had stoppel H&~d'~ipesknwin tat h~ ~ ic~ryj~fac 0 th mst ifail the beauty of the sunit s there one, wo that your Father'aise, wh 1 grieving the Holy Spirit se Uice greatest challenge of théir lives iuteprec-.tle-nfw si evn a ogv.yupwroftbga t prt î wudbe up-n thern,. He said the fci ~irece olt~.I eopen the shades, tis i aven, may sforg'ive yosurpwe f tbea t peae u lie wo>uld sel-d the lHoly Spirit. We In Ephesians we are tauglit thaýt the sun' streamrs into-the room.tepse. o' ogvns u-hm are p ewr c eple and a power we can entertain things In our driving away the gloorn and dark rounide us but we cannot receive lehp u ie oanda less Chuircli without the HoIy Spir- l4Ves wnichi grieve the H-oly Spiri. ness, rnakiing it liglit and eheerful runtil we are re-ady to f orgive. Pand filled iehas e auser it. Ilhe iigity po'wer of God -oe,ý Bitterness, anger-, 11-wifland thf and fligi thr~ue u-Jeu ad'SC), if y aw tfsrn le lae iiv d Ieos ptau musued wherever the Holy Spirit 1uLnforgiving spirit, all can shut out lives without the Hoiy spirit are aydur gift at the altar and the Hoe wudteacli ail things. He islir1d the Heiy Spîr,.t, causing the under like the darkened roorn or likle a rernenber that your brother lias in Sorne of these ways, Xi so, w. ifed inoui- lies. I.-tanidng to be, dulled and the pres_ hîdden dianiond w'hose beauty re. sornething against you, leave your have onfly to iaise the shades by mains colourless and o0bscure, nl-. gift there at the altar and go. put'ting these things f rom us, a4. _____________________________________________________First be reconciled te your brother, Ilowng the sunlight, which cornea tii it cornes in'contact with the then corne and otTer your gift"1 froni God, to corne strearning into Slight. WNhen the rays of sunlight our lives. It wili f lood our souls fauponr a diamond the hidcien with a gladncss and strengtb 'fali ~~~~~How often there is bitternesiwil iIcryusu n h-u ginner beauty shines through, g'iv- ihWl cry su n hog ing it a brilliance as it reflects h ie fpepetwr o any of the testing tirnes oflie F.283463 <>the dazzling beauty ef the suni. We Not only do they harbour the un- k,~ need lot go through life with dull, fergiving Virit, but they are bitter flusterless lives. if we bring our about lit e. People say, "He-lw. coul, God do th!& to -me? How could Gort ONTARIO o lives inte the sunshine of the Holy ~aîoigGdadltscitIg [Spirit and let the Spirit of God 1 tth a eh tiw The Ontauio M unicipal Boardi a1t 1rhaveotHo ei, directedou lie iti lves, once i lmndbytep -wreng way, and very likely brought ITHE MATTER 0F Section 64 of The Ontario Municipa ence of the Holy Spiritf, can be-hmaot I hr sbitres 0 Board Act, (EýS.O. 1960, c. 274), and 0 corne darkened threugh harbeur-ilorivstadmn egiv 41 t Te Otaro WterResures Com- [0 ing things whîch grieve. Some- ~ prt 0i mission Act, (14,5.0. 1960, c. 281), times the sun-lit room is darkeniedI -amI- ~ ~ ~ ~ an the diamojîrd is in, shadow. WbN th getars eoad Semetimes our Il%7es are duii be- aCniwspi~n "The Last IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Ontario cuew [v h oySpprh a bte ure Water Reiiources Comnmission on behait of The Corpora- Ocuew reeteHl Spirit.Sup",lehdabtrqare toofthe Township of Clar-ke for I povl f he ntering [3Until we can diSCeOver that certain iWith one of u etmoais by the Corporation it an agr-ernent with the Commission thigs a e.ect abarrder between T, eeywemle a eleCly U for the construction by tihe Commission of a water works [3u n ew o on grieving the pitda h fc tJdsIs- j sstm o, ere hePolceVilag o Oon ataues!- H01Y Spirit and we lack that cariet, that men might knew wha, icensed ilumblng C. sYster t serv tefolie174a,01e4,on.atanesi- beauty and power~ in oui- îîveà he thouglit ef hlm. Then lhe worked Mc'qc o tato mat d c ai t $and14,0 a K ing D avid, in thinking only of o h e t o h i t r ni a -and- - [3 imslfdidthee ting whc'hcame te paint the face of Our- Lord who selis, instalis IN THE MATTER 0F an applica-tion by The Corporation 0 were wrong. He did net realize Jesus Christ. He tnied and tried and guarantees By-l.%w 1420, bemng a by-law providing for' the hnpesing etf frem hm unil Nathan the prophet wanted te puton ana.Mn ai aet t e nlp e lrkeor c presvf anet its prpsi [3 herpirt 0aGovlid dpared fl awte aeonoses rocpat fiadwodein Oponted it eut. Later, the lite ef xmile, there was a sense of un. A Ri M -A N 0 or will or may derive a benefit frr m the sald water weorks 3r Dai refctdl ±~--esnssgwngulihata n system withhi the muiiicipality O be a v d reestedils, fýrwhi aiesgoig nhshata 3ineunt up te wrong grevc the'Holy wa elddn eadlse PLUMBING - IIEATING fiAPITETFRHAIOSpirit as wel s unbeli. Sm .jemty. This feeling grew unt i he' 0THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD iiereby ap- P mes we vco1der why the mighty rPhone 143 O rono 0J points WDEDY the 8th day et APREL, 1964, at the f power of Qed is se small amnen 0 heur ot eleven o'clock ln thse toreneen, at the Council U us. In the New ý-Testamient we r-c 0i Chansbzrs oft the Township, ot Clarke, i the Police Village how Jesus wenb. about heaîing, 0, et Orono, ter the hearing et ait, persons interested i sup- U bringing new Lie and health te port et or in opposition te, the construction efthtie water ounl ecm teBsoî o works systern described ilu Schedule "A"' attached heretù le 0fNtlH ame to heeH e 'w fl and prob$osed By-law 1420. de vittlag e auseth heruHe O bellot. W e.w aîîew il te ci-ep <'*PRES5CRPTIO DATHI) at TORONTO, tlns rd day et MAR4JH, 1964 -ooorlvsw r reigadîlM DPT ner~ o~ 0deubti g the Holy Spirit and we- - 0B. VICKERS gare limited 'beca'ise ofil Secretary The untergivirig spirit can shu+ N - CûITIDOU dd eut the Hely Spirit. Hew otten tb.ý ndA F.2834-63 g unfergiving spirit is haxibou.red in 0 NOICE oui- lives. We can see more clear- Tliese iitdan cost efthte water works system [ ~'wa hscod eu fw for your health and t u alcs te average property owner were o turn te nature. We say'that tho c pulisied n Iie ronoWeely Tmes onJarmry 6th desert is a deseËt because ne main fi 1964 and Jaur 3d 964, and coptes et such pubtli. falis upon it. Thi s ' nîy hait the enin oehrw as nm. 3truth because the greater tact is ThOi~ ne-s f yeur RegisteredPharmacist is te cempund o be inspected daring business heurs at the office ef the o that ne rain talls upon it %ecause yu otrspecitoswt rfsinlpeiin..-t 0 Àesg d ete i,; safeguard, your heaith. fi unesgnd it is a'dessert. The hae i, 0 DATHI> at thb Village et Oreno, this, 9th day of 0 rusbing up freni the arid sUilface. 0b disperses the vapour that would MARCH, 1964. 0 descend in ain. Seme meistume fi there rnust be on ýearth, else theme .E.ML ON antbe ain trom heaven. Some W~P', 9~~Cek H.oE.shipClarke, times oui- ilves are barren 0f the S U I H A MC Cir0Twn peHCa-e o ySpirit because they are liikr] S UTeP A MC p , the desert, Tue wmen'g thîngs are ()y--NO, ONT. PHONE 1nu Lc:o o= C <O=<0=l=coiD<: <O=,ý/aIrisinfrtein iOur iives and the fer _____________________________