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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Mar 1964, p. 7

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ORONO WEE1KLY TIMES, TIIURSDAN, MARCU 26th,1961~4 PrefebsicI ýâi-Directory DR.- R. J. TAGGAIIT FLýoue 10616 C On(>i ~WkAY LYCEIT, C.A. ii, the Offices of P. 1.1- Waddell QC- MiAIN ST., ORONO [ fi Telephomre 138 Oreno a ( Ocivi) ý , c <Clnm vie ai) TelephOfle 628-7251 Li.SKAIFE Charteredi Accountani By Appointmeflt Only Main St., Orono Telephone 138 P.O. Box 208 WIITBY Phone 668-8197 Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 135 Slimcoe St. North, Oshawa' Telephone: 7Z8-7527 WIitby 6U8-4131 Al 1 942-OM9 I"' URNCUE î S El cLi?' OFFIE -MN ST., ORONO phone156 Res. 20216 JACK ~ID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoi Specialize in Farmu and Furniture Sales Consuitme for terms anddae hne5 r 18 ron Auctioneer and V"ýaluatoî Ogoducts Auction Sales o! ail sizes and a reasonable rates Cornmunicate with hlm at Port Perry, Ontario - i NOTrICEi rFOR SALE The General Meeting otf the e large size girls bicycle for W FRA Nc W. will hold Ibeir Easte- sale. Plhone 262, Orono.ap Tlitlkoffriýgon Thiursday even- SEAL ESIA TF ing, March 26 (tonight) at 8p.m. ini FRSL LAL ES A IE , i':e rpper C. E. Auditorium. Unil 1 hav,: arraiged Uthc progrlam , in Hay foi, sale R. D. MorIton, LIMITLL- cl in anl Easqter film. Unui 2 W111 Phone 14R16, Orono. G -veý refreshinents and Unit 5 are 177 GhiUrch st. ,ý i.,soring a Bake Sale. FRSL Arrange bu attend and bring a Bowaivile 'f r-fl. -c TheeStornm Doors, comrplete, i i i j Orville Chatterton Eleetrical Contracting Electrie lleating and Service, PHONE 245 Orono, Ontario i i Orono Electric PI-ONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HO011E WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Pro mpt and Guaranteed R-epair te, al .kinds of Elecirleal Equipment and Appliances Sncbi at Metors Water Heaters T.V. - Radios Stoves - Irons a iamiltons, j nsuran ce Service Oînsurance lix ail its BranchegU gAtPackage and Composite. o Policies, FIre, ,Farm, LlepU u Burglary, LiabilitY, Marinep, 0Accident and Sickness, Wlnd. Boiler, Fidlilty Bond, Etc. g phone Orono IR16 gFIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Box 133 MO. 8-3552 Sta Fod rthers 318 Dundes St. Ei. W itby, Ont. Manufacturers of CemeeryMemorials Dealers lu Domestie& orignGranites, and Marbie spsrip)tions Cue Fainiiy taioPais nothing to ibu e,sired Akth, personi M"ho us, a neighbouir, fiim rrelative 'The RUTITER GtNT "Larýmst Display la CSothera EASTER TEA Wednesday, April itsi at 5 p.m. at SI. Saviouiý's Parish Hall thp W. A. Ladies will be seî-ving their annual Easter Tea of cold meats, salads, jellies, pIcs etc. Admission $1.25, children 40c. 11 - EASTER TOUR New York, March 22 bo 29 inclus- ive. Price $.35.010 includes bus, with fittings, slijghtly damaged. Hotels and baggage. For reserva- $10.011 eact. tions phone 885-2527, Port Hope. NURINGnoii~Ontario Trading Post, ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY Higlxway 115, b-c Lyntonhurst Maor Nurqing! Orono 10IL19 a-c Home has licensed accornnnodt- NOTICE bion for bed or up-patients. Regis-' FOR SALE 'The regilar meeting of the Jun- tered nurse In lattendance at lai i or Gardeners' Club will ibe cari- trnes. R£ýaàon«ble, rates. Phone! 1963 Tan Corvair, Model 760,, bigi celled this week due to the holida.r Orono 1308. 12-p'motor, automatic, radio,.seat beits week-end. The regular meeting ,whtewalis, dises, fold down seat, will be held Thursday, April 23rd etc. IYTOO miles. $2200.00 or best a-c offer. Can, finance. ______ W. Grady, Orono, phone 263. a-p CMN VN o O EATERFLO ERSBawmanville Drama Workshop 0 t, ýJN ESE LWR presents a play, "TÈhe Chalk Gar- den", directed by, Margot Samuel. Easter Liles ýand 'Mums for sale. crnavleTi HlAi 23 g T<S O George York, 'phone 1731, Orono. Suet O.d1- Tg ' 24, 25 at 8:15' P.m. Aduits $1.00' ,Sheet Metal Work _______________ Eavestroughing F'OR SALE BY TENDER NOTICE Phone 1941Ml Sealed Tenders for purchase'of a The - regular meeting 6f Senior g Orono, Ontaro lm ,/4 ton, Trck with, Utility Citizens will 'be held Aprilth - B~ody on; an as-is baels, will be second Thursday - in the Ohuroh Sjreceived by Orono Hydro until Basement. a-c RADIO - T.V. REPAIRS Will do rart time Radio and T.V. repairs. Al work guaranteed. HARRY WIERSMA, Phone Orono 1649. ,Building a House?. or remnodelimg your présent onthen cotact Floyd Nicholson PHONE 2191 ORONO BUYINGOUORSELLING VREAL ESTATE A.J. McGILL REAL ESTATE BROKER Phones: Orono 1407 r Oshawa 728-4285 g &SON, g Phone Orono ?,08 fPAINTING,- INTERIOR & f fi PAYE1'1 NGIN 0 BUILDING PIORDq g AMI, ALL 6O1t JOBS o' 0 PLUiMi-LNG and IIEATING d p 1Sales and Service G f24 HOUR BURNER SERVICEPO g B-A FINANCING 0 Low interest Rate s gPhones: g Hampton CO. 3-2288M 0 Tyrone CO. 3-2650 Occ=:OC~<zyoc oc.=>O=Oe'- April 3rd. Truck may, be examined at Orono (sec Manager E. Dent).1 1Terms Cash plus 31.l" Provincial~ Sales Tax. Please mark envelopes - Tende- Lor Truck. Address - Orono Hydro Electn1c lystem, Box 127, Orono, Ontario: b-e WANTED A pair of Guinea Fowl. Phone Don Evans, 33R6, Orono. a-p) NOTICE FHenderson's Hatchery, 'Lindsay, offer you several breeds of chicks. Some high production strains. Phone of write for price lists. We guaraaitee satisfaction. Il NOTICE Will cane for chIldren in my own home. Mrs. Douglas Simpsbn, Phione WNTED1> AUCTION SALE, part -tire., Prefer- Hereford' and Durham cattie, ably experienced. 80e an hour. Cf two tractors, combine, baler, inexperiericed, wage will comn modern farm mnachinery, furnibure, mence at 60c and increase to 80c hay, grain etc., the propert y of over a period of four weeks. Mr. Nick Bunk, Lot 22, Concession Ontaro Trading Post 1, Darlinglon Township, two m1iles Highway 115 south andi a haîf mile west of Orono 1OR19 Mapie Grove, selling without re- _________________________serve on Saturday, March 28, coin TOWSHP0F CLARKE mencing at 1 p.m. TENDERS FOR LOADING Terms cash. Jack Re'id'Auction. AND HAULING cer. Sealed tenders, clearly marked as 10 contents, will be received by AUCTION SALE the undersigned until 12 o'clock HrfodCateTaco,1ah nooni, March 31, 1964. I inery, Truck, Automobile, Furni- For Loadîing and Haul'-'ng approx :îture, Hay, Grain, etc., the propei-. im ïi'ely 12,000 cu. yds. of Pi Run iy of Augusýt Ehasso, Lot 1.1 Brokei Gravel to lie delivered to various r'ront, Cliake Towriship, two miles locationson Township Roads. 3outh and a 1lf mile west of New 1Tender forme miay be picked up îonvilîe. Selling withouî reserve- at the 'Township office in Orono, on Salurday, .rlcûmecn jOntario. at 1 p.m. Lowest on any tender not neces- Teimýý cash. Jack Reid, Auction sarily accepled. eer. M. L. ROSS, ____________ Ro-ad Super!uleet,,1, Township of Clarke, HIT Box 37 WOOD Ji.m and Bence (ne-3 Orono, Ontar"(o f unn) are pi ased s'o a i ou.n nce thé DEPARTMENT 0F PUBLIC WOR.Ks OF CANAD Jo, 7 Ibs. 10 oz., M~l 7, 1964 ai lhe OhawaGenerai Hospital, A 'lister for Shelley.a- SEALED TE NDERS Addre'sed 10 CARD 0F T17U-NR Secneiary, Departmeuf olPu1blic Works c0f Canadýa, Rom B322 T IwJoild fhke tlu'express my sim- Sirhre TnrBi~io -cr-cre apprecialion and thanks lu sid Drve Ola\a 8 su edoncorelatives and -friends who were "TENERSFOR RED IO F 5 kiiid wýth their cards, gifle anl APPOXIATLY ?ooo UBO fowre during My stay nPeter. I YRDSPLAE EASREMNTborouýgh Civic Hospitl]. CLAS 'B~ MTERIL, ORTB,,ice Gustar 'will 1)-eevdni 0 .M__________________ (ES.),WEDES A, RL 8 CARLI OF THANRS 1964 u i wou like 10 ake this oppor- T ned ocu m ents ca'i be oh tnity 10 thank a l m y relatives iaine hog:~iendefor the Pleasant Sur. Chief Egner omE-42431 Suý' piePry.hyar1gdfrm C0hane Tupper Building, Rivet- j) - 84îh B thy Also .efor alMys ine Der, 2Dari istrctornocarde, flowers and gifîs I received, 2ie, 22nI. Sret TrntThey w are al greatly appreciated Te, le considened each tender h:Ediih Moffatt, mnusilie, sUbmitted on the forma 1.- ......lied Iby the BDeparnimt ani iLy sPecified luýe Jde r- The iow&s,ý or any tender no' R laEl' O-?iIEe ecretary CARD 0F THAN'KS T would like to express my appr.s- ciiition to my' friends for their. cards and gifts d-. '. t- L7 .e ho)Mpital. Davici Forrenter ,WHITE WAýSHING STABLES Drt Tompets I Phoe Nwtnvile255M -1

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