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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Apr 1964, p. 4

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ORONO WVEL~KLY1WIMES, ¶Tm1RSt>AY, APRIL 9th, 196-1 Ieminsfù be conltradi'ctions in the men i From meû'rono %Cnurch I$rip1iresMn %oplstni-Wh civer these thinigs and we had one Qe I__________________________________________________ in our Scipture les3on to-day. St. vi5for "H1E 15 RISEN"I the needs of the ,,eorld. Th-si John tells of the Resurrection re-.ican i Scrlptùre Lessen l- St. John, Chan s 5tronger proof that Jesus 18 live. soSs hnMr icvr e ne ter 2u But for the m an who does nolsuus is standing before her, she very Taken fromi a sermon preached want to sce, none 0f these will be J ges to touch Hlm. Jesus said, to-tý by -e !BastiE Lon-g. !T0fte I iiM, Even Uiough we wa Touch me nt," meaning"odca Thàe cntalteme of mfe Easte: cro oelie<'e, tfley are lot reaLiy s me, not," "for 1 have flot yet as- who ceertoiis, the, ResurrecLion, ficient proof to, us. [c eded to my Father." Later Jesul ami if we m nake it iomet intg else h ia ro ste~eine Jesus said t0 Thomas "Reach out said, we un.poýverish ourselves. ManY I of the Living Christ in our lives. lyour hand and put if upon the ;peacE loin in e ýcEebration whe do 'o This has been experienced by prinits of the nails. Put yeur h.Ind aB blieve ",,e is risen." many, many people. When it hap- ulpo)n my side and feel thé scar."' grave Many say,, "Jesus was a man pens they s;ay net, "He is risen i"s that a contradiction? Net really empt who lved a goo)d 11e. Wewoùld bu"H ISren"frh ha when you stop to think about it. dead. È> ,,e betteýr live-s if we filowed become a partof their 1f e. Per- May stnig bfe Jeuad (Xenn~le"Ohers say,, "There sonal exýperienice is the finial and her heart singi nig because Be was seen was a certain,. aura of mystery a- the onfly real proof that Je-sus is alive, wanted to hold Hlm to her1 butJ bouit his lte and, death, but lie is alive. Until we have experieniced it, self. Jesis was 3aying to her,i dead'and 'that is it." ManY PeepYle we iloonwtoudubs "You believe, go and feh the No within theeChristian Church fedaY go on our deulbtn. aay,"Be18 ise," bt îùii ofMany lna our Christian c-hurchoh ers," Themas had si."n n Chrst s ead Mny ilirs wiiitoday de not really believe tha+ less I 'can touch His hand.s and Chri% Clhisteasceai.Mny t abovning J*esus la alive. They, enibracP Bis aside, I will net beleve." Jesus, 'Thei joy, :oe i i.the glad cry, "Be S Christiantty; They love fthe Easter realizing bis trouble, said, "Thom- tact1 ren"They knoýv that Be is a- season and the theory of it ail, as, if this is thxe onaiy thing that We1 lie o he d nf ay "e but eome 'quite frankly., ay, "Je, will mnake you beleve, f oucix me, Sunmd risen"l but "Býe Je risen." Tiiere sus, is dead." IIow a it be wh.e'n feel me and know, &0 tale air ig à ae dffernce.the Resurrection is the central f00, -m1ght go and take th Ie rdwOrS 18 vsfdteraxe.theme of the Christian faith? The te, thers that "Jesus 18 alive." chure The 5so.ýcr]ed nan ay,"1'Ïil beUieve it when 1 see fc f h esretinsntt ~Thls 18 the greatest, most beaý- us, A8~5~discipljes eut Vto change fixe worlM. i. som i,,but ie makes ne effort tO fiin tiful meaning we can take frein 'th, c;t, te dijsco>ver thee trutix. He Te discover fIis praiof withi4 fthe Resurrec$tien. Jesus, becenxing,ý real thinks ie bas pekeýn Words 0f oursev-lvea Oaa enly cerne f rom an alive la our livesi, &,es net waiti wiedom wlen lue szays, "eiig ac f faifl. We nxay go thiug>uh 3 us te,0holu Hlm te oLurýelves and W believn~" Qute ofe I O~ leng scries of daveieping stages fl be satisfied. Surell:y He wDuld ymo ae juat ng-Qionen e. Su - e oroofr livesanditlbe puzzlied by wha-, (te us 'as Be did te Mary, "Rold hoe anlestrs anxd the inivýntors Of oui dar ad,'U believe if wheea 1 gee it." H-ownany wonderfu1i i-1 Ventions and cenveniences woud there ha? 1There were pe),ople wlie ceuld se.e beyend tels and beca useO w ih t e gath thy i.:)eh.n a-îhth i tM lanew, teeciy discovered semiething neiw and btter... On a clear niglit,, wlien tfi heavens are aliglit with a myrmaci of tWinkling stars, I know there are tliousands mnore thaf I cannof I se ih e, naked eye. Suppose J vew :tee heavens it moemn, 1 poiwerful equtpment, I kne)w that 1 ouf there beyond ail that, there 18 st1li more. Even thOugh 1 cannot prove flic tact I know it is truc. If we have the faith te) beLeve fliat Chirit is ailve, we shah kiew. ~ Our mental attitude makL ies it -ther iV possible or imposibl)ead an n'ake thee mistaýke eOf ygth possIbility eftfhings whlich he tnemselves have att experie.nced . Conider ttwo mei goang eIl church., One 'gees wâth negative md which secs dîýfficulty in cv-_ ey opporfunity. He feels the pe pe in the pews fall far short of hat he teinks Christianity cught o; lie wond,( how mnbe Lkîc ftne r. l e la s xer nin miai s"li eg~f thoudglts, unt'l bhittie f aux 4. 111ii furfher lessened. Tie ethe rnngees te thee e.hrh iie septs the sails ethf mnctf catch wha ever fae g ' ds ia y blow; lie seesacogeail bow. ig he'ir heads in prayer; ho f eels therýe is semnet-ng reaai -bout praying te keep people doing if dowi throughtee ges. Be loks at tlic ehurch ýbild]ing and he thinks hwdevout wo sh4,_jpers have sac rifficed tlhreug4hthie centuries f0n' luild shrines te G,-d. "What nakes!ï t missonaiessacr1fice to give thee Gosp-,el 'te- ethers? Wa ae martyrs die for their faith? Wliy dees the bibe utast'il oflier books? There mustlie somefti-n, f tO il T himan fin.ds hiseaàt- an viconfidence mountiflg. L ýi 15 A GENRAL MOpORS -ALUE '64 nlChevroîet the same church and thiesae Urcumstances. The dfeec 8~A I L 1 ïn the mndsni of the',oae.Oe~ ~ m ll f i i, J e xxet th Tes oilx À ev a A hilil 4 just somethng te adm-ire the view from when forr etryoxxe wh lis,-Helmor begiv you're driving a'64 Chevrolet. With engines Up te a 425-hp Boé arln u ro um who ias notgiv V8*, getting from one side te the o ther wouldn't be much eus] eve watlie'hiawil b fake esir i smeody hnd Put a tunnel there. fabi away." And if Chevrolet can go over a whole mnountain SO yeu beh Whaf proof have we teaf Jesus hardly f eel it, you cen imagine how it geeS over plain Old V la ailv9e - Snn-wuld ay, ýV"If is1 bumps. Jet-smooth, ef course. We Put a big rot, but go and te1 oli es." hen the cointreversýial p)ay "Tlhe1AIMIF ATOMICS BOUGHT mGrave" was hoDivï3on. tele ByWESTINGHOUSIC on, it shlows ho,,,,easily thigs, be misrepresented. If mVas an iPurchase of assets 0f A!,fF ÂM. ýesti1ug allegery and some omInes Canada Co. Ltd, ort 1Eor3 ywonderful thought waS given by. Canadian West!inghoýuse ee., -he production i>t it, but the'y Ltd. was anntounced .rçeeêtly b' ne dawn on th3ade of people We îi 1ghause presiÀ!eïï r 3have not, yet dieovered Camnpbt4l. us ii alive. The commentator' 1,"Joshua. Corbett took part i n A holowe ubiar A e activities; Joshua Corbett A woleFlyowed c,,subsîdary Sput to death, and buried. The Nila ulSrie cWah ve was found open, the casl<& i'ton D..;AMF Atemtlcs Cin- ty, but Joshua Cor4bett s ada was ýestaiblished iii 1957 for, thfe d." For many this is the East- production of atomie fuels fovr ýe- '0r.Al hs higswr search reactors. Since 19,519 the to have happened and thersb company has also beencodt&g ris to be, truth týo some of f, development work involving zir- Jesus Christ is dead cnium alloy eiad uranium oyde. elemienrts for power reaictoi.. who lias really discovereci it w1111 say,- "Be is' deaci." Joy of fheir life will be la fthe that Be is alive, Be IS risen. meet la Bisi Presence every day meorning. We go forth in Bis it when we leave fInis place 0f sh!p. Be is nof tied to tels ceh, norte tee reglons %bove B is Spirit la even-ywlere. Y ,et te de nat expe riece If because ,cannot belleve and make no 1eff ort te find ouf. Mr. CampbnellI .iaid tePt Hope facility will be knewn as fueý Atomie Fuel Deiparfmeat ofBan aclian, Westinghouse. WritteD, co- fers of emplIbymenf inavebq mWide Vo ail personnel of AND7 At. omnies some 701.àn number. Bû,e e pressed pleasure fihaf Gordon~ B3rown would cbntinue in mis p if ion as manager 0f te OPeiltloe 7e have ct.>nne tegeteer tels lIan worship. May we È'o fojitti l rinlg frein 'varlou-a Places, one spirit, fthe SPirt otfth lte~1 ies and backg4reund as, wa Chist. ghway perfornier. Ilmpala.Sport Sedca oend('baci'greunpala Sport Coup G rmance with ouf standing Iuxuiy, inside that big beautiful dy by Fisher. Ail kinds of strefch-out roorn, wide thick- ihioned seats, yards of deep-twist carpeting and elegant brie and vinyl uapholstery - ail make you feel good just Ïng there. With ail ifs looks and luxuiy, you cen see howanyone nnight get the ideâ that this great highway Wperformer is a high-priced car. Unless, of course, they happened te look firsf at ifs reasonable'Chevrolet price. ,rolet dealer ci 6 at 0 o1clock Suftday night". C-664C I C O- LS Phone 728-6206

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