Tablerite Pure Pork SmaI lik Sausage Sqiced Pork Liver Tender, Gardeýn Fresh - U.S. NO. i Grade A Easy to Pe Jumbo Size 90'S JAFAORANGES doz 69c C CMES2 for 25.c US.Nolhd NECt DARROTS 3lb 25c Fancy C.:a Style Sf0 LEY CORN 15 oz. Tins Stuwmy Morn IGA TEA BAGS pkg Of 100 65C MIL CHESE12 z Wedge 43c FROENPEAS Pure Strawberry Rose Jam 9oz 33c Powdered llIl - ]Instant -'Save 14e Milko 31lb box 85c Crown Brand - Save 6e Corn Syrup York Blanched - Se off 2îb 33c Peanuts 13 oz 42c PUDDING & PIE PILMLERC r6g. size 25e' jeno INSTANT PUDDàING2 reg. size.290 iXTDA TTA$40 BNU Punxpkin Pie ea 45c xOF$4 TAPES Dmsel iteeiv a Uuwa$i@~OBonüs Tape VATA G ae~ epkg oî U< a<ev inKt44-460 Bonuls Tàpo it)OHPA'IU~eotOSe0fiFauy uIWe 'iGETAMe â£OU& 10 oz. Tîns Tape SWiss pkg 43c Brown 'N Serve 12 «z. Tt Demrpster Rols 35c 10 lb. 4g Plaln or SaltecilO-oz. Pkg. 6 og. Pjkg. Westons Sodas ý5c OULU, 2lb bag 45c Recelve an Extra $2.00 Filiehmans Corn Oùl MA RGA P. N P Old South Fro.zen ORANGE JUICE, canada No. 1 Gradeo P.E.1. POTATOES Trablerite slIeed GoERD Bl AM! lei l'ai wl, 1 illuiiimu IKendaI News Mr. and Mr-s. John Sawchluk' and fam]ly returned on Monday from a trip to Saskatoon c3urmg tlhe Easter vacation. Mr. Saw- chuk'*s-father lias' been ,i111linthe hospital at Saskatoon. The Saw- c'huk family have a summer home in i(endal, Mrs. Reg Elliott and lier s'ker Mviss Clara Senes motored Vo Ot- tawa for the E'aster weekend to visit Mr. and' Mrs. Ros.s El1lotz who live in Ottajwa. Due to a tylpographical error in lasL weeks news in the list ce those received into chureli mem- bership Shirley Mercer's name was lef t out. The United Church Womenme at the home of Mrs. Jack~Fo~ Swest of Crooked Creek, on Wed.- nesday evening, April the first. The Rev. R. 0. White shdweýd coloured sliles on 4.nchorage, Al- aska and on the salmon fisher>iei 4f B.0. as wèlI as the coast-Ut- ports of Califormia. These were ofýi special interesI because caf t)vi ea'rtlquake and Viîdai wave wue have so rece'ntly caused sc u uel damage to -them. Thenhe soê pictures, of the Passeon P1W.ay. These were enjoyed by ail. ýFor our giftVa Vo the missioSW Miss Ste wart said she wou1dpr.7ý volunteered Vo knit the p Idi work soclts requýested frarà ùour ~U.C W. Mrs. Velda Bron read an lai- teresting article then lunch was provided by our hostesses. A "ota of t1banks was extended Vo Mm. Fon*kfor lier home. The nex!t meet- ing wil be May 6. MoV7(nday and Tuesday's rain wa,, veiry wel.come Vo the farmeres os the'hi*,gh land wb h Lovo been ~y ing water for their stock. HfOP1 P TOWNg'-ITP <OTTNCIL DTFSCUSS"SS~TOT QT Concerný ivth tli. omtn costs 0f1 chl~}ooleîiaonn 1'he area, Hn Towniihýn ýounil' reviewed ille 1964 bud'zet of 'Vh1- Dfurhami Couintv District Ik School Board with township board representative Carroll Nicelis. Deputy-Reeve George iMnile ask- ed Mr. Ni chols if any levýelling o«f or forseen In the àait nuai levies chiarged t.bP munici- "Tlehe uciet icesdby about (cd, 'and it lias been g'oing Upi., bout $I10000 eacli year for 1Vite patfew vears.", mr,. Nicliols said the irnereatsedj budgets have worried tbe bo)ard as mucli as or more than the- municIpal counc ils, but that eveni with close control over every ex- penditure the cost ofopatn conÎtinue Vomount. With construction required a- Courtice Hligli School, which has reached a crowded staVe and ne- quines more nooms livSeptember land increases in maximum salar- 4jes, re enitly granted the Veacliero, Mn. Nicholsý siid the budget total will likely continue Vo increase. "We are cauglit in a rat race of boards throughout the province, creases and other concessions -to entice the, best teachers Vo their sehools, and if *we -are to have good teachers here we are fomed do meet the salary demanda," lhO Ssaid. He said salaries in the Durham ýarea acehooles stant at $4,80-X-1per year and increase by at 1ea-st $MO per yer umlil the maxlimum ini the teacher's category is rahd The top saaary la the top a r' In tbis area is $10J00. Pie reeelve the top salary in theit- o" cetegony, plus $300 for the finst five eachiers in their ac an ~d anether $100 for each eacher ove LO G C--iý C