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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Apr 1964, p. 1

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w- Orono Weekly Tim1e&"..';s VOLUE 2, NMBE 12ORONO WEEKLY TIES, THfURSDAY, APIZIL lGth, 1%64 United Church Seminar Op«,ensBsebail Association 'Plan Meeting, For mi rPreparing Schedule, Swim Progiam, In ro o Lo li 'lT o Tr er'i.itire The Eastern Ontario Basebaî Ameting of interest is being In r n o L o k n gAssociation are holding 'a generai ld thiti, comîng Wednesday even- The Riural Life Seminar of th.ý and laymren must," he said, "re- change of scenery and faces. o!te t ern of allclbaAsocatinin t 8 Oro p. Mu niscl iô 'United Ohurcli of Canada opened aie hscanean1ccp te The rural churcl(, ie a,- mus ofthe rlaeeninns Port Hopse Wil ceaao nhefratn fir Orono on Tuesda y evening. The!challenge. We must anticipate aceptthechalli1enge )f the times the miaeetni to ien Porit He of a SweIre min 7regional Semainar represents five Ithe future." and use, its physical -and mientalTanaeian Lgit o bcHa ld teloatf a. Swinte sbaniegofte.r ,tentral conferencèes, 1 lLond!on, Ham jRural society, he said is .crying abiiîty. Son Re iCrosbadSoit hehOra iloToronto, .Ba7y o! Quinte, jout for a new church io bning a R.ev. Basil Long spolko words of 10RdCos! oit hc a Monti'eaý! and 'Ottawa. .Aboutnew qua]7ty of lie, They want tie çwelcomre to the delegates andi The meeting .1 open ta everyone meant ar end to their swimming eeventy-five delegaýes from the itoo]s o! kimowledgê to achieve new called upon Mr. R. E. Uogani, whc and will beclield ta cover the o'p- program an, endeavour is being !econferences' were prersent f' goals. on behalf of the congreg-a1 on, exelain fte ew socti metoeeftesimngp' the opening. The Seminar coft n- Elvery community, hle sta'ed, tended wel'come as dil Mr. R for, t'e 19ý64 season. The assc-a- gram cg nnot be carried on tlirou.g'i -ues until this evennpg, Thursday, has people with talent, knowledge, Forresler of the Oronio Policeto 1Jace rg7taîon a aoh rup *and peopoewo wuld woric to Trus'ees and -Ur. H. Quantrilýl (,0th e .eigan i alada The wEter safety 1rogram, u n. Rev. J Davies of the Chano'eau gether.,If we faaU ta strengthen ou- the Farni Fedieration. Rev. New blagues fcor a ilclsi'atos der the Orono Red Cros,, bas been -Uni ted Chrrcli, Chaopleau, Ontario, soc iety i. is not because af the ton Reed brouglit greelings from a mot. successful program in thie ïýs the gpn,rali1chairman a! the~ people, lie said, but rather that we the Ba 'y <f Qintie Con'erenice. The Ea5stérn On'taia Basebai Village. Participation bry young- Seminar. He firs' spoke to the have failed as feadfers ta lielp Fioîgtlie guest speak-eýAssrcîation lias taken over froni sters lias b een great anid no doubj gatiiering pointing to, the challeng- people face change. andl an outline of Wedniesd1aystlie former Lake:sho'-e BaseAiall this' pragram has added greatly to es that face the, rral churcli ta- We are becaming awvare that pragram, re!resbm-ents were serý-Asso-ciation and covers a muchl their atbiity in exercisilg water day. He stated "that deep down tiiere exists a statas ,,eeking soci- ved in tie basem.-ent o! the cu~ langer area. Mr. Jac'k Cý Carýsoi safety and swiiwming. everyone knew that t was, im- ety and even- ministers are ac-; Many o! thie delegates to() tntof Belleville is the or--s Ipnit, Mr Pla1n ta, attend this reeting ia iassible te build a new rurali cepting opportunities to move upSeminar are blleted witli niemi-Arnoid Wade, Newtonville,' lst Orono on Wednedyeeni i ( iiurcb on a simlar structure as the status ladders and taD subuibla. (Uoïn:teil eori Page 6) vc andMr C. R. Carvcth, New- order that this mosi aiine ,çac-d a few years ago This 's a If however we loak doser, hie________________ate assistant Secretary. porn can be èarrie'l out. iew ageý and al %rounid we see sbid, there are nat sa many lad ýc change, The churcli, th~e ministry ders ta climb. We anly reahza LNDY >H ýC i Ta'ggingRai r bowsN'ear Orono Beautiful tSpirng wFireworks ~ ~j~iU ' '~ ~the annual I-C Churih Service a i p a ...... - --t" ~ . ~"- - ---e-mema.-a-l- -ue.-Fourteer, members o!filie Oroni waîit further developments in ibis Our president Grant Yeo led thcChan ber af Commerce met ia the matter, service assisted by Lynn Raiiey,Orono Restaurant on Manday ev I Mr. Pound, acting presîdeni, in Ca-Pi esideiît, anid ýev, Long ho0n-ening when they approved, the exi- troduced Mie guest speaker of tha ourary Presiderbt. penditure of $225.00 ta sponsor a evenîng, Mr. William Euntîng fire works dîsplay in Orono onf Mr. Bunting briefly outlined Mie The members led a p'ec'esisionalVctoria Day. This projeci lapsed ~seas,oning ýbehînd the Gamne Laws. into the Churcli, the girls In whtclast year but is again ta lie pro- The-~las lie said, were not an blouses and dark skir's and allmated ibis year under the chair- la ningc-eet against sportsmen -, weïig in yllw um'0hema jnpof Mr. A. McIharen. The but were, designed ta canserve weefllwdbyteCunr'vatwllAebdi heOoawUi l ife for the preseni and for Fou, ~ss~. dn t a e, Glerfairgr-ounalsand t s ae ope cl n t Mi re,. Allia, «r:l1B7,wnand J1acita hvethe,- on mdprsencM. unting outilined i e re- Aluin, Rev. iLon ad specialto play prara he lisplayý. production o! the -animnal world gu-iest sp)eaker BRey. Duncan White. M\r. flarvey Partner was an- and used as, an ex-amnple, quail. Rcv. White, Field Secretary 01Pa1n ed-s oo f"rte anvai One pair, lie said, would in !iv~ Chr>istian Educatia for the Bayda hc aanti ya St years, increase ta 65,000 'birds aI. . .. o Quinte Canference sp,-oke to ileea50-4 1 rw FfypTh Iiis io'wevcr daes nai bappen as cagrgain bot i ncesiycent a! thu sale o! tickets1is ta ga aiher factors, suai as !oo>d an t 0f change in thc Church, He biam.î h inr anyprett i preditors reduce ibis figure, con- ed the ýtendency ta dling to1 olcl es- Chamber aýn'd ten percent ta the sidera.aîy. Nature lias a way ot tablishcd forms 'o! worship foi seller o! tbe winning ticket. baîancing itself out., ,al'nbow Traut ta; make aný, actually mamentarily stenms th istagnancy. Just as oth3r facets ai AltougMt plans are not fi nal Mari does, howevcr, play a part -lsberuina', zdi osapa htýis eyilop were being fisli by electrical sliock. Whiîelife in :the twentieMi century wit- ~ O5a>a htarodeo la thie stock o! wil'dlif e. He can ýaggeà lasit week by Ci)nservnat*o" the fish is dazed if ltAs cooped upness coritinuaî confliet ewn and horseracîing will lie prasnoted decrease the stock by reducin.g officers o! the Depirtmenit al in a net for tagging. Thie eaetricalyaung \anQ aid, so Mis frbctionexnbY th ofChaneJbe soetwime asibe habitat such as cutting out for lad a-dFaresis. The projert apparatus' in use last wee!k byists within Mie Churcli. Wear1 ests. This is necessary in many 'La. n a odut Dn tire Wh i1Casr lo fie ugPw'îoeie nln ablee aapony draw. inetances An ordcer that man may wasev,ïo Ofieing carriedsme Ms icind-tobliveta-t It is expected tMaLthMe Oshawa mot streamn, west a!ohe vîage. is sboýwn Annone o!thie above pèa beautiful, buildi4and inerep wiîî again previn, bye. The irout are ia abundancýiii ýesure u P ic iofreasei, hvdco ie it rë Mr. Buiîting alsa poînted out tha' tuAns. The source o! supilyio!el-givinge as indications o! îthetheiresbavs wbare met wjob grea't. can~~~~~ li ee hatn cerp'ds ectrical curreat is Carriedon thestrengili o! lie Çhurcb when iflapproval lasi year. Four heats aigE las re aedo stde a-s t-ey were evdngtc conser offic 'er's back. Twa lea-ic s tr-av -reality the spiritual wcalth o! theharnes racing would aialio c yo! w i lhe.Beproutoatde vtion afcr.The rtitibis y ci e down the waaden pales, to tw'ccongrcgat:a'n is ai a lcsw ebb. Be auedwt n ace leatur1ngsuvaln espngw nMe ismuligeateý-r thian ia recent plates and -any fish tra ivelling lie White called on the yolùng PecoPleall local hormes, if passible. D'ui -yý,sanid îti e first hou- tweea these two patsre'ceivc'tto take froni Mie ol'd w2ys the lias-Mher details are eicpected la the yugaebr hr sasap thirty I isiba bpean captured and a stuaaimg joli brinig theini ûlc principles as.a foundation andnear future. increase in population o! animal taggecl. I~~~.he surface. This methai aO cap ta build above these in an up-to- Mr.Wod, a past president oadf, hseis.I alysine The ý,Tagging p1rajedtiis parto a ture dae 1not harm ti, ficli anddate manner ta an effort ta mak'-te Oshawa Rodeo group spoke alessheaiidera ie o r ked sith atud ijrýeigng made andilbas na v care te exercised in Mie bandl'ingtlie Oburclan integral part Ifbrie!ly at the meeting. pedhits Tie, cycle lei bof bEeen1 carrtied oui, for 'a couple of, of the Iich and iurinig their re-l1f e and not a separata aonc-day-a- Saàme dscussiaon followed in an pdrnsuerylelevroug ffM yEac s. covcapury.i weelk shani of ritul ice makJeg plant for the Orona faîl. As wintcr pravides further Eaei !sh whc- rptrci 5 A sample o! rainbow vagged is 'The zervice was given spediaAr na. Tlitis is presently lieing ia- hard'ship the cycle draps to the m-,easure, and ta'ggad on, Me top beingheu ýup by an officer o! theraeaning by Mhe musi 'of! Mevestigaici by tic Orona Atbletic. sîatic level. It- is this latter drop fin wiï-h a yejliw tag. A portion Departaicat *ho asÈited in tlie"ýCountry, Four" ,wlia sang "JustAseociation aad Mr~. Bob Hazel- in population, lie said, Mhat beý of a front lfin is also eut 'ta act as a project. Tice fajarity 'of tic rair-A Little Talk Witi Jesus" and .luture îidjentification, aloa)ng wti bow mcard , den, president o! lie Athietie oui- camnesj a waste and can bieb-ar- peorin e ccx and determinin8 bood a 25 ines the negbu- Ilmso! the Olh Churci." lined somne o! Mhe !indings to. date. vested wihout danger o! elimin- thc age by tudying s3ale taken At tuis lime o! year theic ol'low'iag tie servic, the 'H*Co-He staterl ibeir preliminary. in- ating the species. frain ibe fisli. Al his e ý,formatioa travel Up tMe stream frani baketry Four" and ticir wive s, Bey covstigto paeroer nsalda ati o! au l wild re siet, ey are a Le recorded on evry irainhbow cap- Ontaria ta spawn. The majorityand Mrs. Long and Bey. White c9l , o lioe -pintalioout a îng andlieaisileg hyunre sse tu-ed. later rtura lu the lakre. In tbeadjourned ta the main hall for aUd900As i one u ha n n 'iigyug hs The î isih are capturai liy a laie liadaother rush an -tiebuffel ,lunch of casseroles, codue equipmnent would lie di'f!icuiý' laws also govera the harvest .Uiiique iel1ect1rical apparatus tha 'strean isle alen noýtai. mtssldrlse n oll ooblain. Suci a plant, it was aa-tirougli lime lïm its and baglm- meas, alae, ehebe an roletated would lie ostly ta, operate. is. preparci by Mie girls. The taibles, Mr. Pounaid at a he faut liai Tic, speaker pointaçi out' Mat on eltier side o! the main buffet an overaîl projectin iadiig curi- game îaws are changeable ta tale wesrea set antdWuteclph.nug rink, i:ew grandstand -and ather cape wîth tie existing conditions. yellow treamer and Sping15 ties 5coulai be accompliseici Foliow'ng bis ialk Mr. Bunting flowes Whte cae and if ait intiîesled groupe warked ta sbhowed the film "Nature'e Hall were scrved. Mr. Gibart i nTeOa' a- aaAr thankai aur guesîs.

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