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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Apr 1964, p. 2

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O»O WEEKLT IVES, THUEfSDAY, APIKL i6th, '194 ORONO WEE.-KLTIMES Roy C. 'oirreter -- Editor and Manager Suei~ti~npayble in adva.nce In Canada $1.50 In U.S.A. $2,50 Member of the Cariadian Weekly Newspaper Assoc, Memiebr of the Ontailo Weekly Newspaper AS-Oc. Pmublâhed every ']bursday at the office çý* Wb1icatit Main î3reez, Pnoone 1A), Urono, &-ntario (Authorized as Second Ciase mai, Post Office Depaitinent, Ottawa) A Welcome Aithougli Uic Rural Llfe Seminar being held at Uic Orono 'United Church mp.y be drawing near, a cose -Wher stls article appears, we woul, however, like to exteud a welcome Vo the mrauy delegates f rom Ontario and Qucbec reho are iu atitendance, It is au honour o tais Village an to the MinIster and- congregation ofthte Orono United Church thlat this commun- city lias sex¶ved as the local for the conference. IV no doulit ~Win be a rewarding experience locally and one %vhich v.1,11 ,otinulate tue meantujgful values. 'Me Seminar Itself faceý the challenge 0f the present eand that of the fuiture. In thatthS challenge la being ac- ;cepted lu a most foyrthrigit manner woulI bring prodictlons5 If a strengthening of the cnrch as an integral part ofthei icomnunity.-Like that of edçucatiou thech&urch also notes eud niust face up Vo) change. it oo rnmt lie a leader i its iield of endeavour anid anything less is inadequate. May wc again enctend our wele-ome and express our Lbanka Vo those who have visite(' in 0Orono0for- the past 4couple of days. AVacuum 0f Culture TS aturday in Orono the studeits of the Orona Public Scliool, Grades 7 and 8, are sponsoring four one-acct plays in the, Town Hall. The piays are being pre.seuted by a 4raa goupfroni the town of Ajax, in order Vo asslist Uie chltdren lu finauceing a trip o Ottmwa. Tis presentattion on Satuirday brings o liglit that in the Village over the past ts&w yeare there bas been ittho of his type of culture pre- Pior Vo hs Orono did have, for a period of four or rive years, au abundance cdt Uiî form 0 culture in Uic arts The Orono Atlietie Association sponored energetie prududtof tithee-act pînys such as "Dean Ruth"' and 'Wtssfor thce occt*. Later Uic Orono Drama roup camle< ot~with s~efine pesentations. Te e pklt f ew years, have been roppred and the Village, with tàIý iexception of the annual Dirama Festival, bas become à vacuum as far as plays have 'been concerued.. The Village Ibas also loat the musical presentations of the Higli School ,vhicl h wiin located lu Orono dd i pmotE sonefine musical entertainument lun tue Village. On Uic op- exning Of Uic new sehool it is on-ly fitting that these eventd ývliud ijnhiutV own audlorurn. ItVis however a boss Vo The Orono Baud bas, in tac past f ew Years, added 11111e o hs prase. of Village lit e and we ean refer- here Voj ,Some succesaful concelts t1ýat Uiis baud ias presented lunUt, local hall ini years gene by. We are quite aware of the ime spent in presentIng play productions, mnusIcal and baud concerts and other 1ofnsu local entertairument. But Onono iloes have talent in these cultures and iV la a pity that this talent is in effec 'aated or letl dormant fer no one o cjy This culture is only'one phase of your community but à is an important phase, one in which people as individuels, work together Vo give further meaning Vo life in general. IçreHi h SdihoI 4Hoding, Annual "Open House' ' On May 16th the Clarke High 9chool ta holding their second au-î nueJ, Open Hou»e, TbP parents 1-f the aterîding student ar.d every- one who is tnterested in Mhe -ork donc at the school arc welcome to attend. The teachers will lie in their home roonis and in the laibs demonstrations wilil be held. For further entertainment thé girls and boys gymnn teams wili be working out in the gymnasium. Meinbers 0f the girls team are:* Cathy Scott, Joanne Canierop., Linda Greenwood, Sharon Tain- blyn, Julia. Haiwke, Tante Zwier. Ain Soreson, Leslte Stephenson and Chirs Maartensc. These girls wil be workin"g on the mats, the horses, parrailel bars and tram- polue. The boys gym team consists of: Idso Weirsma, Tsrry Goerahkmn Barry- Redwell, Dane Rogerson Brilan Ishii,, Ron Good, Gordonj Cowling and Mil<e Rousseau. They wili aise perform on the mats. tue horses, parallel bars, high1 bar and trampoline. Immedistely following thc gym- nagtic display, thc home econoin ics clase.qg fromi grades 9 to a? are arrangin- a fashion show for thUic evening, T.hey will be modelng the clothe,; which they have miade f or lass projects and on thelx own. T4~e girls ,are model'ing ev- erything f romn sleepwear, shifts, shorts, skir1ts to wool suits, dress- es and coats. Thi evening cf entertainine t a being sponsored by the Student's Council. The coucil lias decided to adopt a foster chîld f ronm a Euro pean country with moneY theY niake on the evcning of Uhc Open jHouse. on adopting this child they will send approximately $200-00 per ycar to Uic chid. Tis will provide lie or she wi'thY clothes food and an education for a year. rho council will receive photo- graphe of the child and correspond regularly with the cchild. ln order to raise the aniount ueeded. for this worthy plan we hope, to bave everyone out to en joyClýarke -High's "Open House.", TRACK MEET Clarke H iwill play 110st to th"- Bowmanviile and Cour. ce Hiti Bjachools on My 12th for their an. *1Wai Tri-8oliool nicet. To p14,pare for is mýDct CIa.rke ïSm at2!i%îay 4tlT, aterchoul,4 goâg bou beeçt twe Znever-v ,catagory. These three , tuder'2 Will articipa.te against Courtio' and Bowmanville on M'xy l2th. On SirdaApril 251h oui iGice Club wfll Vo Peter4bori to.compete. in a xnusic f e.,vala Crestwood Collegiate. A~pril 2t marks a visit to the B.wmanville May -.rdi i day v e sIng i the Orono United Churdh. On May 215t sTe presenit our annuai "Breath of Spring". Aso during -thc mlorfb of May we hope to play host to the Bowmanville High1 ISchocO1Bauýd. C.G.I.T. NEWS we ôe ened our mctng by re- peating, the purpose. Marga ret Taggart repcated a poemn cafled 'Sprin 's Hr" Geke De-Jonge said a prayer. Secrýtary's report was read and wc had thc treasur- cr's report. TOn Sunday, April 1<q Marilyîî ,am(blyn and Mrs. Wood will look after Jurior Congrégation. Attendance was taken showing 14 present. Wc discussesd and de- clded Vo try for chevou*' Judy Vagg took th e study book this, wcek. Next imeeting is April 20th1 in the Church auffieorium. Wc had a littie party and a de- licious lunch. We then repeated a ~p1y er hefore going home. W7e ail wis.àh to thanl Mi,'. Couvier and Mrs. Doreen Wood for thie party. DarleneWe Letter To The Editor, !Orono Tmes, SThe Editor i Dear Mr. Editor,1 It ta thc hope of Uic Faculty and1 Board of Trent University that1 the Unversity will become a2 centre for Canadiaai 8tudles. TheC valley of the Trent and this region of Onta"Vio are particularly riclh in b-istory and tradi*iou, and in the lîter'ature, arts and crafts wbich are a part of these. The Univers ity is very happy te lie Iecated inhshstrcaeeo aaua iC looks forward to contrlbuting tte its development and Vo serving itsc interests ;and tr4ditioris,- to this end, Trent University is willin; and prepared to undertake t5' gather together and to preserve, under Uic care ' o its Library, such historic papers and docu- ments as miay become available to it - perhaps in particular, ai-t thougli certainly n,)t exclusively. f the papers and documenta per-n taining Vo the hisetory and culture9 0f this area of the country. 9 The gathering and care of sucli papers is a proper respousibility j îndeed, duty - of a unîversity and is one 0f thie important ways ilu ROYAL 1. College group: slhort. 5.Concoct 9. A Europeah resort 10. Hoarfrost Il. i4ke a beach 12. Beginning 14-. NoaWis ll:Èood. ahelter 15. Food fish 16. Perforni 17. Nortiieat: abbr. 18. People 20. Female - fowl 21. Fiee 23, A - O beef, butcher's purchase 24. Assaults 26. Prison window posts A-. Clamorous s-ounds 31. Ancient 32 A cry for aid 33. Music note 34. Siberian guif 35. Feminine pronoun, 36. Likely 37. Candie 39. Motherles calf 41. Roman emperor 42. Jeisig -m.ontlih 43. Tlaie -4-. Bare DOWN - ligets at sea 2. Skating area. 3. Sum up 4. Pla.ythine 5. A anali stream 6. Outer coat- Ing of. bacon 7. Type measures S. Ehiminated, as i'ank growth 11. Rational 13. Note of definite piteih 15. Less3 dirty which',a uqvei-sity cant serve 1i ,co~mi!iit>. Too, sucb papers are the- raw inaterial for 'tie work u t th-e ,;ch~oïars who. staff a university tlhrough suceeedinig gtunerations- the historians, political scientiste economists, sciologists andmore ilf Trent ls to become a signiticant centre foi Canadian Studies, aai r hoped- It la essential, that the. Ut versity , hould become a reposi- tory of many documents, early paper 's, collections of family vr respondence, diarie9, minute books, el cetera, which il1ustrate and Illuminate the history of thie community and nation. Trent bas made a good star; upon this aspect of its work. R- cent asquisitions include sm papers pertaining to Sidney Sàmjt-i the intatNafeM l i John A. MacDonald's pre-Conîfed- eraton goverument; etnic Peteiiborough CoÜnty recor4s:. other papers from the Cobouzrg and Port Hope areas; and Theý r Lady Eatoni Collection of -Eskimoc Art. A 'rutrber of other glits, la- cludtng some from other parts 0,ý Canada, are In the offing. Trent University would w'lcome similar gifts of historical, and cul- tural value, and will be grateful for the Interest and help of -its neighbours in developing its pro- gràjae In Canadian Studies in general, and, in the bistory snd culture ot this area in particular, Yours sincerejy, Presidentr. H. B. Symozise Peîetand ,Vîce Ca nçelor. Bow-manv ille 623-5589 Thurs - Fr! - Sat - Sun -.ApriI 16, 17, 18, 19 WALT DISNE'S Misadventures of Merlin Jonles Disneylaind Af ter Dark Mon. - 'Thes - Wed - April 20, 21, 22 ALL COLOR Kingý Kong va. Godzilla and KISS 0OF THE VAMPIRE (color) Sam Wan »ISWER,# li )n t. 3ONCErmAn tîtie 36. Culture me dium 38. A aize of coal 39. Female parent cf animais ,40. Poem 18. Butter, lard, etc. 19. Mfake cholce 20. Sound, a% a goose 22. Comb, as woo' M3. JuDI L over 25. moun- tain pass 26. A recrui 27. Capital: N. Y. 29. Dominloi 30. Location 32.ý Wading bird PtIZZL-F NO. 803 ICROSS WORD PUZZLE Special on L.P. Records 10% off April 16 to 25 America Dry Gingerale, reguilar and sugar-free 30 oz. hottie.................... 25c Leave your wnter cogt with us for, storage. Phone Orono 238

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