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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Apr 1964, p. 4

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I -g','. J,. ..~;,. OSOeNO WELY Imm, TatasuAV, A*ZEL lI4 o", .4' redIt From The O ~rono Cuc tet T*Men. Iroins a.sermon preaohed lED HAYNES Ilfflff by Rev. E. C. Cossax, Represent- TOUIS? (OUNCI ULIre t the Ontario Temperance "If the Great Pine Ridge Towv- Federaion. st Council is ta' suoceed in its en- More tyai 25000 oforyln deavours ta brIng tourlsts ta this tengr iibe alconlali ng aealira hee nust b. un aU- teengersWillifl is!out drive to increase mensiber ,nexi five years, and thousandq slip, president Ed Haynes told1 viore wil be problem drInkers, mmes0 h oni tVea unless we get on lite bal and donul eeralof te eiat te Ban omtigabout it." more Hotel Wednesday evening. This was "tlie challenge issuedi Mr. Haynes was re-electeil as pre- by thse Rev. E. C. Coasar of Tor [sident for lff4-65. onto, speaklng on boisai! ofie * Some idea of tlie importance On' aria Temperance Fédération and the impa&ct a! good touris! ai Orono United Cdurci recently. romnotiop . can ho seen in tise fatt that while in 1962 there was J a $30,000,000 deficit iii iourist Mr. Cossar went on to say iliat we are not liytng in a world of pînk frasting andi pleasant fanto- cios, and that we must walke up ta thse fact tisat 20 per cent of tIse divorce rate in Ontario alonee ba3 been traced toa akohol. The speaker went an to say tisat 25 per cent of tise ourrent insanity problensa, 37 per cent of al Vi?3 paverty ir aur moderr cities, 47 per cent a! ail eild misery, and 28 per cent of ail the cr'mes corn- mnitied ir, Ontario have, been clef liiely traced ta thîs fan 0of bey- crage., Taking as hils ext, a passage frons 1 Corinthians 6: 2- "Do ye iiot know Vtha) te saints shahl judge Vie wonld,". the speaker ponted out by illustration that it !a up >ta the Chiristan man and woman ta sel the example for, the Using warld known figures for examples, Mr. Cossar stated that the enlgitened Christian mimd must constitute thse public- con- science anid Viose Who bear tihe name Chiristian must set the stan dards regardîcas o! personal popq ulariiy. And there are Christian men and'women coing jusi this thing, tie said. "In Vie shapa, tise factor- les, on' fama, in homes and in sdisools . . but there needs ta bc more. Men and women wth a lighlt o! knowledge in tlieir eyes. a lamne a! freedlom in Lheir soui-ls, ndtfise courage ta stand up aý,i gaingt the mnasses and sav that a, tblng is .wvrong and tisai ihey are bpposed tr it." Tise speaker drew attention hý. lIse tncreasing nuier o! liquor, leenses lbeing issued and said tIsa h!eor loGunges and bars are ike kugo . "ff you pags one up, vo, will ftnd a dozen befôre too long." HP ollalenged thse arsemabled trongýregation te give serliu con- 9do'ea"ei to -te quaiMy « t he Lexampole being set for teenagers, ynd ,plint'sd mit lhttit i. &amI are, the modela; for the young pea- p>-e tao lîe by.1 "Are we building for tise future' or destroying Vie eittage wlhich liaâs heen passed dawri f us," lie cisarg-ed. Spea.king on thse work o! the On- ' taio Temrperance Pederation, Mr.1 Oosar pointedi out tIsaI More Vian . jowo vouns' people heard lectures1 'n tis subject in liirý own clasa rooma tirougis the efforts of the Fedleratioî±, ",As a result o! this", lie said. "'more t-han 2900 young people bavei attended area conferen!ces mnd youtl, rallies and hundreds mre, have altencied wekend con ri'eeces and tudy groups." been done. eiSm Misial periar ant tih lie sal for t], year, Cliay Of Col HarWc t44 in16.ýeete rei L:....î. rIý he laet wee-k hbefi bas$! lu~ D Svypaeit A manhwrig alI-,3 nainly ýdue-, oOtrio M. grass filr-s. ih oni S to »,cme lly .p ,Bus Jv tnedqa memberslÈpýof Kept1 ;BOsy , alst iheanwered ýst ,>W. iW should pa iq The Grona Fire Depariment lias Icall to theêthird 1 e of'Clark* it ampa4gu as a coordinated to the home of Mr. and 1Ms. Ger#~ soive a problemn and rre, ho sta Ipacher. A ohimney t'es *stu ým Lii ime e t, here iU", 9& cause of tbie eau. criicim ! wiatlis ben Dr. Pleva spoire or me many' cilIcim o wht hs be idnds of land uses needed for liv- Two grass fires on Suriday had foire ivashas o beencr1i o I ing and stfated that we are trying the Department controlling a fiine for whareliadlo e.Ten done ta evoIve a civilized l and.scape at the Intersection of 1Higliways '2 ~esaremad. Tesearewhich' is something, that the hand and 115, near Browview Farm ts inevitable but tbe 4mport- hIng is to profit from tliem, nofian is capable o! devaloping. 1and also on the property of Mr. d. He thanked the execUtive Each of us has his speciai Ob.,'Alison Cowan,,west of0f hoo. te support given hhm last lgation but some are chariged citing particular, Chiarles with greater obligations due to On Monda ytlie Depariment iad of Bewdley, FtbnMur their profession or community in- two further cails botil ta -figh t >ourg, and Mrs. S. Stepliens, volient. "The. future 1$ as we grass fires. 'The first was ýto the~ Pan it, Scnnelow or other we ai lement Bras. farm, west af New- way's get the kind of future we castie and the, second at, the Or- 1 deierve,' en im Speciks. On Plannfing At Seminor Session A hghhigt of the opening session as a toal in problem solving. This of th2 Rural Life Seminaoe being lie felt coulddliowever take con- held at the Orano United Churcli aiderable time to develuop. Rt did on Tuesday eVening was ana ad not, liowever, necessarily mlean dress given by Dr. E.-G. Pleva, ýthe lass of local identity.* head of thie DepartmenW 0fo a resent rate 0f population in- grapliy, Univerity af Western On- r"rease, he said, WoWld double tarie. Dr. Pleva is also a pramin- Oanada's population to 38 mil~ionl ent chunclinan, a. leading author- by 1991. The present areas of den- ity in cormmunity planning and a 'sity will see furtlier increases, lie past pres'idenit 0f the Canadian As- feIt. This population increase, he eociation of Geographists. He was predicted would corne within an introduced by Rev. H. M. Bailey, larea from Quebec Cýty to Wind- Associate Secretary of the Board ýsor, ini a band flfty miles ini width. of Home Missions. This area represenits ! percenit - Dr. Pleva chiefly' dealt with iCanada's total area buat today planning and changes in the se ,- contain 8/5 of is population. cial society. four-fifth of Uts industrial produe He defined p1anning as the steer- ition and two-fiftb of the crop valut, ing oZ ciements of growth and de- iproducetion. This great increase ia Ivelopment toward aocially desire 1 within the area of the five confeor- , goals. Wlien making tbis defini- ences represented at th e Semainar tien, lie said, lie is often asked and, he said, is your respansibilty wliat are tlie desired goals? H,ý. The speaker gaive a nun)uber of. answer was that tf we cannot see assumptions basic te. problemn warthwhile goals we are through solving. Firstly, lie said, that as a nation. young Canadians w!ih continue to Many, Ie said, become alarmed live in single-famlily d1welliimg ev- whe on spaksof laningbuten tnou?,ti ibis wîll mean smort- h e onet p eaka fplanin buar aingtfor great amounts. ,This ipis nee i not bebecrauis were lie f£' was notý a bad feature for Yu is iteplanning inadmcai or it i kepy oung Canadians at ,tlie "Ynt ou musi aïlNie laig or it gidtoneand also gave tliem a pted tclone at 1,"l ai. e 1resp)onsib'iity. Tlie personialme poeitedarni eani-actdhattisee hcanical vehlicle wîll continue ta ee fiyplanning arelysnd that *ibe the mode of travel and tlis planin isflo rellysomtlingwill present problews nent only in new.building s oads but in jîrovidsng He pairted to tlie many planning parking facilities. A car today la programas now undertaken men- operated tor, onl two hours out tioning tliose under the Planning of twenty-four. 1I Act; under tihe Water Reeurces Effective planning will lag be- Act iie onel-atonAutliority cause oi ani artificial duaism in Act, liglway Needa Program lnkîng regarding urýban landi asand Open sac progran uses and rural land uses He sad and conmicRegins rogan I lie could see no difference. We have been trying 'to Planour future si1nce World War IL, a per i!ie ouation will continue bod inlistory whichli as sliown a exisibitthe charaoterîiSilso great growths. youthful population which io0da y' In planning lie referred ta tise frty percent tas under the age of Officiai plan as tlie key ta tlie ninetee. le family unit will' process: a carefully cevised policy continue ta unudertake lieavy in- statemefrt to guide comimunity de- debtness for liousing and irans- velopmei. Ii is a poicy state- porPatior. earlier in 1f e. More tlian ment to govern the direction of one breadwinner may be needed growtli for a possible twenty year in tlie famiiy unit and In tliis lie periL' for a community, churcli, saw no problem providirig there Province or Nation. Implementa-j waa no decline in ollier values. tien o!filie officiai plan îs ilirougà There will continue a dynaniz zoning by-laws. Ichallenge to meet the problems 0 Dr. Pleva pointed ta tie region continuing change. We cannot May TentOnCrown Land As 11e outdoar season ta onice irentai a! huni camp locations in again with us we tisought il mui.Èthtie Lindsay District are being ac be of iniereai ta review lise poiiycepied. In tise interesis af safety Of thii Denartment insfar as the these locations wpee saced iat' .Po in tng out tisai visual educa- i,ýn -liy alare prtin he i-dispostion and use a! Crown -land lion pîys a lage par in tish ie i indsay District Is concerný ohleducation Drograni, the ed. p*ersaid lthmnore( tisan 17, Agrictiltural Land V000 persanls o! ail ages vie'wed( filma hlast year whicisweede- Thi eireaining Conland ta sined ta sho')w tise "ts ide , ilnrh !tieKwataLake- tie iodlme rogrin" (cisaîn, wthin tise precambriain PIojinting or tise work a! thise ahieid and much more suitable fa" Otariaj Temperance Federatian, recreational purposes and tise pro- Mr C irsid tisatishe Advocate, duction of, timber than for agri- (th,ýeofficiai paper of tlie group) cultural purpase. For tis reasoti ta Sen't out mta 20,000 homes every no furliser agiculturai sales O! mo(ntl-s. 1,," Crawn land are being considered "Getting tise unvarnished facats i tls District. ta ~le rasses is aur main job," Pnivate Cottage Land fie sted, and pointed out tha* Private cottage sites are being at udy caniferiences are, held each made available by registered -eïr-aiMcM-.aster University for Plana of subdivision aft<-r1 suita{bie dioctors, lawyera, probation of- amounts o! lalcesisore have beeri ficerz, nurses and otiser interested reserved for public use. in ibis per.cir. 8,respect the Public Lands Act pro- Furihser information on ibis suis- vides tisat ai leasi 25% o! aUl jeot may be abtained by applyîing lakeshore rernain in public own- ta ie Ontario Temperance Fed- ership. eration offîices, 3e DavenpoX'i St..,flunt Camps in Taýrante. No furthêr applicationsl for tise mile intervala keeping a buffer zone araunid the sisores o! develop ed ae and Jsanie of tise mare accessible aeafree !frontcamps. ;On Ibis basia tise saturation paint was reached ;1, October off 1963 and no new hunit camp applica 'tions have ibeeýn accepte ic itisai date. Tenting r i Except in Provncial Parka and other areas reserved for apecifie ýpurpose- one may tent on Crown1 land for a pertod not exceeding three weeks free of charge. if a lent ta ta ho lefi on, Crown lane for a period greater, than ibree weeka a nominal reniai ta cisarged. Public Hunting Anyone equipped witli ibe nec- esasary license miay hunjt gajme anywheî e on 'Cronlard in sea- soan, .prj,,ided aucis land tasflot -lo- eated withtn a towynship wliere tise bychrg of firearma s pohibt iy ocai by-law. op applied for your Sociîal Insuraice Nudmber? Vour gvern ment is issuing Social Insu rance Nu mber Cards in place of the unemployment insurance numbers that rflst employed people have had until now. The new numbers will help government to use modern office methods for greater efficiency in handling unemploymrent insurance, and also other social benefits such as proposed pension plans. For these reasons, you are invited ta apply for a Social Insurance Numnber, even if you are flot a contributor ta the unemployment insurance plar.. If you haven't yet applied, here's what you dc IF YOU ARE AN EMPLOYEE your employer wilI grve you an, application form. FîlI it out and return to your employer promptly. IF YOU ARE UNEMPLOYED 'and drawing benefit you will complote an application form when you report ta the Unemployment InsuranceCommission in persan or by mail.. IF YOU -ARE AN EMPl, 71 registered with the Commission, you wilI ree _ý.. application forms auto- rnaitical1y. If NOT registered with the Commission, please get in touch with your local U.I.C. office and application formns will be sent to you. Distributi aipplication formstryour tmployees, have them con- p!leted and return them together, mot individtïall., îto the (Commission, CONIPLETEYOUR APPLICATION NOW UNEMPLOYMENT INS1.JRANCE COMMISSION OTTAWA UIC-264B * 0/ 7k. Week<~ llCien 1treat yeu tu edb fare?" "Il 11M qqpffllllm" onmiluil wu m ffl "M' 'lm ono- aump

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