OEONO WIEEKLY TRIES, THRMDAY, APRIL 16th, 1964 CAN<ADA PACKERS SALE Ka. . a.ve.. .. .. Luncheon Meat 12 oz -39c. Maple Leaf - Save 30e Canned Hams Tulip Coloured Margarine 2 lb$1.39 3 lb pkg 65c 2c Off Regular Price - Save 8c 15 oz. Tins~ Chum Dog Food' 4 for 37 Domestir - Save 13e Shor tening Maple Leaf LARD York - Turkoy, Cikn <e Frozen Pies -Maple Leaf Slired mi idfless Side Bacon. WEINERS 2 lb pkgs 63C 2 lb pkgs 37c 8 oz. Pies~ 4 -for- 79c lb pkg 69C l45c "A REAL BUDG ET BALANCER" ,New Brunswick Can. No. 1- erade POTATOES 25lb 69c CAIJIFORNIA CEIJERY U.S. No. 1 G-radeJc LETTU CE Hiospitality Pkg. of 30 AI SIEUALIiI8ýBLOSSOMS Bospltality 16 oz. Pkg. ASSORTED M~4JST Dry or Norsissl1 BRECK SHAM00"@ 2 -for, 25c Jumbo Size 24s o5c fu «%EN GrA NSlb 19c Barlinka- A Deliclous Treat doz 39c GRA--ýES lb 39ýc 29c EXTRA TOTAI 39C 6 oz. Size73 Receive an Extra $10.00 Bonus Tape Orange Pekoe IGA TEA BAGS Pkg. of 60 Receive an'extra $4.00 Bonus Tape with Duncan limes -AU Flavours DELUXE CAKE MIXES 14 oz, pkg. Gilde lquidi LAUNDRT STARCH 61-0z. Size Receive an Extra $6.00 Bonus Tape with KLIK LUNCHEON MEAT 12 oz. Tin BAKERY FEATURES, Hospitality Dutch APPLE PIE Big 24-oz Pie each 49c Dempsters - LSave 2eý DANISf LîiNS .hocolate 17tdge Bar each 4. ,c e $321,N BONUS Receivean Extra $2.00 Bonus Tape with )Black Diamond, White or Coloured OLD CHEESE 8 oz. Stix 6 Varieties FROZEN CHINESE FOOD Pkg. :»aple Leaf Pure Pork SKINLESS SAUSAGE 1ilb. pkg. J.Sý No, 1 Qrade CrLLO T0-11AIO2S 1' oz. Tube Kendal News MIrs W H. Foster went by train to Wheeling, Virginia to vis- it her mother who is Mi. Mr. andt Mrs. Jack Fonk and Donald are staying during the week witii Wayne and Tom Poster. Don Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood'had the m'sfortune tr, be hIt or the back, of the bead by a stone thirown by anotýher boy on the, Kendll chool ground last w eek. The signs of Spring are many these days. A large flock of geese went north last,,Saturday ev- ening the eleventh of April. Sev- eral farmers have their baiby, chickens. The warm ra'n on Mon-' day evening has made the lawns and fiel'ds green. Those with cot- tages in this area carne to tbeixn last weekend. Mr., and Mrs. Thos. Stevena bave gone on a tnip f Boston. Mr, 'Stevens is on a city planning board and they were makîmig an officiai visit to Boston wvhi1-e Mrs. Stevens went on to Portlanid, Maine to'visit ber daugbter Du.o- otby (Mrs., J. Hellebust) and family To Met JoWhitby Anderson, Higb School in Witby will be a busy Place this weekend, It will be the centre cf activity for more than 500 witnesses of- Je- hvhwho wffl att2rnd tneir senti- annual Christian asseýmbly. The local con.F'regatio i of Je- hovah's vmitneseej-s will be arnong those who w!il assemble in the H1igh 'School for three days Aprii j17, 18, 19, for iniensive Bible in- struction. "Ail thc sesslon.s aie open to the Public,"? said Mr. Roberts, pres- iding minister for the local group H-Te fuerther stated c'nat special ar- rangemerts have, bee-n 'made ta cali on ai] the local residents in- viting them te, attend tihe key Bible talk on Sunday atternoon az, 3i:00 p.m entitled, "Facing up to thse Urgeîýcy of Our Times." Mr. Roberts, when asked wihy the Wît- nlesses assemble so reeuarly, said, "Fami*ly members find real joy in occasionial reunions,* se it is true witit modemi-day Christian Iwitnesse-, of Jehovah who are mensbers of a very large family. Christ made this clear' wben be told his followers at Matthew 23. 8, 'Ail you are, biothers.' Thse bond that ties usý together is mucis stronger than blood relationslsip." He wenitaon to say, "When we gather at tbese assemblies we re- ceive refreshing instruction from our heavenly Father tbrough his Word tihe Bible, and we ]iook for- ward to bis promises 0 f seeing tisis eartb restored to a pas-adise la titis very generation."1 "We are greatly encoura«ed b>' these assemiblies," b e furthe., I stated. "The worl'd eVents that axe jfuifilling Bible pr'ophesles provs that the day Jehovnh will vindi- Icate his name is drawî ng ver>' near. Titis is ail the more reaaon for ail mearbers of thse Cliriotlex chîldren of Jebovais to corne to. Sgether i assembl!es to taie ini instruction."