01RINTO WEEKLY TJMES; T TRJSDAY; APUJL 3OUh, 1964 r~PiôTt h Of ~4Vi~TX ITO LIVE" or nt "ýWIIAT'S NEW ? Li frôrn a sermon preached Ss bytihe Rev. Duncan White, M.A, w tjD. field Secretary of Chri stian th Flducation, Bay of Quinte Confer- 't eràce. ci Scripture Lesson Mark 2:. 21 to st Marke: 6. ,th In this special Ht-C Service, I s arn glad to be sharing f ellowship to with you. Your Sanctuary and t your f acilties for Ch--ristin Edu- C cation suggest a coicerned an l cornmitte-d congregation, respond- th Ing to th-e opportunities wichel face the Church ini these ex'cting times 1 arn sure you have more than just tuie o4twvard forin which t1iese bulding-s represent but also tlie ir.er life, the vitality that cornes f rom your personal relationtship with Go)d, whichi is, the essence of the church. Todayý as you look,,back at bhat dlisastro-us tire sorne years ago, 1 arn sure you 1-earned that although thec Churcýh building was destry- ed, the Churoh in Oiroo as not hairmed, for the ciurili is not the building.s. The Church is tne con- gregatio.,n, the Christian feldoWship., The buildings are simply the place where the Ci-iiichI gathers and meets. God was able to wërk througli that tragic tire and brmng blessig f or something significant eau happen when a congregationi is forced tu re-evaluate its life. Twenty-five years f rom now, I cani thinkl of somehiung more dis- astrous than a destructive fire. It would be a greater tragedy if, years frorn now vie people lni Or- ono were to Say to one another, "HËo* these Christians wrangle amongst themnselves! Oh, they bicker and envy one another! They are jealtous of how each is gettig on. They are proud and »elf-rigliteofl a and, hiee no love for one another! They certainly have nolove or conceern for the peope outside of .vieir congrega- tion.' This-is always the tempta- tion that is before us lu the Church to replace viee f e, the Vtality, t<e essene e o our faith, with a, formi - to value this forrn above vie Life which created the füom it- "self. t is no new ternptatioil for the Jewish people struggled with it continually. Amos, a shephei'd, came clown' iutothe eity and saw al the formis, thec glorious trappings of religion. He saw a people very religious; superficially -but lie saw vie poor being neglected; justice beiag perverted by a bribe; al sorts of compromises i business, and people âayang, "Weil, business uis business." Amos propliesied, "You love t0 malte a show of religion" Oh, you people of Ismael, vie Lord ;;;s, "I despise your f easts. 1 take no delight. in your solemn as- sembLes. Even though you offér me burnt offerings and cereal p4-1 ferings, I won't accept thern -Take burnt off erin'gs and cereal offer- ings, 1 won't accept thern. Take away froin me vie noise 'of youî- anthemns, but let justice rollownj Ilike waters and rignteousness like ai' ever ïlowingstreain." , Mcah asked, 'What ioes the Lord require of' thee?' He doesn't require mre torins of religionyer old calves or ten'thousand rývers of cil. He has showed vou O man -.id what d,ýes lie Lord reqjuire od thee, but to do justly and f0 love ipiercy and to walk humbly with thy God.": Jesus found that the f orn had replaced the IUght so He spoke of ',new wine in old wîne skins" 'and about puttinge a patch on an old garm'-nt." Then He s~hoxved in His! actions wrhat He meant by this' God h'i's lis, où we1' ly", Said Jesus. t waie thii eýic serv-ànjg ourselves? Does the world perience that gets, men cner thank Gý for mvie fChuri? We about the world we live ;n anid u have to look at curselves through the church ean be relevant to t the eyes of the worId. Have we It was hils New Lii e t1hat JeszÀ,@ the forrn and lost the Spirit? brouglit that mhade Hirni both loved-I jesuls oarne, o olIIgafO adhtdloved by the people wi. form 0of religion, -but to br the fringe of the Church or OUtsI4e'ý Ifpwit a.1 ît Duse.vizo headrlt o veib h pe ch hle vey the essen 1ce of re1iielon itself, its ;ohô- hurchlif iand its vitallty. 1 i Revejationt, the Church fa<cs v»MM teie ne'thn~g. TheSpirit npeak- ewiness taiat wa-q the eessenc'e Ofing to the Church iLaOdiýea Life i religion Hle heýaled On the says, "1 know your works, y«U Sabbaith and technically that mus are neither hot nor cold, for yoïu wrxk. He continually-challenged 'Say, 1 arn ich , Ihave prýospered the people to find the Life behind and. I need noting."1 You know not te form. Woe betde, the Man WhO that you are Wretched, ptlajb7le, chailenged the sacred, holy in- poor, blind and'nalced because the stitution of the Sabhrath, even if Spirit has departed. Ail churches that Man be the Son of God Hirn. Ida ce this. We, in the United Church self So we read, "Thiey piotted, arc going to build a church, every oc do awýay with Hint," We face, week for the next eight .years We this temptation in the Christian l are full of vitality, we are raising Cliurch today. Ina our varied dedi'nmore 2money but are people being ation to some ting-s which we changed -and made new? Are weé hîllnk are hioly and sacred, we lose really servig ths world in which Spirit, but hated by the- peopl@--- who were committed to vie s- tution, the people who could rîo't see change. and were detetmbne4 at aIl costs that the forrns wlti... had been handed clown, for gen,-.rýe ations be preserved. The Chv-ch is lu this type of situation. (ContInued on page 8) A (GENIRAL MOOR VALI The Branhd..New WITH MORE GO-POWER, MORE STOéPNG-POWER THAN ANY OTHER DELIVERY VAN IN ITS CLASSfI Chevy- Van by Chevrlet: A Low-Cost, Light-Duty Truck, Designed and Buit to'Carry Maximum Loads at Minimum Cost Through the Heaviest Sig-City'Traffic. Read the facf s about this brand newaddi- ion to the Chevrolef Truck line, theni sec your local Chevrolet Truck dealer. New Chevy-Van's Got The Power You Need. Standard engine is the 90-hp Higli Torque 153 Four. Optional at extra cost is the 120-hp Higli Torque 194 Six. Both are buit for economy, dependability and smooth running, with 5 main bearings in the 153 Fourand 7 main bearings in the 194 Six' They'll deliver thie power you want at minimum cost with either the 3-speed Synchro-Mesh or optional Poegieautomatic transmission. New Chevy-Van's 'Got The Payload Space You Want 1 With a maximum GVW rating of 5000 lbs, the Chevy-Van can carry a fulli 2000 pounds of payload in its 211 cubie foot cargo compartment. Clear load space is 7 ¼' fee t long with an, additional 4 feet of load sp ace along the right side of tlhe engine. Curb-side doors (optional at extra cost) open f0 over 4 feef in both width and height, makcing loading or delivery safe aud convenient. Ail doors have locks, and feature Chevrolet's con- venient single-key locking sy5tern. New Chevy-Van's Got The Ltading I:ase You Like I Chevy-Van's double rear doors open rnighty wide - giving easy access to the *perfectLy fiat ribbed steel floor. There's flot even a raised siil to get in the way. Add that,te- its, 22 inch floor height, and you'll sec why Chevy-Van will be a real asset in Vour delivery operation. New Chevy-Van's Got The Handling Ease Yeu Need. The tightest parking spots or the smallest openings in traffic are big enough for the new, nimble Chevy Van. And Chevy- Van's engineered stability ensures safe highway handling. Total overaîl length is just 167 Y2 inches - on a 90 inch wheel- base. With its 322 foot turning circle and excellent driver visibility, every driv- ing manoeuvre in a Chevy-Van is sure and simple. v. A Dia ,~o~'#b, ~ i § ~gj~ ~ ~ g' e e -~ --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Seû yo.u local Chevrolet Truck dealer----------- -- -- -- -- -- -- AUTHORIZEDCEVOE TRUCK DEALER lN! XuMý IL BOWMANVILLE., Phone 728-6206 "Be sureto ',e-Bc, nuza rcai l6 at OodukSunday niglit" DAT SHOW -ASEBAL IOPEN' 10 A.M. TOWN PARK, RotaryClub of Port Hope, STARIS ,1'030 P. M PORT HOPE. b -FIREWORKS STARTS &t DUSK £ONDAY, MAY 18 Adm-ission 50c per person, includes aIl events 0>, creative power; Io bring Liglit that wvould ýbe dynarnic, creating people with new ideas. "Young men shahl see visions and your old men shall drearn drearns and vie H.oly Spirit of God shail meve through you and you, won't be stagnant and fixtidi a set place." "I arn corne vint they mnight have Life and have it more abundant-