toù(QIi O WiiItLY T&ES, H1V, I Re .port From Queen's Païk x ", rrhers, Mi.P Duxh- i st welare cheque, Phe past week sawthcoie-Hm li of, tle estimiates of the De-I Very un tdy. a li re hazard be- tinent, of Wel.fare. Thie Miniatrjcas f hen-ting (ondWlons - one Iloi. Louis Ceuc'e was d , 10 wtt lighit in kýitchen drawn efrm the N.D.P. ppsUn frmsuipply 0f néxt tioor neighibor MAIÂL «SI St. John's choir froni 130wmaa1- ville wiLl bo in chage 0f music at St. Saviatur'~s Chu'rCh Servce, Sun- day, Alay Zrd at ,j p.m. whéèn theo I....wiil be guegts on theo occasion of their annual Chnur Ch I .1 I 1 Age 45, - Grade 9 educatoix ânarried with wl! c and 5 clildren, renounced any responsibiiity for care of simily - prottd cf and sat- isfiod witi welface ass-istance A known gambler but flot a, driniker - doos net sinave reguUarly - -does not use lus dentures - wears old 'cithes ýwhenn nnterviewing employ- crs altlieugh he has gcod mnes -1 soldoni takes a bathn - wear1s sanie shirt and undarivear for weeks, refuses te'a,,)vc froniife, prepared to lot hs children starve.Reud two jobs on greund ci f feeling siîck - alvays prepared te 100k for work as long as'fins called on appeared to of- fer ne opporunities for eniploy- nient - main reason given for un- empieymenït was iii inoalth - medi- cal examination revealed he was qite emptIoyable. A former patient ý)t an Ontario ~i-istated that the werst thnng te Depart-rnt donc was te give her busband his t24~I~-A-L. TOWING rning, Toyrontoý. Callyour licen'sed Plumbing & Mechanicaï Contractor who ,slis, instaliz avad 9uarantees PLUMBING - HEATING Pk-zne 143 Orono WAYNE'S Maintenance Service Complote Maintenance on Windows, Floors and Wall Service Rug and Uphoistery Shampooing Commercialt, Inidustriai Sesidential PHONE U55 Orono, Ont. brush that had been 1urnt early in thie morning. The p!le of brusih was in the area of the poles but wR.s thought to be out. Last Thursday evening nearly itfiremen from the Northum- berlancl-Dur2iam Mutual Aid area- ,vepe present in Orono to attend a .%Iutua1l Aid meeting. The local fire deparýtment first demonstrated the operation of ;heir new fire pumper at tihe pari¶. F'olowiinig the demionstration the SISMAN BOOTS-Men's brown Retan leather Work Boots with cork sol e and heel, cushion insole. Goodyear welt construction, steel shank, size 6-12. group met at the Orono FIreEa for their monthly meetýixg. Miss Elva Reid, <aughiter of -ýe and Mrs. Wlrn. Reid has reÏumedi. hoe e roni En.-Land, whee visited for the past several Pnionthbaý She also ivsited Fran~ce and Ger- inary. Mrs. 1, Jobnston anid sons Se' en andl Chris of Boston spent ls week rwith lier mother Mrs. J. F_. Stevenson $10,95 IMen's black 'Retan leather Work BRoots ivith double leather sole and leather insole. Goodyear welt con- $ 1 9 stru ction, steel, shank. Size 6 to 12. Pricedai ...... Men's brown Retan !Scaniper Boots with stitched moccasin toe, foam sole and heel. Sizes 6 to 12. .. Gls Dresse A new stock of girls' Summer Dresses ini cotton and Arnel., Sev- eral attractive styles, and colours. Sizes 2 lu 3X, 4 to 6X 'and 7 to -12 year f rom %$2.95 -$59 $8,95 Several styles Çn Girl's Slim Sets Slims in plain shades of' brown, blue, pink, red and gold with prin- ted tops to match. Sizes 7 to 14X. from $.3.95 - $4.95 Ère ~rogotthe deball.ý witflthe re- tnroega oe in bu-ftroom wau - raaLe 14ù] tht It ÔOktw'c' as long ',0 hydro had 1been cut. off for non jMs jlaDigega n eýs& the wolfare et ae as in paym eit. Welfare t Miss Suzanne Major, 'Nurses in F jLrP Fml adbenonie aeTraining at FeteÈborough, 4pent The coae cntrel' chefly l- for 4y2 yeare at $20235 per weedwt Mr n Ms reirndj the ,nCreasO to' gencl General Wefare li a vey im- James Major and Marilyn. ftf re~orn s,12 rui' (n to $3po rtant phase of our social logis- MsHerCateMr.Cci milýnad the L (,f )unem- lation. It fulfilis a great and Uti rsHery CrdnWMs.ncand ploymient, iealth, houising, Od.U-fied need, but as wilIl be noted by Mrs. Jïm Major spent Tucsday cation and automaticO qi general the above case one of theo prob- with Mrs. Emma Lunn and Mrs. ,vlfare aissistance. lems las i eoia gidvd-Jane Peters at Coe HIl The oppbsti ;on feit hk the in- ais considered emiployable to* ac- creuse was flot sue'1îciont to mect COpt eiiiploymerit Mrs. 0. W., Relph is a patient hieneea o rcipehs n tis The resuits cf the prjeot weoee in the Memnoial Hospital, Bow- rather aniazing as revealed by flianville. À eiodcf ig~ce~s.the follewing Maî. viss Darlenie West,dlaughter ofI Mr. Ceciýle in replying teo opo- (1) 42%';,f the group studicd I Mr. and Mrs. Raye West, was aition cr'itliçism poirntel out that le"t felfare 1ass!stancs rols corn- rushed to) the P-eter{borough Civice general welf are was a shared pro- Parýed to 2G,% 0f the controlgop Hospltal, Sturil-.ay afternooni.I gram betwcen The mun!iiPalitiesJ (2) Of the 42% - 21% got lem.- Darliene had beenl hit iri the cye and the province with the provincelpicyment, 4 per cent withdýreW by a stone whicli had bounccd off raing 80% of thenos~t The Mun-:v ntrl 1,mnspo tin hesfidewalk after being shot f rom icialtyhesaid, was at liberty vomlurly 2 5%rce m adndsuppotin a catapuit. She remains at the hos- to ncraseallwanes t ay tmeincome -9% were transferred te 1Ptlweetecodt-no e to~~~~ inraealwnC t n u vEto' IAlwne t.-1 ye is under observation., A 1v ery interestiiig project has marrited n r'se tc. by1% The Orono Fire Departmoent oný been conducted by the Department imrid ad, ole b uýT ucsday afternoon was called to in this field of welf are over th ea(3) 0f the 54% stili in receipt the, farm of Mr. Donald Staples pasi months invalving 200 familles tlcf assistance, results shwdUl soutin of Orono, where a pile of ~who had been in receipt Cf long creascd maintenance from absent 1coclar poies had cau'ght on, fire, term assistance. fatiiers, more motivation toy seoîi< ast of the house. The high wind at The objectives .-Yf th project' wk and more par'icipation in the time Was blowing spariks to- training progranis. Tino hoaltin of ward the house The department (1) To) measu"re Ui e tf1ectiVdflness tic group improvo'd, better famufly soon brouglit the fire under con- of initensive andcnctrtde- relations were establishied andi trol. The fire . ws, apparently vice -i promeçting self e oinOf thero was better 8ellool attend-' start&d by a sparlk fromi a pille of thc part of reci pients to the point iance.I wherc thoey atainfa icial inde- (4), O:nly 4%,of Uic study. group pendence. f ailcd te show any imprevement (ý) To make obserlvations aboutlin comparison with 64% cf the UNTDC tC welfare services that lvauld be re- control grOup. UIE HUIE quircd for the e-onomrc, healtin Zn asoa and social rehabilitxticin o! theseý familles. IA 2 gw The 200 caseswere divided intel Local N£elèYI Charge two groups, one for study and onel l~Ta~yni rn n o( nse simpiy as an ordinary cotrol fricnd Allan Vatciner, Kenogane, , Rev B. E. Long group. They were chosen fro have returned to Waterloo 'Uni- cases wh1icin lad been .receiving- verity nfter spending-the Pst SUNDAY, MAY Srd gineral weLfare over' a consecu- four months in industries in Que- tive tweoive inontin period to Apn.l bec as part 0f 'the Waterl oo En- Church Services Ist, 'lm. ieering pFroýgrarniwhich requires Il'y :5a.m. They were divided as evenly as programs ý,four months at UnivenyOeo 15am posileinreaio empysbi sity and aiternating four. in xelated a .m. ity, nunnier of parents la thne home, plant, giving twioc(ý the numiber of and number ofc ldenstudents adantgescf niversity facilities and as weil experience , Sumday School A typical case eonsidered may as leaders in indijstrial'develop- Or*0no. 10 prove of intereat. This is Une casenent. inby - il a.m. qfMr L a epÉtd 1ýMrs. ýHarry Bailey spent the Leskrd - 2pm worketrs. lweked wt . r-qC' A -Ci. SISMAN BOOTS ARMSTRONG'w-. mmi, imio ilom Imm! llýl l O'RONI) Sc to $1 STORE Evergreen Trees,' PyramiÎd Cedar, Stre(ta Pfezerand Savin Junip(,rs, 4 to,5 yar old Each priced at ....... .......... .. $3.59 Roses, No. Ontario grown Jlybrid Te-aiEver Blooming, colors, red, yellow, pink, white peace. Each priced at........ .19 Roses Climbing Bushes,'Blaze Red, Paul Scar- let, American Beauty Pink, New Dawn Pin«k, King Midas Yellow. Each......$1.19 Flowering Shrubs, Spirea, Mock Orang;e, Red Honeysuckle, Forsythia, Red Weigelia, Hydrangea, etc. Each for,............ 94c. Rose Food, with full directions, 1V/2 lb bag 37c. Scott's Cure, a nurseryman's insecticide, as a dust or a spray for ail plants, shrubs and- trees. Large tin for ............ ..... $1.3q African Violet Soul and Potting Soils, A3, poun1-d býags, for... 1............... 27c-, Ali-Purposc Garden and Lawn Fertilier 10 pound bags for.............. $1.25 No. 1 Lawn Grass Seed, 2 pound bags .... 99c. Something, New--.rArtfclal Cherry Blossoms, assorted colours. Stem for........ 10C. Raincoats, Girl's Printed Vinyl, sizes 8 to 14. Each priced at............... $1.98 Footlet,, Ladies' Stretch Nylons, beige L olor, sizes 8V/2 to 11. 3 pair for..... ...9e. New Shipment of Ladies Blouses, white, Swiss Minicare, asst. sLyle. Your choice,$1,98 This Week's Candy Treat, - Special, Lieorice Al'sorts 1/2 lb ello bag for .........25C.-