Calaiformia U S. No. 1 Grade CRSPCE-LERY l"jumbo Teniider U .S No i radej- US. Nmo. 1 GaeLarge BROC COý0Li bunch IGA White 24 a 2'ele IA DETERGENT - Pink Liquid $1 Size 21 ,e Original oz. Loaves 3 9c SIEiSPVAIE RIBS lb5c e <t IBeef or Irish 24 oz Tis York Stew 3tfor F5 GET A LITTLE MO0RE THAN YOU EXPEOT", am ~ yherchotce 15 oz.Tn$ Aylmer 20 oz.Tnsd Fruit Cocktail Bartlett Pear's 3 AymrChoice 15 oz. Tins Aylmer Boston Brown 15 oz. Tins Peas & Çarrots 6- Beans & Pork 6- Aymer 10 oz. Tins Fancey Solid Pack '1 oz. Tins Tomato Soupe 9 Saico Tuna 4- Alnr10 OZ. Tins Cat Food or Dog Food 16 oz. Tins Vegetable, 9- IGA Pet Food 12- Aymr*ioz. botties Evaporated Tail Tins, 5- Carnation 7 S -"WHER.E YOU ALWAYS GET A LITTLE MORE THAN YOU EXPECT", Royal Gold FJteg. or -Nippy Ch e eseS lces -Frozenl CarnationCrne French Fries BICK'S RELISHES KLENEXTISSUE '~GA fMARGARINEý Soz_ Pkg. 4foi$1 2 lb. Bags 2for '$1 12oz. 'Jars 4 for $1- 6 pkgs $1 5 lh $1 9eRange 8 oz. Pkgs. P0EER FâKÂREAN BISCUITS 4 for $1 Large Size NESTLES QUIK , lb. Tin 24 oz. Size RLECEIVE AN EXTRA $400 BONUS TAPE WITH MOTIIER PARKERS TEA BAGS QUAKER MUFFETS Pkg. off 60 15 oz. Pkg. RECEIVE AN EXTIRA $2.0f) BONUS TAPE WITH M'OZEN COD FILLETS - 40 Fat hom Govt. Inspected CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS - Fa-esh 'Cut CELLO SPINACI[ No. 1 Grade 10 wVe Reserve thle Right to Limit Quantities Prices Effective April 29, 30 May 1,2 I Pkg. o.Cello Bag Kenctal News Mrs. EdIna Dobson visited with :is C W. Stewart Iast weekend. Mrs. E. Wynn bas returned home to ber sons Mr. Fred Wynn after spendfing the winter at Lynton- hurst 31anor Nursing- Home i Orono. Mrs. Aoss Stevens off Bowman- ville is te, speak and show ber pie'turcn of Arica in Kendal Sun-. day Sc-hool Room on Wednesday evcnýng, May 6. She and ber hus-. band v.,,ited their daughter in the Congo for 2 months where she la the only white nurse in a 200 bed hospital. This is an open mee-ting an'd we wvould welcome those froni the neariby churches af Kirby and Rhiloh. lMrs. C Traynor and daughter Janice of Regia and ber mother Mrs. L. Burwash of Cobourg vis-. ited with M'rs. C. Thompson last week'end. Mr nd Mrs. Barnett and their four cblîdren have now moved i-. toc their home on the former Max 'Dutka farm west off Mr. John Stone's The children are attend-. ing Xenidal school. We welicome tbem te our communify.' Mr. Rýchard Morton bas pua'- chasedi Mr. Milton Wannan's farm. The aucion sal is to be o n May the ~xh Mr. and Mrs. Sioen and their twvo daughters have taken up reel-. denc~e ini the former Perey Burley home. ORONO UNITED CHUR CH (C on tinu ed f rom page 4) YýWforms are being demanded by -the changing Rural situation, and' they can oniy corne tbrough ýthe help, support, prayerful seek- m,ing and strugging of the people M cf God. You are the people of Ged! The people in every congre-. gation in village, to'wr and rural situatdion are the people of God who must be lookîïug for new ways to make this f eilowship relevant t0 the world in wbich we live. For some, the service off the churceh is just the society to hatch, matcIi andc7 dispatcb, or in other words baptize, marry and bury. T7hbe Christian congregationq muet try to create , adynamic fel- lowshiip in which Deoýple feel free. te grow and teo inýerpret the real-. ity off their religlous experie=ie ln, chahliging andi new ways. Per- haps we bave to retateripret this ,miracle «f the IncairnationT, off God comjing -lnChrist, inlu nw words. We muet create -an' atmosphere lni whieb people, as they find the reàI-. ity ofGQd ln Christ, wllbe en-. couraged te inteiipret ýhis ln wayi iwhiclih you finci and feel are mean-. ingful to you and the wvorld today. This is a sboc-king aud a chailleag-. îng thing for us te face uipto but 't must be doue. -Wortls se richi sterile as far as ,omm-unic>ating to meaning to us are, compietely We musgt find the ýessence of this the world we live in, is concerned. Lit e and bave the courage to re-. int erpret. This is,wbat is needed ln the Churcb, We neecithe enthusiasan and new ideas that the, sort off younig tide is ibringing in. Yet the young tide bas te look and exau-. ne ,the rich treasiires which the ol'd people hold store,'d deep i their hearts and realize these are the treasures wbich the world needs. Tcogeiber we can create aan P'tmosphere, which welcomes febange and yet bas respect for the traditions and the values off thae Ipast. We need both. I pray that God wil work in your midst this year and over the years, so that old and young will work tegether You will encourage thie young people to benew, dîf-. ferent, da'ring, giving them Esip-. port and love and offering tbema thre resources off your ewn exper-. lence. I pray that tbe young peo-. pie will respect the forrus off the past but mrill bave the courage and DOLLAR DAY (JOMBINATION OFFE R! O)NE 1-lb. Package Tablerite WIENERS O-NE 1-lb. Skiniess Tablerite SAUSAGE ONE 6-oz.. SItced Tablerite BOLOGNA ALL FOR I~YTDA TOTAL $3O,. IN IGA -EXTRA O1 F BNUS TAPES RE CEIVE AN EXTRA $10.00 BONUS TAPE WITH RECEW[E AN EXTRA $6.00, BONUS TAPE WITH O*UeNTARIO