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Orono Weekly Times, 7 May 1964, p. 2

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ORLONO ORONO W&LEK',Y TIMES Eewabiisted in 1938 byR. A. Forrester Rýoy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager (Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Depaitment, Ottawa), CO1VMUNITY CLEANIUP CAMPAIGN The O Jono Jnior Gardeners are suppoVing and pro- amtigraiox'munity Cie anup Oampalgn. Tits oampaiign is ,conduttd during Horticulburial Week ïn Ontario, the firet Severi day's of >ay. A cuple of yeaiis agio his group of youngsters bnought taltenLion to tliis annual, vanJpagn wfhen they conducted theur own c.eanuap 0f the Main Street in thle business section. 'TItis certainiy buouight1 attention o te campaigin which was ýetan1y .varianted at titat particular Urne. We--woýuli like o conlgrattuinte the' Junior Gardeners bin iheir efforts and gteve any supporýt in plrmoting titeir cwnpaïg-n in titis area HeaIding thelir iet of items are "ýCqlean Up", Plant lUp" 'Piahfl Up" 'and LightUp". ]it is noted tAitat the Police Trustees biave ernbar-ked on a generai oampaign wWh d UsJ ye,-ar lias incluuded 'aU 50wl. c« lte aibove. Tileir prograum of work is sil being iiide-ruaken amd is expe&ectuV be cSn~- pleted tis mont!it. Our Village of Oroio lbas in thle past and vill iite ttture gain anudi of its r&putation through ULs general ap- peaianice. Wfti local citzin supporting te Juior Garden- ers in their lean lUp caupagn, mucit more caxi be done. RNOSAMBASSAD)ORS Laist week whexilte cildren 0f te 0Ono Public School vis,ýted Ofjtawa titey let bebind in italt fair City, a xnoSt favoural;b1e impressio. The children have been comumended for titeir conduet v~F.,rhle staying ait Vile Chateau Laurier Hc4tel and also WhIle touring te Laurier Heuse:- 'flefr conduot at Vthe Citateal Laurier broýugît t Veon edtras wilicit in genera'l are ndt avallaible to public scilool dhildren whhle etaying in thte hotel. Ailso tey are o receive U bge 0f Sir Wi]fredt Laurier for teir scitood wiio is bedng cioniated in appreciâtion of -their condudt and behELVÏIOUr whiile visitixig te Laurier House These children, %%q vlsited 0')awla, bave. cetainy broDugiht hono ur uponi theniselves, their parents, teachiers aïedlte Village ln general. Miay we extend Ou.r congxiaituations o aur Young folk wilo are, no loUtvt, OrfonoC'S Yioung amboaadors. Whad±e on Vile subjetc'tofSteen.agews we must aliso coul- mord thte studentus o« CiaAVe Higil Scboi wbo recently eeopted a foster ciild 0f a foreign cowuitry. This endeiavour by thte students is moSt commendaMbe and Vieir efforts in raisng monieyls for ttis cild iwill be niias rewardinig. AUl oo oÈtexi Vhe news media reports misdýemeanht>rs of our youxg,501k, but here we have exampies of Vthe other aide o.ý the coin vhioh is ever evident in our future ciýizens. TO GRAB TUJE HÔNS Sis dying, because titere's no doctor to cure our couintry'eu disease. When 'England ~a sufferin. f rom Chamnberlain, IvUdte mani and Warston Churchill arose to receive that ntion and tVo steer Brîtain anidte world titroUgithVie sýto'jniiest seas 0>f rnanikind. When the United States and te world were-holluw- eýyed and empty bellied, when ýmen were afflicted witit a diseagse that made tem burn witeat witile ciidren Starved tor want 0f bread, and when comanunism caiù-e cdoser Vo litrottiing capitaligsm than ever, before or since, history titrust Franklin Delano Rooseve tVo lte top of te pile and Le brought salvation witý!h s1Nîew Deal. lIn Canada we have ileen wanting a great leader for Inany years -- depending on, Lheir politios, some woulcl say siýnce te days of Laturicr oýr earlier. Our Parliament aboundis with mien ofgowi, somne who are.brilliant and Most of tem m en 0f maniy talents. But one talent Vilat none of hem has is Vile talien-t required at Ibis ime in our itistôry Vo saive usfrom dîjsnitegratioii and leacis us inVo ni,.ioiood. * Our parliaineatariafls are mewibers 0f five parties diivoived li five degrees of petViness. Thç leaders of each of tite ive groups mus' have itis say, and sometimes at lngtit, on te most trivial of trivia. iV bas become so ridiculous that 'comedians have written ïekits tat, anticipate the senselesis woris wM f U f romý each 0f their moutits oni ainy subjot. »To Vile average Canadian, Parliament must be regarded as our national1 Punich and Judy show.F w can Vake it sériously. Canadians have beeii left so long without a leader ta te danger is now thal shouldi fate speW one o the top, lie wiU ibe leftwith a peo,çple incapable 0f becoming followers. Still Canada dies f or want of a leader to take liSe by te tomrs and lead us on Vo lite greatness titat's been promlfsed - Vile greatness we've nieyer known. -From The independent Businessmen WEEKLY TEIMES, THUIRSDAY, APRIL 3Oth, 1S64l Spli g Flower ShowlI Twp. Council i tionwasVo b ane n 01-üý) orýcul-ai SeceyOllher delegations included Y Spr-ing Flower 5hiý;r wiil be held (Continued fompage 4) assessimn howsporeenre Wedniesday, May iath iat8 P.fl., Vitessmeseo. AHelws egatin wada Thie executive is aslng thM theiproperli buried When ,pemldng sotesent fflaromA Orgon . sup al.n exhibitors have Vilir dispas nt mne101 ite owner bad not been adpcoingaCnen1l.rj0 early as no entries woil be accept- identif.ted but thait Viùeivala ci after 7:150 yp.qn. The fo>lloîwïing is a list of thte classes that one mnay xehulbit.. 1. "Spring is here" - anarrange.- ment on a flat base using wood- land material land, any Spring flowers. (any size). 2 *Buffet arrangement -featur- ing Sipring floler foliage and branches. (any elze). 3. Dining Taible arrangement - flot 'more titan 12'l'hil or 16"1 long of Spriiig Flowers, ail round NOTE-The above classes may be miade of pUlrdlased flbwe if de- 4. Five .9ngle Tuiips of different colours. 5 Three siflgle Tulips fi one coloâur. 6. Three double Tulips. 7. Vase of daifodils or Narsissi, inixed variety, neot Ilsstian or more titan 12. Thte show is open Vo the pu~blic and ail the menibers are encour- aged to participate and make Vle. show a successa, During thte program Mn.Win. 4uùing is showIng a nature film. AUCrTIÔN SALE Registered and Grade Shorthorn Cattie' The property of Donald A. M4ac-, Gregor, Lot 14", Concession 1 I Carke owsitp,3 miles east of Newcastle anii a half milegoutit, seiling wjthout regerve on Sat- *urday, Mvay 9 at 1:30 p m. Milk Cows, Heifers, Calves and horses. Also somne implements. Ternis cash Jack Reid Auction-I elr Orono Hi-Cs, Twenyei,,Itý lIIC Membenq met i Vile upper C. E AUdîtiliUM On $undIauy, May 1. IThe program op-' ened witit a. ousing sing Soýng, followed by tite reading and ad- option of the Sec retary'is and Treasur'erýs reports. ritere Was a greit deal of business Vo be[ dIscussed wbicith hd accumufiatedj Sirice o>Iir last r'eguLlar, meeting a montit ago. 111, wasunammous1y agreed that te group woidc again. put on a play in.Vile Drama Festival. Since or auction salec was S50 ell eceive'd lasI sping, -l'MS deci'ded Vo hoiçi anotiter on May 23d in ite OrOno Aniurebe- ginninig at 1 pan. Also inciuded wûlüd be a bake sale and perý b-iapsa fisil pond for the y-ouxig. sters.. An àutd'oi event was suggested for our final nmeeàing cf Vne year on June 21stiniviting- the Scar- boro Hi-C teo join us. Tne Wscusion part of thie pro., gilam centred around the quesbion WatVicaIuns Ought Not a Christîao tW Enter."1 I t was agreecI tiat Chu istiar ïJ rinclpals culd te applied Vo ai- 1xnost any job. A Bible Quiz and prayer broughut tile meeting Vo a conciiiFîon, LFOR /IA VING CONFIDENCE /N OUIR ,NA Y 1 7»S7WI $MLE 'NÇHCKE HO-LT CALTNoADý MUUE Des ois e Coy PEFUM go vial STTSPAMC OIROO, OT. HONI 16 RAJNEY'S Confectioonery, MotherDay Greeting Cards Neilsori's Chocolates CANADA IDRY Gingerale 3-30 oz. botties 59C Whilei they last - Plus Deposit Leave youir winter coat with us for storage. P90NE OROlNO 238 . . . . ... ..... .. . . . . . . . . . ................ ... .... ............. -r S re BEFor AIR N-Membi*$r I:fe Membership $25.00. For Service or.rinform.a tiKn Cai at Our Expensè We are Ilsted in the YEUo3LL PAGEs under 3 ~INSý)EMINATION RYAL B owm anville 623-5589 THURS., FRI., SAT,, SUN.- MAY 7-10 Tue'Sword 'lu the Stonme (COlor) YTeilwstoie,"Cube [celer], MON-, JES., WED, - MAY 11 Five Miles To Midnight Sophia Loren, Anthony- Perklna Aduit Entertanment Stolen Hours (Color) SusmaxiHayward, Michae Cralg EAST COAST TOUR 16 DAY s JULY 25 to AUG.q9 Travel DeLuxe Afr-Conditi(>Ued, Wash Roo0M Equippe-d. Motoxr Coach. Hotels anid Tours arranged. Also Wokrld's, Pair. For information phonme or write: ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY

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