W~*~LL O B. DuhmMP. e-,PLAYED IN OROI-O r mal alace and daughrAn QOMno 4dget baseball teani Port H pe Lions DV Jp çr.e, àr1é have eturned lIIll as bee~ n orreçIan4 ,w'1» p atrthree weeks L71 &cet- sared by tie OronoAr.0r t~ hair Oou>inty was gulest Speaker TELEPITONE APPOINTMENT AT.W MfahsrtnelAufictOfby SaVb dy t er Potnggol>eLions Mr. Hale S. Coughltai, president f ro-i ýmanrwUe e morial IHos- Jhave enroiled with the club and a oeliMiunity Telephone Cmi- pital -and !,rstaying wýth 17iis &On 1r tcsare tG usat tille m'on- gue-ts4 were 26 fina.ists f ram Que- ayLrltd niucstea.ir m rs ç !l~t~Idya :0pn.M.PalMc bec and Ont-arto, who are taking IP.CLmtd ralnetee-M.adMs ,akMoftanddya .0pm M.pu me oýCh Ttment I P of Mr. Hardie Grlay asfami. ackin w l1l lbe the niwiuger of pao n the .on lt.. pekn Mr. Hhney urged the contestants to use their abilty in crusadIng flor tthose things Which seerni to be the motýmprtant, influences for goQd în their communities and in "'You have shown by your pro- ?idiènýùy in the coiteqt that you have a grasp of the two essentials fur leadershïtp," lie remarked. '*The LrLt -is ýthe abilty to speak effecU ; vly ta o em unicate your thougits to your audienceecearly and precisely so as to i iprtyeur unessa ge upon the inmagination ai xnemory cd yur listeners. "The second leadership essential is the!eàaIilty to understand, ta be interested (Ln, and ta get -along with people The, ability ta speak well . has been synonymous wIth leademiuip throughout histbory. In nmodem 'tImes weë recaîl the rn- dng challenge af Winston Chur-cl-j Win M s 'blood, sweat and tears' speech that raffied a dying Eng- land and, a lethargi-c free Morld to new heights.oi heroicam and sacri- "Truly great laeshave 1n0 othýer driving affb'tian ha&i a'ný n,rwhepniing eoinc-rn for those I Ass,ýLant to tie Pl-ant Superin- tendenlt. Mr. Gray Agraduated from the University « Tbontai 194ý2.ai joinied The Bell Telephane Comn- pany ai Canada in the same year. With the exception of t'hree years' service as a pilot in the RCAF, le Mr. George Armstronig'ai Tim- mins visited his nmôther 'Mils., John- Armi-strong l.ast wLk Little Yvonnelf SchoenmaI<er has reh Bowanill m Schoenmaker, id Mrs. K~. turned haome ienioriaâ Hocs- renained wit¶r The 1Bell Telepho)ne ..R oilEýoin t. Company until 196M2when lie e-' J.as. urcae, d i ron, Alt$1., signed t'a go into private busine ss Storan ud le IIt ao th ina D)uring lIts @asociat;on w aemm aot uy h The Bel Tel . Visiting with Mrjjs, . Gmmsl&byJ The~ ~ ~ ~Ïn-y BelTlehn Cm ryM.for' the weekend *Were: Mrs. R Gray lheld varions positions iteGaam Mr.GogeGalam Plat epatien, Ots-eplant Mrs. Harold SeiDanny âand Engineering, and Headquarters Bbbby, Toronto. Mr. audi Mrs. s-teffin both Ontaria a-id Quebec. Ji~sy eai n tvn Mr. Coughlin furher states that Oshawa. Mr. Cmrýay's lengthy and varied The Orono Bo-y S<)Ut.s on, Fr1- ýtelephoneexperiience wmill cantrib- day evening ami Saturday scýd a ute substantîally. toward tire Plant totail of eig-ht boushel Of aapples dur- d evelopmenýt 1ami expansion p,,- ing their annuail scout apple Sale. gramm of the ompaivFronI Vire day tiley re-ceived dona- grame a tie Cnipnytions totaling $65.00 which wi li e Mr. Gray is married, and both alvftted to Vhe Distric-t Scout &s. he and Mrs. Gray are arïdenit golf- oc'iaibn ofi Whlch Orono je a meni- ers and skiers and- will. reiiide, at ber 11l'--/ Gardiner Avenue W., Durîn- 14 is understood that thre Scouts Ville. wilJI be holdJng- a paper drWl a- ______________________round the middle of the mnonith. FISIJING1 OPENS WIT» 7 atrcir for fIurfher details. for Whom they are resýponsible," I ARGE RAINBOWS IN STREAM said Mr. Hone&y.I He reininded his audience -hatj Trout fi.siing-opened on Friday ai as Canada approadhes 'thé e Ce- JIst weel< and becaa sportsmen tenary of Confederation there lias Jhavle taken to thre streanrs in the boeen caneemn about -the uniyliJarea. A most popular iising amea aur ,iation. h"n been dire pond at -tie sau4ath Of The Durhiam NS qaid. ti re .eJthe Výillaige wliere a g'ood number cent antnouifeemnent by Primel0d speclcled trout have been canglit MiJnistejfr Pearson and' the pro- vinci!5I premniers, concerning a national pension >lan, and the- niew federnal-prOvincial tax shar- inig arrangement,. has been a tre'mendo>us stuabilizing f actor for, Confederstion. -Wè must be ever vigilant about the unity aif our country," Mr. oney exPlaine4, FHe asked the speaking contestants to speak oten on1,the sujbject of uunderstapnd- ing anld consiàeraýtion iwch s!,çuld be shown by ail Canadians one to t'h her, hf orcerthatj.ur coun- try'.s 7u-iitYnmay b2 strengthen-ed, Shnd our natioflj.lVle deepened lu thj2e nnthealiead. MANYFINEUSAND) TUES LOST LIN povlu MW A receintcensus intheUnited States indida!tes tLhat ,0fingers and 0,0 te are cut off each year irotary lawnmo(wer l)hades. On a conparable poýpulatkinba 1 this wouildsugttht,0 i- gers and 10,000 toýes are lost 23aeh y'ear ninCaa in thie saine way. The fg.rsdo noýt ir.cludle acý'di- dents due to aObje(cts thrn' býy bladesý . Experimj s r 1px~e undler way on a dfisc-si!a-pcd ,safeLYl type rctai:,.,blade wh a safetyJ rim which causes objeet- comaing îi cuta't wivth il to be raerelyl g1ideýd twrçsthe ground iýLands-, anid FetsDrrt îtperson-I the Gre¶at Lakes Park, Traininig /NTEAD OF SOLV/N6 I TY- by bboh young and laRalle. The Wilmot cree<, wes.t aofOmrono las fui'nîisied srnie fine Yrainbow traut and eonie reai. catches have been reoorded. Bob Nixon, son of Mr and Mms. Ke-n Nixon, caugtrt a 27-incir rainbow which was a, prisze cato. Tire rainbow are reparted te gtili lié up inithe .streaLn- and 'are late spawnlng tihis- year. Thre fisir were rather slow i biteing on Friday but inmpraved on Sat'urday wliên a greater num- ber were Out fishing. CA EN PLUMBIING -,IIEATING Pb-,ýne 148 Orono WAYNE 'S Maintenance Service Coniplete Maintenance on Windows, Floors and Wall service Rug and Tjpholstery- 1shampooing Commercial, IndustrIal Residential HNE2M5 Orone, Ont. 'I Il Orono Pastoral Charge Rev 3. É. 'Long SUNDA4y, MAY lotir, 96 CbureirS'1e iiirby Sl o Oroio 1 an.m Leekard- 2 pin. tire club. HAMPTON MAN WINS ORONO (nvan LaKnp. The draW W vas tile iChîbs AsMmaal Spriimmg draw. At~ good turiit of meinbers ithe Siz4ay ~~ usfotn t LFberpise. The club, ï'aL-se sponsoring iessonfor U10 teenagers every*Wt-,-eneady even:- ing. at the eliUb. ORONO 5c tq $1 STORE Remember Mm~ )Mothers Day with a Briefs, LadiesCellasuede, fanCY trIm iJeg, band, lace trim. Colors wvhite, pfiwk or blue. ýSizes Medium or large Pair'.-. ......49e Ladies Cotton half slips, white, sizeýs med- ium or large. This week speélal. ....C Ladies Blouses, Fine quaity hankle inen Plain and fancy emnbroidery timn. Assorted style, short sleeve an~d sevi Your Phoice Floral Arrangement outsýtanding $1.88- $2.88 * Fancy Englishi Bone China Cups -and Saucers, complete with gift box . . 98e and $1.69 Quality Tumblersl- boxeçl set of six for $1.39 INixing ]3owl Sets- heatproof, 4 plece polka dot: design. Set............. ......2.19 Log Cabi Chocolatés, Box(e.d Assorted hard and. cream centfres 1 lb. box.......97e 2 lhbox ....$1-97 5lb. bo...4,19 Coùling! Merry I'onth of May Sales, 9 Big ]Yays, MVJay i4th to Satuirday Mayr 23rd. Mothers Day, 'May lOth. Armstrongs hiave a goOd variety.fGit We have a new shipm2nt of dresses, Jersey, Dan River, 100% Tery- lene and Broadcloth. Ail dîfferent styies and colours. Sizes 9-24%4ý/ PrÎced from $8.50 - $14.95 'BLOUSES -. In white cottoii * with embroidery trim or printed cotton and Terylene Prcdfrom $3.25- $5.50 London Lassie Blouses in col- oured broadcloth, flomespun, Checks and Flowered. Sizes, 10-20. Priced $2.98 - $3.98 'Rayon Shortie Nlýghtgowns - Capri pyjamas, Shortiec pyjamas, long gowns, IPrice $2.00 - $3.95 Cotton Shortie Gowns and. Capri Pyjamas Jrice $2.98- $3,50 Ladies Slims in Stretch material Priced fr om $8.50 .-- $ 12.95 Harvey W\ood Panties in flare Ieg, elastie ýor cuffed $1.00 - $1. 39 Denim Slims in grey, and blue Price - $5.95 Corded ,Poplin Pried - $4.95 Ladlies IHnpd Bags in black, ~ brown, beige and white Priced from $5.00 - $11.95 Ladies, Slips in tricot and linger- ie crepe. Sizes 32 ý- 414 Price $2.95 -$39 Haif Slips in tricot and cotton. Priced $1.95 - $3,95. Butterfly or Corficella Nylons seams or seamless also stretchy tops, newest shades,,.. $,9$2 Glenayr Cardigans and Pull- overs, 100% pure Botany Wool, 21 Orlon, Shetiantex, Arnel and Or- lon. Prïced ... $7.95 to $13.98 Gloves, Scarves and Hats. ARMSTRONG'S