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Orono Weekly Times, 7 May 1964, p. 6

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From The Ororio Ohurch_~~ Týiken f ror a sermon preewohedi ScriYt'ure besson-I CorinVthians, Rqbeirt J Oi ku ue1 f soldler wbo lhad lost his raemory. lie was taken fremii a hospitlal I n France tVo a h'roxing tournament near by and between bouts i Was lead around the ring in the: hope that some sdIdier mroubd sec-i dejected and fi'ustrgted cri-ed,1 ',Will nobody tei me wiho I am?"1 In somn.e way, this is the coey of every mahn and every wom4a,,n. Mie iniipuLse 0f our Lves ïs o seeik out euI' identity. A young boy wrtes to a colis- niat, "Wliy doesn't my miother ever say "No" to me? She lets me do whateveri2 want." He wants 'o feel slie cared and that he 1e- loriged. He wânted direction la bis response » o 1f e. Manry thousands have tried o identif y themseiives with the Beatles. The Beatles May know where they are going, but i1 la questornabe wlietlier thir fans have idiscovered any rba1 identitb lu hfe. To have an idenîItfy, it s nec-i eýsary for man Vo know: L. To what lie belongs. 2. From mwhence he cornes. d si. In what direction hli s trav-_ *Yet modern man is olten be-1 wilere-d and ,moonfuaed about bis oriigies, hia g oa1s, bis oati. The "eternal,*quest" la nan'si sczeking'- to discover bis identity. To discover bIlais centity, lie must disoover to what )se iTo what do)es mnan beong, ýw1an uýsed to say wth convZitin I'Tlie earth i lathe Lord's an dthe finesa therýeof." ý-e hought the- iest of éreation .Was focused uponl and stlbserv'ient 1,o the planet ïPaAu4s Welco s 75 Ye . The Elifel ToWver, the siga and 75 tîls year. Designed by Alexà stands on ir is ile o! the Interna commemorated tle ceatenary of tise French Revobution. Consîructed, by 300 French,- mien, tise ower Ia 984-feet ai anid weighs 1,543,200 pounds, IV a as compleled on Mardis 31. 188ý9 and ils cosl was 5,600,0 00 golil francs. For 50 years It was Jhe w,ýorld's talest structure. Tîrougisoul its 75 -yeara, tise Eiffel Tover lias Iepti friendby ,oaVacVu wiltiste world. Sinice Ils Openling i 'a 188e, accordiag Io Air Factise EiffelTower lisseen a parade o! eveats Widhl have ljacludeil Vwo Worbd V7as, ndgreat advaaces in , visitors.o Paris and Bi1ble has t sy heBible takýes' high gsrpund. Tt' aays, weaT- muade lun the image and ikanesa o' cat he H as, o houli ws ad ¶ jto 1iiacover te ivJîat le bèlongs. LGo." 1!MS s Lunte expilaUu) r eîath.eie worhough e a ai! 2. TO diseover lils identity, mffl main, the ny key Miiob fits ev- He la 'not 50 certain any more. nust know f rom whenre he come-s. ery lcl.We cannot maint i el Now ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~T the'a~haper V 1 u.liie firat chba13ler Of Genesis, the total meaning fÉthe humain withs flny drop in Vthe vast sea of plarets ereation sto'ry says, "Ad1d 1 hedvn.Wtou b iie au'd galaxies. Perblpa there is hife a, Let1 us make m inl our own the essential difference between a on anotiser planet. For snany this i image and ufter our likene9s" man andi animal disappears. is a frightening tisought. They feel s0 God created man In bis own thse vastinegsa0f it al malces God image, in Vthe image of Goti cre ia- Jesus told of thse ProdIigal ýwix lesa Persona1 or noV so much in ted lie him, mials and female cre- ieniies bsisef to'aly wlivth ie cStoor seems o deny thse ated- ie tisein Am God blessed world, only Vto find ihat lie lias contrl, -lodt lis ttue identlity. He came Vo Pscripture. It le an indicatïon that theml and saldtiunte tlieqn, "Beimiefalemd i eiin we, need o seardis wth renewed frultâful andmel~tipy andi repleni- iet f as. lie adhr e hisd en t iviouir arrd anthuilasin o estâMish 31&l the eartisandi stbdue 1V andirtr obsfthr eb'dbe our true ideultiVy. Man usedt o becisave dorMnins over thefish 0f away off, in the far country, out rcei'tiain a&bout thse structure 0f so- the sea andi oer thse fowl o the of fronl 1lsfathser. Fvery genera- olt.He coulditidePtify binself air andi over every thing that tinlasas"arculry.Lo with a definiVe coimixiunty To-day mo-vetis upon Vise earV. God did at 1 fein: r d o lie lives in a different soel .ety. Ôl1dIlot say for mani Vo subdue man., Sl f inatb boundarlies are disaptearing.,. Man i as fos'g)tfte#l ihat we are al efainto Dr. Plevà, ati he Rural 1 ife of one image anti one blodý., Ue Serminiar, stated that 1V is noV so failla o lderitify iisé2l- witis easy to ansyer th esimple, ques- pepeo nther race and colour. lion, ",Wlere do you live?" OuriWe acce-Pt aýign, "No dogs al- granlather could . say lie lived ni lowedci" i storeus and regtaurants. a cs1ah~~ 0 ~We shld(ýic feel a î;og eseo lie ivedandworled tereInjustice aI signa. "N\o blaclea aiAi- eaual i dl ad cand orke there îo-owed" When «wýe aceept it, rman makre gardening a, av tionly anrocasl inalt. r. To- dgiades his felbouv man Vo animal ePrepare Soee day hlng ar vasby iffeeni Di- leel. The coloured people are on leva spoke 0f a friend wlio livraes mv oa le nwVe in a , c p i owl;wrlip are not inferior afid lntend Vo es- a chi~~rcli in a polic~e vi1llage; lias albibIerieV mn h siurner place in anollier county; Jt1býhtii dniyann h s i a ompexrd lazs â araces. nformeri people say, 41interchaange, ba~wls in another township; seads bila chidreil o yt eas h nt aela itwodiffren" sLhooÎ bylrs edt(o force a false idetity on o dlfere1l ahoos bybus.He he cobured people. i doesn't know uhere lie really oa odmedteaV- OI lves. Thinga arýe more, complex til0f h hlene h1ng Inseelcigou urieniy sl tire soutis. TIen witbiout realiz- $129~ indivîduals and as' cnra in, i~ any coitri~a~cdion she s4 3HrRnu dCon n o s a conreg&t Ti e hpe»lple 1 oa n'l sttand are thée illus. fo We nws1lnot identify ourseives Jw. hesiesiitmyb witli Ihe pasl V the tn ia aoun us, manifesîlng itseIf 11i w y o e-reate iV 'To deny tiseanot2her way. That la wbyevery realty 0f lthe presnt is V 1lv imVrkig sncweamet u ic nd Durham rarr ia world eofialke-believe. This gen- wn nnesto ekoIla era10',n icibdad laleisged -identity. fHe seeds Vto know Irons Dml us;, we- cannet recall the paat, did thse Negro, Jew and White OOO corne? Faim lise Creator whso >Ime ymbl ri ade thin of one btod and ~ar Od eqal wiîis eadîoter Pars 3. We need le dlscover la wrn ch - way -we ar e travelling Our t- li cba~udefiitie, as riglit andc wronrg. Tisey couldiden ythei S t i V5 50easyr o llentify tisinga as' ~ ~ bl,,ck and wshite. Tisere are sej - ihny shades 0f gray. S unday Uaed o be a sacred day -of reat and wors. lp. Today tile, weekend mig-ration for relaxatio)n and fuis las beýComreeVis urviviall ofthtie fitteat. You talie your ile -v lin your liandison Vise higisway and Corne back tOVo yUr woyrk ired out. ... Tisere is bncreased pressure o Ihose wlio caler to the pisyeical needa of tise eroWd8 irvlve.d. - ~ - - liredoes the loyaty of Christ- ian men ami àwoMnr lie? Sunday j t ougist o oe a day of reat and -e- - ~ ~ ~creation lfor us, but we ca't deny 1 th le lad t ofoui:environimentad lise differeat epression of! a çvay of I 1e. IV isnl'V easy Vo lmalte lear- cul de,-cisions ~PeOpbIe used Vo feel içreat ve- sat- isf action ila the wvork of theii- SC hands. But whaV inspiration la d w'ebcome( symbl o! Paria tuinis there for the i ~uwho Stands ansd ýàndrve Gustave Liffel, -the twer lurius nuts on boita as they pasa tational xpsitono!1889 which before lins? Mrli aIfVtse eward ise Elfiel Tower caai enjoy thse of a job well doue la elininated inl best of Vwo worbds. Air-France, factories. Many no longer feel thé VLise world's largeat airline, un- boyaty kaown by tise main wlio deraeres Vise fact'that tie Cityý expresaed hiinself throughli ha of Liglit la oaly hours froin wor0c. Wherecl,(e$ lia loyalty lie? Ontario lias ail the bigness, a] Ita North American 'gateways. HehiailirVoaaerthvreyfranofhem Abso'that counless lhotels withlHiid tbr t nwr h aityfroeo h o lasili 0 teEiffel -Tower' ay0 smsatts ît-ao exciting vacations of your hfc offer,true Frenchs almosphere into Oui- lomnea, 0f tiiasli aad liesOnaocves450 laand omfot forbout fie do- lis T V dietli!ng, yet tiere la square miles, packed with fa: bauràserday. eas.or ot -e- mueis thislagood andl educatioùa. Vmrtan tsree oV To bave or not Vo have ntronts cinating things Vo see. Like o]i mVIaits -7tliredars, 1 Us &gain wiîth se queStion, wlsere casties and cathedrals, art gal la ils751h eaVie ife -oer'! Jyatyle? Tt isn't .- ýasy 1eresand long sandy beacheý Tower remans abacno V onisn a friendsisip -and. the Parlaiaa*s,': t'dcd.c-otdMute n a tlemselves, the clVy's >greateat ,3.I, ii5a5chi5g for Our ideatlty nificentwilderness, cannor asst.J w mat etbY'ass wîsat -the and charmaing side-walk cafe! Your Ontario is a stirring,ý exciting place. Take this sunZ mer to explore. For more information write,ý Ontar io Departmnent of Travel,Room 270, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto, Ontariïo. HoNOURAntLE YAm SAun,ý Min ister BOýAT S"ýHOW,- DBASEBALI -FIREWORKS OPEN 10 A.M. TOWN PARK STARTS 1.30 P.M. PORT POPE, STARTS at DUSK I Rotary Club of Port Hope Admission 50c per per'son, includes al events 'a Al-naion from otlwer, nations This is the World im wMh 'ete lie, but we can irdluenSi both preev* and future. Verbâcl commnicatt on i.s not enSogh. Truth has to be em- bodled b i characte;. and litea. Theui it lis cornpelling iii its persu.aeive- ness. We should, not only re-exam- me but nourish oui- own impulsesw >toward cetv and. satisfydng re-' lat:onshýlips. When we do, i-t la nto strange hat the ehildren of sudt >paren's 'ecome men witli roUts, loyaltes goals and a cleàr aru- wer t1o the ýbasi'c questions of bife, What arn I? What ls 111e? Wbat la 11È f or? The searcli for ident.ity la tb» cternal quest. Man ia never sat_ isfied, and nover knows himïeý4_ urtblie flnds hlrnseUfin Chili!;t. DEM TULLERS as easy as mowing your Ic.hvfl 4I B.d e Cultivote Between Rows!1 Iii Weed Pulling! , Croýûnd Under, Fertilize, MuichI A Size and Pre for Every Gardeni A and 5 hP Engines a Fold-over 4ndles 4 ingertip Controis iAdlustabie wheel and handie heights TILLS.MITH does tough garden Chlores wlth power ... in a4 fraction -ýo, l'the time ... deeper, better, foster tlling. "Slicer' action' tines 'ý--ind to work ground up t,-)3jC, wice. Stores compactly. ,mers-' County ~rative ONTARIO ail is- a- IONDAY9 MAY

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