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Orono Weekly Times, 7 May 1964, p. 7

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<~7 y IT'S 4 IPK, R. J. TACCA&KT VJETERINARY SURGEON PL o oit061 eroito. Ont. K. KAY LYCETTe, B.A in the Offices et R. R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO Telehome138 en M ERRILL D. BROWN 1'ROFESBIONAL ENGINEBUr *(Civil) ,C SOntario Land Surveyor 11Queen st Box t"83 I ownamille, Ontario Teloepmone 13-m31 L.i'Sa Cbartered Accounlani Bay Appoinment 0.1 jmu ast., Orono Telephome 1»8 P.0, 1BoX m00WwIIBy phone M-881"7 Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. CIIARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 186 Uhcoe St. North, Oahmwa INSURANCE SEE FRED LYCETT O)FFIC.E - MAIN ST., ORONO hoo12516 Res. 20216 JACK REID Orouo's Licensed Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates Phone5, r 18 Oronc TDJACKSON, Aucioneer and Valuator (biodnets Auction Sales of ail sizes amidat reasonable rates <3lommunicate wlth hlm at Port * perrY, Ontario PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS WIRIT WASHING STABLES Bert Tomnpkin8 Phiono Nýewtonmfe 2552 u___________ IN MEMORIAM 0AWNING TIME VANSEGQELEN-In loving em SW. FRANK~IZ Patio and Car Port, a's Aluni- ory of our daugiher Caroline Van inumdn g a i es, ineuigSegge!len, whio pi.ssed away May 1~ 1fA LQ AT1kpies9th, 1963 gR A TA flIrIjUIrILd BL A.. ALiMIUM Just a spray of beautiful iermc- g .R. 2, Orono, Phone 9B1orie LIMITED. h-15-e T:edcithaIl our lo've, fl______________st._____ ia.iories to cherdgh forever, 177 hurb St NOIONOf oone we so dearly loved. g Bowmanvillê 023-33 g viilrem-embered by Mom-l 0Hendersoei'a Hatchel7, - my, Daddy and brotlier, Grand- ~~~~~~~offer you several breeds of chieha. mthe aniaheUcl n Prville Chatterton Elgetrieal Contraeting I Electric Heating I and Service PHONE M4 Oý^,rono, Ontario Orcino Electric PRONE 129 COI*TfACTORS FOR FARM amnd ouS WIRING Fr50 FIstImale APPLIANCEYSALES Prompt and Guarsateed Bepàb@ t» &àli knds ot Ebectical Eqnipment a»d Applbsaes Such at bMotors - Water Routera T.V. - P.aMMis Stoves . 170» SInsurance Service 0 usuranco la aU Its BrancheS Auto, Pa*age and, Vompw t SPhoýno Orono 1R16 9 FIST MORTGAGE LOANS BOX 133 Ho. 8-ms52 IStafford Brothers Limaited 318 Duidas St, . E. Witby, Ont. Manufacturera o!f Cemetery Memorîals Dealers in Doi-mestîc & Foroigu Granites and marbios - Inscriptions Ocul Monuments and FainilyMemorials Our qjlty and servie bave. nmothlng te be dSlred Ask lb. person who bought from us, a'neighbour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 18 Ontario Qtremt POUT 1HOPE "LretDisplay In Sotheral Phne of write for price lista. We1 guarantee satisfaction. ti NURSINO eHOME Lyntoninirst ,Manor Nursing Home bas îicensed accoininodý&- tion for bed or up-patients. Regis- tered nurse ln attendaince aial times. Reasoýnabe xrtes. Phone Orono 12M. 12-p 0 OONO0 gTINSHOP She& zetal Work g Eavestrough-ingO il Phone 1941MI 0 rono,Onai RADIO -T.V. REPliE WUl do part time Radio and T.V. repairs. AU work guaranteed. HAERY WIERSK&, PhonoOroo6». S7 gREAL ESTATE g A.J. McGILL o RERAL ESTATE BROKER [j Phones: Oronoe 1407 fi Oshawa 728-4285 g &SON g Plne Orono 208 PAINING- INTERIOR&g g EXTERIOR gPAPER IHANGING BUILDIING CUJPBOARDS &f FURNITURE REPAIE g FINISH gAND ALL ODD JOBS 0Barnes and -ByamgI g PLUMBING and HEATING g Sales and Service-J g24 HOUR BURNER .S9-VICMI gB-A FINANG"IN(O 00 L1ow Interoat Rates 0 HsmIon C.2650 g CINDERELL&'S SLIPPER Orono Public Stheol are holding final rehearsalis now for their 3i act producdtion of the Fairy Tale "Cinderella". it is quite aninter- esting production for old and young alike. Admission is 75e for aduits anid 35 cents for cêidren with -the proceedis going for school play- ground equipnxent. We hope that you wIll set May 8th or Kth aside to sec this J4ghti operetta in the Orotio Town Hall. Tickets are now on saiIe. Yo>u will also bealîe to purchase them ai the door. Tlhe Orono U.C.W. are packing a bale of good dean used clothing: MeLn's, womei's and children's; also nylons. Anyone in the community hav- ing suitaible articles please leave thein in the min Auditorium of the ýUnited Chul'ch before 2 p.m. on Monday, May llth. b-e JIELP ANE Mlae and Female itlp 1-1elp wanxted for Mosport Park~ Theatre Confections Ltd. Re--open-. ing May 24th. Counter and Kltciaeti Uelp, week- Apýoy Wallace L.,ger P,.1-t-2, Tyrone, Ont.; Phone (>ron, 236. WVANTED Boanjers w'an1ted, men 01n1y, reasonaible. Phone 16111 Orono. b-c 1 WORLD'S FATE TOUR 1Anyone wvishing to go to the World's Fair, New York, May 1-th 'o 18th, Hotel anid Tour-, arrainged. Phone Rowe's Travel Agency, PotHope 885-2527. b-p I COMING EVENT >Zendal Womnen's Tn-i tute is holding a Penny Sale Ini Kendall Orange Hall, Saturd ty -veling, May 9t1u. Beautifui BuLpjy quilt and other articles for -q1e Corne and bring your f1wiends. Admission 2çx - b-c SUNDAY BLO8SOM TOUR j Blossoml Tour May 24th inludesi Niagara Blossorns jandjRochesteri Lilac Festival Phone Port Hope 28.5-2527 RoeTra-vel Agency NOTICE - OnThurd-v ~u1i~, ay 7ih rt 7:Q p.m theSr. Citizens Mill1 be ente'rtaied by the Jr. Choir frOm Dl'. Phillips Pu3bl ic Schoo, OsaaThe meeting is to begin at 7:30G sharp. a-c Dear, sir or madame - If -,Cu are intereslted in lunia1tched ch!cos, piease place your order now. You have 5 cha-ces of Win- nýing your chickis Fj~i~t Henersn'sHatchery, Lindsay ontario IIELP WANTED Gener'ai Kitchel, - H&p pari-tune, Walireseýs preferably experienced M5c. an hour, part-trne, increas- ing to 85c. I Junle'(Minimum Ontazio Trading Post Telophone Oronio 10rl9 b-c FOR SALE Cltoice Bcxed Plants, Flowers and «Vegetables, Bcgonius, Geran- lumnes, Pansies, Canitaberr-y Bells, and Rok Plairts. W.J. Laa' rehue Station stre-et, Orono, Ot CAIID 0F THANKS I wish to thank f riends and neïghbours for flowers, gifts and c;arda hchI 1received while in, MVemoriel Hospital, Bowmanville. SpeciaI than'ks to ReV. 13. Long, Dr., Nurses and 9taff of the j Mary Pos CARD 0IF THANKS I wish to tbhank my friends and relat4ves, Nurses and staff of Pèteriboroug~h Civýic Hospital, Dr* McGee, Dr. Oragg, Dr. MeKenzie and all the people who sent 'me gifts and oards whil e I was in the hospital. .11 a-p Darlene West. WANTED THhree bedroom lhouqp wit Mo- dern conveniences in Orono. Pre- ferably with garage or smafl barn. Plione Orono 245J. HELP WANTED Service Staion attend1aËt for Texaico Gas Company. Part tinie weekends, inimed5ately. Apply MNospoAt Restaurant, 11gh- way 1116. lT a-c Ken!dal ladies are busy prepar- mng for their Penny Sale, Satürday evening MJay !9th in the 0Oran~ge Hall. A beautiful buterfly qult and articles too numnerous tr>,,men- tion w-ii be avelable - - for a Peniny ticket There wfill asùb& door prizes aýnd,.a table of cooking plus a - ew articiles for sale. Ar- tidees being donated may be left with Mrs. Tunansky. Admission' and lunch 25C. a-e COMIN 6 EVENT ~Annual Meeting of the, Northum- berland-Durham Ttiberculosâs and -HeaîVh Association, Thursday May ZLst, 1-964, at the -Auditoriumn, Ontaa-io Hospital, Cobourg at & a-ai FURNITURE SALE The estate of the late Wm. Davey, selling by public auction on Saturde.y, May 23 ait lus late rresidencee at Orono commencing promptly 10-00 a-ta. Dining roomi suites, bedroom suites, chesterfield, refrîigeafator,- washing machine, tables, deslc, garden toolIs, dishes Xlassware etc I Terma No ieserve. Jack Reid, Auctioneer- Fou SALE Strawiýberry Plants for sale froim- Cer-tifiied Stock. $2,'01 per liun4red. K. Reitsma, phone 1177 Orono. VARIETY GREENHOUSE %~x Plants and, Perennials for- sale. Also Gladioluq, mixeci van-.- eti es.e C. Deffooy, R. . . rono. j minles e-asf of Twýin Oýis lmotel. Phone 18R8, Orono. 0-19-p AUCTION SALE Mlocenr i-icn niquefurniture, i~aocs, atomoile, dishes, gasaebedding etc, the prop- eryotf Mr.. Ernie NIcholson, seU- igWith-OUt lreserve on. Saturday, M\ay 16 at hi-s residence at Les- kar-d. Sale to commence promptly at 1 p.m. Terrasca-. -Jack Reid, AUctioneer KenalOrange Hall May, 9th' ait 7:30 p.m. Penny & Bake Sale ISponsored By' Kendal Women's Institute Beautiful Appliqued Quilt Bazaar Aprons, We-aring, Apparel Door Prizeg Lunch 25C Bluldinmg a Ilonse? or remiolelllng your present one, thon contact Floyd Nicholson ý Aun.t.

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