ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MNA~Y lt, 1964 u'1ires, &eiv,Ge,, and faelitl1eso or- N.jNO FUDTO A lex C aruth rs 'lec ed anization, iieuing gvruet'PR.ESENTS $1000.00 TOTRN sponsored progx1smmes on iho- Te AtkVnon Cm Oharitable eun *inig, longtermoare, in4d oler re- aiono TrotL as imîa4 a MMttgrant of $1,000. avaîI1jabIe toTen C hairmnan 0fSel ecC om ite'_±d eTrent _ __ _ __ A resoluton pesed by the Q*i!ta1o tion of opportuniies for self be p oomimfttee -%ial be einpowered to LegV',sMature on Friday of agt to tuer own satV.s&ati ii d a conbuict hearing sfor the ppi. eresenVoitJve at VtheOenon week elected MAlx Caxrnutherts, vantage as members of society ae î, reic!e ýng repreisefltatiofls f PoIXTi wa1t lalafletry ?oiteirenjce M.P.P. Dmwm, as chairman 0f'a whole, includIng preparaVion for lorganiZatinns anîd individijals par- " egna. an sellect coomittee to inquire into1 reVtirement, lesure, and4 the bene. ticulafiy Êfronr those WhO Work with Th rsn omte o5king and revIew't he problemns inhiirent j it of edudaitiothacq pportunttes inolder. people, andF o hold ineretniof feuxMecensITVel' is one of ïin tÉe field of aegin O ntaio. la ter 11fa. to studly the experience of othens three select ocmiltees set up by The committee mwiIUbe cme The èoommrriUtee will eiquire irto lin tha field. of Gerontology.' h eittr ome n ue ed wfu(h the size, composition, and aad review curreit policias whichi Mr. r'tesbs rvosyJtIoé,bewenn;in. w te fUtT'ffbubionf ftheaioder pupula- lhiave a .,bearing on ag!ng and the been cjjnanc aiussad eit ,comrnnttes 'n llUr I ton cf the province, and the pro- edoonmy, - invO]Mig employment, ing co'mmitteus of the legýIsllaure1 law andi Co-suir,-eir cechdt were re-, minotiort dvlomet a crea- incoine madntenance, alth meas- andd lest sunimîmer was gvriei poit BOWMANVILLE "Be -sure to see Bonanza over chainnel 6 at 9 o'clocl< Suiuayight" O y W. NICAaopHOLSpe AUTHORIZEIb DEALER IN BOW]MIANVILLE Phone 728-6206 ti[on wIïtII rent's student &Id Prý giMamIme Vo asstst a nUmiJber 09 stujdents: witth lbshries durring Uhé 'corning academki year, it w'5J5 ai> noumced reicenty by the President and Vice-Ohsncell0r, T. H. B. SY6- mous. The grant bas been nd asa part cif tihe Mfldnslon ona- tipn's unýiverslty buirs.ary eUtrýaicel programTme. Trent UniVer)s' ty has establdshed priogrýamme of schoi4irships, prises an extensd:ve sýtudent assIstianc cburnsaites and ban funds. Appl&- C aions and enquitries shoWld b8 adcbressied. Vo the Registrar, Trent UnirityPeterýbîoroug9h.