-777 = =77- , ' TABLERITE WEINERS il elopg,45c, Bra>,j- ger - liver &ïeo andwich Spread kA TYTIE HUS Schneide.,s 8 oz chub 23c PARTYTIME CHUBPlastic Co»ta&Ùer shopsy'sSA12o 9c POTATO SALADo 0COLE SA 2o 9 IGA 1>OTATO CHIPS 1-z >g 0 DL,$pSTERS iKNOflTEGGO ROLLS pkg. 3e ICE CREIAM Il gai 79c UINION CHP IP - Klraft - o.Plg. Ise ,"Buy One OGet Une Fiee' __________pies__________________ DIoen,19 rï7iesCiNNAMlON DATE COFFE CAKEee 3 CLARK'S PE for79 DEMPSTEUS FÏ1-ENCH STICK Ec K iendal News On Tues'day, May 12'the Dist ict Animal off turftam West Womna Institute wlas heild in Neletýon. MisC. W. Stewart, Mrs. Wm. Mercer and Mns., G. C' thcart rep- resented Kendal W.1. on Sunday monndng May 1,0, Flanily Day, tic Rev. R. C. Whîite BA. baptised the f,0llowing babies* Russeil Jefffrey, son off Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mantineli; Todd Peter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller; Janet Marlene, liaughter off Mn. and Mrs. Robent Youngmlon; Pa>- Ssy Auýn, dainghter off Mn. an-i Mm. Onville Zealand; Brecet Anthony, Sson off Mr. and Mrs!. David Poster; Ro~bert, Harvey, son- o, Mn. and Mrs, ArielLangstWff; Bo nni!e A-m daughten off Mn. and Mrs. 'Bruce -Cathcant; Brendca Diane, daugihter of Mr. and Mrs. Argus Curitis; SDT'd John, Donald Arýhujn Knils-, ilne Grace, Wýllilam Ardrew and Sandra Ann, chilciren of Mr. and Mils. Amy' Dennds. At the Institute Penny Sale on S'atundayý nighit one huncineciand twenty.,one articls lad been dSn- ited Four dýoon pises were giveq u.The butterifiy quilt thatVthe Kençial ladies appliqued and quilt. ed was wk>n by Nora Baird. Tiier was a lange attendance. MIss Jeon Loifflhouse, Mr. and Mrs. Béb Bnbmibecon and Loii et Oshawa and Mn. andi Mns. Brytant Brown, and qarrie of Tcyornjtlo were weekend visitons with -Miss C. W. Stewart. The roades off oun f&n çrountury- side anreit'tered, with b9t)tleo, nianay off tien broken. These brol<e bolttles muet cause mary accidentaý as drdvers hesitate Vo drive overi broken glass and a9 sudien sw-ei1ve rnay send one lin Whe natb off anrý otiser car or qcaiuse a blowoiut am the -driver lose coiitioi. Many Unt- ile suJfer ffrom cuts caused, by, stcppiu n- on broken -bo',ic ts in our creelcs and inl the pastures., Per- Iraps if everyorne ohserVing a btt- ,tie flunm- froni a cana.head. would copyý i&ile, icnian-ci-, report i> Vu thce police a fine cft ten dollars could iie theni sitolp. UUTDOOR SUPPLIESÔ SChiarcU4l, I16 lb. 79 0 DucIIOss 8 Servie -Pei'Pak 39C I uBondware Oold pkg. of 20o DikCups 3e ilondware plastie cobted 15 9" Plates 45e o Tom. or Veg 410oz. Tinsg 1]Clark's Soup A.- 45c [ Carnation' Instant powderedo 3-1b. -box Powderd Milk 99e LJtenel Pkg. off 60 ] Tea Bags 75ce Thirift Liquid 21-oz. size Detergent 39e g :0 ý==l c= oc 0 0 0 0ý - 1Jrk I;avouryv Tropical Flaveur Golden Ripe * BANNANAS 21lb 27c Produet of U.S.A. Cal CELERY Suulkt Valenclas ORANGES BarinIka Taste GRAF>ES Ve Reserve the ;Right -to imit quantifies Prices Effective May 13, 14, 15, anid 16 if ornia Nô. 1 Grade each 19c doz 49c lb .39c SCOTT TOWLES,2 roll pkg 43c TOWEL HOLDER each 49c EXTRA THIS WEEK, t otal ,Of $38. in: Bonus T apes RECEIVIe AN EXTRA $10.010 BONUS TAPE WITH MAXWE"5L BOUSE INSTANT COFFEE IGA BAR-B-Q LIGHTER FLUID RECEIV E AN EXTRA $6.0#, BOINUS: TAPE WITH IGA HOMIOGENIZED PEANUT PUTTER RECEIVE AN EXTRA $4.00 BONUS TAPE WITH PUREX TISSUE white, yellow, phik RECEIVE AN EXTRA $2.010 BONUS TAPE WITR- BLUE BININET MAR~GARINE - Coioured SUNKIS1T FROZEN LEMONADE - ýReg. or Pn FRESIILY OROUND MINCED BEEF NO. 1 -GRADE TOMATOES - Produc o f 'U.S.A. l0Ooz. Jar 32 oz. Tini 24 oz. J4ar Twin Pack 3 lb. Pkg. 2 6-oz. Tins Aniy Pkg. 14-oz, Tube -Ur. has. Claper, Mrg'. Jýack StaipJetcmn and Bila moýored to~ Camnip Borden Jast weekend th visit Mr. and Mns. Cha"' Wafker anid famll'y.- P.S.I. (JOMMUNITY HEALTU PLAIN RE-OPENS The P.SI. x3poiore-d Northuium barland and Durhamu Com'munity Health Plan is again open for en- nolment. iResidents w1J21 recal the cain- palgn of ]ast year when for the firà,t time, the P.S.I. comprehen- sJive "Bluýe" Plan was fçre<l to ail resdents of NonUhunbeland and Durham. This year'Ls 0ffering ýwi]l be of short dnto - Wednee'. day, May 1eth to.Sattoeday, May 23nd. N1o appiicatv anTýs can be aie- cepOtet after the closing date. Thie P.S.I. Pflan is widely reo- ognizeci asthe answer to the picob- le m off prepaying phiysflejanis' biThe. Il provides final cail coveriagefor physicians' core at home, in the office, and in thce hospital. The Plan pays for S-urg'ery, -xys, anaeghesia, ubstetrikýai cape and niany more benefits., AUl residents off the Oovnty are eliglible Io envol. There is, no agie limit, no enrokmeùt fee. no medlical examiriation or ,st,,temit off heaith is required, and coverage ta provided for chroivie or pre-exdtt ingi conditions: ý IP.S. spokessnan, Charlie Stone, ,tild thais newspaper that, an aippli-, cation and brochure outlining the Pian has been mailled to all house- holders in Northumberland aind Duriha'm.,,By cooipleling the appd1- cation and retunningi 1t together With paynnent covering three ,montjhn,, ýlýscibrs will havie cioverage effective June. 15bh, 1964. IReseidents wish ing further in- 1fforration are uniged to contact'the P.S.[. Linonnsation Centre at 206 i Divâs,,on St in Cobourg, telephomi 972-4e Othien offices wilil be loQated in Bowxi-laiWfllle at thie BowmianViille 1-Hotel, telephone 612-5242, on Fil- day, -Nfay lSbh only, in. CaipbeEl- ford aI the Town Offices, tele- phione 653-11551l, on May 19th a:nd 20t1h on1ly. and, in Port Hope at tuce Queen'a" Hotel, belephon* 885-M532 on May 2lst and 22nd only.