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Orono Weekly Times, 21 May 1964, p. 1

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1n7 T~I~it ~'i~; - ~~~P.-W'L' ~ ~. -~ - VOLUME 26,ý NUMBEIZ 17 I. e OltONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAiY 21st, 1964 Hi- Toci re s a a nanual ne- '~ "11'sb fr laseblîlcoaches ah this ~Ie nag r~~ ~ imoftbyu a 164Semat Even though it was bhe long iday weekexid we had a good -Ici ou to the reigular Hfi-C meet- g n Sundiay. Follow' - the sec- ltariy's report anid te treasur- r1s report off a balance of $25.00, numnber off points of business ,ere discu§sed. It was decied -iat $500 be sent to Five Oaks,, a <Ynation to the 'undl forRev. 1ev. (:ten wuo w,,Ill be leavhý gF Jaiks in June. It was also decicied operlate tihe refrestîment boo, iite Colt Derby un SaiurdUy, me20,C1. Our next meetIng, MVay 31!st wIM c in charge off the executive. Thits Ail be our lat rmeeting unti after tAcý, exanis when we hope to have a speOial meeting out oors wlbh îsitors from St. Pauls United HoId Successful Spring Flower Show In rono * j rûnohas he bys, the team-s aIi the equpmiiIe btdb 1 ack LIEUTENANT COLONEL GAMEY sufficient nmer0f rchs oINSPECTS CADElTS' lai ater the tcuams. There is a Lieujtenant ColonelJ. C.Gae need for more oahe for the two receintly inpete he Port Hope younger groups, Tyhea and Pee iHigh Sdhool Ari-ny Cadets. As lei- .Wees. i specting he took the sýflute and Anyoýe lnd a made the inspection. Mr. and Mrs. Anyoe wehig ~ led ahand Gamey alIso attended the Cadet In thi r apamnyty hua year 'are ask- dance helidfoliýoWing the inspec- A to conk c Mr Wm Carman. tion. ProposeVocaioal AJLinà unucîîinaic oro...ii~u . IA4li~ . The Durham Count District The Courtice Sohdol wiil then A, the May 31,st meeting an i, i .1H cbo Bad nWednesdy have faclilities for 11080 )tudents. '~toncf crs ornex yar ~evenîing supported a propogal ad- The new addition incluides Seven be eld Ths wll iv th ne MAILY FALSvanceci by a plannng committee shiops, &eeven new ciiaserooxns, wo e hed.:Thi wil gve te nw MRILN FLLSfor adiditional school accommoda- labs, two commercial roomîs, two -xecUbive a f ew montiha to con-. ýMiss Marilyn Falls, daughter of tion. The comîmittee proposed tISaI single gynms and adîctionaticaf e- ->der plans for nexit year before Mr. and Mrs. Orme Fa la, New- a Voratioial addition be built to teria factîlties. iheir actulal termi of office bekIns. tonville bas gi aduated from the t'be Co)urtlýce Higih School. The mo- ,AthougË we shah1 be'sorry to see Pe(teityoroughu Teachers Colege. tio asdwt h rvio hatTettlcsth h raVx 1 em - 1go, we are hoping that Grant She has receivýed the Prince Off adequate supply off waer be avaik- payers wilt be in thSe esimated a- YeLynn BIiley and Cathy Wil- Walesà prize whloh las awardeQd to able for the ecirooL. mîount offý $244,000.00. All gxants -,n, three'off our exercuitive will be the graduating -student who ob- ilbpadnadýtmtohsf- 4tUniversity and Teachers' Coi- tainsthe hig'hest average ic prac- The new addition to the gchool gure. "qge nexi.t Septemiber. tIce, teac'hing, and in academnic lia expected to bc ready for sep-,TeBadadcoeitemd Plans for a Hi-C Auction Sale ~ tomber off 1966. [thei are r n om three aea ïave been poatponed. hîves ,being (1) tear down the old- The devo,(,tiocalI perIrd led by the o eto ftepuetBw 11or ýe J ono oy ôwFi' ads, manViille sdhocul and actd a Voîca- ,f Penteýost quoting f rom Acta tional wing ctng )45,000.ü-0 ,ýidIreading excerpts fËramthe4I-ICouncil A-\s P eie ttwocltxaes(2iu.J ne- 'JrsîlmEverung News" as t rel cw aholinii wîmaýunrviltle ondin Iis week issue of "n EAIIGBY DOI7NG cte I nro Agrý,-icla otn 41,Oî r(ibîda In the Sr. Suncbay Scho'ol Glass Frigl bcmigmoeaiChleg, a I grds, cffro He 4dd1tintote oitt(ýcS ,"eeso a ei ih"Alco- more a profesîsin, Iansin part iproposals woUld tgive acmoa Deteher anesson had 4dealt withn-was aninial 21 hotif adfeed tilljý)10Usueu n 001 DangerOus Dceve" norntue4H tuh ovmni ,iCialonnoo12,h,180sudniat somanîy farcts were presealtet re- ada. There ila greater etphüiaSaOnprîmihio mnagr wth efapt woîdprovide simi1jlr ac l or. zardinig teen age drinlters that the .îarmC management and e1onornicsaLeaf M'ling o. fr iso 1934 to 1947 teci'tinical riig clISsa had expresseîd a desîre to_ and new stress oný modern farm- enhfrrdbsovnbies cotnethe discussion at Hi-C. At îng tecihniques, among the 70,505 During theieasanmarnd 1rvd w eldtSe OTSLA TUhW ouir meeting each of the 24 mein- rural boys 0,nd girls viho beloug RACoeresaticm n A SOTS LAD RUCK W DITH :-ers presenit were given a short to 15,519 4-H Clubs acihOSSthSe na- 2nd Armbured DivdIsion RCASCWA EPAEIRO DIE to 1oplteWithout inTh4, mlmrerstte (R), retîring in 1953. The Orono Boy Scouts oni Satutr- quetioair tocoupe liOn.The4-Hemlemrefrs 0 te day hast viere b Iusy ooltecting s>gning their namne., These wr orH,--c ,hahlands and Hloigg -spendis niucb lime main. i vast!e paper in the: Village. Therýe tihen hiandedto,1 the Counseliors tb heah-ýconidered the key to the laining bis Brookale test flarni was an .abunîian lce off pper andi nfale a summary. We wvire then development off young peoplee vee le breeds registered Eh- over aru-oa was coilectcd, cusiov(Leno the uestions:fr ieThir MdtooIs Ileiam 1 o O by do- jtrick beef Shorithors, North Coun- One truick-dload lefI on Saturday (1) Sho'uLùd the Ohurch, the. Sun- ing. jt Chevriot sheep, Welsh ponies wih anQther partial loati leaving c' ..9h-.., n thp -. 'r(,' h . rn. ~and iDalmai-an dogs. j tmar.earlier thiisweek. erned about the rise ie teenage tirinking?' (2) What should be done, if any- Ahiag? The resuaiîs of the- queqtiýonaire --àd dàlcussion wili, be found else- ieher-e iriibis paiper but it was the anan 1mou-s opinion off thSe group Ibat some&thing should be done, as it spoileti se.hool spirit andi aS ,pai»rnts wvere as nrucb to blame as jib.e teenagers and that the way to stop so inuceh drinkcing by thc teen- -agers la bt elimninate thne sources wblere situdents under 21 obtain ,iquor andi beer. Banid And Fit eworks Draws Good Crowd Bursîs of coloured fire-anti car- ,piercing blasis met witiu the ap- proval off youngstera and even aduilts Monday evcnie'g aI foc Orono Pair grounds vihen the an- lal fireworks display was hedt The disphîay foyllowed anhour-long bandi. concerit wIhicii was provided by the Orono Banid. Thec bandi conicert includeti mar- ohal aires along with other selec- tions including some with a mod- emn lFYthm. Thc evening vas pr esenteti by te Orono Ohamber off Commerce and those e in itendance have been estimateti a close ho fiv'e hundred. The, fireworks dispiay was organ- ized and abhot mb a pace by mcm- bers off the Orono fire department. Thils year a fcw new f itures vere introiduceti into the diaîpay incluiding nevi sountis off scream- ing bses louder bangs and col- ourful£u arrangements. $118.00 was takein in at the gates, Thc backtbone 0f tihe 4-H move- ment ta tUhe support gven by busi- nasa firnms, Moicilad fdri govermýeints, farfi organiziations, service clubs and coime 12,000 coin- munýity-mrinded citizens who spon- sor tISe Canadiae Councul on 4-tE Clubs, foc national body. The Council held its SSilti annuail meeting àn Chtarldttetown rocientty and lected a businessian--far'- mer as the new presid,-int. Be is Lieut-Colonel Normian Doga Hogg, 57, preisidenït off N. D. Hogg [bd, Toronîto, and off Hogg-Daîw os Laboratories bltd. Toronto, spcnd- alista la food supplements. He fants 600 )acres at B'ooidale, near Uxýbr!ige, Ont. tHogg will co-ordinate 4ýH back- ing. CISatered hacha provide men vISo speak to clubs about farm ec- onomics. The railroada provide froc transportation for sonie 4-H functions. Other firms spuesor pri- ses lanti trophicîS anti exthibits at 4-H shows. Bora lin Hamilton, Hogg was eti- RK-ed and White On rhe Mo0ve In ortier 10 serve the commun- ity heter your local rtet an-iWit Store in Orono la expanding. his wÊll necessitate closing Monday, Tuestiay anti WedneAday off Ibis coming week. Mr., Corcish regrets Ibis incon- viences but knorwa you will be pleasaatly surprisei at the mo- demn facublities anti services avail, able Io you 'bcglnning Thurgday, morning, 11ay 28th, ied to Francis Laile EldWarnis oit Torlonto>. They htave a son andal daughter iho have been active in 4-HWork. --The Financia,-l Post Nf"torman Hogg al one time reý sided in Orono wdth bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomias Hogg. He bias a sister Edaa, (Mrs. Garnet Goheen) BowmiýanvàDle. ed Tulips went to Mrs. Rlaymond ATHLETIC MAY SPON-SOR ChainTali SUMAIER PArK PROGRAM 21r, Wni. Buntinig, Superinten- The Oronlo Athetic Assiociation denit of liie Oriono Refoyresietto have nast as yet ruled out the spon- gave a very interesUng Salit on soring off a sumîmer park proagram Wîld Lif e ami also ShOweti a film 1The projeetlait isIU being investi- eniUled "ýWorild in a SlWamp" wfiich gateti and, depentis a great deah Was mosIl enjoy'abLe. uPon oblainiing somneone to oper- Lunch Was serVed andi a socal at ahe c procgram. haîlf hour enjioyeti. j$70- Million Campus Planned For Trent UniversityIn, Peterboro A building progrpam for, Trentî additions 10 the university ibrlýaryvouiti be a residentiail university University ttuc $70 million landt o the sciencc buildings. Other j baseti on the college syistere, re- dollars vas annaunceti reccentUlbuildings, plianneti incinde, a thea- signeti ho encourage the mIing t10- by presiticel anti vice4chanicellor, I re, art gallery and mîruseum, a gether off many kinda 0of schblars T. H. B. Symionis. The proposiais 1- chaîpel anti reiigious shudies cen- andti 1 avoiti as fax as possible are contained 'in a mas§ter plan 'Ire, atiditional athletir facilities, the separation of persom ns tff- for thc developmnent over the n!cxl health services anti a unfivers&AtY fercît disciplines. This had been sixJteen ycars off the ieriysvlaewbcS il be tieveloped refilectet in the bief to thc master permanent sýite on the Otonabee on thSe campus to provide certain planning archlftect, Ronald J. IRiver near Peterbyorough. Toc services for stutienîs, anti staff. Tbom, wiciu lied been prepareti j master paf vill be implementeti Presitient S yâiluis notei t irt the by Professor Denis Smith, the i thrce phases, the firsl 0f Which tweilrve residential andt eacbig coi- secndtary of the campus planing comvmences at onc, leges are the centrai edement la coîniltteýe, antibati been inter- IThe firat phase off thie plani , to thSe master plýan.ThSe colieges wil pretei by Mr. Thom in lits sîpectfl rosI appro(ximately $117 niiilijqn tin- provide facilities for an acatiemîic proposais for foc masIer plan. lars, la ainieti for conipletion by- communiîly off about 4,000' people, Ti1re Otonabee River is tfoc main 1968 anti ticignateti t proOdtihlIe includiag more 'foan S,000 untier- f enture off foc university site, anti Universiity with the first resiýdentiai graduâtes- anti severial huntire ti las thereifore been madetiefo coilege for men, Carli Col- Igiaduate studenits. centre off the campus. Tvo peti- lege, the fîrat, residential riiulltge In eatidiiýon to beacliing andi of- esàtrian bridges acrosa foc river for vomen, bbce final unit off foeLfAce accommodation, thSe coilege wiii conniect buildâigs ocateti on universihy library, tflraIL unit off iWill provitie residecitial accîîmno- both aides, off tbc river, sa lISai the sciece buildings, some ath- Idation for about 2,500 off these everyone ln foc universîîy nmay bc lotir facilities, andtihbe installa- Jauins m iisreailso as avare of bbc river's beauty anti ton off ronds ind essenlial services ic entres for shcîdents iving at imamediate presence. ah te no sit. ,home or ie roonua.ToB Walkhug Campus Tee Cq0oeos- Addcd Thle preýsjIdent saidt tat the uni- The' plan la baseti on thc prin- During the cnsîuing phases f roîm versity's pilning cor-iliitees anti iplec of a valking camnpus, with 11968 10 1980, ten more nesidenuliai buartdIuhai from tISue begininîIg tic- ao'bIOý no intrusion off vebtiiees. cïolleges vii hohuilt, as velR as teiliineidti chat Trenit University (Continueti on page 3) mn. aoa~' unr j~ la A The Orono Horticultur'al Society held itheir Sprin:g Flower Show on Wedneiday evering, May 13<th lin the Orono Oddfellow'e Hall with applroximnaýtely fifty, in atltendancle. Ail-joined in singing The Maple Lelaf and the Preýsiidenit, Mr. Caîri Buý"'ngs welcomod tiiose present and the business was capaibly hacdleid by he and the seicretary, Mr. Jchn Cabiwell. Seveiial ,an- nouncemenits were miade reigarding fuuemeetings, among them the Disticlt Annual meeting wfhich is to be heild in Omnemee May 23rd. Ttweinlby-nne e>dhitors showed fifty differentexihinbiýtýsin the se-ven clasises and were judged by Mxr. RIcihiard Brant.on of Oishawa, Spec- lail Shows Chairmlan of the Oshiawa Hortinultural Society. After judg- ing Mr. Bracton gave his reasons for awardîing thie prizeis as he dld. The Oronýo Show ChËairman, Mrs. Thos. Flajirbrotther and the Execri- ti ve are gralteful t'a the followdng who donated prize!s: Bîi4okdËjle lingsway Nursery, Van Belle Gar- denit, JarokUan Froritýs, Lunn's Hardware and RoClph's: Hardware. The prizes were won by the following exdlubtors: iClaýss 1. "'SpMng is Here": Mrs. Fýairibrother, iVrs. O . Chiallic, Mrs. De Voce and Mrsý. Normian Alhn tlied for thiird plaice. ' Ca-s 2. "Buffet Arrangement"' Mrýs. F'airbrotlier, Mrs. K. Sboen- mlaker, rs E. Schrmid. Glass . ; eîgTable Arrange- menlt" Mrs. C, Biiings, Mrs. E. ScmcMrs. O. Ghallice. 4. Flive Single Tulips, Mrs. F. Vag,Mrs. Normran PODrtýer, Mrs. 5. Three SingRUe, Tûlàps, Mrs. H-. Murray, Mrs. F. Vagg,MrsNi- man Porter. 6. Tflree Double TuLips, Mrs. L. BOWints, Mrs. NZ4rman Porter.' 7. Vase of Dfocl1s and NaroiCs- sus, Mrs. F. Eddy. Ai ~)uaLp e--orL-.- Fow--

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