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Orono Weekly Times, 21 May 1964, p. 2

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ORONO WEEHLY TIMES, THURSDAY, 31 ORONO WEEK-..Y TIMES Eea:blislied in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - ]ikitor and MVfanager (Authorized, as eecond Class mail, Post Office Departmen, Ottawa) Subscription payable in advance In Canada -$1.50, In U.S.A. $2.50 Menber of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assoc. Mernebr of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Assoc Publlshed every Thursdiay at the office of publicatie Main Street, Ph~one 109, vrono, unzario THE FLAG ISSUE The fetie al goyvernments plan Vo unfur-l a new Cana- dwan f lag is causing heated comments, bath in support and ogainat tue proDposhi. SuOli proiposeti legtslatlon touches onily th1e emetions ant ist not one of brgad anti butter poflicoy. The issue, in- importance te Canada, wUll bei somewhu± lies than tue publicity il wlIK receive. No mater how it la teecr, ilta noV going Vo strenglblien tue bonds of Canadians, no)r -will it turther tue-ianiai standing of tue, ceuntry or ias pee>ple. Thefleg ita truly only a syibol., We do feel however tuat the issue ahoulti bei settleti andin etihe near future. 1V noV nlow be shalcveti. The Prime Minister ba,,s tal<en a stand anti has matie hie cholice of an enVtirely new f la.. There Can now be neo com-promise by tue P.M. Wili the goverament fali on thle issue? We doulbt il very much for tue issue is noV one signiiait enouglh Vo iake the country Vin ougli anotuer electien. The country appears te bei fairiy weuil diviieti on tais issue andthte- opposition woýutti bei ganrbling on a very slim margin if intleeti there exsaa miargin at ail. Prime Minitster Pearsen coulti pos- sibly nêt settlie upon a better time lian new te decitie tue fate 0f a Canadban flag. Our choice 0f flag weuilt bei htaIof tue Redi Ensiga, tue fag tihat bas symibolizeti Canada in, the pat. It bas meanlpg, anti is tue f lag undter wlhioh Canada bas grown Vo nationirooti. S-abbs we feel, shouflti nt bei chungeti or revaipeti but 'shoulti continue anti bei cQnstant. However, even Vbough the Redi Enietgn la net chesen we feel ne, great concern anti wil accept a new f]ag Vo synabolize Canada. Hi-C Discussion Cr'oup For the',PaStsix i p)rObleiM 0f teenagE fthi comimunty bas ig momentun and agers thexnselves an oerneid. We wondei parents who have týus Probleirnhave b, andi h0w miny pai the details here '.i ,0ern? As counÊeUolrç Graup o« Orono Uni, were privilege to t 2 heurs diiscugaing Lae Sultiay with btbe At tue meeting t. teenagers, age 14 Itese wereHMelhSd The foiloing are1 aignerd question foîrr inemiberas tatedti t bever'nagea are se: bornes and 0f these: tfiait tey were si Nine d! tue nuenibei hati taken al-ohoic alde their home and siaid tuat theirp Askeld if tueIr pari jedt o their drinkin yesl, turee saiti ne people saici tuey wel th ' i eî would Cn Lii"- ýýOn c fi'rst four ounices and onie cent *or 'Important 0f Planning Can each'adFeitial four one disent by surface mail thruugh a> Not Be Over-emphcLsized OAuadifl to iAmb fthe The importance 0f town plan-. REDUCED ýPOSTAL RATE' adfian armneti forces, tlic-,,r de"en ning canot be over empthasized, 'FOR CANADIAN OVEBSEAS ents andi cdvilians attùaced to the John Pearson of the comîmunftyMAL a Canadlan Nmala Post. Office programs branci 0f the Delt. ML mi]itary, and v when Sýeil"t hrough of Municipal Affairs tod 1<1 ,i m Uem-with recent concesionis (CNPO) or Fleet Mail Ofü£ice bers of Zone 2 of tihe Lake Ofioi in postai, rates madle to mienberns (FMO) to Oanadlian military per- Developmenit Ass3ociation at ttieir,.f the ariet services overseas, sonne, abroad. Thesýe spedial rates annual general meeting in Cobourg1 the Hon. Jolhn R. Nicholson, PostV- apply ,o n1y Vo Caniadian publiUm Tueslday. master General, oday announceti tiens mùýaà1led in, Canada by the fueeier redu&ed charges for the general public., Mr. Pearson- sald flot onfly was minaling otf newspapers and per- Mr. lNichclson said tia4t he feft uheoee con*demable concern over lodicals by die general public to thait everyUghfng possible should ke tihe wor1d'e population exiposion, Caiadans serving a.broad wlth done tVo keep Caadlans wellinm- whIch ls expected Vo double frein outr Anrmed Forces. formneçi, pavimUlarly those whio> three Vo six billion by the, end of The home town newspaper will are senving Canada in ares be- the century, but concer11 was aloo now cot only two cents for tihe yond CansdIan terrÈtory. drëeted Vo c&fanging living pat -__________ __________________ terhs. Some evidence of tii can ->0 O= <=< <o o o= = oc:o=c:D=c bei seen in the growth 0f subuSibla andi wider fringe develoflmenlt be- cause peopde wished no longer Vo ÔE F C I E M Y 2 t Today gives every ervidence tihatg a n If r cj? lnfliùence andi aulherlty at couffty Ileveli was not oiy incýreasïng but becoming more imporitant whille urban or cty go>vernmenit was on the decline, he sa&iti. ome evidence of tisiana bei seen in thle Slate of Californila to whIidh 5,000, people move eaclh day. lihis-is a dmiatic indication of peuple desiring Vo e-, cape uriban aliring. Peiople want to liye close enouglh o the ci'ty so tlat tihey Oan drive int it and es- cape f rom it as fast as they poS- sib11y can, Mr. Pearson saidtthat in Ontar- le muclh of the dh'anging pattern of living can be seen in the wide deveulpment of, country andi inke areas where neglect of planning xnow is causing major problems ýn nian'y rnaTripalities. AR Atoo frequeltlY rmunitiipalities have been unconcerneti anti unaware of the ,robleme Which would arise by allowing private devellopers Vo devel'op whoie ahorelines of lakes, he saiti. Many auclh municipaities feolIt that theY would benefît by the ncreased assesorment andi takiatlën trsumnier use now prefer them teor year round use, he said. At one fîtme the demiand ifor- local ser- Deais W ith Drinkin9 nt residenits are nwdmadn cltv aameneties. lUhs cause.s ian- x mnnthà the 0f the 'omnmunty were to blame mense probleme where munichiyal- re drintking in for contioning the actions of ycyutPh ities bave lot previously Ilaid is been gather. in -"sowlrng a few wfild oat." plans Vo cope Witih itl Snow the teen. Three memibers saidti hey f at Mr. PearCon urgeti al Vto study re greatly con- if the Achois insislted on stutients j the planning atwhich givesý to r hlow many- using the buses f or tranportaLin municipa!ftlies the powver Vo con- knowlledge 0 ot ucihool dances and forin parties trol urban gpnîawl anti the over- been concerned 1 tuait te ditining of tihe drinks nigiht develfopm ent 0f rural areas. rents learnIng would be more dIMifiuhl. vM show con ,ighteen of the nmembers prea-tifrigwt cho ok 's el the Hi C MtV bâ4 atteredthe New Years erfrngwIhsh ok ited Churcli we Eve Dance andi <JanellekJght ser- 1(t was suggesteti we 1ive the ep- apeni ames:vic hed bytheHi . itcam asicurealIf e andi set an exampie o tuilda polnI a spise eld Vote 1 C cas Vo oiera. Why not eliminate tihe young peele. [aspr tha0fthee 18, eirsht hadsources of suppiy to youth under been awaxe 0f, teenage drinking 21be n y qon euple as,1 l Ibat bere were 24 that eventng of- which the, coun- beradicqur aneslybi h .18 iand 23 , o seulors were unaware! aineti. Soe young ,eople pool1 thool stdns their pocket money and have an, facts; from n n The meibers were divided into lder person obtain the beer andi mes. Ten 0f tihe 4 discussion groups Vo meeýt sep- liquor froin legal socurces. A few tat al1cobolidc arateiy in the Sundlay school claS- young peo'ple blin'g ilt o parties ýrved in thelif roonis witihout tue counsellora and f Orl nctor homes. A f ew other 10, four statet diacuss two questions. This is the young peciple said it car beo- servelddiniks. report of the four discussion taineti froin illegal 'sources.1 rs stated they groupa:fI was the op-n'on of the young ic drinks eut- people thLt 75 - 100 ,udents, ai d four of these R waa tue unankmous discision the IIl ,g'h School, Iink; that, the parents knew. that the Churdh, the SUndafY SchOol majorty ,cd these students are ents would ob- an;d tue Youth Groups shoutti be from Oronoý ani that stutients froin _ng eleven gaid concerned about flth teefge drinkrilt- î'ce 9, to Grade 13 aie drilking. anti ten young ing in tue cornimunity. qet Some suggestcc eliminating tue ere net sure il In answer Vo the qeton, 5.i ls siýpply, others stateti it object or not! "1What, if an-,ithing, slboulid or wcukl 1be beiter to e- a iile the f shiould Hdrh c--11d !beo donu.,' "' nre the OP" desire throucg-, eduoantkoru J1 the SOh ; uackear.ýju, - ., le was Yes 2; No 20; undecideti2. Th-se teenagers also felt that witih tb knowhlectge of ,ail pros and lonis regiardin'g drinking thât teen,,agers shoui be able Vo malte t'hp.r o'wn ecsindepending on bb ity of tihe teenager. Thloe uodo nct drink gave Lie toîwnJrenrons in order of Imsportance: 1, noV interesýteti; iiiions expresseti: Tt ila the responsibility of the Suntiay Scibool and Hligh C. The Chuclishould educate tue parents and tue parents shoti educate the teenagers. If the parenits don't at- tend a church, we shouli tryV o get in dioser cotact with tue teen- a,ýers hrough Toc Alpha, assens- blies at achool. Discussions with ali tue fadas about teenage drink- 2.knorwv effedt 'and probleme Viting shiouiti be held so thuat each presents 'Vo familles; 3. fear of teenager could make the deisn parents discipline; 4. tiilike of for himself with no forcebeg Liste. useti. Th'ey siboulti be matie Nineteen of tue 23 à'tudents fe1t feel tuey are making ther own, thai teenage drinking by Hilbibg decisiens. 3ihool stutierts was a problean at There ahoulti be more planneti dan-cea anti parties, antiWas giv aotivbties for young people so m7g tuie schoeol a bad naine. " hey Would nco t have spare lime n M'len' asketi wlere tuey thought their hands. Perhaps tts wovýuld lù-e reason or fault for teenageri not be a goot i id'ea. If tuhe Hi C titi driniking siouilallie, tVey JMDe ponC weeicly tances anti wiener ttuat -Firit parents were aeroýastis tisi miguh only provitie for not being àtrict eugt about more respectable occaýsions Vo Uixe heur o be heure at, ier a date,Iduinlk. Somne of tue teenagers feft or where tue e Jla s spent; there were too many things tu get twat seîontily teenlagers are te involveti With already anti some lüaae for fleigtue crowti and'o f tue parents.-0f tue village feel eurdthtue--,f el that some membersijtulere- are toe ayatviie e ÔADULT HAIRCUTS $1,25 ÔSTUDENTS 14 & over $11100 CHILDREN, 75C SHAVE 50C ÔShampoos, £Oc Tonics 25C J Iay'8 Barber Shop - Ivlatt's Barber Shop - Qunney'a Barber Slhop Cragos Bar'ber Sbiop and Beauty Shep g BUSINESS HOURS - Monday and Saturdky 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday asud Friday f8:30 a.m. to 0):00 p.m. G g WednesGay 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon RAINEY' S Confectionery BY FISHER Men's Sunglasses ý98c '~, ~uSLIM RAZORS...........12 ~.-G iiette STAJNLESS STEEL BLADEïs $ .2 Medico Filter Pipes $2.50 A&nd Up Leave your winter coat with 'us for storage. PHONE ORONO 238 YSie Service Supe . ie F -,: Member $6 SM-'mb4,rýqhip $25.00 Fo Serv,."e or TInformatdfon Cal at Our 'Expense We are llsted ini the YELLOW PAGES unlder INSE à1NATION SERVICE yourig people. MORDEFIOPt ~ Bowmanville 623-5589 L THURS., FR1., SAT.-,-MY146 (Jolor Caxýey Grânt, Audre3, Hepburn, James Coburn Sun. to Thurs. complete show 7.30; Fr1. and Sat. a t 7 and 9:15 Special King Kong Maitinee Saturday SUN., MON., TUES., WED., - MAY 24-27 LILIES 0F THE FIELD >Sidney Poltier (Academy-Award), and Lilia Skala Hero5 s Island COLOR - JAMES MASON - MAY 14-16

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