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Orono Weekly Times, 21 May 1964, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TINIES, THUJ4SDAY, MAY 2lst, 1964 _ ______________ gvr. and Mrs. Grant Moffat and Mr. and Mrs. FPether have R e~p ort .F ro mn O t tqiva LOCAL-NEIWS faiilly, Oakvlle, visiteil on Sun- sitheir home. on Church'St. day witai Mr. and Mus. Jack Mof- 1Solut and have mroved to Bobcty- 13 May, 1964loit between taie warring- camps Mr. and Mfrs. Oleanent Webb, fat and fami!ly anid Mr. Win. Motf- geon, OnIt. )fas~e1 . Hne, MP. Duraminto whtch thie IsIand is now yd,;v- Jviffiand, vi'e!terani i.fat. They aisoý visiited Mrs. Wm. Ms omn Au ~om wehsago attae rquei dedbHward Wlsai on Ttue5day. U Moffat in eBwavleHOs- spent tlie holiday weekend in çË taie Se'cretary Gerierai of te I esiLj týn sdiff1clt fortie !The Or<onG Boy Scouts, on Tues-ptlMotra. United Natoins, Canada gree IT nited Nttons foc. bIO5 y v n fliO ,1j(yd a fisin Miss HeatherRitrfrd nurse Mrs. Neil Porter 'and Miss Au&- -pke on a Pailtiulaifly diicult and -c faoonl rpcOon-s'Itig paty at taie Old Miii Pond andici taniga,-oe ie,1nso.ryBlins shwaetti eacl ctateU t patit lte et iiertind atti riigi ý'I iu iis, dlaletask. B~yunani-ous col'- tmuat be lof a e Tieit- is t he holl3dayi)g with ber parents, Mlr. wee-(ýkend mwth Mr. anid Mus. Jack hja Houls f frce u.s ol e119 home of Mr. an-d Mrs. John Cald- Bl n am'y ymr Sent, ù,e oue of Conilions au-odîltd nt I oldaeilo-and Mus. S. B. Rutjherford. Ms aladfmlAlmr on:zed the governmen't to assîguiait'O have eaoh national grOuýpiwell waere hot dogs and sOft J0 Ane DÉÛpe, Kingston, is I Mr. R. E. Logan lis a patienit in Canadiah troops to ia UN. peace- actIýindnswr evd aebynd u"din_ a few d:ays with Miss taie Bowmanville Memorial Hos- keep:ng- force on the Isl-and 0f Cy- tii edrai rcah eyHeather Rutherford. pilai. Çti~U5. ambarrasi41g thie governirerit enjoyabie timre and appieciated' intoucly domestie situations is !E-le hoespitality of Mr. andi Mrs. The askis thnkle~s n-eanaconsidered far gaine for thie op- ade. in1 order to carry on- as dîrected, IpoYsitio!n under thie' mies f u Mr. and Mus. Ed Grahainm and, inembers of tie Caniadian lonltin- a qiamentlary systein. It does no Mrs. Mae Gi bs 0f Dunbarton at- gent . . . taie famed "Van Doos" seeýn quite routine, howeVer, tO teaded thie graduation of taie for- ...have to &ipay a cons:cleiiaile uty retg nteinter- me's sonn, Thma . Bud) O u~c o $ T R s'.rant. Iaàced in taieidde of 'a national sicene, and a matter Kngsto'n, last Saturday wiien Bud bIl ding cIvtl war, our men ar1hcbi n event is under thie recevved his aster of Science De- there to keep thie penace, not to Icontrol c f taie nited Natione, for -ree. impose il. Threy constitute part o the purpose of emfoariaàsing taie a body of neutrai men aJt wi governŽment. There is t-oo r.E.Egiai e jf 4 r y io t nefther side waits or dares tO at stake and taie oppostion, as taieaod Ksa s;ettehldy i ar ofStae fo' EdtenaIweekeii at their cottage on Lake shoot, because of taie consequences Secretar 01SaeëorEten, 0imog intena 0 wr1 oiion. AUffairs, Mr. Paui Martin po:nted Mvr. and Mrs. Alex Drummfond, This tsflot the first turne Canada cout recerft]y, would do itself more Toronto, spent taie weekend with hasundrtaeria tughjobon e-ce-dit by bei'ping te gov ernnent Mr. and Mus. A. A. Drumnmon-d.i, has nda taen togaijobon ie-fulif il11 its internationalI commrit- hat o tae nied aton. S frments btaite United Nations Coin- Dr. Bili' Barrett, griaduate of bted CrlUyprusoera ll scoonit1 mander Én CY rus. Veterinary College, Guelphi, visi- 0 &vtld gre-and iy t o etaful e ue ted wlth Mir. and Mrs. S. B. Ruthi- olvi wa andai,.ho'ld qiteerord. On June Ist Du. Barrett enought tbD rat-e it las a wortaiy accompishnlent. IUNITHI) CHURCH CONFERENCE Unerit trm c rfeexcetae THROUGH FRIDAY, MAY ý29th CanadýIan con'ingena i CyPrus, T~wrso 0 eeals ii lake 'taie forces frloi otiher nations isterý'Iai and labty in equal nunthers, o>onsiýUttuing 'taie UN. force, are repuesen1ing 190,000 adaierents, of unider thedrcinfo h nt wiom 9C,000 are members, Wilà the diros. eonfrom ùtaiernit-mect iat Queen's University, King- ien Nttns.itheidprtiseforces , stn, for taie 4th consecutive year priven its taie Unidatmn ions frefor a five-day Conference of. The ph roi ort itherom disi factjins United Churcaiof Canada, Bay of taeGee{k o aeTasifcin Quinte division. The Conference or even f rom shbooting at thein .- ~ fv iy fbsn lems fired upon first. dsusodecisionsandi ordIna- United Nations troops are there- tions, wi-lJ survey taie pasi year's houe relagated to thei rle of fiend- worlk, and wii engage in taie con- ly perstiaders. They were sentto temPorary soui-searecNing as tb Cyprus o keep thie, peace until an what Is thie Chiui, its funotion in a3n4calble solution pan be worked the rapid change and cross-cm-- rents, of hougbt andi feeling to- day, and wrhat of taie future. S..Enrolment Closes Saturclay -1ýhe P.S.I. sponsored Nortliun- berland andiDurlam CoxnnunitY »,eûlttlPlIan enrcoiment closes taits 9aturday at ntomn. The delegates meeting in busein- ess sessions, concernIng thie worl< of taie United OhUrch c--f Canada represent an area touclhing Brook- villa, 1ling9ton, BeBeville, Cobourg, Oshiawa, Lindsay, PeteÊi-oronh, IMadioc, Perfta, Sintais Fallis, Carle- ton Place, Refrew, Araprior, Plearoke, Chacik;iver. and tihe The second county-ýutde offer- Igr.eai rural cent-i lng of thie doctor-sqvonsored P.S.I. nrIfflje easten 0 PlIan lias been enthusilasticaly re -________ eellved with nvany residents en- "We feel t hât duringtae origfinal x-nrolmenlt, some people were un- aiiIlIar and posedibly ekepti-dal of 5.., harie 'StSne, PA.1 spuokesnian reported. "Since tihen, - hey have had an opportunity Vo see jusit hm taie Plan las bene- 1te>d their neigiabours andti tey are eniloliYng now. We.urge any- 4one wislhing information to, asai the,-ir doctor or someone already enoldabout taie Plan, cor to C,:ntaât our Cobourg headquarters at 206 Division St.- telephone li712-549. " Cciii <" Wi;th just ,taree days leIýt ,lcnsd enro!l, we anticipato 'a rusa i 0f ast IiesdP minute applications," Mr. Stone Mechanical cout,inùed. 'To avoi-d mtsging out Wosel C- bI oppotunilty to suibcibe,, fou taie fines§t prePaAd medIrai ci nd gu bes ani areas ci >ntario. lyour 'umbing & 1Contractai' s, instaui [araitce M-aintenance Servic Cump-Iý'ete Maintenance on Windows,For and Wall Service Rug and uplîolstery Shampooing Commercial, Industrial Residential PHIONE 255 Orono, Ont. begins w'ork xvitih Dr. Eicii Palst- er, Horse Surgeon, Ottawa.. Sunciay Visitors with Mrs. H. J. Souci were Mrs. M. J. Wrigiht, Miss Mary Jeweili, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Rickably, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Web- siter and family, ail of Bowian- ville. UNITED CIIU*CM Orono Pastoral Charge M inister Rev S. E. Long Il ~iI _____________________________ I -~ SUNDAY, MAY 24th, 196 Kirbýy 9:45 ~m Or(:110 - 11.iam. Shon Early for Best Selectkèns OzTmno - 10 am. irby - Il a.m. LesIard 2 pin._____________________ LADIES. DRESSES \ .New Summery Cottons arriving each week. Full skirts, sheath and shifts. Attractive print ad plain shades. Size 9 to 241/2., Priced front $7.".95 to $15.95 LADIES RATS 1/3 off any of the balance of our Spring & Summer Rats. '-il BOYS' JACKETS 100'% Terylene ail weather Jackets, rayon lined, zippIýer front. Green, brown, apid blue. Sizes 8 toa 16 years. Price $6.50 r ~-rT' .1 K BOYS ;JIANS H-eayy quality cotton twill Jeans, buit for wear, cut for conifort and styled, is the long, lanky look that's the latest ¶'ailored 1 cuLffless botftoms. 8 te 18 yearýs. iPrice ,$4.50 CANVAS SHOEIýS FRALL TilE, FAMILY ARMSTRONG'S = ý=.- - - !Imm

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