ORONO WEEIKLY Tni IES,_TITURSDAY, INAY2lst,_1964 ________ l7rom 1 he United Church [New Sehool Addiliea "G(OD il,; Ar-m ,ïT LAR.- day of judrgement je coming and, Jesus Ohisit, shall be the judige."t Mr. A. A. Stri1ýe preeented the Taken frçm a sermn pradedFor i>an, lif e leherther 'pnçgreees figure,- of the three pro ,ral. He, by Rev. Basil E. Long. to()extý1inction' ae l-t wa,. for tAielalso nmentoned -a pOffib i scriplure Le-creon - Acte 17 : 16-M E, ureanei; nor yet 'a 'pathway) eavirig tle BowrnnnIvýlle sch'i to aborpbion o God' js it wae o ns it presentlyy le and mîaking an A dog xvho as b to g ew p~off he the Stoicîs. IV le a Journiey 10 tthe adto.The eecretiary, Walterv enae, anaed o cew ff heJudigement serait of C-od, ;where Reynoldse douibted that the Fire ta,,- on hie collar. Nol knewfllg Jesuse Chist ie the Judigç. This is Marehail wouiid approve of thie at- xvbt ese o d, ~e P-sî .et what Paul iras polarn thiat ter gugge:tion as the Depailment sent him to Washingtoen iih tis day would flot favour buildinég to Wood- note, "Here ie nobody, from no-, en partitions and framework. -wlere, golng no Place." As Paul rpoke to them Ihere Mr. C. Tamblyn, in the d"scus- The tragirc fact of our dyi were three madn rain.Sonie ion, suggeeted that tihe first ad- that mi-ini general 1,9,esloest hie 'OfIthie people rmocked at Paul. diti16n be pbaced to the Courticre H'etiy e bas becomne îost in They irere amneerd by thille pas- scihooil and Vhat when adiditional the cea,ý of dndecision, mlred in1 the s ionate, eur-nee1l. sean7e Janv. We aCcconimodation wae needed that, swçampre of conolormltty., The hope- need 10 stop andi think IV lei easy they thire builda etredy new fu] sigin le tlhmt man E becoming t miake a jesl cf i(f e and find thie eomPoste scihooIl in BowumanvIfie. nare cf hNe loce nand je eenrching comiedy mnus end in ragedy. 1 Th'!&, he said, was thie loglcai for h;is iden1ity. Ne cati only find uni flot, sayii.ng ire ehr-uid neyer move at Ihe present time an& 'a1sa' that idetty as Gol bC r"i q' aurgh or have a jooue Unie l teien! csty to ht-nMirurhJesn C1,1*ý,'. 1le Fe, ut ffe joyAndther'point coneidered by tihe h hm lirurf Je'isCrh1 ~. N if, bt ife eleerous bses. Board iwae the fact viaî thie De- oannot knrow h1imerf throqii re- Ne wr'i makes aý je-'tof 1lf e mli amn a ai htte ol ligw wIi ger ri n-1li' tib orgii fnotiledir. Vnne ud 0f asil1 only approve an addition atthie Jesu C~rr54irb brln"shm b oranrîhe. Soe sid, We li, present tîme 10 an existing sîchooli. a roigt rao pw1trh Go)d .*n h-far about ail ain nd pu ,< Mr. Sirike also aeked what ef- Ifae 0 eaye htrnho eopli fte 10p!acing of the Vocational hav t rel'e týi nimypeolewing inCourlice vwouId have' an Tihisiras PInl's mnessage as hie put off decireron. It ies danger'oue$ to lasprtl.f ois i emn stood on Mar' HL1 nd spoke o rnP1tao cssI emd 1 gy, "Soniethingi worthwhzile is go- the general opiinta rnpr the Athenans lhrat day. Witli idols igV hipn hogh eo i etlincsî een tatrsictent on everry band, Paul igtirpentrog neo i laimedCSS er n i ufiïn Jesue Christ "nd Hm orurcifiedi anrollher day." These worth while enontgih 10 be a factor. and reeuirrected. Among am thnge don't bappen unies weJ The Board approved the Cour- crowdiswer th phlosphes -s,,tart 10 wrrk on il loday. Flow licel addition on the c(ondItion tIrat chowds iuree thendpheoSolers - easy 10 soIn the great parade 0f -the water supply was adequate. tAieEprrcuean and Ui SIcethose mho wcm't allow Iheiselvers Ini Iis a well driller le 10 be con- "People," nas fthe Bible sey 1v omake defin lile deci q-ens 1I arled VO e'ikethie necessrar "mho loved o spend their lime in yuvya s1 sposbe iiomting eepl t y elhn n enngra There were, alslo the f ew people1 The Courtle e cirol wrnen cona- aomellng eir. The wer grat Wo did belleve. This seems Vo bce pieled wîi l e the second On- traikers and great lsteners, but true c0f 111e in every generation posile school ini the Durhanm aron. lhey irere missing out on truth. in',mîany places. Some ýrie sald to il' was aliso staled aI the meeting Sro Fat eai to thein. "Men of a professor of a Theologilail Col-!Il il le i expected lian tlclinical Athen,I per-ceive that in every loge, "hoir cati you eny that Pýauf ltrainirng in the sichools woill reach wny yoýu are very religious, for as wns a fail-hure in .'-lhens ýbeciuse 60 pereent of the seudent ènrýol- I pasered along your sîrcets 1 ab- l hîad onI thre%- convoi-Vs? If rment. servld bjece c you woshr . 1 ae iere lhree convei'slonrs in Amonig theri I f oundi un abtar Wtth our biîgge'el downltG,.n Chiurch niixt JAME CO RA, UHA the insecvi-)Lion, "To the Unkniown iSuna, Elwui oesyVit ONS UMMEAN DREASIST Cod."ThieGod hom ou dim ias?" The Professer enial, "My NT butl do flot know, Ne il jr5 that I good man, 1 would say ilt waer a) A. 0. Dalrymiple, AgriclulturalJ deciirre 'Unlo you. This 'UnkniaWfl nmracire!" Paul a ias ro failure Rpeinie for Durham Cou n- God je the God wis enot made. Arhenes. Bul the- Irulli wne bt ly, hbas ainrounced he aonilMùmeni Hejeis te Maker." Like men of only n few believeal. The prorbinenar0 ae Cochran frora Alimoile every generalr'ýon tlhey set nbout t,3 10f Ihe'Aiheniane was not one .0(f iin Lnnrnrk cCofunty as sammer as- wne wrslir oxvn gs ode uhrever unbelief. They belie'veal au urich eslnn.Jamels hbas complelied hies weakng wors pVre v(>rshùgepîîng ur clds'nteey wanted 10 pny bonour to a a third yenr at Macdlonalddolg mînliu;, re ae moehipingiie.Igod fhey mlgiathaàve overlookýedi. ____________ he n o th0f our generation oiChriltan missiionrh-s are neyerý powe, nd hetge cfoHsesstLonsrealry cnired t10 make perople be T!ni T!. .W wer anupisi inprestione mI' hlgi eyebut o gel peoplc o 1change'l weh pl p he ns~at~o "o eetheýir false belilefis. The lMay mieeting of Unit 1. was Unknown God." lie 1ld at the home f, Ms's. El1sÊie "Yes," saisi Paul, "ibhleils, lie Our problienisl that n1lny Frl5k mihb eleven menibers precsent. Goyd, I prodiain o you. lie is noV people are. relnigous la generaL. While thee memibere gathered , a onlytrhe Crealor Goa l but Ne le the We need t10 gel nway f ram religion sing songi iras enjyeëd and Ethel God of Hisory." We have only o in general and teo know andi o ,LVceil led in p1ayer. thinl< of God's reveleMicn hrougih serve God in particular one lbîngl Mne Allen in charge of Vthe de- the Nebrew people ho realize how)Il fear, wheu cllldren /are brougb'ýtl Volional for the evening reiad fram Godi bas guide(d hlstor7y. TIrrough t10 me for Ba9ptismni3etIraI the 1the 29Hd dallit er of Mntihew, the them, wlhelhr teey dd rirghlt or parente f eel il le a good Vhirrg ta nrable of the Talents, folowed wrong, Gad broug'hî i revelalton do, just in oce there ile sOmethng,.bv a discussio)n on how we could E tc the world. God ake(s teeevEli.of about tMhlr mailler of religion. The . use oui, talents. 111e andl bings good ou01 X.f o Ideal is mhenparente bring her Nyi 7 a epeaterd la uni- whlerever we final nations iivng chirldren to he presented analdadi- con fo11oweýd by pray er. conti'nry o theew,111 of Gosi, aven cated o Jesus Christ, because of A vote 0f than ke froni Ers thouh they setaboit 10 do wrang, IbE'mioderful experience hey Mary Miler anal May Allen iras Godi turne iV mbNt s own Chien- hemnseivee, bave lad and they1rend thianingithe group mesnbei' néle où goosi. irant thetir fnmily o havec the for ther assistance in beklpingi pro- Paulssi idtat day, 1"Men ofcamne. vide for te Lnymemi'e Conference. Athens, Goalbars made man ,so One of, niy deap concamns when AIer te roll mil the minutes - tht inqtedvly ie ong fo God peplepreien flenielvà fr ere rend followad by thae treans-I bliI isihnctiieri b loge orGro. pop erst lieseîe frurer's report. TecfenniVn e When I sea tee 4idesamnongi you Clurch mnir rshp-leeta bey eva na e rica g d. Aisget-e anal the inscription, I know that tshoulal be ninking a definlte pro- Iwel you bob long for God." Suahite sol etewigadfle pr- card vwne sigariea by alIlte mera- ûomplexdity of hunian rlature tatr fereion of faith ,iin Jesus Christ, i bers present for Mrs. Foc ivhob as rallier titan an ncknowledgement rbenII perriape thee oudact crvýing atlheitli in genaral that iV paye Vo be ne- he Gnannme nill. obeo ie doding so becîn-use of bis onging I ael eammbrThredîeay, Mny 51i tis oe ocn eon thr od iroie den o is. E -of thre cburch molien your profes- audtorium. ait tbough wey n d11ey Goadifire o n Il erani, wIich means you have TIse 9tqh hapter of theeStudy l1e, ire ili find liat there l. a e iae ou ia somejes Cr,. bok"Iih5Incarnate God" mie dleep urge for God, a deep bunger I m arlsc-lýms thawt cummwaizealanal beiutifully ex- ana lîack of satief action lanOU people are eaiperienclng religioin in plainéed by Violet Moffat folloxved lIras. l i ii neyaitha esallefesi genierail anal no God _n Panticuhjar. by a gnloup question periodi and an un ii IhalïInstinet for CGod le met The Christan Churcit tday 15 Thte next UnIt meeting ii be by a relationeblp, wlth thee a-liy sa3ýing 10 tie world, jusil whal June 2nd in te oburcli auditori- I rue anal living Goal. Faul prodîraimrerdle Athens, "that uni. "Men af Aliaens," said Fauil, "the wihhyou subScrlbe +o, i generfal I The evenilngias brougbt tb a days of gropâiginlaignorance 1s0ire dedînre unte you in PartIculier, 1close wâte ElIhal Lycett reading pas." Aforetlinas, people didi't aven Jesus Christ who 1,s Lord of tee benuViful poaml a chnld hal know. They sanght ealler Goal'anal Life and xvho iLe the mnenasure -wititen, "Sýpeclal1 Del4very front knew Hl1min siome 3erise, but n'Gw anrd comlPletenaise of al itings". FHeinvan", a tribüte 10 FPresîldent He bas been conipletaly raýveeal Whan ire sperak of the "Unknown Kennedy.1 lai Jesuis Christ. We neesi oiliy God" ire need not laugli et tee A delicious lunch wns sarvedi thlnk c0f tee gréant religions af tee Athinians for their -eremihon. by our bostees Elsie Fisk. Marge onald as there le sone truteaal There are, miay places mhere tee Beret titen mio11veal a vote of litanIes good iii teen all, but on1ulinl* sanie incriptdon nigbrl ha raised 10 Mrs. Fiek for the openàngi of Jesue Christ do we cee- God cler oday. 1Wýen ire sperak of te "Un- bier home ho, us andi for proviliag ly. knOxvn Godi" it,,eild nmpm, fhat tee lovely lunch.1 Riave you aver okd at a beau- ti n andscoape anal sean contthng you xivou2ld làle o jeee mrore clear- ly? TLiten y0u lad tee pravuege of _urLýL'Ing binoculans o your eyes, ajrusting anal bingingi theni Vo !,-cus Co tent you see clearly ait oýbjecit Wbidb before ws o dm., Tit'at i mitIGoA l sudla Jesus ChIt- ha brouglit Goal int-o tee evarydayrdlatiositaps i 1e. Ne very nature o o.L lGa oe lrofocus lia àe a Goal of whcrm wa have neyer lienral. It co'îld abso mean ai, then aone day 'corne o that tIraIire bave heard aborui God, place whaire we Say, ".îow I know but irebave neyer become nc- you. Bfeore I knew abo>ut y'ou,11 quabntea l mi ehm., We know af but it le cdiifferant nom" « hlim but ire have neyer experiene- WbMen we leiok tblrougli Chist ed hisc oonianlonchp. Apoteer Vo Goal, ra are no longer' nobody way is trait jugt ns ilt i possilbleo froni nomitere, going n-o plaùe. knom ana li1ve wfth a pere&n for But comieone la partlclî'r jmio Iras yeare unilhl oaae.ay somethilng founa L bs true !dentlty. Somaona caýuses us Vo aay, "I neyer really mov,ýing off wte cellinty Výo lulili knew you before. Now I feel 1Ithie purpose 0f hisE fe .Se-onea no knom 10Wyou," eC it cen ha of Goal, longer cauibt tp l inte general-' ecan be aseocialed wxith himilais of religion, but concaýýcratiea ta analbitaChrsîla citrci in ane- r od I Palicuni- where he has been actAve in vaerous woiik, he ha" eonPleted th're cag studenlt atttes, Iclubs, thee taactlr, two foreaUj, J-,ames comee froa a farm n l and one gran club pioject le ba,,nark, where they raise beef has heMd various offces In 4-11 cattle and hogs. One brother is on club wo.rk, taken part in the ftter- the home'farm wftlh his, father club compqetiiis in Giueliph and wbile tihe q*ecemnd brother ie With attýended the centIna Ca nlada& Ex- the Nilagarfa Brand OhemIcais. The hlibdtfbn 4-H Club Camp. £faher is very actdve in the local Mr. Coohran wili, for the moet &grlcuturai sriociety and le. t part, be workIdng in Junior Farmer presenV, treasureraof tihe provInci- anrd 4-H- aclti-Vitieis, but WiI1 ajLero ha ai aricthuai ocieire arsoc a esisting With the senior extension lion. pnograrm lin Duiihram County this In addIt1on to Jj.ior Farmer, summier. STUTT'PHARMACYI OBONO, ONT. PHONEI 1681J; Ontario has ail the bigness, al t he variety for ana of the most exciting vacations of your life. Ontario covers 415,000 square miles, packed mith fas- cinating, things-bo see. Like aid casties and cathedrals, art gai- leries, and Iong sandy beaches, red-coated Maunties and ma-g- nificent wilderniess, cannùns anid chqrmfilng ide-w'alk cafs Your Ontario is a stirring, exciting place. Take this suni- mer ta explore. For more information write, Ontario Department ofA Travel,Roomn 270, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto, Ontario. HO11NOURABLE JAMEs AUL-D, il