_____________________ORONQ WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MLî ,21st, 196-1________ Fresh Lean M4eaty Side SparelRibs lb 55c W4A Royal Ouest COFFEt. Bright's Fancy- Tomato Juice Cloverleaf Solld Pack White Tuna ilb bag 79c 220 oz. Tins 'for 29c 7 oz tîn 39c Kosher Baby Blils -.Polski Ogorkli - B. & 13. Hieinz Pickles 16 oz, 29c White Swan - Wbite or Rainbow Pkg. of 60 3for 49c Sunkis t Valencia ORANGESsize 163 39c. Produet U.S.A. dan. No. 1 Grade Corn on the cob 6 for 39c Produet ofU.SA. mn No. 1 Grade' LETTUCE 2 for 29c ARMSTRONG'S Prices Effective Kay 1;20, 21, 22 and 23 We iReserve the Rlght to Limit Quantities Black Diamond 16-oz. Jar prd" Old South Frozen 6 oz. Tins 3e 0f f BAKERY Kaiser ài<olfs 33c Dempsters -. Save 4e Danish Burs 45 c Dempster-s Toasted Cocoanot Bar 49c lb pkg 33c Dires Pantry - 5 Varieties BISCUITS 2 lb pkgs 99c* Ilenrýy -. Toaster - Macaroon - Rilviera Mlarshmallows- 9 oz 39C 'XTRA THIS WEEK total of $38. in Bonus Tapes RECEIVE AN EXTRA $10.00 BONUS TAPE WITH NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE 6 oz. Jar IVORY LIQUII) DETERGENT 24 oz. container RECEIVE AN EXTRA $6.00 BONUS TAPE WITH KADANA TEA BAGS pkg. of 100 PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES - Ail Flavours 19 oz. pkg. RECEIVE AN EXTRA $2.00 BONUS TAPE WITH SARA LEE FROZEN CAKES - Assorted Pkg. TABLERITE WIENERS 1 lb. Cello Pkg. CARROTS -. Produet of U.S.A. No. 1 Grsade 3 lb. Cello Bag qiKenclal News Miss Jen<nfer' M*.I er, augter lf Mr. anci Mrs., Frank iller of jKenctal was united ini marnage L10 IMr. Danl OConner, son of t4tw Iate Daiilol O'Conner and 'Mis. 'Corner of Pcuýt Hope cn May te ~ serond, by the Rey. R. C.Wlite luiAi the NewbonVIl1le Parsoage. 'Pre happy couple leit by plane for hihf,Ïax on Monday, May 4,111wlier'e 1thcy W.11ll ive. The, groom ils serv-. ing ln the Royal Canadian Navy. Mss Margaret Senes cf Ot tawa visited lier s2.ster Mcc. Reg. el- l .t on the hola weceld Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stevens and iaml of Guelphi spent the Vctnor- la Day hol'day with his parent» Mr. and Mrs. T. Stevens.1 Mrs. L. BuowFash and Miss M. MeBr.îde 0f Cobourg are spend1iig a few days with their IerM. C 'mpsn. OnMay 3rd a'ttenclance pina were presented by our Sundayý school superintendent Mr. Leonard Faflsto th-e foliowlngpupbls for at-. tenïding 35 or more Sundays Iast year: Jue Geacli, Joan Falls, Dalth Mercer, Shirley Mercer, ROP~s Jackson, Douglas Mercer, BrUI Mercer, Bob Geiach, Tom l'oster, Bruce Meocer, Irene Mercer, Bonl- nie Geacli. Mr. and Mire. G. Catheart aI-. tended the funeral. of his cousin, Mrs. Russel Smith of Milrokon Wedricday, May 20 lu the Angili-. clau Ohurcli, MrMŽbrook. Mrs. W. H. Foste has beenr eqPenidirn1g a few days With b.er daughter, Mos. R'obt. Caroithr Who bas juslt returned from the hospital with a s'on borl May 9, a brother for RusseL -OUR DIE IN CRASH AT COBOURG The deaîth toll rose to fouir in a car accIdent on Shelter Valley Road at the No. 401 H'ghýway un-. derpass nerr obourg- Sunday neiglt. Thre e peosons were killled al-. most inistantly in the crash, TIïey were iderflfeil Moncay as Earl van Wesàtervldî 20 of Superi'r AM eueTooiçt, beved t10be the driver; Gilber~t Moran, 22 Of th e came, address; and Margaret Mary Henwoocl, 21. Joan Dianne Ham, 21, azlso Of St. Clair avenue, diied lu hospdta a short time ailor the accident. Mary Bairstow Mos. Barstow, a long lime resi-. ;ent of Leskard, passed peuce-. fu]ly away lu the BeilevUlle Gen-. oral Hospital on Monday, May il, 1964. Skie lad been in farlîng heal-tl for sometàmo. Mo1's. Bainsýto(w was boru in De- vonshire, England Novernber 8, 1879, belgthe daughter of tle laIe Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Glacis. Sho came 10 Richmond 11111 witi lier parents 'at the age of nine. Later liverI in Toronto where stbe married Ca-vIn Bairsitow, wvho pro-. deceased lier Derle 3, 1944. She Wa's a member of Harls- court United Chuodli before m'Ov-. lng 10 Leskard. During ber last year s she lived wiih bler eldest son Willjîe, Who paa9sed alayOnly thIre e monîlis before lier. Her eldest daugliter pre-decelaser lier Deceinher of She Was the truly devoterI and falîitUl motber of Mus. Georg Yen ,(1Vlay) of Hainpton, Nolma of Lecliard, Mrs. Wmi. Bell (Bois-. cie) of Marysvwle, Mrs. H. Cob-. blodl-ck (Aice) of Orono, Mos. H. GeIlcard (Annie) Of Willlowdlo andî Jaci Of OrOnlo. Aligo surviving are e ,