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Orono Weekly Times, 28 May 1964, p. 1

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Ormono VOLUME 26, NUMBER 18 Weokily lies ORONO WEEKLY TiMES, THURSDAY, MAY 28th, 1i964 Trustees Propose Two Ilealeh United Report Executive F Ho u r P a rkiý hlcsBuligFr1964 1The increase in new housing dur- The Orono Police Trustees on 1 ng the spring was indîcated in the 'nday evening at theïr rogigar Gof ( oA cýp~Noi thunerland,-Durham Hetalth i~ inmontlily meeting passed a resoliu- G raLluate Ji tX Unit report for Aprq. There were atI~ Irno ln n tion requaesýting the Township 0f requeuils for 84,lot approvais inre- atl nire8 8ne i iILUI eOarke to prepare and pass a 'by- specit !to the suitablity for priviate Kathleen Ilene binton (Kit) pass- estalishinga parking urme eWage disPosai siystems and dug ed away after 'a lengthy illness on 21mît of two hours on thbe Main St. Or drll ed w'ater w( i'ls. It was nec- Mody a 81,16,i ow- ,cd Orono. This reguliation is tVo be.. essary to ca rry out 93 inspect0ions av leMeoraHspital.. Sae efiect from the Main and Mill m f private sewage disposai instaIl- was thbe daughter of thbe laVe George retintersection south t Sibe e. tuis weuserBoacaad -swl1f reet.The new sichiool st iOa- the laie Marie Ashîé of Port-iof-i Tube two hour paring limit will ~proved, S'otb Cavan area andAl An- Spain,TrnadOnhe eo f oe in efeot fom 8 am. to p.m. i wk Township. Plans for e dten- ne i thetb aîl camne to Trustneeict:rnon wsaum. thor- .Msions Vo So w anvilie's bord E'rg'Canada in,1921 and for many ~ized to obtai.n pfces analbave newPuýbilic Sohool and to thbe Courtice yaslvdi oot.Dnn rking lobtinspinewd ite bu- u rnCounty District* Wrl ar2 su sreda sc n,-ess section. Mr. Simpson l ïso S01reengdae. retary to thbe BtitishScin0 Mentbers of thbe s'anâtaftlon staff fnterý9allted Carihubean OommiusÉîon ')een received on placing parrallldattendded an Ontario Municipal Von Washinigton, D.C. In late 1943 Fýarming on thbe s&de,,anid fel t.. Bo'ard hearing 'on 'e pl'oposed she reýturned to Canada and becaune .at diagonal parking shoulal be muicipalivater systesu service in the wif e of G. M. Linton, Oronou, ~uniudon, botih sides but at a, Ojn Ont., where shcb resideal until 1961 ,rester angqe. Tube trustees agreed~ There were .250 cases of coin- when a new assignaient requireal diagonal parking on býoth sies unLcalbe disease reported during thiat they move to Bowmanvîille. _roviding it left ample room for thVue monb, 78 of which w~ere Ger- MsLno aadvu hit .r-veQ turough. thbe Village. R. mranieasiles, 7î1 red nmeasles, 5 Ms1Lno asadvtC s-t -orrester stated tliat at present it chickenpox, 33 iumps, 14 whoop- ian andl wbile ber health permit. L s a imes, only a single track ing couglb anal 12 infecttîous hepa-,ted, wýas an acive meniber oif' St. nown .thbe Street. Mr. Vs - J'oseVb's Romnan Ca'tbolic Churdh,î Mrt wasreprta t tbemeeSn T'nin, B ,BowmiaiiviIfe andl ofthie C.W.L. Il a-poaford lite proposed son of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tam- One rabiadl animal ias reported, Uer deldiglhit iu workïng witb girls latblyn, Orono, graduated last Fnl- a skunk in Darlington ToYwnsliiP, Was sioon r .ecqgnized in Ororo, rater projeet ini Orono lbas Inot dyfD ...Qep ihhn n lbe acn a iet hr h akona A jýet been given by thbe Minister o dyf rm ... u Iu wthlin!m tabe vcin asgvn owaee lewashowgnera "noft 1Munclpll Afais. Tis pprV4, ours. Mr. Tantublyn is taking Up oive person.Ki"t aWoegneton0 ias Vo be A taneaTisbeotuefarmirg on thle farm forimenly 0w- t47grsLaeinawà fldsh ü l,à o býot ii bre th e-ndb ertRdiso i be(chesàt x-raly were given V 17grs aeinawdrfed u ,5ater Resources car dâraw uhe oiedifbyconcessi inon inarhe persons ititube four regular month- becaine a meiiber of thbe Central -tiig engireers to rwu L ly ciest cre.Two cases0 dse reConl af theirl Gutidaest riplans, The Trustees voicdtubercîuîosis were roportei; îwo and s rvedas ubeirmn atig dle ta iis was anoiher hold-ulu < M l .9 cases noveal 4h1tiohe area anal one AreaTanng Cara n ie events cf water for Orono. îw mmu jg istructor mroved frein the distict. Two were Chairman of the Area Gold l Go i Bo',rrester st'ateal that thbe OWRCi admitted Vo sanitorium for investi- 00ommitteeuntil ler ilrness torced ii ladsad t ene-rti1y takesouyi gaîlon; one ,cf tihese was discharg- ber te esIgn. n days for ti prva.It lias Im 'v iÇ rIil ad slitLy a-ter admission, Theuntui srisf Qunal vac- bnai uug'trMr.Js wýi tedtciwaen.AsiganesodI A resolutieLn was passed author- TeOeeWae asgvnt 4 hirr AT aesn Bty nlil anson 'rig t~e ra paftur. or hehave now miade arrangements for ,-einforcing dose was given Vo 128 Jas. W. Lirito-n, DonMlan ~riit'n t th Orre ire~ t swmî in br!uc!'or for tube ,ind .94 receive1 a reinfercing dose ber sisters,Ms.J E. Brinldainoir ~ppo'v ws ~sogivn fr *ay-sum-er Waýter Safety and Swisn- of Trial.Ter were 42 smal1po'a (Ina)), Dunnellen, N .J, Mus. A. 3 uiet f heEniner. ing- progratu at tube Orono Pool., vacco' oations and 129 re-v!acira-J B. Wheiatiey (Ena) Port Credît, su i. ws reorte tba hiefour'Mrs. Reynolds, Raimupion, a quai,-ltions giver. adMs rgrDrt Pt 1- ewa m euur pour lîgts thfouber, d i. tuor bas heen ebiainedPr-ilSai.n mnstaiied bav yu ruve togto ie instructosduiga or Thbe parents cf rmary pre-sichl,iPr-f an R. Forresier reported tubaiuthir-operiodrinafcomme cin htldren were itriwdweu Mrs. Linton restedal aithe Nrih-a ple trae e ta bw thlekhudr n wer eiser e eûoti and' Smithb Funeral Home anl thati tre gas icutieng roeet The program is Vo be carried on stant school in September. Vision un1 10 a.m. Wednesday morning and hat he gýasscuttng pojec leteIs were giver to 1,062 already in! May 20tb, 1964, thence to St. Jo-Y 'tuas weil under way. Work on Vil- as in the past with instructions I in lalso 6536 coamplete bea]tbseph's Roman Catholie Oc hurclu, P lage roads andc dean-up was aàso a ges andl groupa from 9:3 [tonspections, 244 other inspections,i Bow'marville,, where , Requiem h erugcomipletuon and it was ex- 1 :30 in tube afiernocon. 132 interviews with teacliers con- 1 wgh Mass was celebratedl by ber 1 e ta titube storm sewer on Tueudiühugi en ~fi~cernung tube heaiih cf pupils, anal panish priest, Rev. F. K. Mialane. 81 ~ibrc sret ro SmevileVoted by tube Orono Water Safety 5borne visits concerning sohool ai __uches.h stree and ie r ng tClub wl'o are workigg roder the Fiarn aIl bearers were Wm. R. Burt- l' Luchecss s'ireet would be under- Rwnnileaa itit Ra ing anal nepliews, John anal Peter Lae nrl.Tubecainn saîd ICross and their Water Safety con- Healili Unit nulses visîteal 945 Wueatîey, Harris Lintbon anal11 rit ieexec.e csifo rad ener. f amilies, somne for bealside nursing James and Douglas, Gamslby. ai te at wôidsoo b furisha yTs Phe-re is lttie doubt that the care anal siame for general he'altlu so(e be oai deiaheiment. p puîarty of thiis program wdll a- couns'elLing anal belp especially Floral anal other tokena were re- c iir the Hyidro meeting a resolu- gý,an meet with great success. At where tiiere were young obilren. ceiveal front the Staff, Departuient W te ws asea aluozig tubeue lose of the programu a Real Iof Lards anal Poresis, Orore; The _ý)nwaspased uthrizng he'Cross examiner Wihl again con-1 Initial auduometer tests revealeal B-A 041 Co., Toronto; The B-A oorwn f $3,000.00 by note fron t eaiain ftesimr116nwha3gdfcs 1w r-OJC.Ha fieEpoes tube b)ank. Ih was also pointea oui ln xmntinc eaimn i s 6 ne hea rh efeos.alwonpre- Gil Go. RheadirOfficeEpof yeads Toý,,-ný1i1phad repae test anal 17 stili indicated hearing Centrai Area Ceuncil; Durh'am Snew b 'a or the decbentrire cai for Hydre te keep pace with ; ioss on follow-up retesi. DvsnBoneGr udsaa tou teake crrc ionsintube hiegroWth0f thie system. . ies saaDvso i cgrlby-lawý. i is hloped tubai A trial financial balancesleet.. Eigbt swine, four clves -anal Guides; Th ost'a A soiaisionGn aiis tmatter ta sooni cleareal up aad poirteal te a better firancial pýs-' sheep were condaeneal ont of 704 Gie;TeLclAscain rought in- order. itior over the sanie perioal lastanimais inspecteid, There were ai- Orono Girl ,Guides anal St. Jos- Further debenturiog is aiseý fore- year for the local hydra. Ise 26 portions condemneal. ,elt's sub-division Catholie Won- Nora.h Grace W.ood, Bride 0f Paul Hetherington perseonal tributes front fnien 4T. Internent was in thie famîly lt, 'reporing I rono Fcair Thbe Executive cf tube Durbham- Central Agricuitural Society hela a mneetbing in Orone, on Monday evenirg with twenty-six -present, Plians fer tube 19,641 edition ofthe Êair ait Orohowere disousseal with so'uc new puoposals beinig adopt- ed, Tube financial position of the fair i~erd n good condition show- ung a balance cf $584.e'2. In the inater of having he fair elevateal te a CIass "B" fair it was re- port ea tubai furtber invesUgating aas receasary 'anal ta such class- ification coulal be one or Vwo, years. before thbe fair would cdas- ify. hi usas neported thanthe 4-M Club Safety aleinonsltvation wlf be itelal at the fair groundis in Or- eue, on June 24th. hi was aleci-deal at the meeting te, bave bloh the heavy and ]ght heorse shows on SWturàayý. For t-he past lave years the heavy homses harness horse races will also be helal on Slatunday witb Hambey Beverages anal Frank's Rerai Es- týate bath assisting finiancially with' ihese, races. An 'amateur contesi is agmuin to be held on S'aturday evenirng witb, tube certest beinýg. sponsoreal by Etobsen. Motors and Dewitb Real Estate. A dance wili aise be ubelda in tube Town1Rail on Saturday Tube Bardae endeavouring '0 àhtaina Rode for Friday afier- neer whuch is b)eîrg termed chilal- -er's day. Fid'ay wiil aiýse feature, th suhool parade, tne tebiace show, 4-RH Cluùb ac-iivities, tube Hor- steir show, ;the Fat Cadf show anal aurcior alforg With a midway, wtu new features.- McQueen's iVoters are sponsorung an olal tinte Fial- dlers Contesi for Friday evening. J. Van Nesi Real Esiate are this year sponsoring tube horse sihoe pitcýhing contesi whiich will be hela or Saturday. Russell C. Honey MP., aigaîn spensonsthe Tug.O-Wan cýontest ad Alex Carruthe--s, M.P.P., the 'alles clrivIng division. Arrangements bave aIse been made te, have tube buildings, gates and fences painteal andalsaiset control weeds on tube groundls. The directors are looking for- ward t-e 'a bigger anal better fair in Orono. Blected Preside'nt A preltty wedding teok place in bell 'sheatheal akini uas toppeal bylawa. the Orno Uniteal Churcit or Sat- a fittelbodice, feaiuning a sceepedal bout 30 relatives anal friendcs urday -afierneen, May 23rd when reoJklne anal cap sleeves, Tube gathereal aiVihe home of Mrs. Bob High Sehool N4raih Grace Wood, dauguten of ever 'ail effecibiguliglutea by an Armstrong, Fenelon Raýlla anal MnI. :anal Mrs. Wesley R. Wood, Or- ail re-entbreidered siik bralal de- ahewerealthie bride-to-be wîtli -he, becamne tube bride of Paul igu on thie bodice anal self bow at mary 1loveiy gffbs. Severaâ gantes Holding Elections Ai-Ian V.etheringier, son of Mn. Und tube front wais5t. Their bats were anal contesta wene enjioyeal andal'A - ra. Alan Retheningion, Fenellon matcbing biue wedding ring banals delilghiful lunch serveal by Mrs.! On- Mond'ay ntOrning an assembiy Thee Rev. BasAl Long officiateal anal they carried cascades of punk Armstron-g. ta ec nhegmat.W for ite wed ing ceeonTy andc anal white carnations. On Tuesday evening May 12hi arere suowr sldes cf tube 1f e lu Mrs. M. R. 8ta, os played Vie Tube beat mac was Mr. John the girls of tube-Sales Departmnent i 9'rmosa by Mn. Shearer wbo la we gmuale. TPle selouat 'wasiRehieÉingt'er anal usiter was Mn. General Maora Office, hel-al'a a representative ýof theiefrtilizen Miýss Caroidyn Jones. Did Wood. misceilareýous shewer for tube bride Plant hiiere. fien the aIdiaes Mn, Given in marniage by lber fatherI A receptien was helal-in the Or- te be in Oshawa.Wueponanuclhi ni hie bride waa charmiag in lieu one, Uniteal Chunch Auditoriumt* MisIs -Sharon Pariab, Osha.wa datesruiriýilýg for office in next At a recentý meeting of -hie gown of wuhîte silk erg-zaLwQth Thle bride'a meulher rece"ivealite heîd àa miscellaneous sahowen in year's 1'96-65 Clarke Student rBoard Of DrctnMn, E. F. Chantiily -lace moatifs. The sirt guesis wearing a jacket dresof ber home on TUesdlay Mày 5tit. Gourou. Russell Osborne, Newcast-e, On- was princeas lires analthie hacuk apple green Bacarrali crepe With About 12 frniendls presentealte Those rnnirg fer president are: tarie, w'as electeal Preadenit of lel inmb a chapel train. The recla- white accesseries anal a corsage of brideo-.tebe wiith lovely gifis afier Sheilla SIater, Douglas Hammt, Esun Ecdr noprt lice~~~ as eiyscOPel-nlVtcoa Sweelhuert ruses. Tube wlh'iCu tube hostesserveal a tasty Dane Regeren anal Tit Gray; for fer 1964- Mr. Osborne bring,sa sleeves were thie tradtionai BrIdai greent's mether assis!teal, wearing lunch. Secretary, Malere Pelletier, Betit wealth &f texperienlce te bhis new Point. Rer beaddress waa a white a pearl ailla ensemble witli coral A miaceilaneou-ýs showen usas1 Powelýl anal Karen Lee;, Treasurer, 'pahaigsrva stueDn organza woddiuug ring helal by a accessonies anal corsage of Swee'i-,hýlal Frid-ay Apr)il 1Ttub in tub dl atrn uask lBue Ahlia Cuty Direcier for tube shor t bouffant veil analtube bride heai roses. fello0w's al Oon enabout In analfinaIly Publicity drce uneDistrict Catie BreeIng -As- carnued a cascade cf pirla Sweei- Fer lier wedd!cg trip te Peconos 335 eave nl fnina oonel aalc okaaal dElizaý"beth K-scuai ane 1948 anal as Presi- hcatroses Wut white carnatûions. MuianPennsylvania, tube bride thie biet-ewtbmay eui a.dn ftat Associi,-!on lu!11960. The bie tedns wr hs tItesuit wfth blue acces- figfs inascabeeelgiesho l eoaelwh n a orm uni affira Mrs. Doren Wood al .dMiss SbiaLn- sonie>S aalcorýsage cf salmnimrplûlatube 'hosiesseaHelen WOOdI, R IîhI eir cmai posters ana, l ai- Mn. Ohorne is a iseanta rei -on Pariait, botlu weaninig pure541kcarnatiions. On1iein returnn heyWo UaalDorceen Wood servedal a ig j L aioüdbrd en.znza taffeta . in antre b 'lue. Tb Illv a 9Ahbsa St. i-Pdiiu luc h. Cetiucl nipagi )e- ý"o h.îonenc-e MIMM

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