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Orono Weekly Times, 28 May 1964, p. 2

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ORONO ORNOWLEKLY , TIMES Elaveablished in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor andc Manager (Authorized as gecond Class mail, Post Office Departùment, Ottawa) THE CENTENNIIAL The submiîssion of nature areas and park l'and as a Centennial projeci for Clarke Townsihip nins faveur fro'm ths corner. The conservation andi preservation 0f our nat- uiAail waterways, green areas and wild life is 0f great im- ural wiaterivays, green areas and wild 'f e 15 of geatimLi- portanice today. Il is only tbrough this means th'at the iuture inhaUtants of ibis Conitinent are going to be able to enjoy those things given ta us by nature. The governinents off ai levels are becoming more nware of the future need uf rc,ceational and wtld 1f e areas. Tfýiiq nee--d will indeed rise as does the population. One onily needs to refer ta the projected popÊiation figures to realiize that lands are desperately neededta 1 be set 'aside for future enjoyment. Suoh land need not be productive landi in the sense of ,igiculture. itesbould, bowever, have balance between park land and that for wild life sheter. The course of the 'tream tbhrouifh Orono certiainly provides tis balance and îs ideal for such a project as has been suggested., As the population increases there wià be a greater rieed for such areas and these areas should be brought eloser ta the centre of population. In Ibis the Orono creek Ls ideally located. Land aiong lakes andi streanis is fast being purcbased by private indivîduais and the day of roaming about aI xviu is coming 10o an end. Only through public endeavour Wiil those of thbe future be assured of the pleasure andi enjoyinent oi our natur-al enivronments. Other municipal centres rewlizing the importance' of park iands a-e today purtihasing lands along streains tIsat wnd ilirougi- their muniicipality. The towns -of Port Hope ond Lindsay are two such centres and one might mention liere the town of Simcoe where thbe river tod'ay is à roal asset to the beauty of the conimunÉty. The pi oposal for nature area andi park land develop- ment 'as Centennial prlojecets appears xuost appropriate. ]PROGRESS UNBALANCED It is, estimateti that' out 0f ail the scienstist who ever d.veti, aine out of lien 'are etil1l alive- to&ay. The amnount 0f scientific informration publishet in thte past ten yeurs is equal to ail that hati been pubIlshed from the beginnînrg of lime until 19,54. And every day we beïar cf trae ever-in-' * reasing need for more sientdfic research and dev0lopmenýt, even tbough there is so mucli being done, sa many fronvtiers *of knonledge being pusheti bâdck thfat scientiits complain they are being driven int grealer andi grenIer specialization in narow fieMts because il is no longer possible ta keep up with ail the ne','.' eveqbpment in broati prof essional areas. The speedup is seen in tihe narrowing space between dscovery and practical applicatilon. Tise inventors, the ds- coveries, up until a century or so ago, were long deat before their findings were put to practicai. use, R. H. Keefler, prIesi- dent of Northern Eleclnic, points out that lthe principle of bteafis power was known early in the 131h century, but it was more than a hundred years later lthu lite first trains were drawrn by stseam locomoitives. Iixty years passed f romi tise lime that Faraday first demonstrated thse electrical generagtor until tise first, use cf electricity by the puibic. There was a deiay of more than *a century from the discov- ry of Iligit-sensitive silver salts untilitise first appiication of pbotograpîîy,in 183P0. In Ibis century 'ise iag bhetween1 scientific investigation and fthe develop«à,ent of new products andi services bias steadily been narrowed. Il 'took onily 15 years for radar tO move fromr discovery to 'application. Teievisiin 100k 12 years, nylon eight years, thse transistor five years. Tis la true even when the discovery resuit f romsifundlamential resear.cb -.trhe pure quest 0f'new knowledge, witlhout mucIs concern for pradtical application. But this great ativance hbas been made by science, Il s a sobering Ihought that mass has not progressedi nearly as far or 'as fast intise areas of Isuman relationm. --Oshawoa Times. ïT V tomcid bot 5. rmge 1.latUsed for liber 13. Sultan'% decree 14. Insinuate 25. Solidify 16. Puel 18. Southeaat by Sout. abbr. 19. Dance 21. E'iama- tien 24. Tm'y 28. To lave 30. Now 31. Gap 33. Bifre 34. Kanera yarns Se. Qutcast one: Jap, U~ oru. fish 48meanu or comnmuni- ication 45. Property barrier 41, Crowd i48. Long hllke 49. Literary jcomnposi. tion 50. God of WU DOWN 2.A. long tdrInk 2. I egg- beef: a2,cut l.1 lale BheceP river 9. Parts of , ocinz Il. State ilower Of Ulal 17. Lofty inountaln 19. Expression of difgust. 20. Particles 21, Wa. ,--yara 22. Rorimn housEy god 23. Corroded 29. ýfhsi-fty stra- ing 36. scottishi. Caellc 37. Shooter asarbles 38. Girl's nami poss. 41.,IHighest 42. Twilled fabrics le: GerMhwi 46. Epocis 0) WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 28th, 1964 (ILI Wath~.BOWMAN VILLE HOSPITAL ¶ ciu1Prdutin(li room noxv used as an aud- BOARD U HSE BM ÉN- itýiu is too smulll 'for an as- At a recent meeting of the Boa w s uMbUý, fiy ailth students. cLoeo Directors of Memorial Hnspna oea gymnatorium would meet Rex Walters, Chairmian of ic .0 the crylng need of the cSmmuniity Praoperty and, Equipment Comimi- The lark Hig Schol lee for a centre for concerts, drama tee announced that the purcbýse The LaDaaC:b rkeH eseol and other cultural activities. of the former Powell Chýýmical tOlubin and Draina Club p'-eseatdd 'an enjoýiabe evenin'g of enter- In a calculation apart from thie bhdglas been oaper te and i tainlias been taken overvbyithe bn - tahe t :ol gast Turdy veIng in ebrief, Mr. Brown lias estimated'pital This building, once the Mi- the~~~~ ~ sclg .alim t a h the cost of the , addtions at 251i exaýn4der residence, wasý the orIg- scaool's second, 'Breatli, of Springi cenls iper capi1ta per year. mnal hospital biMing. Attendance to the production wias less than .exnpected witlh only half' lie auditoriumi filed. ,:Q=<O=<O=C0 0=CO=<0 0=CD O, The Glee Club under the direc o_____ __à~ tion of Miss Whitaker presented!g .. V P~N IN a wide seleétion of musical num-i OL P N N its entirety aloflg wi[th duets, so-0 ls, trios and instrumental num-M a 30 196 bers. Miss Tina Kozub played the0 Sa u d y accordian and Lynn Brown tswo ~trupetsolo, gThé Swirmhsg Pool will be open this $aturday, May Vocal solos were sung by Sheila o 'gth Weather permitting. Sliater, Sharon Aiin' and iUlaneg Gibr;duels by Shefla Siater and Sharn 'ia~miyn Lelie tep. gTIMETABLE FOR JUNE ONLY enson and Shela Siater and a trio 0 Week days - 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. by Sheila SIater, Sharon Tamblyn g aturdays and Sund ay - 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. andi Sharon Alldn.0 A most delightful feature of the evening was the production ofj "Sunday Costs Five Pesos", a one act play by the Cl'arke Irasna Club. This production" displayed nlit lonqly, talent but, broug'ht a weaJth of comecly entertainmnent. The stage.setting and costumfing set thbe atmosphere with a Mexei- can flavour. Here the students por- trlayed their production with ab- ility and reality. Those takng part in the play were Bruce Roberts, Karen Lee, Candy Storks, Shimrmaý Ferguson and Sheila Sater. Seek ËAdition- To Millbrook School Because the tisîce-year-old, M il1 brook HiglisScisool buiding is ai. ready bursting at the seams, ai delegation' coniprising of Dr. J. W. WrigbIt, lVlliibrook representri- tive, Rgi aid aiis, Ca-van Town- sisip represeýntative on tise Durham County District Higis Scsool Board, representatives off other schools inj thse area and Principal William, Brown 0f Mllb'rook, met with thlij deputy-minilster off etincation in Toronto iast week 10 request the add#lion of three classroorns andi a gymnasium. TDhe delegation has the unnanimous support tis Durham County District igi Sco(ol Board and tise exeoutive &0f the Millbrook Cisamber of Com- mnerce. A brief presented isy thse grou~p points out that requ-sition off ,he -staff room for conversion mbIt an 18-seat dlassrocm bas relegatedi, the staff to the kitchen. Naýxi year, wbven classes wAI invade tise kit- chen ten or fificen times a week, teachers Will wind no refuge ia tiese toreroom, for tise tons of bsooks wich schools now deal out free 10 pupjils w11 fi every inchioff space. Tise bref pleads for a gymnsa. lor!um -ontle, grounti that the school, sound àademicaily, witb quahfied teachers off physiical eti- ucaoon andistdI iany of z. r e ahcL~,is the on lyone in the district witiouE a gynsnasium, for winter, anti bat I Season's Tickets now avallable by contacting either Terry f Graham or Alma Jttell gThe prices for the Sdason's Tickets (excludiUg Sunda.ys) are, Oas foliows:- 0 '$5.00 £or onîh child g $8.00 for two'children $10.00 for three cblidren or mnore Single admission 35e for the day 0 I.o=c;o= ýc>o=O-Dco=coco=CO O=Oý RAJNEY'Contectionery AMoirs Creanis and Jellies 13ounce box .... 75e Patterson's ChocOlates 14 ounce box-----.95e A large assortment of 1Chocolate Bars 5c - 10e McCormnick's Peanut Brittie, 14 oz. box .. 55C. Neilson's Ice Cream Bars, Brïcks a;nd Hflf Gallons ]PHONE ORONO 238 BEEF A ........R . Non-MemBbeof,.our $8. SfMe -Membership $25.00 For Service or !nformtatdon Cail at Our Expenise We are ]Idsted in the YELLOYW PAGES under INSE 'ýî 1NATION SERVICE L B owmanville 623-5589 THURS -FR - SAT - MAY 28 - 29-30 sp'eciaI Matlnee ioder the yuHm yuDm Tree Aduit Entertainnient Jack Lemmon, Carol Lynley Sun -Mon Tues -Wed -MAY 31 -junel1--3 THE 4SPIen1R AL RO0A D in Célor.. Rock Hudson, Buri Ives, Gena Rowlands -- - - r r - - - - 47 ý 1

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