- - -- ---~-.,-~-~ -- - ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THIJRSDAY, MAY 28th, 1964_ Repo rt -From Ottawa, Rse1C.. Hmney, M.P., Durham 'hey toballed 45 'n all. So far this 20 M1ay, 1964 year iwe have had 16. Neiesto On twoc occaisions rc cnty pipo- ny the goverumjen-t lias Won theni sition parties ini the House of su. 1 wcnid imragzine that there Oojnoi a'ed rcn , lieCWIE be many, mny mo re sucli voûes in n effort to bringi down rýotes before tUe Pearsn govern-J thc Pearson governmenit. On both mnent bas, compictied its prograim ocdasion's Uictests werc won by for the current sesnion. gi vernmc , as thcy werc on * rtutenprev:oU'o ndascu sro ic begiînning off the currern B ses-lu Tk on of(f Pariltaiment in Fcbruary .W E Because these 'Votes of eonf" y dence arise at frequent interv'als ivAvé,,m1 ur-m ýt ihouglst you ight be inleeeUd in lcarning how they corne aibout, Orono basebalfl team'is have ta- .and what they mean. ken to the damonmd and two 0f thet Durngeac sssin f Prla-three teams have 'led played1 mefngt each ,3sesion so f arain league play. To datetheir play. menppt uitiespp05itiOfgs anther as flot been too impressive mw,th governrnent. The opposition dan ohtasgindw odeu, -ote the governnent out of offic The Orono Midgets entertained during the, debate on the Speech the CCbourg Midgets at the 'OronoJ f rom the Throne a~nd dflring the park andi wcrc defoatesi by a score buydgeit debate. The governmnent Of 111-0. The la'rger centre was dan aieS> be vote~d out, on anly of jusýt too much competition1 for thc thc six supply motions Which it crew which is composed Of midgct mnust introduce in eadhi sesson. and bantam payers. Paul Joncs ami Cameron Perrault shared thc In order to hâve estiWmates ap- monnid duties for Orono. proved for each off its departmnentsi the government niust first begin'ORONO TYKES PLAY by introducing supply mtios. INX PETERBOROUGH < the next four cover three depari- Tks trndacllctrooPeteboo mencneach andi thc last one covers Tki rvle oPtroog ail emaningdeprtmcts. V were they werc swamped by Uic year, for instance, our first sup-itboSo ctucf4-.Tc Pay motion came up on APri'1 20th. game was finally calicd to brng it It enablMd us te, introduce esti- to a close. Orono placed only four niâts fo thefltowing depart-runners on base and this throul miates for- icdefanit of thc Pctclborough pitch- nients: agriculture, cxternal af- es gairs,'noxfthem affairs and nation- cs al resgources, ýýttizenship and im- PEE WEES PLAY IN ORONO iiatiOfl, labour and Public THUR.SDAY NIGHT works. Thc second SUpPIY mnotion ' The Orono PccWees enter their on May 4th introduced estimates #rst action 0f Uic scason to-ntghtj for Uic' depart.menît of indÙhetrY, the ThuMIsay at Uic Orono Park. potm!aster general and Uic de- Their opposition wili be thc Ken- patnient of tra.nsport. dai Pce Wccs, who l.ast ycar had on each occasion that a uPI' a successtul soason. Game turne motion je introducd Uic opposi- -S set ut6:30 p.M. ton takes Uic opportunity t. in- 'troduce amendenents to Uic govern. ORONO JUNIOR GIRLS mnrt mot ion wni these amcnd- IZEADY FOR ACTION mienïte constitute motions Off11 The Orono Junior Girl's soWthall conifidence i the govcrnrment. On tcam is relacy for action havirng tUc ijasît euppiy motion, for ex- had a nuinher of practices. As yet a=ple, thc Conservative 'opposi- there is no league in which tihe tion sought to ovcrthrow the gov- tearn can pay' butthere is pos. ernnent on thc basis that it Ilad ability that *a lague may be fonm- loterounsi aysonthee inovcUicwScdwhich would include -a team wate levl o UicGrct Laes.iirn NeWtlnvilc eand Welieome. ýI1Us m'ay scein to be a stranigc The locaa group arc awaiting reason to invoke to defeat a gov- word from thc other centres. They ei-nient. Apparently Uic minor arc also in -thc midat 0f exans upositmion Parties' Uiought se. In and arc pliacinïg their ciplaeis in any event, thcy dd not jon with this direction. Uic ConerVatiVe oppostion but______________ voted wth Uic governiment and the no con>ffdnce vote was de- featei 1le to 78. Ttere arc, 0f course, Other votes baken in Uic House ;from Urne to time. mlach item of legîsllation ln- tipduced by Uic governmcnt inZy be seibmitted to a vote. The gov- emnmen may state Uiat a ýpartL- IcouIar piece off legislation is so importanlt haV it lis taking its life- on it.In tiis- caee, if the legisiatol q ie Votesi down in Uic House, thc gIover, icgimlatin isflt onsrlid- gowvrmct lelatl resn ormanily, ered to Warrant a vote of econhfd- ence in Uic gov emment ami there- Clyu fore an adverse vo te docs liot licensed Plumbizig f& âgf et the governrnent's tenure of iCnrco office. Neither dio Votes taken to Mechanical o* rco reverse a ruuing handed don/ by who selis, instali th~e Speaker of the House. By actuail count, there has been and <uararAee an ansazingly: high numnber of Votes of confidence sinjce the Lîib- c~ )~PAI cr r- ùcn t,ýk vulXe a a îL L l ycar' ago. Buring thc 19ý63 session CATCHE PLUMBING - IIEATING Ph-wne M ~Orono MaitennceService Complete \,ttintenance on Windows, Fluoïrs and Wall serv ice Rug and Upkolstery - Sima-poolng CouimecIn, Industrial Seeldentfia PHIONE 255 Orono, Ont. Orono Pastoral, Charge Minister Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, MAY 31st Church services Orono - i11:15 a.m. Leekard - 2 pm. Kiiby, Annivereary - 7:30 p:M., Suiiday Sehool Ooo-10 ajn. mirfby -Il a.M. Leaikard - 2 pr. at a dinner and reception at West- bury. Hkfitel, Toronto, where ehe receved her pin and a gUI, a sïiver tray. Thnere are only 3 ffuých secty's in thc Toronto area. Mrs. Wirder attended tîhe reception and ,was prieseened with a bouquet of Mir. an-d Mrs. Henry DeWtlth and 'am411Y have 901d Uiedr home in Orono and mioved to Uiheir, home recn~ty prdhsedon Hgha No., 2, eakt of BownnianVWle. UN-IT 6, U.C.W. 1 (Coatinued from page 4) ing were read and also a note of t1hanks from Mrs.,Aiifen. Tt was anniounced there wouid be a general meetdng at the church on May 28&h at 8 p.m. After a delicloons lunch our host- css. then, showed home movies whîdhi were greatly cnjoyed by ail. 'Me next meeting wîll be at the' Ohurch in the Friendslhip Room on June 2. Sale o, Canvas Shoes LADIES' SHIOES-We are clearing broken Unes in ladies' canvas shoes Several styles -and colours. Flat, wedge and cuhan h1eels. Sizes 5 to 9 in the lot. Regularly !$3.95 to $4.50 YOUR'CHOICE $2.39 CI"ILDREN'S SHOES-Running shoes for children in a, variety of col- ours. Straps and oxfords. Several pairs have arch supports and cushion soles. Size 5 to 3. Regular values to- $2.75. SALE PRICE $1.49 - LADIES' BATIIING SUITS A nv * ,--kof "Cole of Califor'rh" swi msuits in ati LuýejaQeý.çzty%.cand material Beautiful shades. Size 12 to 20. Priced front $10.95 to $25.00 GIRL'S BATIIING SUITS Smart one and two-piece styles of ilelanca stretch Nylon. Printed and plain shades. Sizes 7 to 14 years. Priced ..... $3.98 to $4.98 'IMEN'S apd BOY'S SýWITUK ( Stretchy Lastex Swim Trunks for Men and J Boy s, Hawaiian leg style. A variety of colors Men's Sizes 30 - 38 priced at ...... :. $2.98 Boy's Sizes, 8 to 16 years, priced at $2.0 ARMST ONG' _________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________________ LOCAL NEWS Mr. ami Mrs. Baxter and son, Hwmffton, spent the weckend witi Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Armnstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Eowins and Mies Sandra BbWins spent several days last wek in New York and 'attenïdýed the World's Fair. Sandri is,, home for twvo wccks holiday frIom* St. Joseph's Hospital, Pýeter- borlough whcre 'sUe is a nurse lai training. Mrs * C. A. Ouinm-ing, Toronto epent sevcVal d'ays Uic forcpaVt 0f Jhe week wfUi ber sist-er, Mrs. H. J. Soiich. Miss Suzanne Major, nurse in trating at St. Joseph's Hospital. Peteriborough has 'been spcnding holidlays, at ber homýe here. 1 Mlrsý. Wrn. Moiffat returned te berj home On Monday aftcr sgnJ _1 sevetial wceks in Uic Bosvman*ville Meiorial -Hospital, Mr. Mallc!oim MeKenzie, a stud-, cnt at Waterloo jniversiýty, is cmn- pl'oycd with thc Bcpartmient 0>f Lande and Forests, Liind'say, for thc sumimer months. Mr. Larry Miller, 2nd year stu-, dent of Watciiloo University has aocelpted. summer emliyment with Gencral 2Motors, Oshawla. 1Miss Dorecu Wintcr, Toronto,I daughter off Mr. and Mrs. Olifford Winter rccived Uer diplem'a ini 19631 as a certified professional secrettary, niow encployéd by SoGutham Marketing Service, Tor- onto. In Aipril off this year she vias no0minatcd as secretary off Uic ycar by Toronto Ohaàpter off Secty's Association and honourcd 0RON0 àto $1 STORE Special Aluminum Saucepans., 6 pint covered Our regular low price $1.65 this week $1.29 Party Pack fo rPicnics, Patio Bar, B-Q Parties etc. Contains 4 plastic plates, 4 Cups, 4 forks, 4 knives, 4 spoons. Complete in plastic bag 69c Sunglasses, Ladies Smart new Jmported styles, Regular value 98c. Now only.......... 53e Men'" Dress Slacks, several patterns to choose from including black. Sizes 30 to 38. Ea $2.98 Towels, all linen with cotton stripes. Size 16"x28". Special ...... 27c. or . .4 for 97e Men's Air-Cool Cotton Shirts, Wash 'N Wear Short Sleeves, IFuse d Collars, Sanforized, Made especially for Stedman s'. Sizes from 1412 to 161V2. Each priced at..... ..... $2.98 LadiesDeck Pants, Sharkskin, one pocket, sizes 10 to 18. Priced. each at ......... $1.98 Jumbo or Beach Towels, Big Jumbo size, 30 in. by 60 in. Priced at .......... $1.98 and $2.29 Somnething New-Cover Girl Matte Makçe-up, j foundation plus Powder. Delightfully fra- grant, shades Brunette & medium. Tube $1.35 This week's Candy Treat-Fresh broken Cho- clate Bars. !2 pound bags for ....... 25c,