ORONO WELY, TIMES, THTYRSDAY, 31AY 2M.i 1964 From 1 he United Church Bride-To-BeMirLegeBebl THE ART OF LIVING w~ith or mal the peirsonality of an- M n r L a u a lb l TOGETHER o-ýher persan. God Ias created us H onored VVit I TYKE BASEBALL 'S(IHEDULE June 30 Orono at iCendel las Individuals so there oug<ht to be I'2Knda tOc Seripture Lesson 1 ICorinthilans aaceptance of achother be-Ooo~yad~>egms;~a eldla reo 1.cause elc is a unique being. Q1Sh owevirs JJfui1y 9 Orono at Nessno, 6:30. J1eiLkBeida rn,63 July 14 Blacktsoc~k at Orono. Traken front a sermon pre'ac&ied June 10 Orono at Welloe,6:30.* July 16 Newceastle at Orono. byv Rex'. B'II E. Long. The youn ladies of Miss Bonnie June 14 Orono ai IJakefield, 2 :00 July 21i Oronoat aIQcdtsock. 11We shiouM aiso have a sense of Couvier's Sunday S&hooi Ciass hOl- JUne 22 Petetiboro at Orono, 6:30. juiy 23 Welcome at Orono This Family Sunday let us on humour. I think the sayng is true oured lier with a shower at the J'uly 6 Welcome at Orono, 6:30. July 28 Orono at WelcSme aidr ue rtoffliingtoethr.In"A laUi a day kee1ps the lawyer homie of Mrs. Roniald West en July 2 Orono at Port Hope 6:30. relationship to family I1f e, thelaway"Hl tiwhlsoelug.Wdedy May 20th with Miss Judy 16 Orono at Oshawa, 6:30. iME BA BL SHD E Psadmdsid. "Excedt the Lordie around the house is beotter 'Lynn Lowery and "Miss SÜElanlIJuiy 20 Oshawa ai Orono, 6:-30. IGT A*ALLSHDL bulfld thie iouse, lhey labour ln Ihan 19 Wlole shelf of books 011 West being hostesses. Duxling the Ju-dy 27 Port Hope at Orono, 6:30. May 29 Ajax at Orono., 6:30 vain Whbi ld it." doamestic psyohology. Even on the eveniag tihe bride-to-b and lierf May 31 Orono at oobourg, 2:00 lfcolt day, if we look care- mother anfd sister were presefld PE E ALSHDL un stw iOoo :0 ba2tylfelsacmleiyoftily, we Wiill- find' sometihng .With oo;rsage of spring flowers. EW BL SC DU Jue5Ohw at ro,6:0 Fmany t i . aftr ismarrxityge :ýiughabeA good sense 0 o lf t -After the giftis were opened, May 28 Kenda ai Orono.Judly 1 Orono ai Oslhawa, 2:00. ceremiony, a young m an said to our ýs absolutely necessary in our gaines were -Aayed and lunch was June 2 Orono at Newcastle June 26 Colour at Orono, 6:,30 the îminister, "Is that a111 there is relatiionsh.p with our chldren and served. The bride-<to-be thanked June 4 Bi'ackstoek ai Orono. îuy6OooaPeebro730 to il?" "Not quite," sid ihe mn- c-ildren, a good sense of humour tdose presen> for their gifis. A- June 9 Orono at Kendial- 1 UY6OaotPeei'r>7:, iser No ouhveg lo ivels essetl in our rela;t'onshp witb mong thoilse a'ttendinîg were: Misses June 11t Newcastle at Orono. July 17 Whiitby ai Oronoy, 6:30, Isiib er for Ibe naet fiILtyc) years"ur parents. If we see those ihlig Gai Morrision, Donna Knapîp, June le Orono ai Biackstook. Judy 23 Orono ai Ajax, 6:30. When a couple marry a great wit h ur oursenpsehot hmour, Margaret MfIat Sandy Dylke, June 18 Weîoome aiOooWuy24Ptrooa Orono, :0 deai of 'adjusâment is'fleded i hun o to hr wt U Debra Heard, Wendy Harness, SU: June 23 Orono-ai Welcome. July 30 Orono ai Whitby, 6:-30, both isdea. We bring into marriage selves. We ought to be able to san West,, Jacqueline Snelles opin4ona, habits, oharacterisica iSLgh ai oursielVes and soeaof Cathy Stephenis, Dora 'Knapp and and rights. We cannGt sever ail U e :)renO.absent througlh il'iness was Miss Lhe lies wta hý , yet the t7es Yvonne Schoenmraker. Special ,f tne p-i mus, not d'alm*nate the, guests of the evening were Miss I1 ic. x. ,rmr :le ,reltive, Mirys '3reli'lwere chaperon- Carol Chatterton Whs dd eBn experiencea, environme nadin- in-- a teen-age dance. The moter ni sflowei ait the wedding: MRqw herited characteristics, al.ply aid, "'ifai Smîun boy is certily Miàs Marcia Lowery, Miss Kiin some part in whai euerges as theannion our Mary." "Wby, lie is West and Master ScIt West. nature of a partiia home,. flot aen loigai lier," s'aid thea Special Vuaiks go Vo Mrs. Ron. __ fatiher. "I know", answered the aid Weslt and Mixa. Gord Lowery PRESCRIPTION ,"te hlrnaebr ntinaliber"utIifis wat15 Wîod dsuch a wonderful job ,in ~DEPT. Iteetha' ~Menoblre aeboi no hen~qigbr. Dnîtfogt 0U prparing the lunch andi making n e st ha ' h-ome te conipiexity increases. sense of humour. Notling us 0e arrangements for the chiîidren.-T <ften ide ai, standards and ex- delllaàatating to the hcalh off f anily pressions sharead harmioiy by 1f e as tihe c'onstant amosphera ofore ihsho ae n ha parentsa are hiallenged by lte glooin and striffiness. orer riens auel muil n d tosompJI oundL ed~VL ehldren, Semnetintes parents tare chglins al yer hrnred Mss dividedi 'n ieir opinion as to whtIg e yashnordMs ls besl for the family. Oten clÙMi. There musi also be ite postive Honnie Courier witb a showe on an £ekn t 1e nivJdtasin ap pt-oadh, wit'h appreclo fori Saturday, May 9th ýat the home of! ry u teir own riga-tt,lIim in kn ecoohr.Msiwf haebe-Mrs.IMerrffidiGrahamt, .Kirby. ledgs and exparienc, rebel a- ter quali than those dispayed ,Honnie wias presentet with a loy- aistthe beiter jutiganti-it of ai certain montants. neanî.ey orge nd if.Seea rlhir arets.Soneties n o e ircumistances Mlay 13e turned t aiusing Iltm. were enjoyed by 137 rtcv parentm ume nere h ppst yth oiie ap- l as was tihe lunch wbich w'as The first interest of your Reglstered FÈharmiaclst is to compound the iealliby reactian of tUic cbild. Ipt-oadb. Somatbinig iat realy served b Miss Mary Jane Broigh yonr doctor' presýcriptions with professional precision- . to Relatives andi friands afiaen com. froused a young wif e who said to and IMirs Merrill GrahantWho safeguard your health. pliciate Imiatters, Family fe is alhusband, "I hteyeu! Hawr otsssfrtee compiex thing. leoke I calmiyat iber anti saîd, A Joint Éh'owcr w'as hel'd for Mss "«Darling, you 'are beautiful!" Shel The dea infamiy iff isnotwas stunfleti, hen ihrew herseifHoneCuirad ssDpe The dea infamly ifeilsntJioners by their friends front work, sometihing w'hich slips neaily in to lois at r.Therearde bwowat at thc home off Mrs, ]Y-ane, Parks place by îtiîfut- is somc:tin 01katryling 'dofe bs I O on Wednasday, May 6, achieved throlugh a greai deliof sayis tibpe psitve ay. Thm e 11964. E'ach of the two girls were efort, One of the essantiai ingreti- m bn plist i ers jgiven an edlectric' ketitle 'and a V lTMIP,9 ,ents for h 'lih fa'tl bc ' 0 theu fam'ily, So efien wc m'ake 1bread box andi canister set. Mrs. _ePA RA C iperaiion. etouiains oui of mole bis. Se Parkis lanti a fýw of the girls set-- M Aý4 I often w thinIk everytbing has ed 'a lovýely lunch of fancy giis O 9N0, ONT. POE1& 'aved in ihen _ordinary thinge wiches anti deseriýs afer the gýI It ba s been sai, "Christian7,1diaplease us. Rememiber, there 15 Were opened. _________________________________ lielieve tuai marriage la not s]ip mucb 10 appreiciate in the life of ly 'the best cure for hearitburn, il aneiber. _________________________________________________ s n gif t ef Qed. his an expeiec n shaig" Young people, despa-1 akidin love, inay I-ccd that Vh'en itusedtot be that faisdid i-bey have marricti everytbing s.a great del together. In aur gen- geing to e harsy, but mat-nage, in iatl familles have been separ- tseljf, is noi etbc c petc answeri ateti into units in miany ways biy et al of a nan livýing. It cari te expression of hf e we know ba and 'is n beautii experience Sometimes bobli parents find it Y wen we readize t atitil is a gft necessary te work and all of the Ged and an experienca un saa-- amily get involved in many tbings 'ng. mbc take ibein awafrin their "a-aeoui much oft sa ctivity in various Many ave aiviseommunilsand sent bis chidren a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~t a iisft pooain" nttr ifferani aichoois., We maý live saiti, "Any wo thin that mar- tgte nislonncta niage 1Ê 'a tif t--iyproposition tml.Hwbatflat edr elihet- dees rot unde-stand, woSncn faily o euiu n od arf'cýà. h ato iigd ful 10 sec a faiy claimdng evet-y I K "T ' or racion."Theartetlivng e-cPpottuii y te be eto eras aiI E Mnaicsa much bt-enter, deeper, -- --lttocltvtefm thbe fifty-fufIty proposition. If e are idy participation. ____ each Willing te, go orily hait way ten our mat-nage m'ay well end i n In thbe bcIgimning we were re- deadlock as fat- as wills re con1- Mindeli "Except thc Lord budPO TH E IIGIS OO cerneti. There muai bc co-epera- Uice bouse, they labour in vain wboPO TH E I S O L ton iby parents, anti members ai 'build tii" Surely it is our desii-e, Uic tamily. Adi must be wlig t hose et us who have gaiberat isGae1 adi tdnsPrtal rde s go more than hiaif way in ct - e te wersi God this mornîng,ý 0ad 1SuensPrial rlîe s standing anti respanse. I Uni Qed shouiti halp us te bulti our famiy tiivea. 1If God is given One of the liardest things for Hus rightful pince in our lives anti Auto Mechanies - Machinists, - Electricians Draftsmen znany peepi e ar is la ti Ucre in eut- hontes, Uicn our ives andi .nus,, bc an acceptan(e o «chont- homes at-c fidiati witb love, Ca en rs - aits - Sh tM ta W rkr - Wed s othet- becuse Goti matie each one bedause "Goti is love." I apnesPitr he M tlW res -W l'r of us. nàdiilly. Evcn identiMOa twins, wfho 'appear- alike, are dif- tarent in thet Goti bas createti etxch as an indi-Vidrual goal andi eUob bas bis or ber own expression of lite. Goti titinet meian us Wa 13e oarbon copies off eacb ther. 'We do a grave injustice 10 a humnan lite ivhan we 'try ta forcc thals life ile sue mmlid off eut-own iking. Even our cldrcn, siho ara su Ilnch like us in pitysicqsi appanr- anca, un maniai anti emotionali ex- pression, ought net ta be forced into a Mooit f aur o= Miklng. I am inl et'aying tillat ihere' shoLti mot i3e guidance bv Vite parent, nor As Paul says, "Love is patient andt knti. Loea lanot jealous or boas>ittul. Lova us not arrogant or rude. Lova dees neot insist on is Own xay." Yet se much of ltae Misery 'Of famlil'y lii e comas front one or more oft bbc memîbars of the famly insî1.qiing on their own way., "Lova la foi irritable or t-a- senifai. Love dts n-ott-jouei W1ong, bat rejoices - intha ilt Love boarsa s11 things. Loea bpes1 ahl ikings. Lova endures nid bings. Lova navet-antis,"'fer "Qd is obatiience onItae part of Uicqchit but wa ougâti not to ry 10 itoe May ih ha, Ihiait we, as Obristiian theimae wiie God as reaedMa'e ntindwoman, Young peopk:a, inha ime w l- oai ia re teigirls anti b ys, nay thinl indii he heurs wich lia aheati, cftha graat Muob of Uie un-happiness of mat-- iewarýdItai is oura wbcn our livas riage eau 13e traca to te ita- iare opanadPtipVo Uic SpiÉIt of Got tempi of t4e paft ofcine or bQVb a s wc kaOW Hlm in Jasusa Christ. ai the pannrs tO refashion thec1Wban wa do, we soon master Uic lite af etliteethar. Mari-aga gives 1'art t living iogaUiar." us nOeaxclusive rigiuita amper Waitressýes - Mason's ilelpers - Hairdressers -Short Order Cooks Seamstresses- Sales Clerks Typists and Office Clerks For Techuical Heip contact MR. IH. W. ARNQLD, 885-6346 For Commercial HeIp contact. MR. W. N. (JRANDALL, 885-6346 ')R APPLY AT NATIONAL EMPLOYIMNT OFFICES, COBOURGx, PORT HOPE ANDX OSHAWA Help keep our talent lat home and assist dourseîf la obtaining permanent employees yor tefuture. P. J. Bigelow, Principal 1