ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, RAY_28th, 1964 ii.R. . J.TAGGA~tC YETERINARY SURGEON FL .one 10616 (ýrono, Ont. t~.KAY LYCETI, B.A. 0U ýB"rî*tr- Sl I Or Inte Of ic itO o MAIN ST., ORONO Te1ephonie 138 Orono 9 N ERRILL D. BRUWN U.S.A. B.A.Sc. O.L.S. pROFESSIONAL ENGTDNEIIE Ontario Land SurveyOr [121 Queen St Bo. o o Bownanvile, Ontario 1 TeleI>hofle 623-7251 g ~o e L. .SKAIFE Chartered Accoamiant By Appontifloft OUly Main St., Orono Telephone 138 P.O. Box 208 WIUTBy Phone 668-8197 Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. CHARTERED AÇCOUNTANTS 135 S St. North, Oshawa !.Idane:33-792"î A" 1 804M General INSURANCE SE£ FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST.; O-RONO Phono 12516Res. M016 JACK REID O)rono's Lieensed i Auciioneer and T na7'j Specîiize in Farir' -,Furniture Salesý Consuit me for ternis 'and dates Phone 5 r 18 Orn T ED J ACKSON Aucionleer and Valuator <Jjnduts Anctien Sales of!SUil sze@ aud at reasonable rates, Oommunicate witb him at Port Perry, Ontario PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS WRIfTE WASHING STABLES B ert Tompkids Phono Newtonvllle Z2, W FRANK' R RE AL E SITAE LIMITED 177 Churcb St. IOrville Chatterton Electrical Contracting jElectric lleating j and Service i PHIONE 245 Orono, Ontario Orono Electric PRONE 129 CONTRACTORS -FOR FARM and 11011E WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira te aJilkinds of! Electrical Eýquipinent and Appiances Such at Metors - Water Heaters T.V. - Radios - Stoves - Irons SInsurance Service 0 OjInsurance hIaui UsBranchesgt Auto, Paeage and opst e'oPo FI»e , PFarta%, Utj »Mier, Wldeilty Bon BtO, oÔSdie HamiIton-ý gPIhone Orono 1I FIRST MORTOAGE LOANSf 1~ox 132 Staff ord Brothers Lâimlted 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manuacturers of Cemeterly Memorials Dealersi Doete& Foreign Granites Ud 'MarbIeâ - Inscriptions Cul aam Oee .O UerWe* Our Çqvufl Ask t4 ~<x U.11wh bought from us, a nihor friend or relative The lRUTTEPr GRANITF COMPANT 73 OntaIrIo Street PORT HOPE 9"Largest Dsplay in Southoern NOTICE AIDVANCE NOTICE LOST The Generial Meeting of the U. Lesarci United CurhwHI bold Pair of Fox H.ounds, black Whte C. W. wÏR ibe held on Thursdây, a niesr evc nSn~ n brown. Lost in Enfield area. May 28t1i at 8, p.m. in the tJpper June 14 at 7:30 p.mi. Bey. John! Substantial reiWard. Phone OL41- ObustanEdictin udtO-lfll.Porter, Westzn'ount Ohurch, Osh- a -a 25ý-8483, collect. a-c Mrs. L. Asiett :as arranged a awa wil' be guest spealoer._______________ siit. Plan to attend and brlng a Jn upro ensly in foiend. 11-1a-c a NOIECOMING EVENT NOTICEKirby United O-huroh iwilil hold The gr. Citizens have chartered "an Anndiversary Service on SuIiay a bus Výo go to Pioneer Vllage 'Afay 31 at 7:,30 p.m. Rey. S. Litte- and the 3&useu*m June il. We are ifod of Baysville wlli be gue'st calling a meeting o make final epeaker andi Mr. EdlWard Jackson arrangements Tues<ay, June 2nd'of PlainVille will be guest soloist. at 8 p.in. a-c lEveryone welc'ome.b- MALE HELP WANTED I 0111 CARE l'Wlt care for chËldren ini my ovn Chriitm'as Tree man, w1th Cax- ,homne. V oo10k after shearing, cutting,j buydng. MrS., Douglas Simjpson, phaone J. lifert Maritimes ltd., Box 604, Penetang. a-p g TINSHOP g Sheet Metal Work g g Phone 1941MI g Orono, Ontario 0 0 RLADIO - TXV, REPAIES WII do part time Radio and T.V. repairs. AUl work guaranteed. IIARRY WIVIEESMA, Phone Orono 1649. Building a flouse? orremodelllHng.your present one, then contact Floyd Nicholson- PHONE, 2191 ORONO REAL ESbTATE A. J.McGILL RtEAL ESTATE BROR Phones: Orono 1407 Oshawa 728-4285 n 111111F SIMPSOIN 0 0 Phone Orono 204 P3 AINTING - INTERIIOR &g 0 EXTEIORO g PAPEII IIANGING 0BUILDING CUPHOARDS &8z REMODELLING FURNITU RE REPAIR &g FINISH0 AND AIL ODD JOBS g Qoc= c=::oc=>c=>o =oc=oc=:o 1208 Orono. c-c FARMERS You are inîvited to Hay Equip- inent Display on Mondiay, June 1ât at 8 p.m. at SId Lancaster' s Gar- age on Hihjway li'o. 2, three mlles east of Newcastle. At M7hiteh time practi cal know-. ledge wi be exchanged. Lunch wiil be sqrved. a-p Advertise In The VARIETY GREENHOUSE Ba>x Plants and Perennials for sale. Also Gladioluq, mixed van-ý eties. C. DeMooy, R.q. 1. Orono. 2 miles east of Twin Oaks Motel. Phone 18R8, Orono. 6-19-P FOR SALE Bu'dgie, cage and stand. Phone 210, Orono. a-c FOR SALE Case 200 Power-tfske-off Baler, as good as new. - naymond MacDonald, phone 4r9 Orono. -d-p Citoice Boxed Plants, Flofwers and Vegetables, Begonias, Geran- iuins, Panisies, Canba 'berry Bells, andi Rocke'ry Plants. Wm. J. Leaman's Greenhouses Station Street, Orono, Ont. e-1i9-p Ba;iîes 0i1U jya o",g fer you several breetis o hc Some high production strains, 03 Sales and Service P1 hone of write for pri ce lists. We Saes'adSevieguarantee satisfaction:' VI U24 HOUE BUENER S o - ACN Dear sir or madame - If yen g~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u B- IACIGgr nterestet inVa une hatched o Low Interest Rates ýL'cicispesepaeyoroce IJ Phones: w. You have 5 chia-ces of win- S Hampton CO. 8-22388 0 oni-g yocur cIhicks 'ýBREE at Tyroue 00. 8260-Z«erons atchery, Inýdsay ~~ Outario AVON. Need Representative In JANETVILLE IF YOUJ have used AVON COS- METIOS you know you can seHl themi. 31Nay dollars caui be eaned. servicing customlers ln a territory near yOu. Write P.o. BOX 2,OSHAWA TENDERS REQUESTE D For the Suipply, of Fuel O11 for 1964-1965 Heating Season (J) Port Hope I-gh School - ap- proximateLy 30o,000 gaions of NO. 5 hdavy industrlal and approxi- inlteIy 20,000 gallonà of No. 2 ]ight indu.,trilal. (2) Courtice Hlgih Sebool - approx- imately 20,000 gallons NO. 5 heaVY industrial. (3) ClarlIe Highl Schaol ? approXi7' nmately 20,000 gallons No. 5 heavy industrial. (4) Milibrook Hligh Schoui - ap- proimateiy 8,000 gallons No. 2 liglit n4wstriai. (5) Bowmanville igih School - approximately 30,000 gallons No. 4 medium inidus-tnini. To be taken lai 4,000 gallon lOts the iowest or any tender not nec- ess'arily accepted. Ail bids to be sent Vo Box 1378, Bmlanville, NOT LATER THAN NOON, MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1964. W. B. Reynolds, Secret<ry-Treasixrer. TENDER TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE Bidýs WUi beacceptei lnwritiag, on quanitity of Wood until 5 p.m. Monday June lst, 1964. Wood niay be inspected at Torwn- ship yard. For further information contact Road Superintendent or John Stone. M. Ross, - j Road Suipt. AUCTION SALE The undersigned ihas received .instructijons frein Mr. Percy Rare Vo seLi by Pubilic Auction at their residence, Main Street, Newcastle- on S'aturday, May 30t'h prompiy- at 1 p.m. Modern and Antique- furniture, crysital, glassware, fine- china, 011 lamps, figurines, etc. P.S. The abýove items -are alY in imma;culate condition. As Mr. >and Mrs. Rare are Moving into'a smnaler. home eveirythýin'g musýt h soi10.1 1 Terans cash. Jack Reidi Auctioyn- eer. sa. aten .1 wbuby this important