ORONO 1WEI <LY TMES, THURSDAY, MAY ,>8tI, 19f ____________ KECEIVE AN EXTRA $4.00 TAPE with the purcllase fa 0 oiECEIVE AIN EXTRA $10.00 TAPE with the purchase U iny of these Items g of any of these Items 0 OLD TYIIIE TABLE SYRUF 16 oz. Bottie o SAICO JUICES Grapefruit, ýorange blended 48 oz. Tin o gCREAMED RICE Amabrosia 2 lb. Box g nDETERGENT Grand pink l0e off Liquid 32 oz. Size f 0 SPAG;HETTI or MALCARONI Catelli 2.lb. Box Relaoraefe Pkg. of 12 0 gAUINT JÈ1MA PANCAKE MIX reg. or buttermllk 1-1b.g ,APPLE FOR1M WAX PAPER Food Saver 100 ft. roll RECEIVE AN EXTRA $6.00 TAPE WVITH THE, PURCHASE 0 F fFROZEN FISHI & CIPS Fraservale 24 oz. pkg.O DR. Ballards Chieken, - Beef - Liver DIOG FOOD 3 15 oz. Tins P iNHOSo tASSenrCt any Pkg. or Crest Eeonomy Size TOOTHPASTE g RVILESS SAUSAGE Tablerite Pure Pork 1 lb.1>kg 0O "O=CO==<o=o=co=p=co=co--ý<- . PTATES auna N. 1Grae 1 lb B 0 g 0 RECEIVE AN EXTRA $2.00 TAPE with the purchase ofO 0=0 g=0 /an y f these Itemsg Frozen F0se leOTU'LlP MaGRIEi b. Pkg. f gKRAFT 31ILD CHEESE CracŽker Barrel 12 oz. Wedge 0 SICED COOKED HAM Tablerite Vacuum Sealed 6-oz pk. 0 CELERY HEARTS Product of U.S.A Can. No. 1 Gradë COOKINO ONIONSOntarlo No. iGrade 3 lb.Bag M.. Fresh Pork Loin Sale Rib Portion C0 w à~ 3lbav. n9fl Jenderlo'in49 g Lbby's Fancy0 Tomato Juice 48 oz 31c g SDelmnonte FP.ncy 9 Foruit Cocktail 28 oz 43c g o Libby Deep Broxg o Bans- &Pork 20 oz 2 fa'r 39cg c1of f ee P~ 1 b ag 8 5c g Easy to Peel - South Atrian NaveLs ORANGES. âize176 PrIoduct.of U.S.A. Can.No. ý Grade FREH UNC-ICARROeTS 28 oz tin 19c 13 caz ja r £9c ealcti 49c CINNAMON ICED TWIST 31C Dempsters P-kg. of 6 APPLE STRUSSEL TARTS 45c Davlds Biscuits Pkg. of 25 lce WAFERS-MARSHMALLOWS37c We Reserve lie Right to Limit quantities doz 59c Ktendal News Mr. and Mrs. Jamnes Spicer, T1oùoio, spent the weekend wilth Miss C. W. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Kelth Wood elt tended the wedding of his si!ster, IN( àoa to Mr. Paul He'heiýington a îFenelon Iahs in ' Onrno UnIted Chnurcù on Saturday, May 23rd. The we1ico.mernain m4,11 bring aong the gardens and the big fiielIds of born plarated in this ares. ïy ite tbaâco growers. DURHAMý SAFETY COUNCIL ACCIDENT SURVEY In 1959, a f arm accdent srveiy wa ,ýcý'ndué' ed throughout Ontario. In DÈirharm County, a. numiber of 9-11he hsted farrm people a1so 'a-3s&aýted wfth the ' survey. 'he bajI' Of te re.ports was that every ,t( ýent involvng fa'o people In th,, homne, on the armn, or the h,,àlyWais tu repot it if prop- ea',y lo.es was $25.00 or more, if tilaae loss was 2 hours or mnaM h in~ fjury and if there were any nmediail bils. In the 1959 survey, there werýe 1'O O&LIata accidents outof a u d e repoa'ted in Durhaam Ccunty. Thr-ýe farm people had permanentijr ies With '72 having tempor-ýary -ij- juries. 1381 days time wlas 1idet w-td-a medilcal bihfis off $609100Uen in'vOiGved -in the, 100 accidents thajt were relorted. The Ontanlo Farm Safety Coun- cil has lasked that Duurham miake a survay this year. The purpo>se f survey is ta' make Parm peopae i- ware of thre ha2ardJs in their ever-y day Ilife and from thre fIýgures that. are baed point out the ba arcs thât are ever preent. The SUrVey is nowunder wi&y, thise wfo are assigting ith the survey are'listed below. It woud 1be, s.pprefiated î if yone knowing ld1sted. Ail figures are treated -a; confidentiil. Your co-operatilona certainy wiAd be of 'hep in seiu- ing>Ènforýîatioa that poss bly coidd save your Vrfe or the lives of your 01arIUe M r. C aeu e A U ïss Marie'Kent, Mr. aipir reenwood, Mrs. 1H0ward Payne, Mrs. S. Landasrter. Darilington-Mrs. Aff Allun, Mno. Ekner Gox, Mrs. G. Shlackleton, Mras. Hi. Cryclermran, Mes. Utten Peakeli, 'Mas. Boyd Ayr, Mrs. W. Brown. Novth Darlington-Mrs. Ruthi Farrow, Mr. Wlalter Pridr Mrs. Gordyn Brent, Mr. Albertý 11111s, Mrs. Wes Yehiowlees, Mrs. E. Crydermnan, Mr. Davd-Craig, Mrs. Art Taeia, Mrs. E.Wagt Mrs. Jim .McLaughhtn, Mrs. G. Bowm'an, Mrs. Mlary Dean. Hope--&. Milford White, Mrs. Bev Gray, Mr. EtIn-ore &ott, Mrs. Harvey Bougihen, Mr. Alan H0ldi. away, Mr. Roy MHotm. M4anvers-Mrs. Raljph Preston, Mr. Eaml Weathe'nîi-t, Mr., Ra]lph Ileastt1ip, Ma-. Har-vey Malcolm, Mr. Llawrence Staees., 0artwrýght-E'reist Swaia, ]Dal- ton Dorretil, Glenn Larnvýear, Joqm Bonsia, FHarvrey Grlahamn, }arod SwVain, Richard VanCamp. -~-~-----. -.--- .- -~---..---- -~ ___________ Libby Fancy SAUERKRAUT Robertson's - 4 Varieties MARMALADE 10e Off NESTLES QUIK FlOsPitality- Save 10c ... . . . ..... .......... -77- .7, -P 77-