BalIey, 1N1r~~ S '$4 VOLUME 26, NUMBER 19 Wee Ily Orono fHorticulturalists, Attend )istrict eet Younng hortttculturists f rom Orono' land district Placed weMUl in' the Dlstict competition when thrnee were namied ât týhe, District 4 HorticuItural Socety's arn-aal meeting wbïch Was heldlSafirclay, M.,ay 2&rd. The annual meeting ,uwas h'eld -ia the Coronjation HMEl in Onei'ee. Fouriteienmebr of the Oeonýo Sctywere i attendd'ince aut tihe meetinig and wr very pl'eased witih the Placing of three 0lal young bor'ticulturisffts. Mrs. Stevens, 'distriict director, announced,î0f the -ari- ,ois cornpetàtioiis l\arvin Burtis Of thie Oâýono district showed the Win- uà ng pliaque with Kenneth Phoenix aiso of the Orono distriot placIng second. Sue Asâetit, Orono took sec- ond piace bonours in the serap- book competition. Mhe enties of tIhese three wil now compete at the comPetition ýat the Ontfario -Hcrltîceultural Convention in Guelph on'kJune l8th ancll9th. Lasi fafi the Orono Junior Gar- devers held a show and comnpeti- 1(in in thc Orono Ohuroh and thc w,7ýinrirs ât fois show were those eeftered in the eontest last Satur- Mirs. Frank Stcrvens, qarwood, 'istrict director, presided at the annuilvmIneetinig. In ber report, Mrs. Stevens onulined pansfor aniform-ation n othu the cilten- tiational pin i atch in October 4--(,bu mniaiediby district menmbers. heurged - eber to publicize ,!tucre are -fit een atiesociet- in latle 31istrict VMth -i1G re a eie ehv 0 coi:es o eqber rpolit piated for A resolion was passed wfhcI' wvill iequiesit the Department of Higway 1 replace the trees re- imjovýed for wcad-!wiideniing; and one aigthe Departm of Lands and Po ý,re2sts to make. seedling trees aalat 10peoplle with leSss lianl ~the rcquired tLwo acres Of lan'd. 1 Murray Sm'nl-,h, Chatliam-, presi- denIt 4-f the Oanlro HorýticuitiS- S'Ocieties, w'a'S 11e gues sIpeaker ai the dininer which conclluded Ûhe ,district annuelj meeting. 1 The topic for his a&%cdress Was, 'A Besitiful Comimunity is a Re- Ward nect a Riptb-RPiglht". He said tee vocation of glardeniag 15 uni- versai 141e nmusic and, Ulways prO- -vdes a challenge to, attain per- fection. The first society was or- àlanied in Brussels, BeGgium, and thc second in London, Engâ'ad, abount 1804. There are records of, jon1t Mas achuettes in 1829 andI l1880 ir John -CÔ4lorne. was Ia- tron 0cýf the York sOciýety which hlad fuindîs made aVailable by the Leg'- isi'at ure of Upper Canada. Thfe .miemhership was haIt a pound «ind five iacres of' land iacquired by the 9rOup became the WeU-knOwn AI- lan, Gerdeas., Societies ia Peter-1 borough, Cobourg and Port Hope have efisted for over one hundred yelars Wen th1e first office w'es set up lu the Parliament Buildings to co.'ordinrate the groups, dele- gates were present from Port Hope Câbourg and Mîillbrook. There are Mow 225 societies anq over 45,000 members ia OntOarfo. lMr. Sniith said a panel 0if local peoplle who know thc growing con- ditions oft the area is of more -Value tas, a program than the ead- vice -of experts. He satd success idoes not corne overnight but by slow graduai groWth in groups, as in gardens. _A beautlful Ontario is not gOing- 10 be the work of one society but of 'the united efforts of Zany Mrs. Sim.pson, Kiamount,la vited the daitrLci meeting 10 her- tàwn next year. Draw prizes 8were1 won by Mrs.' Clester Best, Oro-1 emee; GClarence Allia, Orono and a prize for the oldestperson pres- eut was sPhared ýby ýFred Trull, 86,t anld Ernest Hamm-,' M, both 0f' Orono.1 Mrs. Jay H-Jayes sang two solos acompanied by Mos. L., Caseyl Who also played piano for'a eing-f Gra duates In Medicine nineersHired To Prepare Waîer Piaiisý Dur:'g tb-Le latterpartof as wee-k the Oial Water Rescources Ocanmiss,îIo av 'a!',brMty Iotoh1e firmi cf Consultniý-g 1Eniig! ne ers, to proceed with tlie final plans fo(r the water wo.rks system jin ii(),-no. The prýoject has naw r-,eeved tentative apprcva fjy 311ide- partnients and plansm'ai-y be pro- ,eeded with.Fna approval wllý !-e consi;dered byte Municipali i3oard fdlowv'ng thliee callinafi Township Woman Dies Under Truck Foyt To Race At Members of two of North Akm- ecaswealthaýest famfiies wiil bel Mrs: Evelyn, Blanche Gilmour, 22, af Sbarýkvil!e was kil8ed oni Monday wlheu lthe pickup truck la Which she was ridiag rolled ïÉte a ditch and a car towing the truck landed on top. Mrs., Gilmnour was ..pinned be- neath thre truck anrd her nefck WU~6 broken The auccident oooeurred at tenders. 1IÉ is epcîdthiat no i amng the field of drivers te face' " prolemwii ex t ereproi~ig te sartr'sfla la111 outh 8 about five miles noih eof ew thettl cost dçesq no goc)over ten anmnl "9ae , 0"Jue. tovl. pýercent above the estimated costijD un Gerber J'r., 0f the baby food iMvfs. Gi.'mour had rcýponicd for of th1e systeni Gerbers, rViIl drive a Cobr a GT work Mouiiay morning'at th1e l'o- C.mTite engineers ,e cnt 0he the in 1110 b;,,g Mosport cevent and Auigie becco farmi of Nioikolas KrishkOý final plans ready fo the calliug Pa cflhet o Viw'uc rw'ng R.iR. 3, Port Hope. WOrk Waà 0f endrsby oceu0fJul. amily, will be aithe whiel of a ancclled by a-ain and Mrs. Gdi- oftenders______________of _____ C3hevruet-po,)wered Lola Coupe. 1 mour weuit with Mr. KrIshko Vo' IFor Gerber, a resiclent of Free-lhelpbring his truck 8jack 10 foc - farm. lt had stailed ailr1;ý àarIan;e i aaabtPab-st miles a ay. bas, battled th1e tricky, 212-m~ile Mr. Kn skwho waS divig IJ y es is port circuit betore 'This lime, the car, as not 'huirt. adli eÎl U k j h'L exvith the Mccom Racing ls eeLifted off by atow trusck Leist wcek theOron Pubic 1 3 ifro.m Houston, Tex., wtb to i ree hicr body.- School held hir fiýld day 'and innli star A. J. Foyt and Mos. Gilmnour iis survived by lier Dr. Paul Allen Rutherforoi, s on 'also seCected thc:r re~s tatives1Îormer Cauad. an resident" John'husband, Morris anld wo deugh- oft Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Ruthefrto 1 compete in the ienIýke Taw Ciuo: . ters, BeUty Anne 3 and .flecquchaee greduaied last Saturday in Mcdi- shîp 1,lield Day bighcld fois il woi mouths. cine from Queen's University, . Fnidey et theOon Park1 Foyi, 1a tome wnner of In-1 Dr. Ruthertord reccived bis eerly Tihe following arc foc ,results of j ianiapolis 500, will drive a rear-'ýPýtigTa ftoFv os scbooling at Kirby Public Sehool, the 'varlous events for thre differ-, engiucd Scarab lu foc 200-mil aigTcm0 w Ev os OrOn Pubic Sholo, Orno Hïý ent ae grups:Mospon race for $11,000 lu risc ches. Tihe cars wfiU be driven 4y Oron Pulic cibolOron 11gb ct ae goups 1m eaJoc Buzzetta, of New York, and Sobool and took bis Grade XIII in Names are listed -in th1e order MOe n h lyrsOP _Bi Ûshf fMlake Bowmâniviille HLghScbool. , 0f firsi, second and third. f warded 11vfoch e rnufecturers of Bl usfof0'Mlake Dr./ Rutherford wiii serve hs Boy Raees: Players Ggarcts. Camion will 1'Other Ilaie Ameràcen entries areý Jnior In)ternship ai Kingston Gen- Under 8, Dal ibaDu-pltaLt,,s B.BbJ ohasion of Columïbus, Oio, eral, Hosp4.tamul after wvhich 11e pl)ans las Bla-ck, Keith Powell. 1 Thre organizing Canedian Recig in a Cobra GT'aiid Wayne Burniett -nter-'i-ig Generel Pra(ctilce. Under 10, Brian BuIack, Stepheni Driver's Association also anacune- lo0f Chicago, in a Ferrari lest, Dr-, Rutlc,ýrford is marnibd anid Cox and CCraig Tenuant. ecd 1the entry ofth11e Rb Bosch Rosa, la-s two chibldren, Sanidy arid Mary Ude 12, ihe ra, Don.- ___________________________ An. ld iM>cIJreri and Jîm Parnner. Flhe graduntion exercices were! Undý-er 14, David,, Dent, Fred Ban' LXJ1 n bj~ bis wd~e Jioau , 1 i ag a-tdDonglas Tayl'Or. J 5ýA CU 4 O e T fI pr sanafl 111 e sislcrs, Jo -Aniie1 rader 17ý, Jdiinhloe, Rch-11ards, Uether and Jnce Myles and PaulJoe Et is iutercsting 10 note tt la i Gl111ir1's R1aces: dent Clarke Student Council 1872 a gre:ati ucle 0f Pu',Dr. Under S>1, NiaTisiie, Gail Mlon- James Rutherford, gradhiatcd fU011 isonandHoneDni. by Cirnis Meerteuse f wLSlasery goodlu spite of rfc the same iunlvrsity aend scrvýed l ndr10 oui aurRn-IILest rtdy ws votinig day a t unfavounraàle wcathcr foroudr Gencral Practice until bis deetlh iludea eaet Valenie Partridg-e. Clatit Higth 'hool and during tireldancing. Dancing -was !reld lui- 191 iuIbi îoeliy. VUider 12, Judy Gaxden1, Carcoline, 1917 __________in____ Jhstn Dun halie an luuch peiods stLients liued Updoors 1 ocheletest receords andla Wcudy Mercer lied fori fo nd to VOte ,for next yenrs Students 1cr iot dogs ccejoyed beslde 1 WJn kIUnder 14, Jane Reid, Darlene Cou1ncil. When 1the- ballots wcrc fct baeiig ire oritside, followed 41, - A Hs adFa ews couited the namnes of tfoc iaaers by roasteid nrshmnaluuaws.,1 Under 17, WendyParner, Janet werc pled in an euveiiope noTene cam een we lie frch e Thre second mieeting of the Dur- Topham e nd Elmine Forrester. , to ire opcned airti font same even- ncryofhben waitmingofor e, c hem Swvlne Club met et foc Aigri- Boy's Broed Ju»xp - Standing. ing aettfoc 'Grass Hop? naines 0 focowi ae , oc5) ec cuiltuiral office, Bowmeua1Vill1e J1im Under 8, David G ilbank, Ken- The turnout to our lest pnrty(onnudnpae5 Coch1rea, Assdstent Agriculturel neth Wrighlt and Denny Groenveld ____________________________ Rýeprýesen fetive,gave etalk, on Runilng Broad ,lmnp. 1the markletinlg net110s; th1e leÛ]e- Under 10, Brian Black, Stepiren le A Th- type, miethod of selling thern; focCox and Alan Peurs. I.> TVII <'d 1) e % u n an ti n ,f xv Ilrange, lengt1h, and aipounît Unider 12, Michael Carmian, JîM w W W U ~ W of fat wlhch determines Une gond- ]Èariner, Harry de Joage. ing maketngtrends; factors la- Uncter, 14, David Dent, .Fred fli ienciag lhog7production and hog Buntiag, Douglas Ta ylor. T o) Q uin -M O -L CC prices; anld adv\ice n-,whea anal 'Under 17, Glenn, Hanase, Frank fie,ý w 1 sh-ip hiogs stressiimg foc in- Wilkinoaba JnS. The U.C.W held their Genetlel from 2 Chroaccles 1: 7-'2 anal renDA potncof kccpiug 111e plgs free Gr' Broad Jump.Manb r.RIý>a eim 're follwed fIa- nclr 8,NIt Taame BonieMeeting on, Miay 28 In fcMityhe.R ogn iln~nsie rM braise"s. A film oler, il Udr8 IlTasa one auditorium et foc United Churcr., quest sciected trom 10111 verse, SLIati,,theta1ý,artr ý,,lih UneDer 10p , Gal eoreldine a dnArrangemntet fSpring f lowers 2 £Jhronicles, "Give îme non' wic- aieigW. ad uPd nlRond, e TonnentVa enenhne hé nd kuowfledge font I may go meeting Wa8 adjourida eenan. nheriedfc ctig.ouat and corne in before bis peopfle" Tire, Presidenit, Mrs. W. Irwrn,ý FimePrcce.Under :12, Caroline JOhan, c xtendedwords ofwelconetoall JKing Solonon wes thirtcen yeers L.NT ccv., with prayer. ýspe1t 'e lifetimne "building his spir- W it F am ix rUnder 12, Julie Joue s, Jane 1 eid Th em oteDedina',a litual bouse."l nd D ianne P artridg e. ' *The focaler et foce re di g s al es Pumpinug demoirsirations -and Uuder 17,, Weirdy Fartner, "Bu'i'idig la House"' give yUi u citr edn tta tire figbting with toam, wcre wýit- Tophamm and Margaret Middlcetoa. 3. Mrs A. Drummond, Mos. W. that God granted hlm not onlmy nesscd iu Bewdiley ou Tbursday Boy's Beani BagThrow: Armstrong (Sr.), Mrs. E. Rainey, .knGwqedge and W1isdom, for wlrich bîy 91 Durham and Noilihumber- Under 8, Mark Mercer, Stevca Mrs. W. ýSherWiu, Mos. R. Logan, 11e asked, but also ndded unte hlm land fireuren wlro ettended foc Allen 7end Dtavid Gilibank. IailIl tcîse mcnrlbers gave individuel boueur andi wcalth. Was 1111e net month(ly mutuel ald exercicse Under 10, Richard Buiting, Vic- reedings b es epue u i ei in th1e serVýice of etherls, xili no Some problems xvere exiperiienc- tor Dykce ad Allen Peers The aneditetion wavs seleclteal from tiroagittof selislurcss or personal cd vwitb foamn indudtors, and four. Under 12, John Duvail,' Kencth Pselm 90, verse 12. "So teach us!gain? Jesus seaid "Seek ye tirat bad to be tricd betore aay foani Pertriige ad Robbin Winlcr. 10 nunrirr our days, font we may 1 e Kiuigdom of God ahd lis could,,be produced. Ejaii tire de- Under 14, Don Todd, Art ilipat- eppîy oUr bearts uto wisdm." ighbieousncss; and AUl these things paÈurent peticipnting lin1the coun- ridkanad Fred Bunting. Ahm WneflWrl fsalieaddut o Lie s foam beuk systeai has one of Under 17, Glenn Hanse, Terry A hymu "Wos nderfulorcts 0 haThe blded uto yu"igcd tirese pdicces et equipinu, vwbch Myles anid Bryon Myle&s. bite 'i Msa n oimowd anth gTire Bible iseor ad iaghtcode is supposed 10 suck th1e foam cheut- Girl's Beau' Bag Throon: prae yMs rmmn.adgie. ws n ihcu Licel froi 'a peil and mix il vith a Under 8, Diane Boyd, Jane Mrs. Dmammond gave a revien' living in our spirituel bouse, of sireaur oft 'ater, The ones ia Use Forbes and Lyna bowery. Of preViousDtoas presýenitcd, xvlich God,1will not 11e' shaerd. Thursday nâght rcfusced te dren' up Udr1,HetrMcil Don- ail baed on foc main theme, Building e lite lS like, building the ciremicai. ne Knapîp and Barbera Gasýar. ý"Building e -Hous;e" The first pro- a bouse, thre best maieniels wont A representeative of foc tirm tbet Under 12, Caroline .Jobnslton. gram was The Challenge "Choose rinieke il good unless foc plan ts seils th1e equipalcul wes on banal, Kistea Dent and Carol Caldwell. you this day whom ye wtli serve'; igirî. Wc should b1e graietul foal anid ire ssurcýd the rea 4ire de- Under 14, Dorette Chellice, Fac Tire Deisiion "As for meocaind my wce have e perfect building plan, paeVtmerits tiraitirhe induciors would Lewis and Patricia WePllce. house, we Will serve the bord." itire Bible, God's inspircd Word. 11e taec back and e solution te tire Under 17, Jienelt Topham, Wendy The second progrers was on ý A iiymu Was sung .1111yY Word probieîm teund immedietely so Fariner, Margaret Middlcitou "Fotiiideiioiis" given by Mrs. N is lîke a Garden Lord." tire Dirc depert mentà will not be Boy's Bail Throw: J3eirsioxv. Tire thîrd voes bascid oii Mrs. Dramnrond concludcd with withui 111e use oft foam. Under 10, Rand y Nixon, BcrIen Sqaeaking Fleeors". vialuaible commeuts sieîting tire in-~ Lii speaking teMo. Mercer, Or-IBlack anad Alan :Peers. A vocal trio consisiing of Mrs. ililerce ofthtie Bble hes been ano Fre chGief, 11e siaites tiret ceyj Under 12, Michael Cermen, A. Drammoad, Mms. R. HaUcoîcla greeler Iran tirai o01ail 0111cr bave had no trouble la using focir Han de Jonge, Wayne Couvier. and Mrs. G Carson, sang, an ap- books combined. Il has moldcd foc foam equipmnent whii is ca rried Uder 14, Clive Johnson, Doug-ppitesecon"ulng orIvs tîtsmandedrsnl -fl iC tWLieLUh.I L.iiii Ou f-J-11 - iLýp5) îuîy.Onpuews ee'e UL11C ~C~ ORONO WEEKLY TlMESl,ý THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1964 TUmos NOM on the new ftre truck. .1 (Contînued on page à) 'Eternity". Scripture was selected Il (Uontinued page 8)