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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jun 1964, p. 5

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S- ~ ~[I ~ 'I~J~t ~ ~1WLJ~~ 1~~T~1u~ 4...r1Lr1u.. IL ~-~- - -~ - ~. 0OO0 WEEKL I MES, THURSD'AY, JJNE- h1 9_6 J I i 54; '4 j' '4 Canadian national llag w'hicda couiti not lic mistaken fer nie cmbIlei of' any ther country and which, by ils acceptance, woulti sym-bolize Canada as a "ntedi andi sovereign ,ation. The proposeti new tiesign fol- qews vcry closcly the flag used byl the Queca as, Qucen oit Canada whîch lias' is entire lower half de- votedt t thrcc anaple icaves on a whie background. This Canadian insignia dates backi te 1867 anti was made affoilinlaI192 whcn-a royal prw2tlamiation issuca, by King, George V elficially assignedti t Canada *the national colours 0f white and reti andi deciared thie national eniblem of Canada stioul'd lic thee re'd ma.pleleaves on one stem on a White fieldi Wih best personal regards. Russ, Callyour icensed Plumbing &. Mechanical Contracto: j who seils, Installis and guarantees C A RMIAN PLUMBING - IIEATING Pfoine 148 Orono WAYNiE'S 3L 1ntenance Ser-eice Complete Mfaintenance on Windows, Tmoors and Wall Service Rug and Uphoistery Shampooing Commercial, Industrial Residential PHONE 255 Orono, Ont. SALE 1 size 16. i.. n '4 ReportfJrom Ottawa LOCAL NEWS (Cont4"nued ronpage FN 2- May'4f A Maýànie cDistret ChurCh SeT- on were read by the president, SOITOOLC I.ELD DAY vcewas h&41 in athe 0ocao United Miles Deynirk.Thý-e Student Cun pussell C. Hioney, M.P, DvIhaIm (Continued froci page i) Ohuaildh on 5unday. Ab%1 i>n,(jhty ,fexcg ýu1W-6arasol las Taylor, Arthu.r Kiipatnick. jdistinguishEd Masons and I ~V:.FtibIicit3r Direcitlr, 'Elle- Cmnncations I have received U.r1, a1tebt o~b;Tenrr rc i ~epetdg h coie f asin~tHnserand7,y Jon~es, levOrntne dist rict. Thedithe in; Secrefary, Imaren Lee jadlastl ~v 1aieal 1g 'vefr xee-Girl's Ball Tbrow: ,District Ohapiain, toyok the ser- Han m;ost imor tn tSt, oula ed those on anY other subjeet. Under 10, SeleyHooey Areevice. mrnpeidn0f h ieSu Consti'buents, quite properly, are, Buekler, Ronda eiat dents Council. anxious to knolw1 how I will vote. Undier 12, Nancy Nixon, Caol M. vrcttJ.B o n- F- NLEX in this Report I arn setting out a jjîhnson, Bonnie Barlow. Rcf:a Sciecive ReisWa'iOfl i- FINA EXAM oopy of a letter I have written te- TUnder 14, Beverley Tenniant, s4Ycc ihfi osPi rc- MnaJueShalsue fay te a friend giving my decisien Julic Jones, Caro>l Mercer. 1 ian Assf ,i0nErantfveýd,isn and 'the reasoas therefore. 1 hope CinJir 17, Wcndy Partncr, Mvlar- t'he Maritime Provinces, carryxing' twill bc of intercst to yeu .r. 4dl1n Viri ere In h.s work lthere for the next two Dcar months. yn~urO~~ e ~ or Pi - 0 At~ Mi ss Sandra Merccr, nurse in O N c i an rae- ilv ctoninng at St. J'esep>h',;spia fui te you fer, givng me your lPei'terher ren s, Mp.end'ig das ve se o rankly on the fl'ag ques'- Uwthlepacs, r.adMs Woodbury's High Lai t.o. oternarn KRace s ecrai mi. 1 Poo, Giant $1.25 bottie Harncss racîing ai Peterborough Ms lbrSuhadM n 1 must bc ýentircdy lran'k With yo on Satu rday prdct tnem-Mrs Carl Bilings visited on Wcd- ca Faur u andtelicl yeu bthat 1 plan to vote in mitfo pcarsweathelncscfay in Toronto w1tih tihe form- ip supperit ef a distinctive Canaldian h~orse pile-up> euuurred in the se- er's brtither Mr. 'and Mrs. .W od pt 6 amý cond race. One herse went down moisture ro,2h k strate my own conviction, w'hch dumy'.ng the driver unte the traxlc Mr. and Mrs. Grant Meffat and ed colors.......... rearn duty nd ht e o, as wcllasCose folcwing herses ad littlc flm* Oakillcvistcd on Sutn- reprcseting whtoaLpnas.teybeanti hati tejun'p over day withMir. 'andi Mrs. Wm. IMl tee prcdomînant expression of op- tsile dieradtyr.N Jergen's Lotion Mild S mien I amnrceVa frein Du r- )-ýinan'ent in3uriy occurrcd, how-fa.sî-otingJre' hazn ever. issi~ Marlon Brewn, Oshawa, vis- My .9tudieti opinion is that a Spectaters were again brougiht I ited iast wcekcnti with hler a-PryPakfrPc ditncie aada fa w'1 ete their feet in the third race when enis Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown.Pat Pckfr ie aisto nctv aifyinforla our bMo orianti Alex, ewned by Moore.1 - to i rng ure iat o f tLndsay dreppcd tiead on the Mr. and Mrs. P. Hayward Of Plastic Plates, 4 cups.4 country.1amsr htocap track wîhilc in the race lit is, be-i Bowm'anville spent Sunday with 4 spoons. Complete for preved by Parliament, and by the leived, that the herse âuffereti a Mr. and Mrs. Ray West and fan- Qucen, the design choec wil'1 e,(aît atiack. iy. pcaFétrSi have the effeet of flot oruly uni y- A tormcrly ewned Orone horse, ing ourpeeple but will malte us Liâltpeiul web La-pntd.Sz 8o14P prouder than lever ef theeCanadican r revioeuy o rnw on by La traditions we are new creating. heats of thc Frcc-for-!a)ll ia Pcter- Bt owlfig Representatàens I continue ni re- boreugl Saturdnay. Thc herse has UNTSC CtenSeabu20n ceive frorn Durhamn indicates al- been rctircd lrom the big tracks UNTDC Patens ieabu i ( ilost a tiwo te one preference for anOaracybenmaiglt~omfo pastoral wekSpca-- a disi-nctive Canradian f lag-. Thisrnxkothlcaiaks e xpression of1 opinion substantiatesi Aise racàng ait Peterberoughi Charge Lde ao li myfeeling that the Red swerc' Happy Mac, Jack Williarns, Mnse-rLde ao afS n acetbett e nsîgn riy o,,who Was second andtthirt in aits oMnitred styles. and colors. Si net pceptle ese the a se 1 two heats, being cdged eut by a F Rev B. E. Long lag.Ec ..... wd'th Which it can lie confused i wth simri i h ie aa tihe British Merchant Marine flag Vlcw Song, driven by Junior West SUNDAV, JUNE 7th, 1964Boseay ei ti an u srdlartyt ficflg c iedt second and lifth anti Worthy By ev eLb several British colonial terriiories.MiedvebyKlhWetPacdCxrhSvie Special! Childs Part seon andi fi tIi. I asur d'tail rspctth Ma: y of th aine I o2 al horse iiby -9 45 am and 6x Regular $3.98 Un1inJc n l hti'tnscorning 5aturd&ay nigiht. iChl-.4J4 Nylon Stretel fer lai our histery anti tradition; bon i ufll aludyLstr .a baad as a syrnbc1 of f reeiorn and Mcnigt at wîuloalo i'icrses v Facke Coth2,pstrip <deaocracy I wats prouti- to serve ngi a w ù(& ire -t-Fc lts tie unriter ii for feur years in the last pl, ace d. Tommy Direct ow5nnea War. by Ronnie West andi Joey BePwvin Ladies Brief, Cellas owneti by Liawrence 1-ocey. Orono 10 am.Pac stlsndrm Couat Marlde, owncd by Dave ac tlsadti The Union Jack can be kepi, andi Rougi.hlcy registereti an upset Win MKulby IlS Mediumn and Large PF flown on tappropriate occasions as ,i Mohwk last we ek- ai paiti a Leskard -2 pm a flag synmbcliig Canada'îs. as- hiandgoin1e $19 9(). Vbrgini's BOY p soclatien with the other nations recen tly placcýl fourni. This hoee of the Commonwealth. 1 do feel, Pis owned by Archie Genaey. *, t .,'A -..4A 4.4.... ..q 0F LADIES' CAR COATS AND CAPES only, beige laminated coat, short lenigth, Reg $15.95 SALE PRICE---------..$9.95 1 only, blue corduroy c oat, three-quarter length, size 18 Reg $14.95 SALE PRICE -'... $5.95 1 only, laminated coat, black and white tweed, size 14 Regular $19.50 SALE PRICE ........ $9.95 3 only, nylon and cotton capes with rayon lin- ing, water repellent. Beige and blue, sizes 10, 12 and 16. Regular $17.95 SALE PRICE ...... $12.50 2 only, capes, rayon lined Navy only, size 8 and 1"-~ 13~ SALE. PRICE........ $8,95 SALE 0F CANVAS SIIOES Laldies Shoes-Several styles and colours in ladies canvas shoes. Fiat, cuban and wedge heels, sizes 52 to 9 in the lot. Reguar values to $4.50 YOUR CHIIOCE. . $2.39 Children's Shoes- Children's running shoes, oxfords and strap. Plain shades, checks agd strap, Size 5 to 3 'Regulhur value to $2.75 SALE PRICE .............. $1.49 fri grades 9 to 1,3 begin tiieïr fin~al exý2aniAnattons and with the end of the exains camnes the oh»e of the second very memorable co1year at Oiarke High. IDuring- this week evenling study periods have been) arraniged at the schiool and are heid in the Libr<ary. Tfhe nig'htly pertcds ua 6o:3 Io 9:00 p.m. and studentIs are free to octtend if they so desire. Teech- ers are on duty dUrIng thiS penid to assist the studenftâ. to $1STORE ther formula Sham- for ............... 79e nbo Garment Bags, entsý, zipper closing, metal frame Assort- ... . . . . . . . $1.69 ýoap, enriched with >s lotion, 3 cakes .... 25c ,nies etc. contains 4 4 knives, 4 forks and r ..... ........... 69c nm Jims, streteli and Pair ............. $3.77 d ends, assorted patù- iches x 40 inches This ... . . . . . . . $1.50, Slips, lace trim, assort- 3ize small, medium or ... . . .*. . . . . 69e De nim Jeans size 3-6 $1.98 ty Drýe sses, Sizeý 2, 3, SThis week special $2.98 h S ocks size 6-8!2 Pr 27,c pattern. good weight 25e ýuede Assorted coloýr, (i n good quality. Size >air............... 49e 4 - MENS & BOYS JACKETS Ail weather jackets, 100Oi terylene, permanently water re- pellent, zippered front 2'slash pockets. Beige, green and navy. Price: Men'ssize 38-46 - $9.95 Iloys size 8-16 yrs. - $6.50

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