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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jun 1964, p. 7

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OROINO WEEKLY' TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1964 UT' LL I_ ï /2O>ocOFcoUoc=Soç:z:>o<=vO V j TENDERS REQUESTED f .-wyp Our shncere thanlis to Dr. Mfg- h oble biso h o h-S' o lbes c th ~tnf aiMemril ~(>10 nited Church Wt11 lpreent a 1964-1965 Heatig Se-as-ou b iJJ .l jers of the nstafo es n ol h -",' le IL. R. JTAC-GCAtt I1P itUSCal, Hall () ot op H 'O 1 E5 laBowmnanîvill'e, for their knd- uIiigMofthsc estIval I the ialhn ()Pr oe iT 410 VETERINARYOnt. g RLAL ESÇIAT j espandcre whe we were I n 3the Chur:0ch, .Srturclay, Proxýima.ltely 30,000 gnn f') JPhone 10616 at 8:00ont. 0.RThe pro. evyhntx pio ___________ _____ [ <ards, flowers, visoitsanad gifts. -rgram nl i feature *choral numbers nwately 20,000 '-allonsc No. 2 ligiit U IMjV1L.TWfRan Rt Mfatby the Senior Choir anLd a thiree- dutal (JI~ ~a-~p act musical play by the Junior (2) Courtdce Iligli School - approx.- 177_________________t__ Choir, - "Thé Land-of.Dreams irnâtely 20,000 gallons No. 5 heiavy __________________Corne Truc." - induàtrtal, &~.KYLYCETT, B.A. « 3 Bw~ai11302-3393 ENGýAGEMIENT (_)_Clrke____________?__pexi Mr. and MRob~<1ert ç. iKent,, (3CareHghShoiapxi (i M. n MsREAL ETT FOR, SALE m'alely 20,000 gallons No. 5 heiavy awtse -SliiOr~Newcastfle, iannbuitce the engag- nutlâ [3 * mer nt of their dauglhter Miarie Modern 24bedrooli Bungalow in (4)dustrookI7.hSha p Ii te f ieaOC a LusetaM~. ilim takexcellet coidtion.() ibroHhScoy a- In t11 e offices of t nciMr. Wllamnd rs. 1 Pone 9e-4527 Newcastle, proiniateîly 8,000gallos No. e R. R. addellQC. urine Tariasom~n, orn. ad- a49-c igfit industnial. )&AINo ST.,__ _ __ __ __ _ () ow u nvll H &h co ding will take place on S011udaY, approxiinately 80,000 gallons Nco. MAN T. OI0 tra neti n e U~O2lth, 1964 in Orono United TENDERS 4 medium industrlaJl. Telephone 138 Orono Euertricai i Church. a-P Taie 1Bcard of OroIio Public Ta bc taken in 4,000 galloi, lots- Elecric eatig jSchool request tenders for alter- the lowest or any tender flot nec-. Eletre eain HELP- WANTED latlons to elassrooiTis Speif1ca- essarily accepted. and Servicepart buep Help, Femnale, w'anted. tions a eotie rmtO AUl bids *ta be sent ta Box 1"B7, an S Ié Royal Lundh. Phone 45 fU New ! undersil3lled. AU work ta be colun B(YmlanfvU»e, NOT LATER THAN j pî ONle45ssd NOON, MON])Ay, JU2XE 14, 1964. owr any tender not neeessarily an-c .Renis tel ER RILL D., BROWN cg W. OrReynolde ~1 B.S.A. BA.Se OLS. gnitario sceax4 xake C ePartment of Public Works PROFE8I0N~~» EGINEE g ~O RO O iter than noon Monday -June 15,TE ER OntrloLan Suveyr *ThI~IINflHojaceR. Best, 0,r,,.,, Ontario, Ontario lanas-Teyas 01li Mo rIo le O c TijqSH P Slcreajý-Tresu0c ,SEASLED TENDERS 4ddressed 121oueo St oxc b- '0- gOSec'retaury, DePartmont of ub Box0 lie Works of Caniada, Room B 3 0P O E 129 À ______________________ BownmaaVille, Ontario À HN Sir Charles Tupper Buflding, Riv- g[0 Eavestreughing0 IL AZ c[CONCHCTOD CAR 9 E Y erside Drive, Ottawa 8,, and on. CONTRACTOR623-RU Wall care frciIiren in my l dorsed "TENDER FOR P0STOF. TeehOl 6825 FRCI. HLSE UOno o home. ýFICE, S.P. 10, NEWCASTLE, ON- IWIRI N G -oo nal r.Doga ipo poe TARJO", wv11l bc r4tcelved until Free Estimates20Oon. c-c 3.00 P.M. (E D. S.T.), WEDNffS- APPLANRIALESDAY, JUNE '24, 1961. APPIACESAESTender do4,umr.ents cat i e ob- L. J. SKAIFE prompt andi Guaranteeti Repaira RA,ýD10 - T.V- REPAIRS FOR SALE Tee- tained on deposit of $25,00 In the JNI toall Idnds 01EleotrIcal Quld at ieRdo n ..Oe diningr4oom, suite, Tlv-fTT 1aCRIIDbn ',&Equipment and Appliancos rWpill d ýo rrttuadio ad.. sion set and Refrigerator. cheque to the order of thoe REC- Ciarer~ ccunan Scbat Motr.tor orHaesrpiaeAlwr urned Phone Orono 1546. ac IVER GENERAL 0F CANADA,> By Appointfll8ft ODIY T.V. - adios -Stoves .Ios.FRSL tric Acite, 41har MAain st., Oroino Telephonie 138 Phono Orono 1FOSAE649it 4 Jri P.O.Box206WHIBY ~______________________ Oneyouli 'atess n ecelentStreet, Toronto; and dan be seen Onecondtion. esineceln at R(oom C-705, Sir Chartes Tuppor Phoe~68-8t7 I Phone L414J Orano, after eix. Building, Riverside.Drive, Ottawva;- _____________________li t the Post Offices at Boniu -p lle, OSIntwa, Port Hnope, CJobourg o i ~BuildIng a lieuse? and Newcastle; and at the Builti Montoith, Riehi, Hanu ltons BUS TRIP ors' Exchiange at Oshawa, Ont.; Waters & CG. czpeent Senior Citizen,; Bus ta Ploeer The -deposit will be refunded on J Village wUIî be at Orano H-all cor- retturu of the documnts igoo4 CHAQTEIIE oe, thn conaect r at 9:,30 a.m. Thursdýty, June condition within one month from CHARTREI) ~ Inurance service . ntie onatlth. Contact Mrs. F. Bo>wen for the date of tendier opening inor atin d tickets a-C To bceconsidered each tender uw~must bo submiitted onth ois AUOtJN1AINIS Ulsurance Inal t rancbeng Fl oyd NIChbOISOI) VARIETY GREEZNOUSE supplieti by teDpraetad IMgm SS.Nrh " BxPJtsadPr nasfrmust hobccompanieil by the se- 18 Soo S. orh.OmaW Auto, Fd*gead oxPlatsan Prenias crlty specified fin the tender doc- lusion:?-17 f R POE 11O0N sl.Also Gladiolus, mix.ýed varluent Flr*. Par=, I eties. The lowest or any tender not US-UN - C. DeMýlooy, R?.1. Orono. 2 1 necessitrfly accepted. ~gIw7,IJiUy, U.UY _________________miles east of Twin Oaýks Motel. ROBERT FORTIER, Secretary. _____________________Phono 1SRS, Orono. e-19)-p ~ jsluuoe. ETABOOKS TRE SERVICE WYU< U IIANGFOR SAL Trees ttimrned, renioved. Cable, floRer, *O~»Y B& II C,"s e 200 Po-wer-ýtake-off B4ler, 1W:1-_ - %- INSURANCE REALESTATE' Sadie Hamîltono iA.I. McCGILL as good as new. -neii, rno Raymond MacDonald, phone 4r9 - Grono. d-p MINISTERS OPPOSE Il j LEGALIZED LOTTERIES Il Choice Boeed Plants, lowersI (Con tinued fromi page 4)ý 1RED L TT RE L S-TEU aERnd V g abes, Bgoni s, eran-I _ I hs p er cdclu FRE LUý'I I REAL ESTATE BROKER Pans-bery Bei s then lt'S time we started appelar. qFC- LU STORONO ims ing ridclu. Phone .AG ro on. R .ckery 1'lns G eetIs The recommendiation referred MAIN T., ha: 72-IM stationWStree.oma renuo spec1ficallv to advertisements on t~ion 1256 Ros 20~ FIRT MORGAGELOAe -r i- prtteca and broaiens JAaCK28425SttinSteIOrno nte4- vewed andc heaî-d by young pern- JAÇK ineREd Vluto Henderson's Hatchery, Lindsay, Davey Reon (a T<yrOnto Marle ____________________________ NOTbOe We hav the igît a w tc o~.< ~ '~ icen ed oforfouis veraybre de enfs hOckey player) Wjthout ok- Auconer ndValatx z o~ ipqnSN 0 Some high productionc)r ga im tàl'ough- be a. Furuiture Sales 11 î [ON& o ofrneaoedre Consuit nie for ternis Staffaord Brothers TeC nrue loedre and dates o -eiPhn rno28 W.Deair sir or madame If you De1egates vtdt eus u Phone 5. r 18 OrCnlû 318 Dundas St. E. Witby, Ont. [3PAINTlNG - INTERIon &[3r- interested in lime hatched 0anýadbii n goer'inmelt ta institute Manuactueraai oEXTEUORo chicks, please plaze yu order a broader inimigratio.pîcyan [3 PAPER IIANGING i, ow. You have 5 cha-ces of win- ta recoinmen.d ithlatt the churcîh BUIDINo(JPBOlDS& irig your chicks ýîREE at hl ninstiîtutLe of churcli and in- T u J ACKCSO ,N Ceery Mvemo0BULDNGaîsOR Go Henderson's Hatchery, Lindsay d us trny ta raPple With the prob- Autiner ndVauaor Bo~ Dealers lin[0 REtariLLIN u 1cm)o!autoiniaton. AutoefadVlao -m i&Forelgu [3 î« 0FURNITURE REPAIR o ecoierence recommended anti ai reasctonabâle' U iz*an"iMaebies - Inscrptions Ouli oMS he(o Md atIreasonalb<le tratflh,-s 0*AND ALL O)DDJB hl aiI pinigavc n n1JOS 0 plroeduires be inade legal by di- Comununicate wtii hlm at Port_____________ .ONtht aiyI1anngavcsd FerOnai =< O =< V Nvorcing cotraceptiýon tram abor- ____________ tiô inthe Criminal Code. IsR EvG. B.Petrie'of I{aliburton, onnýpýeilts ânld tCalfucg g tîhe resolution and IVi~mU f v0kn on tîhe problemrs of the Fail ~-~ ~re~~!~~y~iINeed Representative Ini populaion expilffsion, saiùd: "Of aji PU PIGOUT opth i i<iMAVES dbfoenndG>d haýs plic- Our quaLit: nd 4er ý-c ý8 ae ndsrie eEMn-ehsb SEPTIC TANKS 0 lugteb i!e J Sle n evie f nyour nelghborhood through ethV.: a li n hc Ask the persan who hought frei 2m ORBUNRSERVICE 0etu' a h n h WRIE WSHINc STABLES us, a neighbour, friend or relative [04RUt UNI T.V. Be the Avon Representa- -ay nsiîhldbefutusd The RIJTTER (RANITJ [3 B-A FINANCING f 1àtvsd ur pue inerno iic r e cre B~rtTomnkln COMANTLow Interest Rates ar mny Jto eyîn Go'scommarnd 73 ntalo tret WPhoes:0n4t tat, if the present rate o! "Lreo-pa n oute Tyrone (JO. 3-2650 w ..BO 1, SAA w on't have enougii rooni ta -~j--r-:: D C~o~ococ~od ____________________________ adU. h

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